Do Less Work Make More Money


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

- How ordinary people make extraordinary money: Millions of people try to become successful every year. Most give up. Learn the one unspoken truth to success (or discover it alone the hard way). - 5 Ways to getting an ebook written for you: Need to build authority? Want a product to sell? Need a lead generator? Don't like writing yourself, or have no time? Then learn 5 different ways to getting the hard work done for you, some without spending a cent. - The art of email copy, and 7 tips to getting your emails opened: Discover easy ways to write profitable emails, even if you have never written copy in your life. - 4 Essential questions you must answer if you want to make a sale: Miss any one and you will be losing money. - 5 Psychological tricks to get people to buy now...

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Leon Jay

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