Humanity its Return to New Civility . by Mullity Nik-Ken-Bah - HTML preview

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Before I begin be aware that I have no ideological axe to grind as my ideology should I have one is based upon the EQUALITY of all members of our Family the specie we know as Homo sapien or simply Humanity and the web of life that supports our Family both physically and psychologically.

For myself I readily identify my self as being a human being before all other tags that I carry in human Society that identify me in all the Societies that Humans have formed since my country is the whole world.

First off I was born and raised on the island continent we humans call Australia, the Great South Land. The group of Humans that I more readily identify with is the Original group of Humans that inhabited that Great Southern Land so I am a Koori from the south east of the continent. Since the Europeans decided they wanted the land came and invaded the land and established a Society and so I also identify as being Australian.

Who am the I be?

Mullity Nik-Ken-Bah —Mulubinba, Awabakal Ngurambang.

The following words are my thoughts in regards to a Social Structure of a Society based upon Equality based upon my observations and experiences as well as listening to the wise people of Humanity down through the history of Humanity.

Will it be possible to create such a structured Society?

Yes! It is possible since it was the only way that my people’s culture is the oldest continuous culture in all of humanity’s history enduring for sixty five thousand years plus even though before the arrival of the Europeans there were around five hundred languages spoken and just as many mobs but yet my people did not evolve or devolve into the style of Social Structure which is based upon Inequality. Each mob lived their lives according to their own Lore/Law and customs that precluded the possession of the land as they viewed themselves Stewards of the land not the Masters of the land. A reason the early explorers remarked upon the landscape as being park like even though the wildlife roamed the landscape free and unhindered. Their way of life also caused Lieutenant Cook as he sailed up the East Coast of our land to make this remark in his journal “They have no leaders.” the reason he could come to that conclusion was that unlike the European social structure which he was accustomed to where their leaders stood out like sore thumbs they did not as yes we did have leaders but they did not big note themselves so they stood out because they were bound to the Lore/Law of their mob. They broke the Lore/Law they faced the same consequences as any other individual in the mob as they had no privileges nor entitlements. The mobs respect for them came from their knowledge of the Lore/Law and the wisdom they showed as they lived their lives.


Was this structure perfect? No! As a structure built upon equality is mutable and a work in progress as their knowledge grew and situations called for a rethink of the Lore/Law to suit that generation at that time.

In their dealings between mobs in maintaining the respect thus the peace between them did not occur overnight but took time where they not only took in to consideration their own gains and loses but also that of the other mob as well so their gains and losses balanced each other.

Were they aware of the structure of their Society? About as aware of the structure as an individual living in a vertically structured Society is. Not that very much otherwise European history may have been quite different to the one that we know of now. The only time that they may have become aware of the structure is when the consequences of that structure when it imposes strictures on them as they live their lives as they struggle in an attempt to get to the higher echelons of their Society as well as to try and satisfy their needs and wants. These people are not living their life but merely existing in that struggle though they are not fully cognisant of this. This struggle is no different than the struggle that Nature herself imposed upon our specie except it is now that humans have become the predator and the prey.

“Man's enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself.” Lao Tzu (6 – 4 BC) In contrast the structure of a Society based upon Equality since they co-operate and help each other in satisfying the needs and wants of life they are living their lives as there is no struggles to gain what they require it gives them more time to interact and socialise since they are not struggling to make out they are better than everyone else nor struggling to acquire what they needed to satisfy their needs and wants. Their only struggle now is how to become a better Human being.

It is in this structure that the individuals come to an understanding that their freedom to act according to their personality and character ends where it impacts upon the freedom of others to act according to their own personality and character, so they must negotiate between themselves rules that allow them freedom to act as themselves as those rules set their boundaries of action so they do not hamper each other in using their freedom. This leads to a peaceful co-existence together as they lead their own lives.

Within this structure the Ego learns that its existence and prosperity requires that the others also need to prosper as well for it to prosper, since its well being will more assuredly maintained as they no longer have to struggle to satisfy their needs and wants. The Ego also learns that it is neither the better of others nor are they the lesser of other Egos it associates with but equals in life.

They also learn that self-control is more powerful as they deal with other individuals within their Society. They are less stressed out and obtain a far better approximation of what they want to satisfy themselves with. It also teaches them to listen and understand others so allowing them to seek a compromise to achieve a good outcome not just for themselves but for others as well as it is to their benefit as well as the others.

This Social Structure is not Ego driven since there is no motive for the Ego to try and make an individual appear better than the rest, in fact in this Society such behaviour is abhorred and 4

shunned by all those they associate with. Thus they learn yes I can be the servant of all but I am not required to be servile to any other individual.

This structure since there is less stress in acquiring what an individual requires to satisfy their needs and wants reduces the exacerbation of underlying mental defects created when their DNA expressed itself as it formed their neural networks. This lessening of stress also lessens the inclination of an individual to resort to substance abuse which is also helped by the fact there is no-one pushing the substance since within this structure the profit motive is not there since everyone can satisfy their needs and wants as they have full access to the resources of the Society.

One of the biggest draw back to your vertically structured Society is its inflexibility to any disaster more so man made disasters as Egos pursues actions to satisfy their avarice, their vanity, which lead them to pursue lines of actions that hinder the containment and the reversal of the man made disaster. A brilliant example of this the calamity that mankind faces to-day and the attempts by the upper echelons of your society trying to disparage the mollification of the major source that is creating the calamity as they are profiting from its continuation.

Many a civilisation has risen and fallen through out Humanity’s history the reason they rose and then succumbed was purely the very structure of their Societies, “Vertical,” which leads to stratification. They rose due to the egos of their rulers wanting to establish at first an empire then they aspire to be the ruler of the world. At first yes they prospered off the backs of those they enslaved to do their bidding to carryout the drudge work for which their payment was squalor and starvation while their so called masters lived at ease in luxury and the best of foods which they devoured with gluttony. But the stratification of the Society was the hotbed of revolt and revolution as the those in the upper echelons planned and carried out coups in a bid to wrest control from the current ruler. While the upper echelons were fighting amongst to themselves to be the one at the top of the pile their civilisation decayed and weakened then till at last they were conquered by another up and coming civilisation; that only was a rinse and repeat of the same fate that befell the fallen civilisation.

Has that changed in your entire history? No! It has not for the fact is your history is written in the blood and suffering of your victims. Then you have the gall and audacity to call yourselves Civilised!

“ Each animal,

By nat’ral instinct taught, spares his own kind ; But man, the tyrant man! revels at large,

Free-booter unrestrain’d, destroys at will

The whole creation, men and beasts his prey,

These for his pleasure, for his glory those.”

William Somerville, : 1692-1742,

Somerville. Field Sports , line 94.


So yeah, what a flamin’ joke! A civilised sentient being does not wage war to kill their own kind to satisfy their Egos instead they devise ways to settle disputes without resorting to violence of any kind as well as creating a social structure that affords all of them equal and unprejudiced access to their Society’s resources.

Why is it so?

Because your structure allows the Egos of your upper echelons of your Society to wage wars.

It is a structure which hate is readily instilled into the servile majority of those as they tell the masses who to hate. Equally enabled by your organised religion that pretends to preach love but preaching hate is its bread and butter as they teach the masses how to be servile to the upper echelons of your Society as servility is not love but servitude. Even though the people they are told to hate by the upper echelons are no different to them in their needs and wants along with the desire to live as peaceful life as they possibly can as they follow their own customs.

Your structure is what foments discontent which lead to revolutions, counter revolutions as one set of Egos are replaced by another set of Egos leaving you the masses with having to deal with the death of your loved ones and the destruction of your homes and livelihoods.

Your structure is built on Inequality where servility is taught and practised the minute you leave your mothers womb. You are told who you should defer to without any real consideration or regard to their personal integrity, honesty and character. While also being taught to despise those that they tell you are below you in life thus a lesser being than yourself.

Your structure is based on Inequality and greed; where access to your society’s resources is unequal and prejudiced. It allows the upper echelons to to prosper to the extremes whilst billions of you are impoverished living in poverty, facing starvation, thirst, and personal degradation in order to survive. As Gandhi said “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed.”

You sitting there reading this take a good hard look around you and how much of it do you really need to live a comfortable dignified life with an adequate diet. For in your over abundance of material things of your life, you are impoverishing others. These words are not spoken to guilt trip you but to awaken you to the consequence of your superfluous desires which you conveniently brush aside and ignore due to your privileges and entitlements that you are granted.

Your structure of Society is the root cause of all that inflicts your Society for it is driven by Egos, greed and unsatisfiable superfluous desires.

The very means by which you obtain objects to satisfy your needs, wants and superfluous desires is based upon the delusions and illusions of greed. Which is used by the upper echelons of your Society to drive you into becoming wage slaves where you get a pitiful pittance when compared to what the upper echelons are skimming off from your work that you do in order to obtain the means to satisfy your basic needs and wants. But your overlords are persuading you to get what in reality you really do not need as they create superfluous desires within you.


Your very structure is what stimulates greed as everyone wants to try and make themselves to appear better and superior to all others. This striving to be better than everyone else creates stresses that express themselves as mental illnesses due to the way your DNA expressed itself as it created your neural networks; as substance abuse as you try to alleviate the stresses within you; it exacerbates crimes as individuals will go beyond the normalities of ethics, morals and the laws which are created in a bid to prevent such crimes, with these crimes being committed in the upper echelons right down through to the lower echelons of your Society.

Your structure effectively removes you from participating in creating the laws you live by since it removes you from the process by forcing you to select an individual to represent you in your law making hall. For those representatives are persuaded by individuals from the upper echelons to go against your wishes to favour laws that help and aid the upper echelons with any benefits you may accrue from the law is just a side effect of the law. How do they do this?

By their own greed and wanting to appear better than what they really are. This also allows ideologies to emerge as the candidates woo you to select them as your representative. These ideologies can be split into two main groups. The Left which wants everyone to be helped when required due to situations in their life. The other ideology is less about the lower echelons of Society and more about the upper echelons of Society. It is the ideologies that are the fomenter of civil discord, revolutions and the waging of war amongst countries.

Ask yourself this question. “who creates all the injustices that abounds in your Society?”

It is the upper echelons of your Society that are the purveyors of injustice as they work the laws to favour themselves and the companies they form so as to grant them not only privileges and entitlements but to also protect themselves along with the ability to claim what is not rightfully theirs to claim in order to increase their so called material wealth. Whilst at the same time forcing those that that they use to create their so called wealth to be no better than slaves since they themselves are unable to obtain any advantage from their ideas. Though the reality being that ideas belong to the originator of those ideas whether they be an individual or a collaborative effort that produced the idea, not the ones that say they pay them so the idea belongs to them. Were they really paying them for their ideas then they would be the ones on struggle street as the bulk of the income derived from the idea would be going to the originators of the idea.

What! You cannot accept that? Then I suggest you have a good close look at patents and copyrights and see who actually were the originators of the idea and then who actually holds the patents. Same with copyright.

In a Society of Equals there are no patents or copyright as those ideas are freely shared amongst the Society as there is no profit motive in such a Society, thus ideas are improved upon not locked away to gain profit.

Your religion is also aimed at keeping you docile and servile since your god requires worship.

Now let us pray! Why do you need to pray to a god which your holy books says is omnipotent and omniscient. Unless of course that it is teaching you to be servile to your earthly masters.


Your holy book also has passages that tell you to obey your masters. Why?

It also tells you that if you do this I will punish you. It also says that you are sinful! What is sin? Anything your so called holy man say is a sin from their perspective and their interpretation of their holy book.

All your religion does is help you to endure what you should not have to endure.

In a Society of Equals religion is a purely personal and should an individual have a god to talk to as they try to cope with a situation in life for even in such a Society they still occur for it is not perfect. Then their god is more likely to detest being worshipped but rather you emulate your god by showing compassion, benevolence and kindness to their fellow human beings. So their god is more likely portrayed as being benevolent, compassionate, and kind. Their god would teach them that death is not to be feared nor embraced but may come at anytime. When it comes there are no rewards nor punishments after they cease to be and no longer apart of the world of life. So be kind always.

The structure of your Society gives rise to these obnoxious behaviours misogyny, racism, sexism, cultism, discrimination arising from many things. These are driven by a sense of privilege, entitlement which are derived from their own sense of being better than everyone else no matter where they stand within the Society.

In this Societal structure they hand their own sovereign power to others to use and abuse at their will. But that power is within them and there is a way to regain that power as Lord Tennyson pointed out it in his poem

The Way to Power

Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control,

These three alone lead life to sovereign power.

Yet not for power (power of herself

Would come uncalled for) but to live by law,

Acting the law we live by without fear;

And, because right is right, to follow right

Were wisdom in the scorn of consequence.

Alfred Tennyson – From " Idylls of the King"

As Master Lao stated millennia before Lord Tennyson

“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”

Individuals have forgotten that there is only one thing that they possess in their life. That being the material body that houses their soul, their spirit that animates their body. This is the only thing that they truly have control and mastership of for all their life.

“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.” —Lao Tzu With this loss of sovereign control they then can be manipulated to follow the thinking and the desires of others who achieve this by manipulating their access to the resources of their Society. One method of manipulation is by controlling the amount of the means that they use 8

to access their Society’s collective resources which is solely based on the work they carryout on behalf of their Society via an individuals private business that they set-up to acquire the Society’s resources or working in the bodies that the Society created to help with the governance of their Society. The higher up they are in the echelons of these businesses and bodies assures them more of the means to access the Society’s resources. You never really question this logic as the higher you go the higher you go in the standing within the structure of their Society.

This is a roundabout way of saying that although my tasks are no more important than those that receive the lesser amount of the means I am worth more.

With the implication of it being my time is more valuable than the goona kickers time well below me even though their tasks are actually more important than mine as they help ensure that as we carry out our tasks is done in a clean and healthy environment .

They further manipulate you to use more of your scarce means you use to access the Society’s resources to satisfy your needs and wants by appealing to your desires to better your life at first then they begin stimulating your superfluous desires so that they can , the upper echelons that is, to take your means to add to their already bulging coffers so that they can acquire more material possessions so that they can rent out to you and acquire even more of your scarce means of existence.

