10 Mistakes we Make at Networking Events and How to Avoid Them by Mac Cassity & Glenn K Garnes - HTML preview

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NOTE: This is by no means a complete list but simply represents the top of the heap of the ones we have felt have given us the most value throughout our referral relationship marketing careers.

Mac and Glenn - Info@referraluniversity.com Mac and Glenn have dedicated themselves to helping others become more successful in building and cultivating referral relationships. Along with this book, their complete referral marketing system THE REFERRAL UNIVERSITY MASTERY PROGRAM is helping them to accomplish this task one business professional at a time.


Authors and Trainers:

Bob Burg – Bob is an absolute genius when it comes to strategies for networking and relationship building. He offers a number of books, training courses and materials on the subject, and every one of them is a gem. We include The Go-Giver as a bonus in our course because it's a perfect fit philosophically with the principles we teach, but Bob's other materials are excellent too.

Be sure to take a look at Endless Referrals. We used to include that in the course before he came out with The Go-Giver .



Harvey Mackay – Harvey is another relationship master who has written a number of books on a variety of topics. The one that is most relevant for purposes of this course is Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty. If you've ever wondered why building a people network is important, this book will answer it for you. Every serious business person should read this book.


Jeffrey Gitomer – Jeffrey Gitomer is the only guy I know who could have been equally successful as a comedian and a networking master. His book The Little Black Book of Connections is a quick read, and full of the best advice you can get anywhere on relationship building. And, Jeffrey will have you chuckling the whole way through. I would have loved to see Jeffrey in a career as a comedian, but I'm glad he chose to be a networking guru!


Dan Kennedy -Dan is an extremely well known speaker, trainer and consultant. His ability to develop sales letters and headlines that return massive profits is legendary. We are students of his teachings and feel that your marketing toolkit is not complete without at least SOME of his books or materials.


Classics on Relationship Building and Business Success

“How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie– If this book isn't in your library, or if it's in there but you haven't read it, you're crazy! I don't know a nice way to say it. This could possibly be the single most important book any single person has ever written on relationship building. Get it, read it, live it!

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill – Another classic work that chronicles the traits and characteristics of the most successful people of our time. While it's not so much about networking, it does provide quite a bit of insight into the attitude that creates success. Read chapter 10 on the "mastermind principle". That one chapter could change your life.

Referral and Networking Groups:

Perfect Networker – Perfect Networker is our own business referral group. Our format combines faceto-face networking, with a masterminding format that helps professionals build their business with input from other group members. We also include the Referral University Mastery Program for extensive referral relationship marketing training, and REFERRAL TRACKER, a proprietary online referral system to help you make, manage, quantify and qualify referrals.

Perfect Networker groups are limited to 10 members per group, to allow for more intimate, and more effective brainstorming with individual members of your group. Group members make referrals to each other all week long reserving group time for brainstorming sessions. Because groups are limited to 10 people members are encouraged to establish referral relationships with members of other Perfect Networker groups, thus providing even more resources for everyone in the organization.


Business Network International "BNI" - BNI is another worldwide, well established, business referral organization. BNI's format includes weekly meetings where members exchange referrals. Groups are typically between 15-30 members, and each member is exclusive to his or her industry.

BNI meetings provide structure and a productive environment within which to exchange referrals.


Both of the above organizations are at least nationwide. There may be other networking groups in your area that are regional or jurisdiction specific.
Bring with you to networking events to make certain that every event you attend is as successful as it can be!