DJ Marketing Bible by DJ-Lounge - HTML preview

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Creating Your Very Own Website

Signatures and contact lists of most DJs are made up of at least half a dozen links leading to their many social networking, video sharing and music upload sites, ending with a nice personal domain address. It seems like a good idea to put all these links out there for people to see, but no one can expect even their most loyal fans to visit those sites all at once.

But what if you could only have one link to put there and still make your fans see all other links at the same time? You might have guessed already that it involves putting the rest of your links on your personal website, where you can customize them as much as you want and actually increase the likelihood that your site visitors will actually follow those links at one point or another. It’s easy to put together and can be as versatile as you want it to be. We recommend HostGator (affiliate link) to host your personal website.

Here’s what links you should have on your personal website:

 Your latest mixes and events

People are mostly interested in what you are doing right now. More often than not, it’s not the trivial things you’d see posted on Twitter, but the things you do as a DJ. Your latest mixes and events are the top concern of all your fans and whatever else your site might have on it, you absolutely have to include links to all of your latest music tracks and event announcements.

It works best if you have those links tied to some music upload site you’re using. That way, you won’t have to upload them manually and instead just place a widget on your website’s sidebar.


A Facebook page qualifies as a link of major importance, deserving a top spot on your website’s list of important links. A personal Facebook page, however, might as well be omitted and only passed down from person to person. Not because of privacy issues or anything, but just because a full-fledged Facebook page will look professional and a more accurate representation of your DJ image, than the account you use to interact with your friends.


Finally, there is a growing trend of embedding a video right on your homepage. As most computers and Internet connects are now easily able to handle the strain of real-time video streaming in browsers, it won’t seem nearly as annoying as it was a few years ago. You can use video upload services like YouTube, or prefer to go with a direct CSS playback function. However you do it, an auto playing (or manually activated) video on your personal website will be a nice eye catcher for your site visitors, reflecting positively on your image as a DJ, no less.