Humor Books
The Guide
A story about a writer writing a story, telling the story he writes, plus what he is thinking. Quite fun, always good for a laugh, is FREE, and ready for download now!
A strange eBook, with a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor. No mainstream publisher would accept it, although they all seemed to like it. Features lesbians, kidnapping, a futuristic world, and coffee addiction. FREE, and ready for download now!
Our Hero Dinglebert - A not for Bedtime Fable for Internet Marketers
Download this FREE e-Book that follows our hero Dinglebert, and his lovely wife, Martha, as they try and try to earn money online. Presented in a humorous tone, the story provides a fly-on-the-wall perspective into the lives of Martha and Dinglebert, as he makes mistake after mistake in his quest...
The Jodechi Chronicles
A children's fantasy tale. Join the exploits of Cosmicblasto Monkeynose and Catwhiskers Picklebuns, as they travel between their world of Jodechi and our Earth. With their Earth friends, Fred and Joe, read as they cause chaos, have fun at the circus, and enjoy Christmas. With their friends...
Ode to the Fanatical Golfer
A FREE, ready-for-download sports humor eBook focusing on golf comedy and fanaticism. Download now!
Engy - Book 1
Download this FREE e-Book, and discover NGenius (or the eNGy Business Cartoons), sponsored by NGenius--a Philippine computer store chain, and Ng Khai Development Corporation--a leading Philippine systems integrator. The characters and stories are by NGenius/NG Khai CEO, Wilson Ng, assisted in...
The Way of the World
A masterpiece of English comedy by English dramatist, William Congreve; and one of the most intellectually accomplished. Download it now!
Truckin' Up!
A funny and interesting look at the trucking industry and the drivers who ride the roads of this great nation. FREE, and ready for download now!
Closer than Breathing - a Light Gay Odyssey
The world of antiquarian books may seem light years away from the world of sex, drugs and rock and roll, but events bring Ben, a young gay man, to forge a route between them. He navigates his way through a clutch of odd, eccentric people, including drug dealers, Goths, psychics, veteran author...
Here's Your Free Gift - Send $10 For Shipping
Missing intelligence is all around and no one is exempt from it, but it results in many laughs. Sit back and smile. Laughter is the best medicine and it’s available even if you’re a pirate or Joe the Plumber and no one will throw shoes at you. You will find more examples of temporary brain...