You may be wondering why I have not mentioned money as of yet. That is because when you you remove the greed element when thinking upon the trading system that it came from the Indirect barter system where value for value was exchanged from which your present day system is a direct derivative from the medium of exchange was and is a representative of value but whose value was placed on upon an abstraction called the market so therefore does not represent value but a delusion of value.

Another way of putting it your economic system is based on delusions supported by Illusions!

In your vertical structured Society there are a lot of individuals ask these questions.

“What is the meaning of life?” “What is the purpose of life.

But my question to them is “Why do you ask such questions?”

Since to me the meaning of life is “to be” plain and simple; with the purpose of life is to be a better person than the person I was when I was born when I cease to be and no longer take part in the world of life.

All “to be” means is to be who I am without pretence and unmasked to be who I am as I live my life as I learn to be a better me.

They ask these questions as the vertical structure of Society requires them to be someone that they are not; so they pretend and have to wear masks which does not allow them to learn who they actually are so that they could learn to be a better version of themselves to-day than they were yesterday; since the pretence and masking allows them to forego becoming that 9

better version of themselves by allowing them to hide behind a mask along with the pretences they perform to appear better than what they really are.

Simply being who they are warts and all reduces the stress they suffer when appearing to be someone that they are not.

You all wish for the end of wars, poverty and all the other negative aspects of Society but fail to realise that all that begins with YOU.

As Leo Tolstoy commented. – “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

You think you have no power but what is power just mere strength here is what Master Lao said in that regards —Mastering others that is strength, but he who masters himself that is Power.

The following work is but a seed for thought that may one day sprout and start the biggest bloodless revolution since Humanity began farming millenniums ago. It is a revolution that cannot use the persuasion of change by violence and force as it begins with individuals deciding enough is enough and saying I want control of my life so I must begin on myself to bring about change and co-operate with everyone else as we teach each other how to master ourselves and teach my child to do the same.



Gleichheit ist das heilige Gesetz der Menschheit—

Equality is the holy law of humanity.

– Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller.(1759 – 1805) I have oft hear people express the opinion we are not equal as well as reading where the writers express the same opinion. It is immaterial where the writers came from Britain, the Continent or the US of A, the reason they express that opinion is due to their position in their societies. Since they are sitting in the upper stratum of their respective societies to claim that all people are equal would mean that they would have to forgo their privileges that are ensconced in their level of society.

So by what quality or qualities are they using to arrive at that opinion?

The following is definition of Equality and Unique From the Macquarie Dictionary 1996


Equality – The state of being equal

– correspondence in Quality, Value

Unique – of which there is only one, sole.

– Having no like or equal

– Standing alone in comparison with others, unequalled.

There are some that consider we are not equals, that is all relative from which you base your comparison. Strip everyone of their privileges due to some arbitrary human measure and we are all the same in shape and form, the only measures that differentiate them visually are the defects in that shape and form. Their physique and age. Their mentality though is another thing as it is dependent on the inheritance that they receive from their parents and how that effects the way their DNA wires their brains. Their mentality is also derived from the environment in which they were raised and their personal experience of events that occurred in their life. Even twins experience the same event differently.

Since the DNA pattern an individual has is not the same as their paternal or their maternal DNA as they acquire half the DNA code from each parent and it is the expression of the individuals DNA code that define the individual physically and mentally. Whilst they are in their mother’s womb the DNA alone defines their physical aspects and sets their mental connections of their neural network but when they leave the womb and become a new being 11

the environment they enter begins to affect them shaping their physical body through accidents and misadventures and their mental state through their experiences of their life.

Putting all those things together we find that each human being is a unique being as there will never be another human being in all history which has been recorded and will be recorded that will have the same DNA , the exact same experiences of growing up and living life. Another way of stating it is that no human being has no-one else like them nor equal considering all the parameters that you can use to define another human being. The expression of their DNA is different even though their siblings carry the nearly similar DNA code they received from their parents.

In a few words “They are Unique!”

Now since uniqueness is a quality of every human being. It is this quality of being unique which creates their Equality.

We human beings are also gregarious human beings as we like to hang out with each other; but our uniqueness also varies our talents and abilities through our own personal preferences and likes and how we think.

Since nature endow everyone with a traits and abilities to ensure that each human being to maintain its integrity as an organism and to ensure the survival of humanity as a species of the fauna of this planet. One of those traits is called “self-interest” that allows the human to ensure that it can obtain adequate food and water to sustain its life, mate and produce offspring to continue the species.

Since we are unique and although we may be able to do everything required to live there are somethings we are good at and some we do poorly at. We also face a time constraint in doing all the tasks that are important and needs to be done; but there are other tasks less important which do have an impact upon our well being thus they also are required to be done. So by sharing our talents and abilities we overcome this time constraint and our poor abilities in doing a certain task. In our co-operation with others this also allows us to have time for the more pleasurable aspects of living our lives.

When individuals are treated as equals then equity between individuals is more easily and readily maintained between them.

Only when True equality exists can True equity exist!

Faux equality only gives faux equity!


The Mindset of a Slave.

Slave cannot accept that everyone else is like them.

They are under the illusion that they better than everyone else.

They project their own fear of Self upon others and reject the fears of Others.

They cannot control their passions

They cannot control their desires even their superfluous desires.

They fail to recognise that others have talents just as they have talents.

Their needs take precedent over all the needs of Others.

Their wants take precedent over all the wants of Others.

They wish to live peacefully but their actions say otherwise.

They are not averse to confrontation to achieve their selfish aims.

They are not averse to settle disputes by any means possible including violence.

They do not realise that the way they depict others says more about them than the person they depict.

They cannot see that threats and violence creates only hatred and enemies that destroy their peaceful life and have no realisation that Kindness and Benevolence is far better way to make friends and allies.

They cannot see that they are required to work with their brothers and sisters to ensure their welfare thus ensuring their own welfare and the welfare of their Community/Society.

They fail to realise that living in a community, a Society imposes responsibilities and obligations to help with the welfare of those individuals that Providence did not look to kindly at so require care from their Community/Society.

They fail or have no desire to fulfil their responsibilities and obligations so they fail to recognise their need to think for themselves and question all that they are told so that they become more knowledgeable. Instead prefer to be told what to think and who to hate.

That within their present Societal structure that when they must select the person to represent them they select someone that has the same level of moral values as themselves. Forgetting and disregard the fact that their selection is a reflection of their own worthiness as a citizen of the Society.


They call for strong leaders failing to realise strong leader can only come from strong people. A strong leader is one who is courageous in Peace as well as in dangerous times.

They prefer the few to make the rules for their Society even should those rules favour a small percentage of their society whilst disfavouring them and dis-empowering them.


The Framework and Structure of a Society.

All edifices require a frame work but since Society is a Human construct its framework is based upon Human Psychology. With there being two possible psychologies for the framework

— Equality or Inequality.

The structure of a Society can based upon two frameworks.

(1) Inequality which has two stays to prop that inequality up the first is Privileges and the second is entitlements. The hierarchical Structure.

The fabric of the Societal structure that this framework forms is pinned and sewn together by Secrecy.

(2) Equality which is only supported by the words, actions and the thinking of the individual. The horizontal Structure.

The fabric of the Societal structure that this framework forms is pinned and sewn together by Openness and Personal Integrity.

The structure of a Society of Equals is homogeneous since each each individual is held to account for the actions and words by every other individual as well as themselves in their Community/Society therefore there is no stratification of the Community/Society. Nor does one individual or group of individuals possesses the resources of their Society to control who has access to those resources. These resources are held by the Society on behalf of all the individuals that comprise that Community/Society so that each individual has an equal access to those resources to satisfy the needs and wants adequately, that is to say without deficiency nor with an over abundance.

Whereas in a hierarchical Society you do find a structure that is from the bottom up. From the mass of individuals at the bottom up to the few individuals at the top. This structure is for Control and Command of the masses. Though at first glance to appear that individuals do have a real voice in their governance, in reality they have a very weak voice if any. Their laws are not rules that set the boundaries for the individual’s behaviour to help enhance the peace and harmony of their Society. The majority of their laws are to allow the upper echelons to retain and protect the privileges and entitlements that they have granted themselves over time as well as to take control of their Society’s resources by saying that they possess them. This is why they say the the ultimate authority for lawmaking resides with the state.

But what is the State?

It is a word that has many connotations that depend upon where the individual is situated in the structure of their Society along with the role they play within the Society.

All laws are created by the few, debated by the few, and authorised by the few.

Those few are your State! Not the mass of individuals that comprise that State, that is Society.


But in a Society of Equals it is all the individuals that comprise that State, that Society who are the ultimate authority for the rules that set the boundaries for the behaviour of the individual to enhance the peace and harmony of that Society that become law only when they are breached.

There are no rules/laws that grant privileges or an entitlement so there are no requirement for laws to retain and protect those privileges and entitlements. Privileges and entitlements are the breakers of Equality as they set individuals above others thus making the rest of the individuals to be the lesser Human beings!

So the structure of their Society appears to be the opposite to what a person brought up in a hierarchical Society would view Society. It is a very simple structure.

The Family as everyone belongs to a family.

The Community Society.

The Regional Society.

The Provincial Society.

The Society of the People.

The Family is simply where two individuals decide to share and face the vicissitudes of life together. Regardless of their gender identity.

The Community Society is where the family associates with other families in a given small geographical area. Which to help with their governance of the Community are split up into coveys so that all voices of the Community can be heard.

The Regional Society is where a Community associates with other Communities to help meet their community’s need for resources and to co-operate with them to achieve tasks that are beyond the task of a single community and benefit all the communities of the Region. This covers a larger geographical area.

The Provincial Society is where a Region associates with other Regions to help them to meet their communities needs for resources and to co-operate with the other Regions to complete tasks that are beyond the ability of a single region and benefits all the Regions of the Province.

This covers an even larger tract of a geographical area.

The Society of the People is where all the Provinces associate to co-operate to ensure that the Society has the resources to meet the needs of the Provinces, The Regions, the Communities and ultimately ensure that the Families can satisfy their needs and wants without deficiency nor without an over abundance but adequately.

The Society of the People is also their State.

All these apparent levels of the Society are not administrative structures but levels of cooperation to ensure that all members have access to all the collective resources of the Society.


In a Society of Equals their structure is always a work in progress through time as they develop and enhance their societal structure. For it is not fixed in time but is amenable to changes that enhance it and it is a structure that responds well and quickly to events to ensure it survival.

The Unintelligent Framework.

















Homo Psychology


The Intelligent Framework
































Homo Psychology


Image 3

Your present structure


What is Value?

To helps us understand the answer to this question we must also broadly define three words as they relate to the word value. They being Needs, Wants, and Desires.

Needs are those objects that are required to maintain their bodies and its functions as well as those objects that protect it from the elements.

Wants are those objects which aid them in obtaining those objects that help satisfy their needs.

Desires are the objects that they require to satisfy either a physical requirement or an emotional requirement that extends well beyond the limits of the satiation of their needs and wants.

The meaning of the word “Value” itself is the meaning of fulfilling a need or want as well as a desire related to a need or want materially. It also has an emotional meaning relating to how a person or object personally relates to another individual or the object associated with the individual at the emotional level of consciousness and the emotions they produce in the individual thus helping to maintain their sanity.

But the word itself is just an abstraction as it is not describing a physical aspect of a material object or a physical sensation but is purely describing an intangible aspect of the object. An intangible aspect that is only relative to the perspective of the individual reflecting the usefulness or the emotions that the object induces in them.

Value in respect to the exchanging of objects.

There are two systems of exchange that occur between individuals.

The first is Direct Barter; where two individuals with objects that they wish to exchange for a more useful object to satisfy a need or a want they have. So they come to the same place at the same time and effect the exchange after assessing the value of the objects wanting to be exchanged and settling on that the objects do have an equal value so the exchange takes place.

Being at the same place and at the same time to carry out the exchange. This is the biggest drawback to this system of exchange.

The second is the Indirect Barter system where another plentiful created object, that is small and very portable is used to allow the exchange to take place thus it carries the value that the object that was exchanged for it had as these created objects have a set value. The individual goes to another place at another time and completes the exchange by exchanging the portable created objects of value they obtained from their other exchange for the object that they require.

Now both these systems the basis for them is value for value. In the indirect system the object used as the intermediary in the exchange also has value that is set. But seeing that they 20

are small in comparison to the objects they are exchanged for so where does their value come from?

First off they are created, the materials they are created from give value. Secondly they receive value by taking on the value of the object for which they were exchanged for. Then there is the social acceptance that they have value but these things fluctuate over long time spans but according to some by the variation of the materials exchange value are made from day to day.

So that the objects that were received to-day will not have the exact same value when it is used in an exchange tomorrow and that becomes evident as time between the receiving of them to the use of them again in ten, twenty or more years later. Part of which is due to normal wear of the object though it still represents the value set upon the object.

There is a way around this quirk of the object used to make exchanges in the indirect barter system and that is giving a fixed reference to the objects to another object that is required by the species while ever their specie survives on their planet.

But I also hear the whining and negative points of view that this will create.

As stated earlier Value is an abstraction of an intangible aspect of an object. But does not science also create references for their intangible aspects of their work to explain Nature?

Though admittedly their intangible aspects also derive from the physical aspect of nature. But oddly enough so does value’s intangible aspect result from the physical aspect of the object due to its ability to satisfy a need or a want of the individual and Society as a whole.

This reference value must therefore be related to the maintenance of the body and its functions not some some material that bears no relation to their ability to live. So accordingly they select a staple food group that is used by them regularly namely a cereal grain or similar depending on the nature of their flora they use as a staple food. Thus their value system for exchanging objects is based upon a need not a desire.

Let us say their reference value is a grain they then select the amount of grain that will represent the single unit of the value reference object which is 100 — 150 grams which can be exchanged for the first low value reference object as all the other value reference objects are simply multiples of the lowest single unit of reference value. Further to that they say that 100

of the low value reference objects equals the first secondary reference value object, then 100 of these secondary value reference objects equals the first of the highest value reference object.

