10 Steps to Making a Living Online by Nicholas Dobson - HTML preview

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The Market Alwavs Comes First

In order for any product to be successful it must have a mass audience. It's no use creating a product that very few people will be interested in. Before deciding on your products niche you must first do some market research and look at existing products within that field, to see if you can either complement or improve on what is already on offer. We are not trying to re-invent the wheel here just establish that our knowledge in a particular field will be valuable and transferable. The internet is absolutely heaving with eBooks about every kind of subject.

The basic steps too creating a successful product in simple terms are...

1.  Find a popular market that has thousands of hungry to buy prospects

2. Give that market exactly what it wants

3. Rinse and repeat

Some of the most Profitable niches on the internet are...

1. Work from home, i.e. eBay, clickbank, internet marketing, MLM etc.

2. Health and fitness, i.e. dieting, exercise, body building etc.

3. How to manuals in every popular topic, i.e. computer skills, getting a better job, education, investment, gambling, etc.

Match your expertise up with one or even more of the above markets. Create products based around those markets. Drive traffic to your website and make sales. Encourage affiliates to help you by offering them a percentage of each sale.

"Give that market exactly what it wants"