Novelas Cortas by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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PAGE 102, LINES 23-7 (page 103)

1. I am sorry4 that you have not come. 2. He was sorry that we had notcome yesterday afternoon.

3. We are sorry that it should be necessary totear down this wall. 4. I am glad5 that it is not necessary to build atower. 5. We were glad that it was not necessary to demolish thefoundations.

6. They are sorry that the contract does not suit you. 7. Iwas sorry that it did not suit them to do this work. 8. I am glad thatthe contract has suited you. 9. He is sorry the contract does not suityou.

Footnote 4: (return) To be sorry, pesarle a uno; I am sorry, me pesa.

Footnote 5: (return) To be glad, gustarle a uno.


PAGE 112, LINES 16-3 (page 113)

Two days passed. He found six bits of cedar and obtained a fire. Hekilled some reindeer and preserved the torn flesh in the ice. It waspreserved thus all the year. Having no axe he transported to his grottothe splinters of the trees torn to pieces by the frost. Every morning hebegan again6 the struggle with the cold and the solitude, because hedesired to live and to return some day to his hearth. He adored life.

Footnote 6: (return) Use volver a (with infinitive).


PAGE 119, LINES 6-23

He was mistaken. He will not see the spring this month. I believe he cannot suffer longer. What will become of him? When will he see the sunappear in the dark firmament, where only the stars and the moon areseen? It is night here; it is January. We see only frozen seas. The snowcovers the valleys and mountains. One would believe that the Creator hasforgotten this world and that spring will not come to visit it as itvisits other lands.


PAGE 128, LINES 12-26

The fourth of August, on board of the boat which had just picked him up,he saw the island of Spitzbergen recede. He lost sight of the greatmountains. He was journeying toward home. A sailor, whose life he hadsaved, accompanied him. He had remained nine years on the island.

Whenhe arrived at X and disembarked those who saw his white hair and hisdull eyes did not believe that he was the same sailor whom they hadaccompanied to the ship at the age of nineteen years.


N.B. Words alike or nearly alike have in general been omitted.

For all adverbs ending in mente, the corresponding adjective form hasbeen given.

Ch follows c, ll follows l, differing from the English order.

The gender has not been indicated for nouns ending in o which aremasculine, nor for those in a which are feminine, nor for those nounswhose gender is inherent. The feminine ending in a has not beenindicated for adjectives ending in o. In other cases the feminine hasbeen indicated except in invariable adjectives.

The following abbreviations occur:

adj. adjective

aug. augmentative

dim. diminutive

part. participle

vr. reflexive verb

prep. preposition

m. masculine

f. feminine

n. neuter



a to, at.

abajo under, down, downstairs.

abandonar to abandon.

abastecer to purvey, supply.

abasto provisions.

abatimiento abasement, dejection.

abatir to throw down.

abdicar to abdicate.

abeto fir.

abierto (from abrir) open.

abismar to engulf, plunge.

abismo abyss.

abogado advocate, lawyer.

abono manure, fertilizer.

abrazar to embrace.

abrazo embrace.

abreviar to abridge.

abrigo shelter.

Abril m. April.

abrir to open.

abrumar to overwhelm.

absolutista absolutist, ultra-conservative.

absoluto absolute.

absorber to absorb.

abuelo-a grandparent, ancestor.

abultar to increase, enlarge.

abundancia abundance.

aburrir to weary, bore; vr. be bored,

abuso ill use, abuse.

acá here, hither.

acabar to finish, end; —— de, to have just ...

acallar to quiet, hush.

acampar to encamp.

acariciar to caress.

acaso perhaps, by chance.

acceder to accede.

acción f action, battle.

acelerar to accelerate.

acémila beast of burden.

acento accent.

aceptar to accept.

acercar to bring near; vr. to approach.

acero steel.

acertado fit, proper.

acertar to hit the mark, succeed, happen.

acetre m. small bucket.

achacoso infirm, sickly.

achicar to diminish.

aciago unlucky.

acometer to attack.

acomodar to accommodate, suit, fit.

acompañar to accompany.

aconsejar to counsel, advise.