Thus giving them 10,000 value references between the lowest value and the highest value which gives them an adequate range to use in exchanges.

Now they have their single reference for value they now select the best materials to differentiate between the lowest values of the reference objects, the middle values of reference objects and the highest values of the reference objects which are going to be used as the intermediary for all exchanges that they carry out and as a reference point when carrying out direct barter exchanges. They choose a base metal for the lowest values, a secondary metal for the intermediary values and a precious metal for the highest values.


Since our planet is stocked with copper, silver and gold we would choose these metals for their durability and relative ease of obtaining them in the quantities to satisfy their needs to carryout exchanges without hindrance or any impediments due to the lack of the value reference objects.

We then decide to alloy the metals so that they produce three distinct coloured alloys to represent the value reference objects. They use a ratio of 75% of the prime metal, 18.75% of the secondary metal and 6.25% for the least metal. So that the lowest contains copper, silver and gold, the middle contains silver, copper and gold, the highest contains gold, silver and copper.

In this way the lowest values are copperish coloured, the secondary values are silvern coloured and the highest values are a golden colour.

Now we decide to create discs to allow the easy carrying of the value representative objects.

They make the copper discs larger than the intermediary and the intermediary larger than the highest. But the copper is also fractionally lighter then the intermediary and the highest is the heaviest of the set. There is difference also in the thickness of the coins copper being the thinnest, intermediary a fraction thicker and the highest the thickest. In addition the copper is round, the intermediary is hexagonal and the highest is octagonal. This helps with recognition by touch and perceived weight of the discs.

Should it be required the lowest value Representative with a nominal value of one { 1 } can be further split into fractional units so giving the representative value scale a fractional representative value to assist in setting value for objects. These are created from an aluminium copper alloy to make them lightest of all the sets of the representatives of value. Their shape is round.

The values shown on the discs are 1,2,5, 10, 20, 50, for all value sets.

The value of these discs may vary but only slightly over time due to them reassessing the reference grain their value system is based upon or to align with perceived exchange practices that are occurring in that immediate time frame.

Having such a system even in a society of equals removes the temptation for individuals to try and manipulate the system to their or a small group of individuals way.

Such a system is equally at home in a hierarchical structured society as it would prevent the manipulation of the value of objects used to carry out exchanges. It would also return to exchanges of giving value for value in exchanges and a point of true reference for other forms that require valuing.

There is nothing to stop the issuing of paper notes to aid the carrying of the objects but these notes are produced for only the high value intermediary set and the highest value sets of discs. But are created in accordance with the number of the discs minted. They are also should a Human being desire to have the discs instead of the notes readily exchanged for the value shown on the note at an approved exchange provider.



Now as I put pen to paper I have but begun my seventieth orbit of our star we call Sol or The Sun, the maintainer of life for our beautiful Planet Earth which our Family Humanity call home.

The following flow of words are naught but my thoughts on the framework that our family Humanity uses to to structure the numerous Societies they form. They are my observations of how that framework affects us all, not just Humanity but every other living lifeform that we co-exist within the web of Life of this Planet. They are my thoughts on the remediation of the faults of our present framework so that Humanity can with all humility can claim to be the sentient intelligent, civilised specie of this Planet they claim to be.

This collection of thoughts have come from what I have learnt from the experiences I have lived through as well as how that framework affected my great grandparents and subsequently myself and my siblings. My observations as I lived my life as well as listening to the wise voices that come from the past of our Family.

Sociologists say the structure of Society is the institutions they create for command and control of the Society whilst forgetting those institutions arise from the framework of the Society which is based upon. Since all structures need a foundation and a framework and with Humanity the foundation is the Psychology of Humanity whilst the structure can either be built upon two frameworks that arise from Humanity’s psychology is — Inequality of all or the Equality of all.

For Societies based upon Equality has no main column as it is based upon co-operation of the individuals thus it requires the individual maintain self control to maintain their Integrity and Honour within the Society. The fabric of this Society is sown together by Benevolence, Truthfulness and Trust.

For Societies based on the structure of Inequality has as its main column Inequality whilst privilege and entitlements are the two supporting struts of the structure thus forming a triangular pyramid.

It is odd to consider the connection between despotism and barbarity, and how the making one person more than man makes the rest less.

—Joseph Addison. (1672 – 1719).

The fabric of this Society is sown together by Secrecy, falsehood and lies.

Our so called civilised history is a history written in the blood of the victims of atrocities one group of Humans committed against another group of Human beings at the the behest of one individual Human being. But yet the scientist of our Family have the audacity and arrogance to give our Family the scientific name “Homo sapien” meaning wise man. In their arrogance failing to realise that a wise man does not commit barbarous act against their fellow Human beings.


Though as I pen these words in a small geographical area that one group of Humans call their motherland has been invaded at the behest of one solitary individual who is delusional about the history of both their groups of the Family more so the history of the group they are invading. Now I ask you is that the act of a wise sentient being? Though this shedding of blood on a large scale is not just restricted to this little portion of the Planet there are many such events of blood shedding on a large scale which is driven by Delusions both secular and religious.

To the writer our Family although advanced technologically has not advanced Socially where violence should be the very last instrument of a very large diplomatic toolkit which is only with great reluctance resorted to in settling differences between groups of the Family. Our Family to-day resembles more their evolutionary forebears “Homo hablis” also known as the

“handyman” due to all the tools they created to help them survive as they lived their lives within their environment of those times. So really we are still Homo hablis but now with technologically advanced tools which we use to commit mass murder upon each other.

Were our Family to be truly wise and intelligent to merit the the title of Homo sapien with humble pride then the structure of our Societies needs to be entirely different as it would be based upon another structural framework and where violence and bloodshed could not be committed at the behest of a single individual nor group of individuals.

In living my life I have observed daily is that individuals add to the collective resources of their Society but yet they are denied an equal and unprejudiced access to that collective resource to satisfy their needs and wants adequately. Though their superfluous desires is another matter all together.


It all comes down to a perception that of being able to possess not only the materials required to satisfy everyone's needs and wants but also that they can possess and control other Human beings.

Though the reality is that they possess nothing but the material body that their soul/ life force animates.

“Every man has a property in his own person; this nobody has a right to but himself.”

– John Locke.(1632 – 1704)

In the beginning when our species and our cousin species spread out from the continent now called Africa they did not have an instinctive sense of possession beyond that which aided them personally to live their lives as they sought their needs from the landscapes they inhabited and obtained nourishment from and the materials to create their tools. Though their social structure would not be all the much different to other species of the Primate genus. But that would have changed as they wandered over the landscape alongside their Homo species cousins. But that all definitely did change when they learnt to farm their foods and animal husbandry and settled down to a more sedentary life.


How they developed their structural framework for their Societies we do not really know as palaeontology only informs us they existed and used tools. Archaeology can tell us a little of how they lived their lives, housed themselves and their possible rituals but not what they thought upon and why they adopted the structural framework thus the structure for their Society. While anthropology can only give glimpses of their thoughts processes through inference from the Societies that are deemed primitive by European standards to-day keeping in mind that they are also affected by our incursion into their life style with our knowledge and technology.

So there is really no precise defined way that allows to determine how our present day structure we do use arose in the first place. Since in the time it came into being their were no written accounts to help us in that regard as we Humans had not at that stage invented a method by which we could put down our thoughts and why we did things for future generations to read and gather information of what we achieved and how we achieved it. Thus how they lived and also an indication of the way Humans thought in that time period.

But we may be able to find a reasonable explanation based on our knowledge and understanding of Psychology.

Psychology points out that as a specie we Humans are fearful and timid animal, it was this fear and timidity that allowed us to survive when we were defenceless against large predators as well as our cousins on the evolutionary tree of life. As our knowledge advanced that enabled us to better protect ourselves from predatory animals we still retained that fear. Our evolutionary cousins before they went extinct taught us to fear those that did not look like us and we also retain this fear when encountering other groups of Humans that we do not know whether they would either be friendly or be violent against our group of Human beings, this still resides within us to-day. Though our biggest fear then as it is to-day and that is of ceasing to be, to die.

Our timidity is the other half of the seed that help lead us to adopting the structure we have to-day. Timidity silenced our voices when we should have spoken out. It was timidity that caused our servility in association with trying to please others which is required for the framework to hold together.

It was our fear and timidity that help create the present social framework that the structure of our Society is formed upon.

As timidity made us believe without questioning what we were told along with our greatest fear— Death one of the best tools that a tyrants and wanna be tyrants used to silence the majority to protect their position as they ruled over the majority so causing the majority to comply with their actions at home and abroad.

The best tool that tyrants ever had arose in the form of organised religion as it was more persuasive than polytheistic religions as it was monotheistic in nature. So our present Societal structure took two thousand years to hone and stratify it more.

One Human trait this societal structure abhors vehemently is those that do think for themselves and question everything the upper echelons of the Society do. Therefore their 25

education system is geared to teach them everything except how to think since they are teaching them what to think, this is complicit in their education towards being good servile servants of the upper echelons of a Society.

You may well ask “Why do they do this?

That is quite simple to answer; were the majority truly thinking for themselves, they then would see behind the falsehoods and lies the upper echelons perpetuate to retain their privileges and entitlements they grant themselves as well as controlling the majority under the guise of governing the majority. Should you have doubts about this the I suggest you look at the laws that have been created and see how many of them actually pertain to keeping and maintaining the peace and harmony between individuals against those that pertain more in keeping and maintaining the privileges of the upper echelons and their business affairs. Yes!

They are laws not rules, since rules are guidelines that only become law when they are breached.

Though not all your education is of a formal nature but the majority actually comes from living your life.

Just ask yourself these questions:–

Why do I look up to those that are no way superior to me?

Why do I look down at those below my position in my Society, who are in no way inferior to me?

You were taught to look up to those who have more access to your Society’s collective resources even though their contribution to it is negligible to say the least. Whilst at the same time you are taught to look down on those below you that have the least access to the collective resources which they also help to create the most, along with those that through circumstances beyond their control also have a lesser access to those collective resources even though Society has an obligation to look after them which Society has foregone instead.

Now ask yourself another question — Do I have full and unprejudiced access to my Society’s collective resources?

The answer to that question I will leave up to you to answer honestly to yourself. The answer you give I can predicate from where you stand within your Society based upon your financial situation that circumstances placed you in.

The structure of our Society to-day began in violence where an individual was able to gain the ascendancy over to authority of a tribe by force and our own timidity and and fear of death.

“The first who was king was a fortunate soldier:

Who serves his country well has no need of ancestors.”

Francis M. Voltaire. (1694-1778.)

Merope. Act i. Sc. 3



“What can they see in the longest kingly line in Europe, save that it runs back to a successful soldier ?”

Sir Walter Scott. (1771-1832.)

Woodstock. Chap, xxxvii.

In some instances it was by naked force and killing, whilst in other others it was more covert and the death of an individual was used to play on our own timidity in knowing that just may well be our fate also should we brook their self-imposed authority over the tribe. The leader that gained ascendancy to have power over the tribe gathered around themselves henchmen to ensure the majority bowed down to them and their commands and demands. These henchmen became the nobility of the future times which in turn became the owners of wealth to-day.

As time passed and the tribe increased and by waging war began to hold sway over an even bigger geographical area whilst building towns and cities. These larger geographical areas became the precursor of the nations we have to-day.

The leaders to enhance their claim to be the leader resorted to their religion by claiming they were the son of a god (one of their many gods actually.) or that heaven gave them a mandate to rule their group of Humans ( As with the Chinese). But it was not till a monotheistic religion began to hold sway and ousted the polytheistic religions by means that were not all peacefully achieved but by violence as well when their evangelical priests failed to usurp the old gods.

Now the leaders had a religion that that taught the majority not only to worship their god and be servile to him but also taught the majority to be servile to the leaders and their henchmen as well. This religion also taught them to endure the conditions placed upon them by the actions of the leader and their henchmen but also to endure their position in their Society and the impoverishment that it entailed. The religion for its part to stay on good standing with the leader and their henchmen blessed the murder of innocent Human beings when their leader waged a war, even when within their holy texts told them “thou shalt not kill.”

You cannot preach Love whilst at the same time preaching death to unbelievers of their religion as that is just pure hypocrisy.

“True religion is always mild, propitious, and humble; plays not the tyrant, plants no faith in blood,

nor bears destruction on her chariot wheels;

but stoops to polish, succour, and redress,

and builds her grandeur on the public good.”

– James Miller.

A true god would prefer you to worship them by treating others with respect and acting with benevolence towards their fellow Human being.


The writers own stance on religion is as a Human being said in the 19th century

“All wise men (Women) are all of the same religion but they keep it to themselves.”

Which they do for religion is a personal thing between you and your conscience, as well it is an attempt to explain the experiences we all have that neither the cold materialistic sciences nor any organised religion explains adequately. For as the great bard said in one of his plays

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

As for death I never held that much concern about it as I learnt that it could happen to you at anytime after the loss of a younger brother and a family whose daughter I was close to even at that young age, both in the same manner. But as the years passed I have always viewed it that sometime I will cease to be, to die. But later in life I came across a comment a Stoic with the name Epicurus said about death.

Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not.

Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If death is, then I am not. Why I fear that which can only exist when I do not?

Long time men lay oppressed with slavish fear. Religious tyranny did domineer. At length the mighty men of Greece began to assent the liberty of man.

Epicurus ( π

Ἐπίκουρος ίκουρος Epikouros; 341–270 BC)

The very structure of our Society is not one to deprecate the negative aspects of Human behaviour it does the complete opposite it glorifies the negative aspects of Human behaviour, avarice, greed, anger, vindictiveness, malevolence along with the deprecation of other human beings by telling lies and falsehoods. So it allows individuals to hold the opinion of themselves that they superior to others which helps to promote the negative aspects of Human nature and behaviour these negative aspects include Egotism and Narcissism.

How does it achieve this?

That is very simple the structure emasculates every Human being. Male and female, so that they cannot live their life any where close to what they envisaged as a child and in their youth starting out as an adult of the Society since it promotes competition not co-operation.

