Maddy Rockx by Rex Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter Four, Christmas Morning,     

Because of Julio’s antics the previous night, and not sure as to how well he handled hangovers, Mitch was in no hurry to go to the Galley. Instead, he stood on Maddy’s bow admiring the grey mist that lay over the water; giving it a mystic and somewhat comforting look. But there was little comfort for the thousands of bugs fluttering amongst it. Quick moving ducks, with their eager ducklings hot on their heels relentlessly pursued them; not wanting to miss their morning feast. Mitch chuckled at the sight, enjoying his moment of solitude until the blast of Maddy’s whistle brought him back to reality. He grudgingly turned toward the aft and headed for the Galley.  

He walked along the deck until he reached a narrow passageway that separated the decks main wall, and a wooden trestle casing, which housed a huge paddlewheel. He stopped for a moment and watched the large paddles churn through the water as Maddy moved off the riverbank. He continued on past the gangplank until he came to stairs that lead to the second deck, climbed up onto the centre railed terrace and entered the hallway.

When Mitch arrived at the Galley, Julio was standing at an aluminum island bench preparing the pork for Christmas lunch.

“Good morning Chef,” he said warily.

“Mitchio,” Julio boomed and sent him a broad smile. “You are just in time to help prepare our Christmas feast?”

Mitch was surprised at his chirpiness, it was as though the previous night had never happened.

“Smell zee air Mitchio, smell zee love, ooh la la I am so happy,” Julio sang, then added, “You did well my boy, you saved my belleza Mayo-Lee from a terrible mizhap,”   

Mitch grinned at his bizarre theatrics, and thought a moonstruck Chef speaking crappy Spanish, what else could anyone wish for on Christmas morning?

“Come closer Mitchio, I will show you how to prepare my magnifico roasta’ Pork,”

Mitch stepped over to the bench and Julio continued, “First, you cover zee flesh with fragranced oil, in this case hazelnut and citrus marinade,” he picked up a small jug and drizzled marinade over a large leg of pork, “Then we massage to tenderise and enhance zee aromas,” he placed the jug to one side then rubbed softly with a far off gaze in his eyes, as he imagined the look on his belleza Mayo-Lees face, when the flavours tantalized her délicate tastebuds. “Once zee massage is competió, we apply low oven heat, to slowly cook it to magnifico perfecto.” He gave Mitch a wink then placed the pork into the oven. “Zee juices will trickle down from zee flesh to create a delicio sabroso salsa,”    

‘Sabroso salsa, what the hell is that?’ Mitch thought and decided if he was going to learn how to cook with Julio, he’d better brush up on some Spanish.

Julio gave a chuckle then added, “Accompanying zee roasta will be taters baked to a crisp golden brown, as well as my delicio Mornay of vegétales. Then it will be time for zee steamed Christmas pudding infused with Galliano and floating in a soft brandy custard,” he put all fingers to his mouth and smacked his lips. “Deleite’,”

Mitch smiled, it all sounded good, and then. ‘What the hell, I’ll put up with Julio’s mood swings if he teaches me how to cook,’   

“Now we shall prepare a delightful breakfast for our guests,” Julio said, “but first I need some Galliano and brandy,”  

When Jordie arrived in the dining room, a happy Julio greeted him.

“And what breakfast treat does zee Cockatail barman have for our guests?”

“I’ve decided on eggnog, made with coconut milk and peppermint schnapps, topped with a dollop of cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top,” Jordie smiled.

“Deleite’,” Julio laughed then charged back to the Galley and preparations for breakfast began.   

The passengers entered the dining room to the delightful aroma of Florentino el’ tocinopoached eggs on steamed spinach with a creamy hollandaise sauce; plus crispy bacon and grilled seasoned tomatoes. Accompanying them were Julio’s Spanish breakfast specialty Magdalena’s… lemon-flavoured cupcakes.  

With the food placed in the Bain Maria, Julio & Mitch served the passengers as they filed along the buffet table.

Kristy arrived dressed as Santa’s helper in a pink mini dress, red tights, and a green elf’s hat with bells on top. Everyone gave her an, ‘isn’t she sweet,’ round of applause. She shook her head to jingle the bells, then skipped onto the stage and stood behind the DJ’ keyboard. May-lee followed, looking stunning in a tight clinging red dress with delicate white lining, and a Santa’s hat on top of her golden locks. She gave everybody a wave, then glided onto the stage, took the microphone from the boom stand, and stood beside a Christmas tree that Kristy had set up overnight. Jordie, who was placing glasses of eggnog from a serving tray onto the tables, looked up at her and felt a tingle electrify his body, ‘God she’s a beauty,’

Kristy spoke into her microphone, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Saint Nicola… I’m afraid her father Nicholas has been snowed in so Nicola is his replacement,”  

“Ho, ho, ho,” May-lee purred.

Light laughter filled the dining room and Jordie’s heart fluttered so hard he nearly had a stroke.

Kristy pressed a button on the DJ’s backing track system and light music drifted from the speakers. May-lee began singing traditional Carols as the first Christmas on Maddy began.      

May-lees soft voice filtered through the PA and up into the wheelhouse speakers. Captain hummed along as he admired the rivers ever-changing landscape, something he had never tired of in his years travelling the Murray River. He was glad Kristy had convinced him to renovate Maddy, and confident that everything she had planned would be a success.

Hearing the sweet melody of May-lees voice brought her sister Madison; Kristy’s mother, to his mind. Although May-lee was the younger more talented; and as some said, most beautiful, it was Madison who he had fallen for. Because of May-lee’s talent, she had been accepted into a music academy in Melbourne. From there she travelled overseas to hone her singing skills. Captain, knowing Madison pined for her younger sister did all he could to comfort her. Eventually he plucked up the courage to ask her to marry him. She had accepted and soon after, Kristy was born and life for him was perfect. After Kristy’s birth he applied for naval officer training and they had travelled the world with his career. On his discharge, they returned to Rivers Landing. Believing that tourism would be the lifeblood of the river towns he commissioned a Paddleboat to be built.  

However, having lived the highlife of travelling with the Navy, Madison seemed disheartened to be trapped once again in a small country town.

Captain thought that when she saw the benefits of raising Kristy in the tranquility of Rivers Landing, she would change her mind and settle down. It wasn’t to be, ultimately the need for freedom overwhelmed her and she finally left… to find herself. She had wanted to take Kristy but she wouldn’t leave her father, and since her mother’s departure had coped remarkably well. They had no contact from Madison, except cards for Kristy’s birthdays and Christmas’. He still missed her, but he had Kristy, and that was enough.

Jordie entering the wheelhouse snapped Captain from his reverie. He greeted him with a smile. “How’s it going lad?”  

“Good Captain,”

As Maddy moved slowly along, they chatted about the upcoming events and the Murray Rivers history, of how the lock systems held the water back, to help the towns along the River thrive. Jordie nodded with interest as he listened to Captain, who turned his attention to the workings of the wheelhouse. He explained the purpose of each switch that covered the wood crafted control panel.   

“Everything is computerised,” Captain told him then stepped back from the large wooden spoke steering wheel. “Have a go lad; but keep her steady at five knots,”

“Thanks Captain,” Jordie smiled and grabbed the spokes with a sense of importance, glad to have an opportunity to operate the majestic vessel. The gentle movement of the water and chugging of the paddlewheels had a calming effect, and a pleasant feeling of well-being swept him.

He was standing in the wheelhouse of a Paddleboat. Realizing a dream he never thought he’d have, and gaining a memory that would last a lifetime.