Butterfly Marketing Leaked Chapter by Mike Filsaime - HTML preview

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While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibilities for errors, omissions, or contradictory information contained in this book.

This book is not intended as legal, investment, or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader of this book assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Mike Filsaime and MikeFilsaime.com, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.

**Additional Notice

This portion of the manuscript is a version of the home study course. That course assumed you had the software and listened to the audio and video CD’s and DVD’s that came with it. All attempts have been made to adjust the wording of this document to reflect that. Since this is just a free sample of the manuscript, was just part of the main course, it does not contain anything else that is at ButterflyMarketing.com or the TheButterflyMarketingManuscript.com or what may be stated in this document. . It does not come with any software.

Table of contents…
The Butterfly Effect
Viral Marketing
Why Membership Sites or Managed Content Areas
The Power and Benefits of a ‘Free’ site.

The Pre Launch Phase – Catalyst
• Testimonials
• Joint Ventures, Higher and 100% payouts…
• Buzz
• Teasers
• Pre-Launch Sales Letter or Coming Soon Page

The Launch Phase – The Spike

The Post Launch Phase – Keeping Momentum
The Viral Exponent – Butterflies
o Sales Copy, One time Offer Copy, Site Logic o Testing, Tracking, and Improving
o Multi Promotional Tools

§ Instant and Easy Integrated Dynamic Process § Step By Step Process
§ Using Multi-Media
§ Focus On Growth From Start

o WIIFM - What’s In It For Me Concept o Affiliate Programs and Spilt Pays
o Integration Marketing
o Promotions, Push’s, Contests, and Races
o Carrier Pigeons
o Forums
o Dead Real Estate

Passive Income - Making Money Formulas
• The List Building
• OTO – The One Time Offer Phenomenon
• Inside Members Area Upgrades
• Selling of Services and specials
• Top Ad’s in Member to Member emails
• Banners thru sites and forums
• Pop Under on the site
• Admin Advertising

Marketing Funnel

Case Studies
• Don’t Touch My Ads
• MyViralAds

Dud - MyViralWebsite – What Went Wrong
• Free Joe Kumar Concept
• ListDotCom
• FreeAdvertisingGiveaway
• JV-Network
• The InstantBuzz.com Phenomenon
• The Viral Thank You Page Sites

o FiresaleSecrets.com
o PreLaunchSecrets.com
o OutSourceSecrets.com

What Types of Sites Should You Consider to Manage

• Split pay for affiliate program
• Help Desk – No email
• Forums for peer to peer support
• noreply@ email address
• Use of guest books
• Powerful Admin Sections
• FAQ and tweaking
• Dumb down the site

Branding and Marketing

The Leaked Chapter –

Why the “Leaked Chapter”?

It is simple, as you know ButterflyMarketing.com went live on January 31st, 2006. It took the marketing community by storm. The home study course sold $200,000 in sales in just 16 minutes.

It went on to do half a Million dollars in 5 hours and $671,000 in sales on 1 day. $1 Million was sold in just the first 5 days and the sell out of the 1500 units grossing $1.5 Million happened in just 24 days.

It was then taken off the market for about 1 and returned to the market at $1497 and selling well to this day.


Many people have gone on to use the course to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

ButterflyMarketing is much more than this complete version of this Manuscript. It will include software that I used to make many of the sites in this report. It will allow anyone with access to it to make site after site after site – This software will be worth $100,000 and more per year to the right people. Those that “sharpen their saw”, read, learn , and take action…

The TheButterflyMarketingManuscipt.com launched on Tuesday, August 8th, 2006 and also took the market by storm.

This leaked chapter is a portion of the
TheButterflyMarketingManuscipt.com It is to give you a taste of how powerful the course is. The full Manuscript can be seen at TheButterflyMarketingManuscipt.com

But again, you ask… Why? Why would you give away this part of your ebook for free?

One of my mentors, John Childers told me that when you have someone’s attention, give them your very best! They will come to realize… “If I can get this much information from this person in just a few pages, what impact will it have when I get 100% of their information in one concise home study program?”