It is not a structure that truly promotes the positive aspects of Human behaviour but rather denigrates them instead. Though they may appear to promote them but the reality is that it is really hard to do so as you cannot legislate for individuals to act according to their positive aspects of behaviour and nature. This can only be instigated by the individual themselves from within themselves. Since our Societal structure is based upon inequality, it is this inequality which promotes the negative aspects of Human behaviour and nature.

It is only Equality that can promote the positive aspects of Human behaviour and nature since it begets co-operation not competition which in turn promotes the positive aspects of Human behaviour and nature as it requires an individual to make themselves accountable for 28

their words and actions thus they have to learn to control themselves, their passions and emotions which is the hardest lesson for a Human being to learn and practice.

Our present structure of Society promotes and propagates arrogance in all individuals of all echelons of Society by propagating a belief that their Society is the best in the world. Thus by inference since they believe also that they are civilised and have intelligence thus are the best that Life could produce.

The way our DNA expresses itself in creating our network of neurons is not perfect which creates our personalities but also means that some will have mental issues to begin with and the societal structure cause these malfunctions of our neural network to be amplified so exacerbating them. Whilst it can induce in some a mental health issue due to the stresses they live under as it causes to our neurological network to malfunction. Some personalities can handle stress more than others.

These stresses of living in our societal structure also create physical distress which show up as physical ailments and illnesses.

Oh! To be sure even when an individuals surroundings are calm and peaceful and they can obtain what they require for life there is still will be stress but that stress is caused by the individual themselves though their environment they live in does to a degree effect our stress levels. But these will not show up as a physical symptoms or as a mental health issue.

Life itself is stress even when there is just you and having to provide yourself your needs and wants. Though living in a Society where it eases some of the stress just living in it produces other stresses. So all we can do is mollify the stress so that they do not have adverse affects on our health and well being.

Why do we place such a high value on lumps of metal that can neither nourish a Human being nor provide us with shelter from the elements?

The answer is easy! Greed and the ability to control the majority so that the cream of the land could flow up to the upper echelons of Society.

Before I continue on I will make this observation. Your economic system is based upon your trading system which is just how you exchange objects to satisfy your needs and wants.

Commodities are objects and all Objects are commodities. The term only applies to your Societal framework and structure.

Before we created objects whose only existence was solely to act as an intermediary of exchange. They found that as their populations increased they found the Direct Barter System was awkward as it required the individual to be in both the same place at the same time to acquire what they required to satisfy a need or a want. It also required them to carry not one but several items to ensure that they could obtain what they required. They found that certain objects retained a value and were good for trading as they were acceptable in the exchange for what they required they were also less bulky and easier to carry around these objects became the means of exchange, not the intermediary of exchange, as they had value. But as they were many and varied not just a single set of objects that could cover the multitudes that exist in the 29

market place they were just a means of exchange and were themselves just another commodity.

But as they learnt the art of smelting metals from their ores lumps of metal became the preferred means of exchange so this became the beginning of the Indirect Barter System where value was given for value.

Over time all these different metals they used was winnowed down to three metals namely copper, silver and gold. At first they were exchanged by weight so that traders could use them in any form from dust to lumps of metal or made into bars. Gold became the preferred means of exchange metal due to the density of the metal as an ounce of gold was smaller than an ounce of silver or copper along it was in its pure state more resistance to corrosion.

The only drawback with these metals they had to be weighed at every exchange then a Greek king decided to create a disc of the metal with the weight of the disc embossed into it thus relieving the need to weigh the metal in trading. What he did was to create the first object whose sole purpose of existence was to act as a source of value and be the carrier of value between exchanges thus the first true intermediary of exchange as they were a set of various weights that could cover the many variations of the value of objects in the market place unlike the means of exchange were not a commodity. Though the economists of inequality will argue otherwise.

For a better understanding of the inception of the intermediary of exchange I suggest you read this informative book.

The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards by William Ridgeway – 1892.

He gives a decent account of the history of the intermediary of exchange.

But in all their trading then as to-day is that those discs of metal used to carry out exchanges was carrying the value of one object that they were exchanged for to the next object they will be given in exchange for another object. This is the Indirect Barter System which we still used to-day even though there is no connection between value and the offered intermediary of exchange.

But what is value?

It is a word that denotes an abstraction for an emotion or a material object and thus value belongs to the individual’s perception that a person or material object holds for them. With a person, a person has a value as it fulfils an emotional feeling for the person in question to satisfy their mental state to maintain their sanity. A material object on the other hand satisfies a use that either satisfies a need or a want they require in living their life. But at a Societal level value is an aggregate mean of all the personal values that individuals have to satisfy their material needs and wants therefore all the objects that are created and produced to satisfy the needs and wants of all the individuals carries a Societal value and it is around this Societal value that objects obtain their value in exchanges. When an exchange takes place the final value is placed upon an object when they exchange the intermediary of exchange for the object which in the indirect barter system is the amount of the intermediary they are willing to exchange for the object.


So what is more valuable a small lump of metal or a hand full of grain?

The Societal value of objects goes contrary to what one would assume for the most valuable objects are the ones that satisfy our need to nourish ourselves not lumps of metal or any other object or non object that is used for the intermediary of exchange. With the next most valuable objects are those objects that satisfy our need to clothe and shelter ourselves from the elements and help with nourishing ourselves; but with those objects that are used for vanity sake and for satisfying desires that do not align with our normal desires connected to our needs and wants being of the least to no value at all.

4 ounces /113 grams of cereal grain is more valuable than 4 ounces /113 grams of any metal.

As it nourishes a Human being which makes it more valuable as it sustains life.

Now between the 18th to the end of the 19th centuries they were debating and arguing about what the functions were of what they termed the “Means of Exchange” when in fact it was more properly the “Intermediary of Exchange” where it had to as they said frangible, had to have store value along with that it also was a commodity (which is strange considering that it only had one role to play in the Society.) it also had to be durable to last.

The durability they were considering back then was not just a year or so but for decades or even a century allowing for wear of the material they were created from hence metals were preferred.

They overlooked one very important fact to have store value, which is the ability to hold value over a decent period of time like years so therefore cannot be a commodity due its value would fluctuate day by day, since it was a commodity and no matter the main two metals they created them from value of the commodity metal dictated the value of their means of exchange. The value of the commodity metal is just the amount of the intermediary of exchange that was willingly given in exchange for the commodity metal in the commodity market. Therefore it has no appreciable store value as it is a self-referencing and open to manipulation which does occur.

Another important fact they did not see as they called the intermediary the “means of exchange” was that the intermediary was not just the means of exchange it also was the representative of value but what value could it represent when that value fluctuated all over the place determined by the commodity market and to-day the so called currency market because they think they can buy and sell the intermediary of exchange of all the Society’s of the world. No! The intermediaries of exchange can only be exchanged on the quantity relationship of the materials they are created from.

Why is it one Society’s intermediary of exchange can be worthless than another Society’s intermediary of exchange? All this points to is that there is no set value for either sets of the intermediary of exchange as like every individual every Society has it own perception of value which their intermediary represents. Were this the case then the exchange rate would be set by the materials used to represent these values. Since history has shown by other measures they would all nearly be the same the exchange rate would be very close to a 1 to 1 exchange. The reason they do this is so they can profit off the lowered value of the other society’s 31

intermediary of exchange by making appear the objects they obtain from them is less valuable in their home markets than what they really are. Which to-day makes it easier to manipulate the amount that they have to pay the individuals that create the objects that they purvey to the market place by making the individuals having to compete with other individuals whose standard of living is lower thus requiring a corollary lower remittance for their labour and therefore making it seem that those with a higher standard living whose remittance is higher seem more expensive forgetting that a higher standard of living requires a higher remittance for their labour to cover the cost of that higher standard of living.

When they based their intermediary of exchange on the gold or silver standard the amount of the intermediary that individuals were willing to give in exchange for a small weight of 1oz /

30/grams of the metal caused the intermediary’s value to rise or fall accordingly. Now does that ever happen with any other object created that once it is created and is willing to be exchanged for a set amount of the intermediary one day and the following week has a different value due to metal it is made from rose or fell in value in the commodity market. It does not! So how can you apply that action to one object which is only being treated theoretical as a commodity whose sole purpose is to act as the representative and carrier of value from one object to another but another object which is a commodity in reality? You cannot but there are reasons for it. The first is greed and the second is manipulation of the intermediary to help satisfy the greed.

What they did not want to accept was that the intermediary of exchange was representing a Societal value therefore required to have its value staked to the value of one of the various objects they nourished themselves with. For when they were arguing over this point all their objects that they were selecting were objects that were useless in providing sustenance of life.

Just as other abstractions were capable to be represented by physical objects. But by doing so also meant that they could not be manipulated by greed. Oh! To be sure the amount an individual is willing to give for an object will fluctuate but that is only due to the value the individual themselves places on the object in relation to satisfy a need or want they have in living their life. I am well aware of the costs involved for those producing the object and since they required recovery before they can profit off the object to satisfy their own needs and wants along with a little more to satisfy their greed and avarice. That is just the cost not value.

Even in the days of Aristotle one ounce, thirty grams of gold represented one bull cow so without realising this an ounce of gold represented one bull cow but that ounce of gold is more easily fungible than the bull cow.

They also have this impression that they can take from the future to obtain what they desire to-day, they call it credit. Some others call it the never, never!

It is this credit that fuels wars, destroys the environment as they instilled within the majority many a superfluous desire that they can be like the upper echelons if they obtained this or that, along with the if you obtain this will make you appear better than what you are because you could obtain it. All of this can only happen due to being able to get it on the never, never.


As Menander said way back in his day

“Debts make free men slaves.”

Menander. – Monosticha, 514.

Menander (Greek: Μένανδρος Menandros; c. 342/41 – c. 290 BC) Debts are created by taking credit to satisfy your desires beyond those desires related to your needs and wants. It is how they control the majority so that they cannot live the life they envisaged as a child or as a youth on the threshold of adulthood.

It was this delusion that they could take from the future so that they could obtain what they wanted to-day is what created the Military Industrial Complex and began an arms race as they sought better ways to commit mass murder by harnessing the industrial revolution for their murderous endeavours.

The economic system that we have to-day was not created by all of Society but by the upper echelons of Society with its main aim to ensure the cream of the land flowed up to them and to enhance their control of the majority by manipulating their access to the collective resources of the Society of which they themselves contribute a very miserly amount whilst raking off the cream.

The economists of to-day wonder why their economic system is going fast up goona creek in a leaking canoe without a paddle. Because of their delusions and the illusions that they base their economic system upon a framework that is based upon Inequality.

As industrialisation began to take over from the former cottage industries to produce objects there was a market for the objects they produced as they satisfied a need or a want. But with the accompanying loss of the cottage industries there began a land grab by the upper echelons of Society thereby creating a ready supply of labour for these fledgling mechanical industries since they could no longer carry on producing what they needed or wanted for themselves thus needed to work in these factories just to survive. While at the same time these factories required markets off shore to dispose of all the objects they produced since they only paid their workers a pittance for their work so this gave rise to to the merchant class along with the factory owners to create the nouveau riche who were to replace the aristocrats in the hierarchy of the Social framework in due time.

Both the industries and the objects they produced were in a primitive state of development due to having to learn the new technologies and invent other technologies to aid in their production. But as the technical knowledge grew the objects improved as the machines making them improved. So in those times the markets seemed unfillable and unsatisfiable which lead to the belief that that the owners and investors in these industries could continually grow and provide them with increasing income for ever and a day.

It was also a time of many trademarks of the many companies producing the objects for the market thus fierce competition in the market for their objects so to reduce this competition they began buying out smaller companies forming even larger companies as time went by till 33

to-day you have many brand names but they are being produced by very few companies and large corporations controlled by the upper echelons of Society.

Though there are still a vast number of brands they are all now made in vast factory complexes churning out identical products where only their outward appearances really differ but the inner workings only by how they put the object together to make it work as it should to do the task required of them.

In the beginning they required manpower as they were all that was available to create the objects. Then they found ways to speed up the production of objects by increasing the number of components an individual could produce a day on a machine. Then they found a way to speed up the assembly of the required object to be given up in exchange for the intermediary of exchange, it was called a production line where one individual just added a component in the assembly of the object before it went to the next individual to add either another component or carry out a process required at that point of the assembly of the object and so on till the object was fully assembled and ready to be exchanged at a market.

Then they invented electronics which at first was big and cumbersome as they relied on thermionic valves to create the logic blocks of a computer till they invented the semiconductor family of electronic components making the computer less cumbersome and could be applied to control machines in the production of components for objects that were required to be produced. So to-day there are fully computerised machines that carry out all the processes that are required to make the component from the blank stock of material thus increasing the output of components required by the assembly of the object required this in turn led to a higher output of assembled objects.

While I was growing up I always heard this refrain that all this automation will lead to working shorter hours so that we could enjoy life more. Yeah right! All it did was replace man with machines to increase profits as machines can run twenty four seven with only requirement for individuals to maintain the machines and feed the machines. But all the while they have not increased their remittance for carrying out said tasks and those that they dis-placed the upper echelons found other ways to obtain profit whilst still only paying them a low remittance for their work so now they have to work at two or three jobs just to survive thus taking more of their time away from them to truly live their lives. But meanwhile also extolling the virtues of getting credit to obtain these objects that they persuaded them to obtain they also instilled an insatiable superfluous desire for the objects so that wanted the newest latest all singing all dancing object with all the bells and whistle that don’t do jack at all in regards to what the doohickey was originally designed for.

But these automatic machines required vast amounts of raw materials to feed their hunger so mines were expanded and new lodes of ore were found and opened up and mines that were solely underground were converted to open-cut methods of mining so that they could produce the raw materials to feed the veracious appetites of these machines. Machines that were designed to supply the superfluous desires that they awoken in the masses.

They did this as they realised that their original market for objects that satisfied Society’s needs and wants was satiated so to create more profit required them to tap in to the 34

superfluous desires of the majority since their desires that aligned with their needs and wants were already satisfied. Except that of their need for adequate shelter which they used to manipulate so that they had to live on the never, never of credit.