acordar vr. to remember.

acostar to put into bed; vr. go to bed.

acostumbrar to accustom.

acreditar to assure, give credit to.

acribillar to pierce like a sieve.

actitud f. attitude.

acto act; en el ——, instantly.

acudir to run up, succor, have recourse to.

acuñar to coin.

acurrucar vr. to squat.

acusación f. accusation.

acusar to accuse.

adaptar to adapt.

adelantar to advance, profit, get the start of.

adelante forward, henceforth.

ademán m. gesture, attitude.

además besides.

adentro within.

adherir to adhere.

adiestrar to make dexterous.

adiós adieu.

adivinar to divine, guess.

adivino diviner, fortune-teller.

adjunto annexed.

admirable admirable, marvelous.

admiración f. admiration, wonder.

admirar to admire, wonder.

admitir to admit.

adobo pickle sauce.

adolescente a youth.

adorar to adore.

adormidera poppy.

adquirir to acquire.

aduanero-a custom-house officer.

aduar m. ambulatory Arab camp.

advertencia advice, warning.

advertir to warn, notify.

aéreo aërial.

afable affable.

afamado famous.

afán m. anxiety, trouble.

afectar to affect.

afecto affectionate, well affected.

aferrar vr. to grapple, grasp.

afinar to tune.

afirmar to affirm.

aflojar to loosen.

afortunado fortunate.

afrancesado Frenchified Spaniard, Francomaniac, French sympathizer.

afueras f. pl. environs.

agachar vr. to stoop, squat.

agazapar vr. to hide.

ágil agile.

agilidad f. agility.

agitar to agitate.

agonía death, death agony.

agonizante dying.

agonizar to be dying.

Agosto August.

agraciado graceful.

agradar to gratify.

agravar to aggravate.

agravio offense, injury.

agrupar to group, cluster, crowd.

agua water.

aguantar to endure, put up with.

aguardar to expect, wait for.

aguardiente m. brandy.

aguja needle.

Agustín Augustine.

ahí there.

ahogar to suffocate, drown.

ahora now; —— bien, well then.

ahorcar to hang.

ahorrar to save, spare.

aire m. air.

ajar to spoil.

ajeno alien, of another; lo —— what belongs to another.

ajuar m. household furniture.

ajustar to adjust.

alacrán m. scorpion.

alargar to extend, hand.

alarido outcry, shout.

alarife architect.

alarmar to alarm.

Alavés-a of Alava.

alba dawn.

albergar to lodge, harbor.

alborada daybreak.

alcalde justice of the peace, mayor.

alcaldía office of an alcalde.

alcanzar to reach, overtake, obtain.

alcázar m. castle, fortress.

alcoba alcove, bedroom.

alcornoque m. cork-tree.

alegar to allege.

alegrar to rejoice.

alegre merry, joyful, gay.

alegría gayety, mirth.

Alejandra Alexandra.

alejar to remove; vr. to go off.

aletargar vr. to fall into a lethargy.

alfombra carpet.

alga seaweed.

algazara confused noise.

algo something, somewhat.

alguacil constable, policeman.

alguien some one.

alguno some, some one.

aliento breath, respiration.

alimentar to feed.

alma soul.

almohada pillow, cushion.

almorzar to breakfast.

alojado lodger.

alojamiento lodging.

alojar to lodge.

alrededor around.

altanería haughtiness.

alterar to change, disturb.

alto high, tall, loud.

altura height.

alumbrado illumination.

alumbrar to light.

alzar to raise.

allá there, thither.

allegar to collect.

allí there.

amable amiable.

amanecer to dawn.

amante loving, fond.

amar to love.

amargo bitter.

amargura bitterness.

amarillear to turn yellow.

amarillento yellowish.

amarillo yellow.

ambiente m. circumambient air.

ámbito circuit.

ambos-as both.

ambulante ambulatory, moving.

amenaza menace.

amenazar to menace.

amigo-a friend.

aminorar to lessen.

amistad f. friendship.

amo-a master, mistress, proprietor.

amor m. love; —— propio self-love.

amotinar to excite to mutiny.

amparar to shelter, protect.

amparo protection, refuge.

amplio ample.

anciano old.

ancho wide.

andaluz-a Andalusian.

andar to go, walk, fare.

anfitrión host.

angosto narrow.

