Internet Marketing Guide to Success by Ben Clemons - HTML preview

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Chapter 1: The Average Internet Marketer

The average person that gets into internet marketing is looking for a way to replace the income they make from a JOB, and have the freedom that comes with having their own online business. Sure everyone wants to make millions and be filthy rich, but the thing that most people really want and what drives them to keep trying, is the freedom that having an online income would provide them. The freedom to travel, live where they want, be in control of their own schedule, and not have limits placed on how much they can make. These people want to be responsible for their own destiny. They want to live life based on their own efforts, and how much they put into life; not by what someone else decides they are worth.

How much money would it take for you to quit your job or to live a life of freedom?

$3,000 to $5,000 a month is what most people would need in order to do IM full time. That isn't very much. Think about it, if you could generate $100 a day you'd have an income of $3,000 per month.

$100 x 30 = $3,000.

Making $100 a day online is nothing. It's pennies!
The internet is a way of connecting with the entire world. It's a way of getting your product or service in front of everyone on planet earth who has access to the internet.

Think about this for a second... If you have a corner store in your home town, you're limited to the amount of possible customers that could buy from you. This is determined by your location, what your selling, the local economy, the population of where you live, ect..

Yet there are MILLIONS of small businesses all over the world that make very good money. So how much easier should it be to make money online where you aren't restricted by any of that.

The answer is easy. VERY EASY.


Its just a matter of knowing what to do and then taking the action necessary to get it done. That's it.


Those are the two things that stand in the way of you or anyone having a successful internet marketing business.


Knowledge & Action!

There are a lot of people that have been into internet marketing for years and could probably write an encyclopedia on all the ways to make money. Yet they don't even make enough to quit their day jobs. They don't take the action necessary to become a success. You'll find a lot of these types of people on the different marketing forums.

I like to call these people backseat marketers. They have very little real world experience, and almost everything they say is just something they're repeating from something else they read somewhere. The little bit of experience they do have is just as worthless because they obviously failed at whatever they tried or else they'd be successful.

Don't be "that guy". (or girl) :)

Sure not everything you try is going to be perfect or make you millions. However, by consistently learning and then following up that learning with taking action, you're going to be a million times more successful than 99.9% of people out there.

By reading this book and signing up to our Internet Marketing Tips Newsletter , you've shown that you're interested in doing the first part of that, the learning part. We'll do our best to give you good solid information for you to work with. The second part, the action part, is entirely up to you.