Arty Stories: THE MODERN WORLD The ‘..isms’ of Art by Ian Matsuda - HTML preview

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Art & Life across the centuries


‘Seeing peoples lives brings their art to life’

An introduction for art lovers and students alike into the stories behind individual works of art and their evolution over centuries. This series of six books tells the stories of events and lives and the influence of art on these changing societies. How art evolved from primarily a tool to shape society, into a purely artistic expression.

Together they provide a sweeping framework in which to follow and understand the struggles and triumphs of people in the evolving changes through peace and war from 3,000BC until today. Produced in a new and accessible introduction celebrating the myriad lives and wonderful art over the centuries.

This holistic approach is also designed for younger students to create an interest for complementary studies in both art and history and contributes to the UK Educational targets of Key Stage 3:

know how art and design both reflect and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation’.

This also contributes to the educational debates in the USA on the benefits of art to the health of society.

Supported by the Arts Council, England as: creative and engaging for young people – ‘the opportunities to stimulate young people’s interest and imagination are evident.

Centuries of great art are a gift to us all