I had a friend post a part of the Manuscript on a forum a few weeks before the Home Study Course went live. It was not what I wanted out to the public. It had leaked out. So to protect the manuscript, I had to Leak the real and current version to the world.

Reviews on just the leak came in like wild fire.

But why is the leaked chapter free? Simple... One of the chapters, in Butterfly Marketing (not included here,) talks about the “Pringle” promotion.

Give people a taste of what you have, and you can achieve 2 things. 1- You will find your qualified prospects (potential customers.) You will find out who wants your product; then, when they buy it, there will be less chance of a refund.

2- You get MORE exposure of your product to the masses. So now, I have you reading this. If you like my “Pringle Potato Chip,” you are now more likely to want more. Once you pop – you can’t stop.

Now that you have popped the Pringle Can to
TheButterflyMarketingManuscipt.com, and now that you know why I am giving away a great chapter of the book for free, let’s get started and see if we can open your mind a bit to see the power of Butterfly Marketing and TheButterflyMarketingManuscipt.com (and how I have used it to make over $800,000 in 2005.)

Ready? Read on….

The Post Launch Phase – Keeping Momentum (Page 35 )

This chapter is really what Butterfly Marketing is all about. This is where I finally get to reveal to you what I have learned about passive income success and list building.

What I am about to share with you is something I think that less than 3% of the Guru’s even know. There are guys out there that know a hell of lot more about marketing than I do. But this section is what separates me in many ways from others.

Sure, some guys can make huge launches and write great copy etc., but the “Set and Forget” aspect to their marketing may be missing. This is what allows me to have ongoing success as opposed to constant splash to market hits that dies out in weeks.

The 3% that know what I am about to go over with you have also done some incredible things with their projects. Some of these guys I know, and we share test results; others I have observed. As I join sites, the first thing I do is see if they have their “Butterflies” set up. Is it set up to be viral? Is it set up to have a butterfly effect from this point forward? Do they practice WIIFM marketing?

I have postponed the Butterfly Marketing project for over 1 year. I was working on PayDotCom.com and other projects and seminars, that I felt it was best to put it off until the time I did. (I needed my programmer to make the script wizard but I also needed him to complete PayDotCom. It was just a matter of priorities of our time at hand.)

Each time I revisited the project I had to adjust sales copy I was working on, or even entries in this book.

Heck, when I first started the idea for this project, I wrote that my list size was 40,000 members. Then it went to 100,000 members. A few months later it was 150,000. I remember hitting 203,000 members on June 21st 2005 while I was making my Power Point for the MegaSeminar.com in June of 2006.
Then each month I was speaking at a new seminar. In September, I adjusted my power point to read 242,000 members. Heck, I went from 203K to 242K in 3 months. That’s 13,000 members per month or about 425 new members per day!

6 weeks later, on the Marketing cruise for November 1st, I was at 275,000 members.


8 weeks later, as I write this (yes, it is December 26, 2005) the day after Christmas, I am at 300,436 members.

Now I do not know about you, but the fact that I went from 200K to

Now I do not know about you, but the fact that I went from 200K to

500 people joining your sites every single day? …Almost all of them seeing some type of offer at the site they join?

Take 400 new members daily x just 3% conversion. Now, with an average OTO net profit of $100, that’s $1200 per day in passive income just from One Time Offers. And to let you in on a fact… in 2005 I made over $400,000 in OTO’s alone.

I hope you can now appreciate the power of putting many of these little sites out there on auto pilot.

But the key is – “SET AND FORGET” autopilot systems. If it wasn’t for the following section, none of the success I have had or just showed you, would or could have happened. That is why I said this is the most important chapter in the book. So let me share those secrets with you now.

The Viral Exponent – Butterflies
Earlier, when we were talking about Viral Marketing, I spoke very briefly about the Vx (Viral Exponent.)

The Viral Exponent (Vx) is a metric or a way to measure the growth of your site over a period of time. Mark Joyner refers to this as the “copulation rate.”

