Beyond the Queer Alphabet by Malinda
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List of  Contributors

Sirma Bilge is an associate professor in the Department of  Sociology at the Université de Montréal. Brian  Burtch  is  a  professor  in  the  School  of   Criminology  and  an  associate  member  in  the Department of  Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University.

Melissa  Carroll  is  a  doctoral  candidate  at  McMaster  University,  and  a  blogger  on  queerness  and everyday life called

Elise Chenier is an associate professor in the Department of  History at Simon Fraser University, Director of  the Archives of  Lesbian Oral History, and the author of  Strangers in Our Midst: Sexual Deviancy in Postwar Ontario.

Catherine Clune-Taylor is a doctoral candidate and lecturer in the Department of  Philosophy at the University of  Alberta.

Lucas Crawford is a doctoral candidate and Trudeau Scholar in the Department of  English and Film Studies at the University of  Alberta.

Alexa DeGagne is a doctoral candidate in the Department of  Political Science at the University of Alberta.

Angela  Dwyer  is  a  Sociologist  and  Senior  Lecturer  in  the  Faculty  of  Law,  School  of  Justice  at Queensland  University  of   Technology  in  Brisbane,  Australia,  and  co-author  of   Sex,  Crime  and Morality.

Lindsay  Eales  is  a  Master’s  student  in  the  Faculty  of  Physical  Education  and  Recreation  at  the University of  Alberta.

Gloria  Filax  is  an  associate  professor  of  Equity/Equality  Studies  and  Chair  of  the  Centre  for Integrated Studies at Athabasca University, and author, of  Queer Youth in the Province of  the ‘Severely Normal’.

Hélène Frohard-Dourlent is a doctoral student in the Department of  Sociology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

Doreen  Fumia  is  an  associate  professor  in  the  Sociology  Department  at  Ryerson  University,  a member  of  the  Triangle  School  Community  Council  for  over  12  years,  and  a  member  of  the LGBTIQ2S Working Group at the Canadian Association of  University Teachers.

Oralia Gómez-Ramírez is a doctoral candidate in Anthropology, a Vanier Scholar and Liu Fellow at the University of  British Columbia.

Fatima Jaffer is a doctoral student and Liu Scholar in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program at the University of  British Columbia, and a Board member of  Trikone Vancouver.

Sharalyn Jordan is an assistant professor in the Faculty of  Education at Simon Fraser University and Christine Morrissey is with the Rainbow Refugee Committee.

Val Kalende is a Master of  Theological Studies (Leadership Development) at the Episcopal Divinity School  in  Cambridge  Massachusetts,  a  board  member  with  Freedom  and  Roam  Uganda  and  an activist with Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG).

Robert Nichols is an assistant professor in the Department of  Political Science at the University of Alberta.

Bobby Noble is an associate professor of  Sexuality and Gender Studies in the School of  Women’s Studies at York University in Toronto, and author of  Masculinities without Men?: Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions.

Danielle Peers is a doctoral student, Vanier Scholar and Trudeau Scholar in the Faculty of  Physical Education and Recreation at the University of  Alberta.

Janice  L.  Ristock  is  Associate  Vice-President  (Research)  and  a  professor  in  Women’s  and  Gender Studies at the University of  Manitoba, and editor, Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ Lives.

Christopher  Smith  is  a  doctoral  student  in  the  Department  of  Sociology  &  Equity  Studies  in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of  Toronto.

Malinda S. Smith is an associate professor in the Department of  Political Science at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

Rachael  E.  Sullivan  is  a  doctoral  candidate  in  the  Department  of  Sociology  at  the  University  of British Columbia.

Richard Sullivan is an associate professor in the School of  Social Work at the University of  British Columbia.

Catherine Taylor is a professor in the Department of  Rhetoric, Writing and Communications at the University  of  Winnipeg,  and  co-editor,  Inside  the  academy  and  out:  lesbian/gay/queer  studies  and  social action.

Rinaldo  Walcott  is  an  associate  professor  and  Chair  of  the  Department  of  Sociology  and  Equity Studies  at  the  Ontario  Institute  for  Studies  in  Education  (OISE)  at  the  University  of  Toronto, author,
Black like Who?: Writing Black Canada.

Gerald  Walton  is  an  associate  professor  in  the  Faculty  of  Education  at  Lakehead  University  in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Kristopher  Wells  is  a  postdoctoral  researcher  in  the  Institute  for  Sexual  Minority  Studies  and Services in the Faculty of  Education, University of  Alberta, and cofounder of  Camp fYrefly..