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pr. n. = proper noun.

prep. = preposition.

pron. = pronoun.

refl. = reflexive.

rel. = relative.

sc. = to wit.

sing. = singular.

viz. = namely.

a prep. to, at, on, upon, over, in, towards, with, from, for, around, by, of, when, as; as sign of the accusative, not to be translated; —— + inf. if (—— estar aquí if she were here); al + inf. upon, on, at, when.

abandonar abandon, forsake, leave.

abandono m. abandonment, surrender, yielding.

abarcar embrace, contain.

abatir overthrow, lay low.

abierto, -a open.

abismo m. abyss, hell, bottomless pit.

ablandarse soften, relent, give.

abonar improve, warrant, favor, become.

abrasado, -a burning, hot.

abrasar burn.

abrazo m. embrace.

ábrego m. southwest wind.

abreviar shorten.

abrir open, expand, cut; —se open, yawn, unfold, split.

abrojo m. thistle, thorn.

absolución f. absolution.

abundante adj. abundant, abounding, teeming.

acá adv. here, hither.

acabar end, cease; —se come to an end.

acacia f. acacia.

acariciar cherish, soothe, caress.

acaso adv. perchance, perhaps.

acción f. action, feat.

acento m. accent, voice, words, tone.

acercar approach, bring near; —se approach.

acero m. steel.

acertar guess aright, tell certainly, ascertain, divine.

acompañar accompany, follow.

acudir assist, hasten to assistance, come, appear.

achacar blame, impute, attribute.

adelantar(se) advance, proceed, hasten.

adelante adv. onward, on, farther, forward.

ademán m. gesture, attitude, look, manner.

adiós m. adieu, farewell.

admirar wonder at, admire.

admitir admit, accept, permit.

adónde adv. where? whither?

adorar adore.

adormir drop to sleep.

adornar adorn.

adorno m. ornament, adornment.

aduar m. camp, camp of gypsies, horde of gypsies.

adusto, -a austere, sullen, gloomy, solemn.

advertir warn.

aéreo, -a ethereal, aerial, airy.

afán m. eager desire, longing, anxiety, effort, toil, difficulty, bustle.

afanar distress; —se desire eagerly, struggle for.

afeminado, -a effeminate.

afilado, -a sharp, slender, thin, tapering.

afligido, -a troubled, distressed.

afligir pain, grieve.

afrenta f. insult, affront.

ágil adj. nimble, light.

agilidad f. quickness, nimbleness, activity.

agitar agitate, move, stir, stir up, sway, shake, disturb.

agolpado, -a curdled.

agolpar rush, gather.

agonía f. agony, death struggle, pangs of death.

agostar parch, wither.

agradecer be grateful, render thanks, be grateful for.

agradecido, -a thankful, grateful.

agreste adj. wild, rude, rough.

agrupar(se) cluster.

agua f. water.

aguardar await, expect.

agudo, -a sharp, keen.

¡ah! interj. ah!

ahinco m. energy, determination.

ahogar stifle, smother, drown.

ahora adv. now, at present.

airado, -a angry.

aire m. air, atmosphere, wind, breeze, manner.

airoso, -a airy, lively, easy, genteel, elegant, graceful.

aislamiento m. isolation.

ajar spoil, crumple, fade.

ajeno, -a of another, ignorant, unaware; —— de free from.

ala f. wing, brim.

alabar praise, extol.

alarido m. cry, shout, shriek.

alba f. dawn.

albo, -a white.

alborada f. dawn.

alborotar stir up, agitate, arouse, excite, disturb, confuse; —se get excited.

alcanzar attain, succeed, achieve, reach, obtain, take; —— a hacer succeed in doing, be capable of doing.

alcázar m. castle, fortress.

alegrarse rejoice, be glad.

alegre adj. happy, joyful, merry, beautiful, fair, clear.

alegría f. joy, merriment.

alejarse move away, recede.

alentar animate, foster, cherish.

alfombra f. carpet.

algazara f. shout, shouting, hubbub.

alguno, -a adj. pron. some, some one.

aliento m. breath, spirit, exhalation.

alma f. soul, heart, person.

almena f. battlement.

almo, -a holy.

alquiler m. hire; de —— hired, let for hire.

alredor adv. around; a mi —— around me.

altanero, -a soaring, haughty, arrogant, overbearing, proud.

altar m. altar.

alterar change, disturb, stir up.

altísimo, -a very high, lofty.

altivez f. arrogance, presumption.

altiveza f. arrogance, haughtiness.

altivo, -a haughty, proud, lofty.

alto, -a high, steep, tall, raised, lofty, erect, loud.

altura f. height; ——s heavens, on high.

alumbrar light, shed light, illumine.