I do not want you to feel that I am going over any type of mathematic concept here. Do not worry it is very easy to understand. Here is the VX in a nut shell…

If you launch your site, we call that the catalyst. That is the huge spike you see, from you and all of the heavy hitters promoting the site like crazy. It is very unlikely that you will continue signups at the same rate you do in your first few days.

So let’s start to measure your Vx about 2 weeks into the site.

What you want to do is see how many people join your site (or take any call to action you want to measure) in a certain amount of time. This time period can be by the hour, day, week, month, or year (or even more.)

I like to measure by the “day.”

So let’s say that today I get 100 new people to join my site. For it to survive on auto pilot, I need to get 100 people tomorrow, 100 people the next day, and 100 people each day for the rest of time.

That would mean that my Viral (x) factor is at 1.0. That is what you want to strive for. 100 people x 1.0 = 100 for the next time phase I am measuring.

If I can stay at 1.0 then I know that each day I will get 100 new members for a very long period of time. 1.0 is very hard to reach but can be done if your site is set up to focus on reaching that.

It could be at 1.01 or more, if your site is set up even higher, based on buzz and great copy, and a great focus on WIIFM (What’s in it for me) as the members sees it,

Sites such as: Hotmail, GMail, Friendster, and Napster all had a high x-factor in their Vx. They were growing so fast that each day they were getting more members then the last day. Eventually, this cannot continue forever. There are only so many people in the world. You would reach what is called a “saturation” point.

But, my dear friend, if you can reach market saturation in anything, that is where billionaires are made. And the site will not stop at saturation point. It will just go down to an x-factor closer to 1.0. The reason new people will continue to come in even at saturation is because new people are getting on the internet every day. New people turn 18 every day. New people are born every day.

But at saturation point, you now have a customer database that can be leveraged to new heights. You can offer new products, upgrades, upsells, cross-sells, affiliate products and launch new projects with the use of this client database.

Now, I do not want to get you too excited here. Getting an x-factor greater that 1.01 most likely will not happen, However, I would be very excited to see any student of this course become the next internet billionaire.

The closest site I have to an x-factor of great than 1.0 is
InstantBuzz.com – It is somewhere about 1.0000001. It is growing at a steady rate but over a years time, I am seeing more new members per day than I did the same day 1 year ago.

That means I would get about 135 members per day now to InstantBuzz.com and about 136 members per day next year. Trust me, that is awesome. I do very, very little to promote that site. There are some things I do a few times per year to “re-launch” it to the marketplace every few months, but I will get into that later.

Right now, I want to focus on the x-factor of 1.0 as the goal. But let’s see what would happen if you have an x-factor of less than 1.0

Let’s say your x in your Vx is .89 – This could be because you do not have good affiliate tools. Perhaps your sales copy sucks or it does not explain your program well. Maybe your affiliate commission is not set high enough, i.e. 20%

Maybe your site is not easy to navigate. So now, after the spike, you decide to test your Vx and you find it is at a 0.89 and not a 1.0. Here is what you would see.

You decide to make your “Time” variable = 1 day. Today you see that you have 100 members. And tomorrow you see only 89 people join your site (100 x .89)

The next day (3) you would have 79 people, then Day 4 – 70
Day 5 – 63
Day 6 – 56 etc…
Day 28 – 4
Day 29 – 4
Day 30 – 3

So now, one month after a successful launch, your site is dead. You spent all this time to launch your site… you read Jeff Walkers product launch formula… you made a ton of money the first few days your site launch… but now it as DEAD!

So you contact all of your JV partners and ask them to re launch. Some help you and you have another spike again and a new success. But after a few weeks, you find that your site is dead again.

It cannot sustain an autopilot growth unless you advertise, pay for Pay Per Clicks Ads, and constantly recruit JV partners. I do not know about you, but I hate going back to JV partners again and again and again for the same project. Let’s face it. The site is a flop. It was a one hit wonder that made you money, but that is not the type of site you want to build.

You want to focus on the Butterfly Effect in your marketing. You need to make SMALL CHANGES that can have DRAMTIC EFFECTS.

Below I am going to show you the difference: small changes can have on your x-factor and why it is crucial for you to understand and implement what I will detail for you later in this chapter.

