Article Marketing Success by Catalin Trif - HTML preview

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If you are not completely new in the world of Internet business, you have surely heard about Article Marketing. This report is for persons who don’t know so much about it but also for those who want to become proficient at it and take their businesses to the next level.

Before we actually go and talk about the benefits of writing articles and the proper way to conduct your Article Marketing business, you need to know one thing: online success can be achieved, it’s just a matter of will and determination. Nothing can stop you from reaching your goals except for yourself. I wanted to get that out of the way as soon as possible for two main reasons:

• Some of you may still have doubts about the possibility of building an online business;
• Those doubts would have stopped you from clearly understanding what this report is all about.

So, if you are armed with confidence and faith, you are prepared to take your skill to the next level. You need to know that I will be explaining some terms which may be unfamiliar to you. These terms are in from the fields of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Internet Marketing. However, you will have to look for answers elsewhere also. It is up to you to get informed and good at this. So, if you are a complete novice, you already stumbled upon a term which may be new to you.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of structuring and promoting your site in such a way that when certain terms related to your field of activity are queried on the search engines (Google, Yahoo or MSN being the most important ones), your site appears as high up in the SERPSs as possible. SERP comes from Search Engine Results Page and it is pretty much self explanatory. For example, if you search for the term “bicycle” on Google, the results ordered by importance form up the SERPs.

But what does Article Marketing have to do with SEO, SERPs, and other confusing terms? Well, if you are a beginner, it may all sound very confusing indeed. However, bear with me and it will all be explained. Now let me tell you a little secret, and make sure that you remember this:

Article Marketing is one of the most successful and cost efficient methods of promoting your online business.
Now, as some famous gurus would say, read that again and understand the statement. What are the most important features of a good advertising campaign? Firstly, it has to be successful, and secondly, it must be cost as little as possible (like anything else when you are doing business). Now, while the success of Article Marketing will be proven throughout the report, about the cost I have one thing to tell you:

It can be free!

That’s right, you read that well. If you really don’t want to spend any money, you can do Article Marketing without paying a dime. Of course, you can buy tools that can make the job easier if you want. But it is probably one of the few fields where not buying those tools will not affect the results for the worse. In Article Marketing, the tools you may use will save your time indeed, but they will not make your campaign more effective. That’s also because you’ve got this special free report at your disposal that is going to teach you how to conduct your Article Marketing campaign the right way J.