It was during the decade after WWII that they introduced the concept of fast foods as we know it to-day. Though in some ways in a sense is a progression from from the diners, the cafes, milk bars, hamburger joints, and fish and chip shops that catered for travellers or where a person could get a meal instead of cooking for themselves that day and where they could loiter awhile even after eating but the meals were prepared as required. Which is a big difference to the fast food outlets where everything is basically prepared and cooked prior to the order being asked for then kept warm and their meals are all designed to be taken out of the establishment to be eaten but they also did provide some areas where they could be consumed, which allows them to have a fast turnover of customers thus increasing profit at the end of the day.

Since they were aimed at a high turnover of customers meant that they required a vast amount of materials to cater to the volume of customers. This vast volume is what helped to create the industrialisation of the processes that produced these materials namely the processing of chicken and livestock. Which in turn placed a demand on the poultry and the cattle farmers to produce even more chickens and cows for the meat processing industry. This lead to intensive production methods for the chickens to supply a steady stream of chickens and the creation of cattle feedlots where the cows are confined and feed to fatten them before sending them off to the industrialised abattoirs and the swines fared no better.

They also required the condiments that can be found in any practically any household kitchen. So this increased the requirements for them so the food industry grew and in doing so also found less costly ingredients to manufacture the foods they produced give them a better profit. Theses alternative ingredients caused the degradation of of forests to make way for mono-culture of plants thus causing a degradation of the environment and the loss of habits of the lifeforms that lived in those forests causing their numbers to decrease to a point where a vast number of species are heading towards extinction. Thus weakening the Web of Life further.

Why was all this degradation ultimately caused for?

Should you say to feed Humanity you are very sadly and very much mistaken should that have been the case – Then why are there still humans with barely enough to eat and survive?

As Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed.”

The greed that he was talking about was the greed of the upper echelons of all Societies.

Whose greed and avarice is to obtain as much as they possibly can to get as much material wealth into their possession as they can. They then use this to control the majority of the Society whilst maintaining the privileges and entitlements they bestow upon themselves. They believe this is power but failing to realise that it is merely strength, as true Power lies within each individual Human being. This power comes to the fore when they master their emotions, 35

their passions, their desires which prevents them from being controlled by other human beings as they are servile to no-one.

When war is waged there is a decline in the population which they by natural instinct of the specie is to survive so after the tumult has ended there is a corresponding increase of births to replace those that were removed from life as a consequent of the war. As was aptly shown after WWII in all Societies affected by the then recent conflict where they gave birth to the generation they termed “Baby Boomers or Boomers”.

Our specie will always experience an ever increasing population while ever there are wars and poverty haunting our specie as poverty causes births to replace those children that may not see adulthood due to the lack of all that Humans require to thrive. Both of these events are the very outcome of the framework and the consequential structure that our Societies are based upon. Since both required by it. War requires individuals for them to wage war and be slaughtered by it. The second is just ensure that some of their children at least reach adulthood.

Were you really intelligent you would realise that by allowing individuals to have control of their lives and access to the collective resources of the Society to satisfy their needs and wants that war would be engaged in rarely and poverty would cease to exist and the individuals themselves would determine whether they add to the population or not thus allowing the population to fluctuate over time as they got back instep with pulsations of the Web of Life which Life produces.

The Framework that your Societal structure is formed upon is stitched together by Secrecy, falsehoods and lies this is to give it some appearance of stability.

As secrecy allows the few to control the majority by hiding relevant information from the majority of their motives and intentions to the actions they carry out in Public. It allows them to manipulate the information that they do give to the majority. They create archives for the secret materials that they have no desire to inform the majority about at that point in time as it could reveal the falsehoods and lies that they used to validate their actions in events that occurred and show the real reasons that would embarrass and shame those actors involved in the events as they would show them to the complete opposite they portray themselves as! It would reveal the skulduggery all the actors that would bring them into disrepute with the majority. With these archives they cannot be accessed till well after the events and the actors have ceased to be and the event itself is just more or less a byline in the pages of the Society’s history; with some never to released for centuries and the time period is just a footnote in the pages of Human history.

For those of you that believe you live in either a democratic or communistic Society you are again sadly mistaken for in both of these require that there is no secrecy within their government and between the Individuals of the Society and their government for those systems of Society as they both are supposedly based upon Equality of all but secrecy destroys that equality.


The foregoing pages are but just a brief outline of what I have observed and learnt about our Societies for to describe them all in detail would require a separate volume of work for each item expounded to explain them in depth. These pages are to give you something to think upon as you read the way we can address and correct ourselves so that we are truly can say with humble pride what we only mouth now with arrogance.

We are an intelligent civilised specie!

Yes! We are intelligent but so far from being civilised.


Image 4



The Equality of all individuals of Humanity.

With all the varying characteristics and attributes that describe a human being that can also be used in helping to ascertain whether all Humans are equal though instead of showing equality of all show the Inequality of human beings.

With that being the case here is another question to ask “From whence do all our characteristics and attributes arise from in the beginning?”

Is it from our lineage? No not really though it does play a small role in it.

Is it from our parents as we are a consequence of their mating? To a certain degree it is as they shared their chemical code that lead to our birth. But our chemical code is not exactly the same as their chemical code since they each only gave us half their chemical code so our chemical code is unique carrying the characteristics of both our parents.

This chemical code is the creator of all life on this Planet from the single cell lifeforms to the multi-cellular lifeforms that evolved from the simple single cell lifeforms. We call this code Deoxyribon Nucleic Acid or DNA for short.

It is the expression of our DNA that gives rise to our characteristics and attributes as it does to all lifeforms on this Planet. The DNA of a tree expresses itself as a tree. The DNA of a fish expresses itself as a fish. The DNA of a human expresses itself as a human.

Thus since our DNA is a 50/50 combination of our parents DNA as we develop within our mother’s womb our own DNA expresses the characteristics of that combination of DNA which also expresses the way our neural network is set which gives us our attributes. This expression of our DNA code utilises parts of our mothers DNA and our fathers DNA but not as an equal 50/50 expression of our DNA. Which is the reason though there familial likeness between our siblings we are very much ourselves in that some will have expressed slightly more of our mothers DNA and some slightly more of our fathers DNA so that some of us will appear more like our mother and some like our father in attributes and characteristics.

Even identical twins that share the same DNA code due to egg splitting in two the way their separate DNA expresses itself so there are very subtle variations between them physically and also their attributes as their neural network was created with slightly different attributes.

Now your DNA’s code is very unique to you as it will be millions if not billions of years before its combination appears again but the individual that is formed from that expression of the DNA will still not be like you since their experiences in their life will not be exactly the same as your experiences of life due to the different environments you were raised in. Therefore each individual is a unique individual whose like will never be seen again in the history of Humanity.

This may also answer the Nature versus Nurture debate. As it shows that Nature gives us a set of attributes and characteristics whilst Nurture shows what behaviour we will express as we live our lives be they positive or negative behaviours.

Since we all have the same quality that of being “unique” and that one of the prerequisites for some object or thing to be regarded as being equal is a quality of that object or thing.


As Equality is defined by the Mirriam Webster Dictionary Online

“Like in quality, nature, or status”

Ergo we are all equal since Uniqueness is the quality that we all have!

Just the way Mother Nature intended us and all the rest of her children to be unique individuals of their specie.

Nurture just explains why we express our Positive or Negative dispositions of our character.


Equality, Truth, Justice, Open Honesty.

In an intelligent Society individuals perceive that there are four strands woven into the fabric of their Society. Those strands being Equality, Truth, Justice, and Open Honesty.

Equality is the strongest strand for without equality truth is replaced with lies and falsehoods.

Justice becomes weak twisting into injustice.

Open Honesty twists into secrecy and misinformation.

Truth is as equally strong as Equality for without truth Equality becomes inequality.

Without Truth; Justice becomes a mere word and injustice prevails.

Without truth; Open Honesty becomes the fabricator of falsehoods.

Justice weaves through Equality and Truth uniting them, strengthening them for without Justice there can be no Equality or Truth and where Open Honesty becomes fraudulent.

Open Honesty weaves and binds all the strands together strengthening them for without it the strands that weave the fabric of Society becomes weak, ineffective allowing the fungus of Tyranny to grow as it spreads its filaments of degradation, inequality, lies, falsehoods and injustice breaking out through time into boils of chaos.

In an intelligent Society individuals recognise and understand that living in a Society is a compromise between individual thoughts and actions and the Societal thoughts and actions of the Society as a whole. The basis of this compromise is Equality, Truth, Justice, and Open Honesty. They also comprehend that that these thoughts and actions begins with themselves and is not derived from the Society they live in. They work with other individuals that create their Society to ensure that all their combined thoughts and actions follow the precepts of Equality, Truth, Justice, Open Honesty.

In an intelligent Society individuals understand that they have to continuously improve their own self-control as they live their lives. As that self-control gives them their sovereign power to maintain the peace and harmony of their lives as they live with their fellow individuals that form their Society. As that self-control gives them complete mastership of the only possession they they truly own their own material body thus they are the only ones that grant what it is to be used for and that they can be servants to others but will never be servile to no-one except themselves. Therefore they are unwilling to hand over that Sovereign power and make themselves servile to other individuals. But will co-operate with others to ensure their needs and wants are met by ensuring that the others also have their needs 41

and wants met. Since they also understand that living in a Society is a reciprocal arrangement for all their benefits not just their own.


Structure of Society of Equals

Firstly what constitute a society?

A society can be defined by the following

(1) Two individuals living together. —Commonly referred to as a family.

(2) Two adults and children.—Commonly called a family.

(3) A group of families working together to fulfil their needs and wants co-cooperatively as they also interacting socially. —Commonly called a Community.

(4) A group of communities assisting each other to obtain the resources to fulfil their needs and wants by sharing the resources. —Commonly called a region.

(5) A group of regions assisting each other with resources for their communities along with social activities involving all the communities. —Commonly called a Province.

(6) A group of states over a given geographical area sharing the same language and defined cultural customs accepted by all the communities. By accepting and adopting laws created by the communities to form the basis for over arching laws and to provide for interactions with other large groups of people. —Commonly called the Country or the “Society of the People”

These are all Societies as there is an interaction between the participants of the society so in the following when Society is mentioned it can be inferred to be a community but also equally apply to the larger groupings of the individuals that comprise the Country.

What is Social Structure?

Social structure is the organisation of a Society to allow the individuals to access the resources that are available to the Society to fulfil their needs and wants while maintaining peace and harmony between the individuals by working out rules of conduct and behaviour cooperatively.

What forms can these structures have?

There are two main forms of structure for a Society to take.

The first is a vertical structure which is inflexible to change and is called a Hierarchical structure which is stratified according to its perceived ideas of authority and possession. With its basis being Inequality of the individuals that make up the Society.

The second is a horizontal structure which is flexible to change as required by the Society to meet the combined needs of the individuals comprising the Society, it is not stratified as it is based on the basis of Equality of all. There is no current word to describe such a horizontal structure as it has leaders but those leaders are not granted any entitlements or privileges that differentiate them from the rest of their Society therefore they are not an anarchist Society as 43

anarchy implies a leaderless Society since it meaning is “No Ruler/Leader”. As “No individual of Humanity is greater nor are they lesser than every other Individual of Humanity.”

Hierarchical Structure.

It is created by establishing a hierarchy of authority for command and control and is stratified. It is a structure of Society that Human beings are quite well aware of since it is the structure of their Societies.

It is a structure based upon Inequality and engenders a servile mindset for those living in such a structure. It promotes the idea within individual that “I am better than the rest”

mentality; so though it appears peaceful there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction as the majority feel emasculated since they cannot have full control of their life as they must conform to the will of other groups within the Society that govern them. It is this dissatisfaction that allows rebellions and revolutions to disrupt the Society.

This structure also exacerbates mental illnesses that the specie is prone to due to the expression of their DNA or the chemical and hormonal imbalances that occur due to disease or malfunction of internal organs, along with the stresses encountered by living in this form of structure of society.

It is a structure that allows an individual or a group of individuals to disseminate hate and disinformation about another Society or individuals based on skin colour, religious beliefs. In the case of a Society they then can use this hate and disinformation to tell their people to wage war upon those that they hate. Disinformation is also used to invade other Societies to make their resources more freely available to them.

So it is a structure that quite easily is able to create a Us and Them mentality within their society which is not only used on the political level but the economic level which is used to influence the political level of Society.

It is a structure that denies full access to the resources of Society by the lower echelons of the Society whilst at the same time allowing the upper echelons full and complete access to the resources of the Society. This then is the major cause of poverty in the Society since the resources of the Society are based on possession of those resources.

It is a structure that engenders and promotes secrecy and opaqueness which in turn allows corruption to occur within the upper echelons of Society and depending on the severity of the corruption within the Society will filter down through the echelons of the Society.

It is a structure that uses religion to bolster the grasp the upper echelons have on the Society. Some religions promote bowing down to the upper echelons by teaching them to bow down to their perception of god, whilst others teach them to endure their lives under the yoke of the upper echelons. As one wit centuries ago said “Religion is used to prevent the aristocracy from being murdered by the peasants.”

In this structure the parents of children are the sole care givers, protectors of their welfare and their first educators without interference nor any real help till to late by Society.


With this structure laws are created by the few in the upper echelons of Society even though those Societies where they vote for representatives to represent them in their house of governance the reality is that laws are still created by the upper echelons of Society. With the majority of laws created are not to maintain the peace and harmony within the Society but to protect the upper echelons of Society from the lower echelons of the Society.

Horizontal Structure

This structure is based and built upon the Equality of all.

It is a structure that begins with the individual as they co-operate with the other individuals that comprise their Society to create peace and harmony within their community as they see to ensuring everyone’s needs and wants are satisfied without starvation nor with gluttony but with adequacy according to their personal requirements.

It is a structure without stratification for no-one is greater nor lesser than the other individuals with their community and Society. Their leaders are more guides than commanders and they are selected by their knowledge of law, their just decisions in settling disputes and the quality of their decisions within the council of their community and Society. They cannot command anyone to carryout a task but can only ask for the task to be carried out, it will be carried out due to the respect they hold from their community and Society. Their guiding leader is equally bound to the rules and laws of the Society regardless of the amount of esteem and respect that they are shown by their Society.