Take a look at this chart here…


As you can see in the 0.89 Column you start out with 100 members at after 30 days you are down to just 3 new members per day. The total numbers of members for the month is 831 and slowing. (That sucks.)

In the 1.0 Column you start out with 100 members at after 30 days you are still getting 100 members each and every day. But now you have 3100 members at the end of the month (and each and every month) because you’re set up to have a higher x-factor in your Vx.

In the 1.01 Column you start out with 100 members and after 30 days you are now getting 135 new members each day and increasing. Now you see with a few small changes, you have 3612 members after 30 days, and growing each month.
In the 1.04 Column you start out with 100 members and after 30 days you are now getting 312 new members each day and increasing. Now that you see with a few small changes, you have 5933 members after 30 days and growing each month.

Again, an x-factor over 1.0 is not easy to achieve but I did want to show it to you, for example. You may see this rate a few days after your site launch, or after a re-launch or contest, but most likely you will see a drop after a few weeks. It is better to test your Vx after the dust settles a few weeks after a launch.

Below are some things that can affect, increase, and/or decrease your x-factor. You must test these things. Not from your gut, but you need to use basic A/B spilt testing software to find out what is working and what is not.

Find your “control” (your current best) and then make 1 change to the process. For example, change your headline and test it and see if it increases your new member rate or decreases. If it decreases it, then try a new headline. Ifs it increase your rate, then that becomes your new “control” and you try to beat that.

Now, you continue to test new headlines. Then redo the offer of your sales copy; site colors (P.S. at the end of the sales copy, your offer, call to action, guarantee, bonuses etc,. )

You want to continue to test and tweak your site forever. If you constantly increase your control, you are making the little Butterfly Effects; as I have shown you above in the chart, making SMALL CHANGES, can produce drastic improvements in the long run.

Many people simply launch a site and do not understand the power of Butterfly Marketing. Now, in this section, buried in the middle of this course, you now know why this is called Butterfly Marketing. The Butterfly Effect, in your marketing, is what will allow you to go from “One Hit Wonder” to passive income that can make you a millionaire like it has done for me.
Here is what I call the Butterflies. What I mean by that, these are the little insects you must focus on to increase your sites x-Factor. I will go into each one of these after this list in detail.

• Multi Promotional Tools
o Instant and Easy Integrated Dynamic Process o Using Multi Media

o Step By Step Process
o Focus On Growth From Start
• WIIFM - What’s In It For Me Concept
• Affiliate Programs and Spilt Pays
• Integration Marketing
• Promotions, Push’s, Contests, and Races
• Carrier Pigeons
• Dead Real Estate
• Forums

Multi Promotional Tools (Keeping Momentum Cont’d…) Well, this is self-explanatory. In your software, in this course, we provide you a way for you to upload all these types of tools, for your members, JV partners, and affiliates to use.

Have you ever joined someone’s affiliate program and they say:


“Here is your affiliate link: (Replace xxxxx)” http://xxxxxx.signndrive.hop.clickbank.net

And… well, that’s it! That’s all they give you. That will KILL their Vx. It will kill their affiliate program. It will kill their sales and overall success.

They leave it up to you to promote their product. Heck, they know their product better than anyone, yet they do not provide you some “easy to use” tools to help you out.

You should:
• Write pre made email letters for members
• Provide multiple subject lines, for these emails, for them to

decide what is best for their personality.
• Write multiple emails for them, incase they have different
styles, less hype, more hype etc. Logical or emotional style
emails. Again, different people have different styles and
different ways they like to promote. Write emails for them with
different styles for them to decide.
• Write follow up emails for them
• Many newbie’s today still use safelists and traffic exchanges.
Write Ads for them to use in Safelists; provide a directory with
your affiliate link to these Safelists and Traffic exchanges for
them to use to promote YOUR product.
• Write articles for them and show them where they can post to
article directories.
• Write Ezine Ads and show them where to advertise.
• Use a Tell A Friend with pre made text
• Buy a Banner package at BannersMall.com and provide them
the code to use and put on their sites with great looking
banners you have made.
• Create box images for them to use (like the box in the chapter
before, which is not included in the leaked chapter)
• Create Text Ads
• Create Top Sponsor Ads for them to use; show them where to
buy them
• Create Pop Up codes (as well as Pop Exit and Pop Under) for
them to place on their sites
• Create Fly In Ads for them to use
• Create Email Signatures for them to use
• Create forum signatures for them to use and give them a list of
forums where they can join and post
• Write Reviews of your product for them to post on their blogs
• Write press release and show them where they can post them
or buy them
• Write PDF’s or self branding ebooks for them to giveaway