ángulo angle, corner.

angustia anguish.

ánima soul.

animal m. animal, dolt.

animar to animate, enliven.

aniquilar to annihilate.

anoche last night.

anochecer to grow dark.

anotar to note.

antártico antarctic.

ante before, in the presence of.

antemano; de —— beforehand.

antepasado ancestor.

anterior former, previous, preceding.

antes before, rather.

antesala antechamber.

anticuado antiquated.

antiguo antique, old.

antipodas m. pl. antipodes

antojar vr. (with personal dative) to have a fancy or desire.

anudar to knot.

anunciar to announce.

añadidura addition; por —— in addition.

añadir to add.

año year.

apagar to extinguish, dim.

apalear to drub, beat with a stick.

aparatoso ostentatious, magnificent.

aparecer to appear.

aparejar to prepare.

aparente apparent.

aparición apparition, appearance.

apariencia appearance.

apear vr. to alight.

apellido name, surname.

apenas hardly.

apero agricultural implements.

apestar to infect, smell.

apiadar vr. to pity.

aplastar to flatten, crush.

apoderar vr. to take possession.

apodo nickname.

apoplejía apoplexy.

apoplético apoplectic.

aposento room.

apóstol apostle.

apoyar to support; vr. to lean.

apoyo support, prop, protection.

apreciar to appreciate.

aprehensor custodian.

aprender to learn.

apresurar vr. to hasten.

apretar to press, urge.

aprisionar to imprison.

aprovechar to profit, utilize.

apuntar to set down, note.

apurar to drain.

aquel m. aquella f. aquello n. that.

aquí here.

aquilón m. north wind.

árabe Arab.

arábigo Arabic.

arado plow.

arar to plow.

arbitrariedad f. arbitrariness, arbitrary act.

árbol m. tree.

arca chest, wooden box, ark.

arco, arc, arch; —— iris rainbow.

arder to burn.

ardiente ardent.

ardor m. ardor, heat.

arena sand.

arenal m. sandy ground.

argentino silvery.

argumento argument.

arma arm, weapon.

armar to arm, to dub (a knight).

armonía harmony.

arnés m. harness, trapping.

arcancar to pull up, wrest, force out.

arranque m. pulling up, impulse, vehemence.

arrastrar to drag.

arrebatar to snatch, carry off, fling.

arrepentir vr. to repent.

arriba up, above.

arriero muleteer.

arrimar to draw near.

arrodillar vr. to kneel.

arrojar to throw.

arrollar to roll up.

arroyo brook, rivulet, stream.

arroyuelo (dim.) brooklet.

arruga wrinkle.

arruinar to ruin, demolish.

arrullo cooing.

arte m. f. art, artfulness; malas artes evil practices.

articular to articulate.

artista m. artist.

asador m. turnspit.

asalto assault, storm.

ascendiente forefather.

ascético ascetic.

asco nausea.

asegurar to secure, assure.

asemejar vr. to be like.

asasinar to assassinate.

asesinato assassination.

asesino assassin.

asesor assessor, counselor.

asestar to aim.

asfixiar to asphyxiate.

asi thus, so; —— como as well as, —— que as soon as.

asiento seat, chair.

asimilable capable of assimilation.

asir vr. to seize.

asistente m. orderly.

asistir to be present.

asno ass.

asolador-a destructive, racking.

asomar to show; vr. to appear, begin to appear.

asombrar to amaze.

asombro amazement.

asombroso astonishing.

áspero rough.

aspirar to aspire.

astilla splinter.

astro star, luminous body.

asturiano of the province of Asturias ( in N. Spain. ) asunto subject, matter.

asustar to frighten.

atacar to attack.

atalaya watchtower.

atar to tie.

ataúd m. coffin.

atención f. attention.

atender to be attentive, heed.

atentado attempt, offense.

atento attentive.