Homo Sayswhaticus


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Pages: 146

Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description

With this newest collection of irreverent short stories Manion once again asks the reader to get off the bench and get into the game as he dishes out laughs, offense and even a few poignant moments. There is no point to be made here. Only the hope that somewhere amidst all the run-on sentences, unnecessary profanity and poor grammar, readers will come away with some unique thoughts of their own. Perfect reading for artists, commuters and people who spend an inordinate amount of time on the toilet. Some writers pander to their audience and write whatever it is they think will sell. Others are bold enough to say what needs to be said. Then, there is Lance Manion - writing what others won't simply because there was no need for it to have been written in the first place.

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Lance Manion

Described as occupying the grey area between David Sedaris if he was on acid and Jack Kerouac if he wasn't, Lance has carved out a niche with a style of writing that aspires to be a catalyst as opposed to immersing the reader. Short bursts of weirdness me

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