I think you get the picture. The bottom line is each new tool you provide them, is one more potential Butterfly Effect. Heck, maybe just one of those tools will one day reach out to John Reese or Ewen Chia. They will join your program and that can make you thousands of dollars from just one email from them; it alone can create a new path or more future butterfly(s) effects that will have great results for the long term.
Either way, I think you can see there is no one that can argue, It would be better to just provide a silly link and say “Go get’em tiger!”

Instant and Easy Integrated Dynamic Process
This is the kiss of death when not used! Have you ever been asked to join a site? Then, they ask you to become an affiliate and you see some bull crap like this?

1- Click here to join our 3rd party affiliate program
2- Wait for the confirmation email
3- Confirm your email address
4- Wait for the welcome email with your randomly generated user name password
5- Login to the affiliate area by clicking the link in the email and use this:

user : BearINtheW0Ods (Case Sensitive) password: yHW$3d7D4 (Case Sensitive)


6- You will see your member is in the top left like 5443845 (but do not use 5443845, that is just an example.)


Take you member ID and insert it in the link you see below where you see “xxxxx



7- Take your new link and insert it into the email copy provided in the promotion section where you see {insert affiliate link here}
8- Copy and paste the email with your link and ID in it and send it out to your opt in members.

OH MY GOSH!!!! This is just damn insane!

You would have to go thru 8 steps just to send out a promotion. This will KILL your Vx-factor. When people put me thru this ringer, I do not even bother. No kidding! I hate having to deal with this. And if you have been around the internet marketing game a few times, I am sure you have seen this too. It sucks and is a recipe for failure.

The problem is they don’t have the script that you have, when you paid for this package. So they had to integrate a 3rd party affiliate program into their site.

With our script, that you have access to, all of the tools are dynamic. What that means is, once you load your tools in Admin, they will be ready for the member once they join the site or create an account.

They simply login and hit “promotion tools” on the menu; they have all of the tools with their names and affiliate links dynamically generated and plugged in for them to 1-step copy and paste. This is making it easy and it will increase your Vx-factor incredibly. Again, I keep brining this up, but you can see, from the chart I shared with you earlier, that small changes can make a huge difference in your income and success. You MUST do what is needed to get your X = 1.0 or greater (anything less means doom for your site in the long run.)

Use a Step #x Process


This is huge importance to increase the x-factor.


Rather than just putting all the tools in your promotional area, list them like this.

Step One – Send this email to your members Step Two – Add the banners to your site Step Three – Add this review to your Blog Step Four – Use Our Tell A Friend tool Step Five – Change Your Email Signature to this Step Six – Change your Forum Signatures to this

If you want to see an example of this, create an account or login at Free-Advertising-Blog.com and you will see how I use this in my promotional tools area.

Why is this so important?
Simple, it works with human psychology. Humans hate things to be incomplete. It’s like watching a really lousy video/DVD you rented from the Video store.

It is 2 hours long and after 40 minutes, you are thinking this is the worst movie you have ever seen! But why do you still continue to watch it? Well, the bottom line is this: It causes you “pain” in your brain to not know how it ends. You need to know if the geek police officer gets the bad guy at the end and gets respect from his screaming sergeant. In fact, you know how it will play out, but you have to watch it anyway or you feel “incomplete.”

It’s like being full to the point you almost feel sick when eating. But you can’t leave that last bite on the plate. You went this far, why not “complete” the task.
If you do not use the “STEPS” system, it is like sending s

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