It is a structure that promotes the mindset “My freedom comes from me being equal to all as all are equal to me” along with these thoughts “Although I am a servant of all I am servile to none.” and “My freedom is granted by the obligations that I have to the past, my parents, to the future, my children and the present, my people.”

It is a structure that does not allow an individual or a group of individuals to incite hatred and and spread disinformation about another Society thus allowing them to command the people to wage war on the Society their hatred is directed at. The waging of war is looked upon with great disgust and abhorrence and is the last, the very last instrument of diplomacy that is in their vast diplomat toolkit when every other instrument is of no avail to settle the dispute between the Societies. To wage war takes the consensuses of all the people of that Society and will only do so with the greatest of reluctance. But by the same token they will readily take up arms and defend the geographical they call home should ever they be attacked and invaded by another Society.

Since the structure is built upon Equality every single individual has full access to the resources of that Society. Since everyone has full access to the resources there then can never be any poverty within the Society. Since everyone has equal access there will be less need to steal for any reason but there are always the few that will steal for motives that only belong to themselves.


The structure of the Society will not exacerbate mental illness that will be present in the Society due to the expression of their DNA or caused by the chemical and hormonal imbalances that occur due to disease or malfunction of internal organs and the stress of living is not compounded by the stress of having to achieve something that does not align with your natural talents and abilities but rather the opposite in that their natural talents and abilities will be what determines the roles and tasks they will take on for their community and Society as they live their life.

Children of this Society although they have their parents the community/Society consider them to be the children of their community/Society so they are also along side the parents as the care givers, protectors of their welfare and their first educators in life. This means there are no orphans since their care and welfare and education is attended to by the community/Society they were born into. With couples that are childless for what ever reason may become their source of personal love and attention so they mature in to balanced adult Human beings.

This structure does not promote secrecy and opaqueness but openness and transparency within the Community /Society. This then curtails any attempt to carry out a corrupt act by an individual or a group of individuals. Secrecy and opaqueness are also the destructors of Equality and Equity.

It is a structure where the religion is a celebration of Life and the awe that a lot of individuals hold for all of the nature that surrounds them instilling in them a feeling of spiritualness and a oneness with Nature. Even as they uncover the workings of nature by using science. The teachings of any religion enhances their equality and their connection to all life that comprise the web of the life on this planet along with the idea that our specie are stewards of Nature not the masters of Nature. It also extols the preservation of the environment thus helping to preserve life. Those espousing and teaching religion are also bound by the rules and the laws of their Society and are not above them.

It is a structure that due to its nature promotes the individual to think for themselves which can be enhanced by the teaching of the various ways that can be used in thinking to solve a problem. It is only by thinking can they preserve their Society and its way of life.

It is a structure where the laws are created to preserve the peace and harmony between individuals and between the communities that comprise the whole of their Society. They are created in the beginning in a community council. All laws and rules created are aimed at maintaining the peace and harmony between individuals and between communities that comprise the Society and the groupings of those communities to help ensure that there is a basic commonality of laws which communities and the grouping of communities can use to guide them with laws to suit their needs. There are no laws that protect a select few of the Society as they are all bound by the same rules and laws as every other individual of the Society they belong to.

Where punishments are just and should it be possible to do so in line with the severity of the offence,without incarceration of offenders but yet still act as a deterrent to individuals so that they keep their behaviour within the bounds of the Community/Society they abide in.


The Community, the Region, and Province are levels are purely administrative role as rules are only created at the community level.


The Governance of a Society of Equals An individuals freedom and actions end where they impact upon another’s freedom and actions governance is about finding the balance and the compromises that are the boundaries to allow the individuals to know the boundaries of their freedom and live accordingly so that peace and harmony can reside with the Community/Society.

The governance of this Society begins with the individual as they are held accountable for their words and actions by themselves as well as all the other individuals within their Society.

Therefore they have to learn to rule their passions and their desires. Humans are an emotional animal; emotions make us irrational so by governing our emotions, our passions and desires allows us to be more rational without losing sight of compassion and benevolence towards our fellow human beings.

This Society requires openness, truthfulness, honesty, and integrity since there can be no secrets in the governance of this Society. Secrets is another act that breaks the Equality between the individual and the Society. The openness allows all the individuals of the Community/Society to understand what is occurring so that they can form their own independent opinions on the subject under discussion in the Councils that they use to govern their Community/Society.

Governance begins in the Family as they develop the rules that set the boundaries for all the members of the Family to maintain its stability, its peace and create harmony between all the individuals of that Family.

The rules the Community/Society adopt are the guidelines for all individuals to follow but upon their breaching they then become the law so that justice can prevail.

The Community Council comprises all the individuals of an age that shows maturity in their manners and speech within the Community so that all voices can be heard. But since a community can consist of over a thousand individuals so to ensure that all voices are heard on matters relating to the Community can be heard they divide the Community up into Coveys, which only exist to help in the governance of the Community no where else. The covey then selects a number of the individuals to represent them all in the Community Council. These are selected by their knowledge of the rules of the Community, their integrity, openness truthfulness and the wisdom they show not only in the Covey but also in their daily lives as they help to maintain the peace and harmony within the Community. In other words on the respect they earn in the Community and their merits as a person. Not by what they promise.

In the Community Council just because that a covey sent representatives to the council does not mean individuals on their on volition cannot attend the meeting they are most welcome to attend though they allow their representative to speak on their behalf though they are still are allowed to ask questions that pertain and are relevant to the subject under discussion.

The Community Council formulates and creates the rules to establish boundaries that enhance the Peace and Harmony within the Community. They also establish the consequences 48

of breaching the guiding rules. These rules are more readily and willingly to be observed in the Community by the individuals of that Community as they had a true voice in their creation.

When they create a rule they write a little story using the events of the situation that led to the requirement for the rule thus helping individuals to have an understanding for the rule.

The rule does not have to be explicitly mentioned as the story points to the rule. This helps to teach the children to be aware of the rule that guides their interactions with others of their Community, it is also a reminds the adults the reason of the rule.

Within the Council they select an individual or individuals to represent them and to be their Guiding Leader/s due to their knowledge of the rules of the Community, their integrity, openness truthfulness and the wisdom they show in the Community but also in their daily lives as they help to maintain the peace and harmony within the Community.

When they select a number of individuals to represent them the others that are selected after their first selection for the Guiding Leader are to assist the Guiding Leader in their task and role of being the Principle Guiding Head of the Community.

This selection criteria used at the Community level is used by all the other Councils that are formed by the Region, Province, and the Society of the people. This helps to ensure that individuals that are selected into the posts in the Councils are respected not only by the delegates to those Councils but also by the people in all the communities from which they came from.

The Regional, Provincial and Society of the People Councils formulate and create rules so that the Communities, the Regions, and the Provinces are guided in how to treat each other within their respective Councils and with their interactions with the other Communities in the Regional Society, other Regions in the Provincial Society and the Provinces in the Society of the People. The rules they create the majority will have come from the Communities which they have adopted and adapted to suit the needs required by them;though they still enhance the peace and harmony of the Society. Also when they formulate a rule it is given to the Communities to discuss and give their input to the rule along with giving knowledge of the rule to the Communities. When a majority of Communities are agreeable to the rule it can be add to the rule book and conversely when the majority are not happy or satisfied with the rule they can reject but in their rejection they must give solid, valid reasons or evidence why they reject the rule.

In this way the Rules/law are created by all the people to maintain their Equality, the peace and harmony within their Society of the People.

How they arrange their Councils is entirely up to the Council themselves so that it satisfies and creates a system that the individuals are quite happy to work with as they govern their Communities, Regions, Provinces and the Society of the People.

In a Society of Equals like their structure, their governance is always a work in progress through time as they develop and enhance their system of governance.


The economy of a Society of Equals.

In this Society of Equals there is only one entitlement that the Society grants to every individual that compose the Society and that is-That they are all entitled to a free and unprejudiced Access to all the resources the Society has available to them no matter their role they take or the duties they carryout on the Society’s behalf.

It is an economy based on people not material objects.

It is an economy in which there is no possession of land by the Society but the land of the geographical area they inhabit which in their view is the land possess them and that they are the stewards of that land.

It is an economy that is not based on mindless superfluous consumerism so there is a lack of motivation to create profits or for the possessive accumulation of material objects which were considered to be wealth as it does not make them any whit better than everyone else.

In this society the people are the wealth not material objects.

1) It is an economy which is circular in the use of its material resources they use to create objects to satisfy their wants.

2) It is an economy where there is no requirements for industrialised agriculture or animal husbandry or for industrialised abattoirs.

3) It is an economy where their medium of exchange since they base their economy on the Indirect Barter System that requires a medium of exchange to give value for value is based in reality not on delusions.

4) It is an economy where the medium of exchange is used for planning for the future to ensure that their people are able to fulfil their needs and wants adequately to ensure that there is no short fall in any resource that is required to satisfy their needs or wants.

5) It is an economy that promotes sharing of objects that are easily shared to decrease their consumption of material resources.

6) It is an economy that promotes the sharing of talents and abilities so that the Society as a whole is able to ensure that it is able to meet all the obligations of the Society has to every single individual that comprises that Society.


7) It is an economy that ensures that all the individual are able to satisfy all their needs and wants according to their own personal choices by having full and unprejudiced access to all of Society’s resources.

8) It is an economy based on reciprocity where an individual reciprocates for having their needs and wants being satisfied by attending to tasks and duties that help not only themselves but also other individuals of the Society to have their needs and wants met.

9) It is an economy that focuses upon the degradation of the land and water when extracting raw natural resources so endeavours to process raw materials as close as practicable to their extraction.


It is an economy in which the amount of the medium of exchange used to obtain an object reflects the fact there are no labour costs attached to the object but shows the material cost used to create the object.


It is an economy based upon the patience as it tunes itself back to the patience of Nature and the patience of her cycles of life.


It is an economy that allows an individual to live a meaningful life that allowed them to fulfil their duties to themselves and their Society. Whilst at the same time allowing them to live a full life in Freedom to enjoy the company of family and friends in full knowledge that although they were a servant of all but they never were servile to none.


It is an economy in which theft is nigh on extinct due to the proclivities of human psychology.

It is an economy based on people not material objects.

Since everyone is equal with an unprejudiced access to the resources of the Society there is the lack of motivation to making a profit to take care of yourself by providing you with the means to satisfy your needs and wants as well as providing for yourself in your declining years of life. Nor is there a motive to create a profit to make out you are better than everyone else and to have the illusion of power over others. As in a Society of equals there is no cause for servility in a person but a co-operative outlook in all they do.

Since the backbone of profiteering is possession of land and objects but not in this economy!


It is an economy in which there is no possession of land by the Society but the land of the geographical area they inhabit which in their view is that the land possess them and that they are the just the stewards of that land for the following generations of their people.

Since there is no motivation towards profits there will equally be no motivation towards consuming objects that have no direct bearing on living a life, thus there is no mad chaotic chase to consume anything and everything to satisfy unsatisfiable superfluous desires.

In this society the people are the wealth not material objects.

Due to a Horizontally structured Society is rising from the ashes of a barbaric, unintelligent vertical structured Society. They will survey all the industries and decide the industries that will be most beneficial to the Society then adopt and adapt those beneficial industries to meet the needs and requirements of the Society.

It is also a frugal economy not a squandering, wasteful economy.

It is an economy which is circular in the use of its material resources they use to create objects to satisfy their wants.

The objects created to satisfy wants are created with repairability, modifiability, can be repurposed should that be needed,then when it has no further use its materials can be salvaged and recycled with the barest amount of loss of material. Thereby reducing the requirement to obtain more raw material to replace losses.

Since they realise that that every market has a certain capacity limit for the required objects to be created so there is maximum number of objects that need to be created to satisfy that market. Once that limit is reached then all that is required after that is the objects required to repair that created object along with a very smaller number of the created object to replace those that are destroyed or lost or have completely expired due to the replacement of worn components exceeds the value of obtaining a new object to replace it. The value of an object is tied to where the material was sourced from.

Being outdated does not mean a design change that incorporates more bells and whistle that does not improve its efficiency in anyway.

For them there are no outdated objects as when there has been improvements that actually increases the objects efficiency in what it does or is more energy efficient these improvements are incorporated into the existing object unless the improvement requires a design change then this new design is taken slowly up according to the personal requirements of an individual.

It is an economy where there is no requirements for industrialised agriculture or animal husbandry or for industrialised abattoirs.

There is no requirement since the reason for their existence no longer exists since the fast food industry is no longer required since it was based on consumerism to create profit for the few. This also means the packaging industry that supplied all the disposable packing that they 52

used to hand out their adulterated food in is no longer required. The transport industry that supplied the animals to the slaughter houses, then the processed meat products along with agricultural products will no longer required.

Instead in this economy the abattoirs are located where they are required and only slaughter the number of animals to satisfy the needs of a community or several communities.

They will still supply besides the fresh meats the processed meat goods like salamis, processed sausages and alike as well as the smoked processed meats like hams and bacon. Since cooking has returned where it has always belonged in the family home for the majority of times though there may well be still restaurants and cafes and tea houses but these will not be like the restaurants, cafes and tea house created to make profit but just somewhere those doing the obtaining of the objects they require to meet their needs can have a refreshment to refresh themselves and rest awhile.

It is an economy where their medium of exchange since they base their economy on the Indirect Barter System that requires a medium of exchange to give value for value is based in reality not on delusions.

Their medium of exchange reflects this by being the representative of a value of an object that they prize highly for it sustains life not an object that represents vanity, ambition and desire.

Their base value is placed upon a staple of their diet that in itself is reasonably durable over short time spans but also were it used directly as the medium would require a little red wagon to haul around the amount to be used therefore they selected a mass and volume of the staple namely a cereal grain and the metal object they created to represent this has the equivalent value of the mass and volume of the grain even though its volume and mass are a fraction of the amount of grain. This single unit of the medium of exchange can be exchanged directly for that volume and mass of the grain for an individual to be able to feed themselves should their circumstances ever call for it to be done.