Álvarez pr. n. Álvarez.

alzar raise, lift, hoist; —se rise; —se de pie rise to one's feet.

allá adv. there, yonder, thither; —— va here goes; —— voy I am coming; más —— farther on, beyond.

allí adv. there.

amable adj. pleasing, lovely, kind.

amado, -a beloved, loved (one).

amador m. lover.

amante adj. loving.

amante m. f. lover, sweetheart.

amar love.

amargo, -a bitter.

amargura f. bitterness, sorrow.

amarillo, -a yellow.

amedrentar frighten, terrify.

amigo m. friend.

amontonar gather, pile up.

amor m. love, lady-love, sweetheart; ——es love affairs, amours, intrigues.

amoroso, -a loving, amorous, gentle.

amparar protect; —se be protected, enjoy protection.

analizar analyze.

anatema m. f. anathema.

anclar anchor.

andado, -a traversed.

andadura f. amble; paso de —— ambling gait.

andar go, move, walk, be; vamos andando let us be off.

andar m. gait, walk.

andrajoso, -a tattered.

anegar drown.

ángel m. angel.

angélico, -a angelic, heaven-born.

ángulo m. corner.

angustia f. anguish.

angustiado, -a anguished, distressed.

angustioso, -a full of anguish, miserable, painful.

anhelante adj. covetous, longing.

anhelo m. desire, longing, yearning.

ánima f. soul.

animarse take courage, become animated.

ánimo m. spirit, courage, mind, intention.

animoso, -a spirited, gallant, brave.

ansia f. longing, eagerness, anxiety, anguish.

ansiar desire, yearn for, long for, crave.

ansiedad f. anxiety, eagerness, longing, anguish.

ansioso, -a anxious.

ante prep. before.

antes adv. before; —— de prep. before.

antiguo, -a old, ancient, former.

antojo m. fancy, caprice.

antorcha f. torch, taper.

anublar becloud, darken.

anunciar announce, proclaim.

añadir add.

año m. year.

apagado, -a extinguished, softened.

apagar extinguish.

aparecer(se) appear.

aparición f. apparition, ghost.

apartar remove, withdraw.

aparte adv. aside.

apenas adv. hardly, barely.

aplauso m. applause.

apoderarse de take possession of.

apostar bet, wager, stake.

apostura f. neatness, spruceness, appearance.

apoyar rest, support.

aprecio m. regard; hacer —— de note.

apremiar press.

aprestar make ready, prepare.

apretado, -a tight, close.

apretar press, clutch, tighten.

aquel, -la adj. dem. that.

aquél, -la, aquello pron. dem. that one.

aquí adv. here, now; de —— a una hora an hour hence.

Aquilón m. north wind.

ara f. altar.

árbol m. tree.

arboleda f. grove.

arcano m. secret, mystery.

arco m. arch.

archivo m. archive, repository.

arder burn, glow.

ardido, -a burning.

ardiente adj. ardent, burning.

ardite m. ardite (an ancient coin); farthing.

arenal m. sandy place.

argentado, -a silvery, silvered.

argentino, -a silvery.

árido, -a dry, dried up, barren.

arma f. arms, weapon.

armar arm, start.

armonía f. harmony, music, rhythm, concord, peace.

armonioso, -a harmonious, melodious.

aroma m. aroma, fragrance, scent, perfume.

aromoso, -a aromatic, fragrant.

arpa f. harp.

arrancar tear out, pluck out, wring, wrest, tear away, take away.

arrebatar bear away, catch, snatch up, attract, captivate, charm; —se grow furious, rush headlong, give way to passion.

arrebolar redden.

arrogancia f. arrogance.

arrojar throw, cast, cast off.

arrojo m. daring, fearlessness.

arrostrar face, fight, encounter.

arroyuelo m. little brook, brooklet.

arruinado, -a ruinous, crumbling.

arrullar lull.

arrullo m. lullaby.

as m. ace.

asaz adv. enough, sufficiently, very.

ascender ascend, rise.

así adv. so, thus.

