An Insiders Guide to Writing Articles by John Colanzi - HTML preview

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Writers Mindset

Before you write your first article you need to decide what you want to accomplish with your articles.

You have to determine your niche market and how to position yourself as an expert in that area.

Many marketers fail because they allow themselves to be blown to and fro like a ship lost at sea.

Your goal is to set yourself apart from the thousands of other marketers out there.

What do you think of when you hear the name Getty? Oil

How about Bill Gates? Microsoft

On the Internet it's called branding.

Your goal is to brand your name as an expert in your field.

Every article you write should reinforce that idea.

When deciding on what to write make sure you keep your long -term goal in mind. Leave no room for confusion.

Every time a reader sees one of your articles, they should immediately think of you as the expert.

Your articles are promoting you.