They created a system of eighteen of these metal objects “discs” which are the multiples of the single unit thus allowing for the covering of large range of values that could possibly be met in exchanges. They then created three metal alloys based on copper, silver and gold with a ratio of 75% of the major metal of the alloy, 18.75% of the secondary metal and 6.25% of the minor metal to create a Copper Electrum, a Silver Electrum and a Gold Electrum. They use the Copper for the lower multiples of value, Silver for the mid-range multiples of value and the Gold for the high range multiple of values. With 100 of the single copper value equalling 1 silver multiple of value and 100 silver multiples of value equalling 1 gold multiple of value. Thus they had a ten thousand single units of value to use in their exchanges. This is to ensure that there is enough range to meet all possible value assignments within the Society.

The discs of copper are circular, the discs of silver are hexagonal and the discs of gold are octagonal since in all multiple value ranges the discs are fairly close in size so helping to prevent confusion when being used in an exchange.


Copper – very useful = Needs = food.

Silver – useful = Wants = clothes and cutlery and dishes.

Gold – useless = Desires = vanity, avarice, conceit.

Since the Society mints and then provides everyone with a set amount of the medium of exchange either weekly, monthly, or at what ever time interval they choose to access the Society’s resources means that when objects are created there is no labour costs attributed to the object. When the medium of exchange is used in obtaining the objects to satisfy their needs and wants according to their personal requirements what they are doing is covering the cost of the materials to create the object only. The material costs also reflect the cost to the environment.

The medium is returned to the community’s treasury along with the amount and description of the object that the medium was exchanged for; this then allows the community to assess their requirements for the future for materials and the number of objects that are required to ensure that their community can satisfy their needs and wants. Thus it also helps in protecting their environment since objects that require materials sourced from non-renewable natural resources require more of the medium of exchange when these objects are acquired in this way the consumption of of those objects is restrained and subdued but not prohibited.

It is an economy that promotes sharing of objects that are easily shared to decrease their consumption of material resources.

By promoting the sharing of objects that are easily shareable helps to constrain their use of non-renewable natural resources. This means that instead of an individual requiring a large toolkit to suit their needs all they now require is a basic set of tools and instruments to cater for their requirements as they can either borrow from others in the community that have what they need or they can go to the tool sharing section of the guild hall of the community and borrow what they require there.

It is an economy that ensures that all the individual are able to satisfy all their needs and wants according to their own personal choices by having full and unprejudiced access to all of Society’s resources.

It is this fact of the inability to have access to the Society’s resources in a vertically structured Society based on inequality that creates the poverty that is inherent in that Society.

It is also the cause of the majority of criminal activity in that Society as the individuals will try any means to avail themselves of that ability to have a better access to those resources or to increase their control over the resources. Along with exacerbating the mental illness that the the human beings are prone to by the way their DNA expressed itself when building their neural networks of the brain.


It is an economy based on reciprocity where an individual reciprocates for having their needs and wants being satisfied by attending to tasks and duties that help not only themselves but also other individuals of the Society to have their needs and wants met.

Since the Society helps an individual to obtain the resources that they require to meet their needs and wants the individual has then a natural and moral obligation to reciprocate to help their Society in obtaining the resources and carryout other necessary functions to maintain the peace and harmony of the Society.

This reciprocation of the individual also helps in forming a trust between all the members of that community/Society.

It is an economy that promotes the sharing of talents and abilities so that the Society as a whole is able to ensure that it is able to meet all the obligations of the Society has to every single individual that comprises that Society.

Every individual was given talents and abilities but not every single talent or abilities but one , may be two talents and a range of abilities inline with their physical characteristics.

Though these talents and abilities can help the individual to survive but that is all it is mere survival like an animal though an intelligent animal. But by sharing their talents and abilities with other individuals increases their survival and it also makes their life more pleasurable.

Most individuals like to help others as then they can showcase their talents or abilities in helping others as they take a humble pride in their talent and abilities.

The economy makes it easier to share those talents and abilities by allowing the individual to follow their talents while at the same time allow them to display their abilities as they carryout their duties within the community. In other words the individual will tend to those tasks that they will find more enjoyable to do than other tasks.

An individual may have a mechanical talent, or a scholastic talent or an artistic talent but their abilities with those talents will decide the tasks that they will carry out in life.

But this does not mean that tasks that have some form of drudgery attached to it will not be done but they will be carried out since the requirement will not be required to be done by one individual but shared around the community and the performance of the task will be a short duration so that it will not seem like a drudgery to carry out. A task only becomes a drudgery when it it has to be done by an individual consistently and for long periods of time.


It is an economy that focuses upon the lessening the degradation of the land and water when extracting raw natural resources so endeavours to process raw materials as close as practicable to their extraction.

To reduce the degradation of the land and water the Society where it is practical to do so process the obtained natural resource as close as possible from where it was extracted with the materials resulting from the processing procedure is then distributed around the Society for further treatment to create the materials required to supply their wants.

The Society since it is arising from the ashes of a barbaric social structure adopts those technologies from that social structure that are used to process raw natural resources with low impacts on the environment. Though through time they improve on those technologies to further reduce the environmental impact.

By processing them as close as possible to where they are extracted reduces the need to transport the raw unprocessed natural resource thus reducing the need to invest in producing the means to transport the resource to where it will be processed.

This also means that the wastes generated by the processing of both non-renewable resources and renewable resources can be used to help to regenerate the environment that non-renewable resources were extracted from thus remaining in the environment from where they were extracted from and to help maintain the soil condition and fertility of the soil from where the renewable resources were grown.

It is an economy based upon the patience as it tunes itself back to the patience of Nature and the patience of her cycles of life.

In their frantic haste to make a profit the Vertical Structured Society fell out synchronisation with the pattern of cycles of Nature. This is displayed by their need to force the growth of plants and animals so that they can harvest from them more of the products they produced. These products are contaminated by the chemicals that they used to force this growth and which they have no real knowledge of the long term effects of the ingestion of these chemicals when allied to the stress of living in that structure.

In the Economy of a Society built upon equality they take this in to consideration so plan so that their people have an adequate diet by ensuring that during the lean months there is a sufficient stockpile of produce of all kinds using the various methods of preserving food. These stockpiles are created from the plant foods that grow well in their climatic environment in their geographical area. Though there may be a limited importation from other communities in their Society since Societies tend to cover a vaster range of climatic environments than a community. They may well also import foodstuffs from other Societies on a limited scale in line with their trading balances and the Society exporting the foodstuffs has the agricultural capacity to meet their own Society’s needs first then should they have an excess they can then export this excess.


It is an economy that does not plunder the natural resources for food products it provides but only takes what is sufficient to meet their needs and allows Nature to replenish the stock it produces.

It is an economy that allows an individual to live a meaningful life that allowed them to fulfil their duties to themselves and their Society. Whilst at the same time allowing them to live a full life in Freedom to enjoy the company of family and friends in full knowledge that although they were a servant of all but they never were servile to none.

A meaningful life is one where you work to satisfy your needs and wants, carried out your duties to your family and community without any undue stress in carrying out that work and duties as living life has it own stresses.

Freedom is being able to obtain what you require to live according to your talents and abilities with friends and family as you do so in your own way only limited by the rules that you and your fellow individuals collaborated on to ensure the peace and harmony of your community /Society. In the full knowledge that all though you are a servant of all you are not Servile to no-one but yourself.

It is an economy in which theft is nigh on extinct due to the proclivities of human psychology.

This is due to the fact that since you do not have to scheme and plan to obtain what you require to live your life. It is due also to the fact that all though you may not have an object you can easily obtain it by exchanging the means of exchange for it or you can ask your friends or a guild for loan of the object for your use. Since it is an economy where possession of objects other than those that are of personal nature do not add to your standing in the community/Society or make you look better than the rest of the individuals within your community/Society so there is no reason to steal.

Which also means that all the crimes committed to gain an advantage personally or socially will have no reason to be committed since the reason for it no longer exists.

Human psychology is that humans for no reason what so ever will take something that others have.


Trade between Societies of Equals.

Since within these Societies there is no motives for gain and profit when a Society wishes to acquire materials from other Societies they make a request to another Society for the material they are deficient in. Since no Society is ever 100% self-sufficient trade occurs to reduce those deficiencies.

Now in these Societies their means of exchange has two functions within the Society. One where their people have full and unprejudiced access to the Society resources. The second function is to act as a measure of the use of the resources so that it helps them monitor and control their resources to limit degradation of their lands they are stewards of. The objects that they obtain by use of the means of exchange reflects the value of the materials used in their creation due to where they were sourced from thus giving them knowledge about the extent of degradation of the land and environment from which they are extracted from giving them control over the price of the materials to regulate their use and allowing them to care for the lands they are stewards of.

Even between Societies there is no profit motive as well so they trade materials for materials with their means of exchange being used to measure the value of the dissimilar materials being exchanged only. Their means of exchange are never used to obtain the required materials only as a measure. The exchange rate of their respective means of exchange is based upon the alloy composition with a reference back to the object of value that it represents. In this way the Societies can have control to help preserve the lands they are stewards of.

Trade begins from a Society being deficient in a material requesting another Society that may have the deficient material for them to exchange materials with.. Other Societies upon acknowledging the request begin negotiations for the deficient material required with materials that they may be deficient in or could viably use to get materials from another Society for materials they are deficient in.

There is no using to obtain materials by using their means of exchange but only by the direct exchange of material for material. There is also no mass of exchange of created objects since every Society relies on its own people to create what they require to satisfy their needs and wants. Since they are not profit oriented information is readily exchanged and a Society will willingly assist other Societies in teaching them advances in technology and helping them establish the required manufacturing infrastructure for them to use the newer technologies for the benefit of their people. By assisting them in this way reduces the need for vast fleets of transportation to transport created objects from one end of the world to the other for they are not Societies based upon consumption for the sake of consumption in an effort to satisfy their unsatisfiable superfluous desires but Societies based upon satisfying their peoples needs and wants and those modest desires based upon their needs and wants.


Representative Of Value of Exchange (ROVE) Now in a Society based on Inequality they based their medium of exchange, since they were using the indirect barter system of exchange, on desirable metals that were hard to come by for the majority thus the upper echelons could and did own and control the mining of the ores of these metals.

But in the Society based upon Equality they base their medium of exchange not on something that was desirable but something that was needed to sustain life and anyone could grow the material, a cereal grain. Therefore had more a pertinent value to them than some inedible material. Though dried grains are durable to an extent they could not endure for decades let alone centuries and also requiring the large amounts that would be required to be used in exchanges made it impractical for use as the medium of exchange so they devised a system of representative value where they used a set mass and volume of the chosen grain to be the standard value nominally 100 -150 grams to be represented by a single metal coin. In the system the largest valued single coin of the highest value represented 10,000 single unit coins.

Thus giving them 10,000 units of value for use in their system of the medium of exchange consisting in total of 18 coins which they considered to be adequate to meet all the values that are likely to be encountered in the exchange of objects and services the Society required to meet and satisfy the individuals requirements to meet their personal needs and wants along with modest desires related to their wants.

Now they have their single reference for value they now select the best materials to differentiate between the lowest values of the reference objects, the middle values of reference objects and the highest values of the reference objects which are going to be used as the intermediary for all exchanges that they carry out and as a reference point when carrying out direct barter exchanges. They choose a base metal for the lowest values, a secondary metal for the intermediary values and a precious metal for the highest values.

Since our planet is stocked with copper, silver and gold they would choose these metals for their durability and relative ease of obtaining them in the quantities to satisfy their needs to carryout exchanges without hindrance or any impediments due to the lack of the value reference objects.

They then decide to alloy the metals so that they produce three distinct coloured alloys to represent the value reference objects. They use a ratio of 75% of the prime metal, 18.75% of the secondary metal and 6.25% for the least metal. So that the lowest contains copper, silver and gold, the middle contains silver, copper and gold, the highest contains gold, silver and copper.

In this way the lowest values are copperish, the secondary values are silvern and the highest values are golden.

They select copper to be the representative of the first 100 units of the Representative of value. Silver for the next 100 units of the Representative of value with gold for the all the highest values of the Representative of value. All these values are multiples of the Representative of value with the copper disc representing the 100 -150 grams of grain. All other 59

discs are multiples of that single copper disc. Though there is no 100 copper or silver discs as these then become the first disc of the next set of values.

Discs of metal are created to allow the easy carrying of the value representative objects.

They make the copper discs larger than the intermediary and the intermediary larger than the highest. But the copper is also fractionally lighter then the intermediary and the highest is the heaviest of the set. There is difference also in the thickness of the coins copper being the thinnest, intermediary a fraction thicker and the highest the thickest. In addition the copper is round, the intermediary is hexagonal and the highest is octagonal. This helps with recognition by touch and perceived weight of the discs.

The values shown on the discs are 1,2,5, 10, 20, 50, for all sets of the representative of value.

The value of these discs may vary but only slightly over time due to them reassessing the reference grain their value system is based upon or to align with perceived exchange practices that are occurring in that immediate time frame.

This system of exchange was devised after they concluded that when any object used as a medium of exchange not only had its own value but also carried to the next exchange the value of the object they were exchanged for. Therefore the medium had a face value but also was imbued with the value of the object or service they were exchanged for. They also gave it a secondary value by creating the coins from materials that for time immemorial been regarded as having a trade value. This medium of exchange which they called “Representative Of Value in Exchanges” or Rovie simply called a Rove or Rover. Its sole and only purpose and use was to be the carrier of value from one point of exchange to another point of exchange in the Indirect Barter System of trading. It could not be bought and sold itself but only exchanged value for value. For exchanges from one Society’s medium of exchange to another was based on the metal content of the medium of exchange’s alloy since the standard used for the single unit could vary between the Societies. Thus the reason for making it from recognised metals of trading value.

It cannot be manipulated as it set by the standard unit of the medium of exchange which it represents, that standard’s value does not alter even were the mass and volume is change by the Society it just purely represents one unit of value for use in exchanges to obtain an object or to give an object in an exchange for the unit of value.