Asia f. Asia.

asiento m. seat.

asilo m. refuge, protection, shelter, haven, asylum.

asolador, -a destroying, devastating.

asomar appear.

asombro m. amazement, wonder.

aspecto m. aspect, appearance, sight.

áspero, -a rough, rugged.

aspirar breathe, inhale, aspire.

asqueroso, -a loathsome, filthy.

astro m. heavenly body, orb, star.

astuto, -a cunning, crafty.

asunto m. affair, business.

asustar frighten.

atajar head off, stop, check, confound.

ataúd m. coffin.

Atenas pr. n. f. Athens.

atento, -a attentive, watchful, heedful, intent.

aterrador, -a frightening, terrible.

Átila pr. n. m. Attila.

atrás adv. behind, backward.

atravesar pass through, cross.

atrevido, -a bold, daring.

atronador, -a thundering.

atropellar trample under foot, strike down; —se hasten, crowd.

audacia f. audacity.

audaz adj. bold, fearless.

aullar howl.

aullido m. howl, cry of horror.

aumentar increase, enlarge, magnify.

aún, aun adv. yet, still, even, nevertheless.

aunque conj. although.

aura f. breeze, zephyr.

aurora f. dawn, break of day, aurora.

ausencia f. absence.

autómata m. automaton, mere machine, puppet.

avanzar advance, go forward.

avariento, -a avaricious.

avaro, -a avaricious, covetous.

avaro m. miser.

ave f. bird.

aventura f. adventure, affair.

avergonzarse de be ashamed of, blush for.

ávido, -a eager, covetous.

ay interj. alas, oh; —— de alas for.

ay m. groan.

ayer adv. yesterday, lately.

azahar m. orange blossom.

azorar terrify.

azotar lash, flog, whip.

azul adj. blue, azure.

bajar lower, descend, bow, hang down.

bajel m. ship.

bajo prep. under, beneath.

baldón m. reproach, insult.

banda f. side of a ship.

bandera f. banner, flag.

bandolero m. bandit.

banquete m. banquet.

bañar bathe.

báquico, -a Bacchanalian.

bárbaro, -a barbarous, cruel, fierce.

barco m. vessel, ship; —— viene a sail!

barrer sweep.

barrera f. barrier.

barro m. clay, mud.

base f. base, foundation.

bastar suffice, be enough.

beber drink, imbibe.

befa f. scoff, ridicule, taunt.

beldad f. beauty.

beleño m. henbane, poison.

belleza f. beauty.

bello, -a beautiful, fair.

bendecir bless, praise.

bendición f. blessing.

bergantín m. brigantine.

beso m. kiss.

bien adv. well, indeed, all right.

bien m. good, good thing, treasure, beloved one, blessing; hacer —— give alms, aid.

bienhechor, -a m. f. benefactor.

bienvenido, -a welcome.

bigote m. mustache; hacerse el —— curl one's mustache.

blanca f. blanca (old copper coin).

blanco, -a white, fair.

blancor m. whiteness.

blando, -a soft, tender, gentle, pleasing.

blasfemar blaspheme, curse.

blasón m. blazon, armorial bearings, honor, glory.

bledo m. blite, pigweed; dar un —— de care a straw for.

boca f. mouth, lips.

boda f. marriage, wedding.

bolsa f. purse, money.

bonanza f. fair weather.

bordar embroider, embellish.

borrasca f. storm, tempest.

borrascoso, -a tempestuous, stormy.

borrón m. blot, stigma.

bosque m. forest, wood, bosk.

bote m. thrust.

botín m. booty, spoils.

bóveda f. arch, vault, cavern.

bramador, -a roaring, bellowing, raging.

bramar roar, rage, bluster, bellow.

bramido m. howling, roaring.

bravío, -a wild, fierce.

bravo, -a brave.