In a Society of Equals profit is not the main or absolute reason for an exchange, but for the individual to obtain what they require to satisfy their needs and wants according to their individual requirements in life. Profiteering from an exchange means diddly squat since have an excessive amount of Rove does not grant the individual more say in their community and Society. It does not make them any better than any other individual but an individual to be more pitied than glorified.

A Society of Equals is also a frugal Society which simply means that they supply the individuals within it an easy access to an adequate diet and shelter and anything else they can provide is an add luxury of their life since they are a people oriented Society not a material oriented Society.


The Rove is also used in helping them plan for future requirements for the Society to ensure that they are capable of supplying the resources for the individual to satisfy their needs and wants. To help them plan also the effective use of natural resources to lessen the requirement for their extraction to replaces losses as no system planned by Humans is 100% efficient so there are losses. In this way they can lessen humanity’s impact on the environment.

With copper and silver being the main values used in day to day life and gold being infrequently being used.

Representatives of value Table


























Industry in a Society of Equals.

Since this Society developed from a Societal structure that was based upon inequality which led to it becoming economically a consumerism based economy in the drive to amass great material wealth for the few so its industries reflected this in having far to many enterprises to service a finite population on a planet with finite resources to create profits for the few. In the bid for more and more profit led to the destruction of the environment and the impoverishment of the masses even in those countries that had what they termed with having a high standard of living. In order to do this though they thought they owned the land and therefore the masters of the land; with even their religion telling them they were masters of the land in their religious texts.

In other words the few wanted their cake and eat it too; which with their propaganda called advertising they cajoled the masses to have that thinking as well but to consume. Which they accomplished by playing upon their desires to be someone better than all the rest, better than what they actually are.

In the process of going from a Society of Inequality to that of a Society of Equality they realised that in the first place no-one individual possessed the land and their Society were the stewards of the land that they occupied. Secondly that every single individual in that Society had the only entitlement that the Society ever grants to every single individual of the Society and that was full and unprejudiced access to the collective resources of the Society though there is a small unwritten caveat that being that there is a personal obligation to assist in creating those collective resources. In order that every individual of the Society can satisfy their needs and wants adequately and in line with their personal preferences. Since also in this Society the

“I” identifies with the “WE” where the “I” is not merge into the “WE” as the “I” understands that without the “WE” there cannot be an “I”. With this understanding the “I” realised that they themselves were accountable for their words and actions.

In the process of creating this Society they asked themselves these questions as profit is not their concern but the people are their concern: –

How many makers do we really require to satisfy the needs and wants of Society so that an individuals preferences can be also satisfied?

How many manufacturers do we require to satisfy the needs and wants so that the individuals can adequately satisfy their needs and wants for white goods, tools, household items etcetera?

How many makers of objects do we require to satisfy the market which is only our Society?

The answer they arrived at was: – ONE!

Why one?


Simple the manufacturer is Society itself and since they inherited the industries already running which included industries employing automation and that there is a lot of commonality in the creating of objects they decided to save natural resources both renewable and non-renewable resources they are able to use the automatic machinery to handle all the processes that would otherwise be a dull mundane task for an individual but which they require in relative abundance due to their nature or required close tolerances of the component.

Instead of transporting finished objects willy-nilly throughout the Society they opted for transporting the components themselves and created assembly plants to service a Community or a Region or a Province. In this way the individuals are able to have to a degree their personal preference met.

Their natural and renewable resources are processed as close as possible to where the resource was extracted or grown so that there was no need to transport in bulk the ores and plant materials to be processed elsewhere. This has two effects with the first one is that a site far from where an ore was extracted is not contaminated by the processes involved in extracting the metal this remains in the area where it was extracted and depending on the type of extraction used the refuse from the processing can be used to rehabilitate the site as the ore was extracted from since that is where it originated from. With plant based resources the wastes can be used to fertilise the land the plant material was grown on.

The second one is that there is less call for rolling stock to be used as they are now only transporting the processed material not the bulk material.

Due to their rearrangement of the economy a lot of industries that were basically only created to produce a profit disappeared due to there being no need to create a profit as material wealth did not guarantee the profiteer in anyway. Since a Society of Equals is based upon the welfare of the people a lot of services went back to where they truly belong in the communities.

They reduced the size of the manufacturing plants since there was no longer a need to produce objects 24/7/ 365-6. Since the market only was related directly to the population of the Society.

They dispersed the industries through out the Society so that the shipping distances for the components was as short as practicable but reasonable to either the next step in the creation of an object to be assembled into the final created object. The assembly plants were situated based upon size of the Communities since they provide the individuals whose task it was to assemble the final created object.

These assembly plants assembled the majority of objects required by the Community or Communities. They also created some of the components within these assembly complexes These assembly plants were also the warehouse for all the replacement parts that the Community/Communities required to repair objects that broke or wore out due to use as well as maintain the objects.


The manufacturing plants that produced the components to create objects from since they required more individuals to run them were sited in the higher populated areas which consisted of many Communities which were the centres of a Region or a Province depending on the objects they were producing so there was a flow of the components to the assembly plants of the Communities.

With the flow of agricultural objects going in the reverse direction to supply the larger populations of the Society.

The individuals to prevent the creation of a city to rural divide individuals from the larger population centres are required from time to time to time assist the rural Communities in the planting and harvesting of the agricultural objects. Where those individuals assist maintaining the required machinery used in the assistance of planting crops and their subsequent harvest.

This includes hands on experience especially at harvest time. In this way there is a connection made between the rural Communities and the larger population centres as there comes an understanding of those living in the larger population centres of the way their rural cousins live. The reverse also applies when there is a period where less hands are required in the rural Communities they can from time to time go to the larger population centres to experience life there as they assist their city cousins in their tasks and duties. Thus there is communication between them as they both learn from each other so ideas exchange.

The industries they retain is entirely on what the Community/Society wishes to provide for the individuals of the Community/Society so that they can satisfy their needs and wants adequately and satisfy modest desires that align with their needs and wants.


Schooling and Employment in a Society of Equals An Individuals education begins the minute they are brought in to the world but as the number of years slowly goes by their education goes from one of just informal education to one where they are introduced to formal education. With formal education they are taught both knowledge and all the methods employed in how think clearly and objectively. Thus they are given a tool so that they can objectively think upon all the events and happenings that occur in living in Society. In other words they are taught to think for themselves so that they can see behind any falsehoods and lies that others may sometimes try use for their own ends. Both methods of education are used to instil in them self-control and self-discipline so they have control over their Emotions, their Passions and their Desires as it is the assertion of self-control that leads to their Sovereign power so that they never become slaves to others in their thoughts and actions by their emotions, passions and desires.

Formal education is taking the student from what they know to what they did not know!

Formal schooling begins in their fourth or fifth year of life the primary years of their formal education. Where they are taught the basics of their language by being taught to read and write. They are taught arithmetic not mathematics since it is the basis upon which mathematics is built. We humans learnt to add and abstract long before we invented methods to manipulate numbers. The basics of geography, history. They are introduced to the sciences and engineering so that they obtain an appreciation of how science and engineering helps their Community/Society and them in their life. Along with Nature study so that they can begin to understand and appreciate the plants and animals that live along side them. This lasts till their tenth or eleventh year. In other words they are taught to walk before they can run.

The next stage begins in their eleventh or twelfth year of life and lasts for six years their secondary years of their formal education. Where they build upon the basics they were taught the previous six years. This is where they are introduced to the basics of mathematics, geology, biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy. It is where they are introduced to the crafts involving woodwork, metalwork, technical drawing, textile work and cooking to help prepare them for life. This lasts till their sixteenth or seventeenth year of life.

Art is a form of self expression so in their primary years they are given periods where they can practice art, as the create drawings, paintings, sculptures in modelling clay's. In their secondary years they are given lessons on the rudimentaries drawing, painting and sculpting to help them better express themselves via these mediums.

Music is also an art so in their primary years they are introduced to all the myriads of instruments that we Humans have developed to create pleasant sounds from. They are encouraged to sing solo or as a choir. Should they desire to take up playing an instrument they will be taught to play the instrument. In their secondary year they are taught the rudimentaries of music which will enhance their appreciation of music and those that have a talent for creating and making the music for them to listen to.


In their third stage or the beginning of their tertiary formal education is where they begin to follow the path they desire to follow in life in assisting their Community/Society to add to the collective resources of their Community/Society. Whether that be working with their hands employed at a trade, or to do further study to become the engineers, the scientists that help in the production of the materials, objects required by the Community/Society. The medical practitioners and medical researchers caring for the health of their Community/Society body wise and mentally. The philosophers that explore and investigate our World so that we Humans have a better understanding of the operation of the world around us so that we can be better stewards of our World. The philosophers that explore and investigate the history of the planet and its formation along with understanding the processes of the Universe. An individual never really leaves this stage of formal education as they may come back to it at a later time to pursue another avenue that is of both an interest to the individual but also when they desire to assist their Community in another field of employment.

Testing of subjects is non-competitive but a measure of how well they understand the subject matter they are being tested on. It is also an indicator to what talents and abilities so they have an idea of what possible tasks that would be best suited for them when they become an adult as per their own personal preferences. A measure of the effectiveness of the teacher’s ability to pass information onto their students so that they may make adjustments to be the best they can be for those that they teach.

When a child is gifted in any subject they are being taught they are not separated from the rest and their education is not fast tracked and this is for two reasons.

One —they require a childhood to be able to be balanced mature adults.

Two —so they are gifted in one area of their education means that they may well be lacking in other subjects that are just as important as the one they are gifted in since all subjects are of equal importance to the child to know.

As a child is growing up they are never asked “What would you like to be when you get older?” but rather “What would you like to do to assist your Community as you live your life?”

a Society of Equals is more about co-operation than competition so what ever an individual decides to do with their life it is an assistance to their Community not just about helping themselves.

The duration of the school day is similar to the present school day but the months of that schooling is dependent upon the Community/Society and the activities that take place within that Community/Society.

Their informal education takes place through out their childhood but like their formal education it never really ceases. It occurs when they carry out an action that requires admonishing due to its nature and this admonishment can be done by the parents or others of the Community since all children are considered the responsibility of all the Community for they are everyone's child. So everyone treats them as their own child who requires admonishment with respect and love. For were the adult were not to do so they themselves will be admonished by all the Community for their treatment of the child they were admonishing.


Guild Halls.

They created guild halls for the training of those that desire to be working at a particular trade. There are Guild Halls for each group of trades such as building, plumbing and construction, the mechanical and electrical trades, the textile industries, civil works, the arts and so forth. They also housed the engineers so that they could pass on to the tradespeople new ideas arising from research in their respective fields as well the engineers were learning from those tradespeople since they were hands on as there will always be a difference between book learning and hands on experience of the work.

Anyone can ask the respective trade to learn their trade should they have the desire to do so and they will be taught.

They are also custodians of a library of tools and instruments that could be borrowed by anyone in the community that is beyond their simple toolkit and so to them are specialist tools.

There are also the tools that even tradespeople only use occasionally as they are even more specialist tools. The tools in this library are maintained by the Guild Hall. This library then reduces the number of tools to be created thus reducing the impact on the environment but at the same time allowing everyone access to those tools when required.


Employment of a Society of Equals.

Within such a Society every individual understands that living in the Society imposes upon them an obligation to carry out tasks and duties in return for the having full and unprejudiced access to the collective resources of the society as well as full participation in the Governance of the Society. As the tasks they carry out adds to the collective resources and the duties they perform help maintain the peace and harmony of the society.

The tasks they carry out are in line with their innate talents and abilities not upon a desire for them to just get the best job they can gain a greater access to their society’s resources as well as making them appear better than what they really are. Their talents only show the field in which they carry their tasks out in, whilst their abilities will define the tasks that they will carry out in that field. Though this in no way restricts them from learning other tasks outside their talents to carryout as they live their life. This allows them to have more control of their lives by allowing them choices in their own employment through their life. Those choices being only constrained by the compromises that arise from living in a Society since Societal life requires compromises to create peace and harmony in the Society.

Due to the nature of their economy not requiring their industries going flat chat twenty four seven, three hundred and sixty five/six to supply a consumer driven economy the individual is only required a certain amount of hours a day/week to supply the Community/Society with all its needs and wants. Thus the hours worked on those tasks will be up to the individual or the team of individuals so as to ensure they can make their commitment to Supply the Community/Society with the objects they create or services performed.

In a Society of Equals since they are all Equal they hold that they are accountable for the words and actions. So they carry this unrealised mentality: –

“ The “I” self identifies with the “We” though the “I” is not merged into the “We” as the I understands that without the “We” there never can be an “I”.

This self identification with the “We” due to the Human habit when they identify with a group they like to gain their approbation in what they do to earn the respect of the group which is reflected in the increasing “I’s” own self respect. Therefore it would be this loss of self respect as well as the loss of respect from the “We” that will give the impetus for the “I” to carry out the tasks required of them with diligence and thoughtfulness as well as the duties they perform for their Community/Society.

In this Society this obligation is not as onerous as the obligation that befalls on an individual when they have to supply all their needs and wants themselves or in a Society of unequal's. As they are only carrying out a few tasks to add to the collective resources while other individuals doing the same. This then allows them all to have time to spare to enjoy life as they interact with their family and their Community.

Due to the Society not being driven by Consumerism or by the profit motive means that there will be always more individuals than what is required to perform the tasks required to 68

supply their needs and wants adequately. Thus the number of hours required of an individual to perform the tasks required of them will be much less than before. This then allows individuals to resume old crafts that were lost due to the former structures profit motive driven industrialisation thus giving an individual another choice to help supply their Community’s wants. Since the “I” does not merge with the “We” means that there is room to show their individuality as a person. It also allows an individual to obtain clothing and footwear that conforms to their own body shape better than those that are industrially made even though they are also made to high quality standards. The hours they put into their work will be entirely up to themselves within reason and by the requirements of their Community along with the duties they perform for their Community/Society.

The actual hours that they would expect to work is set by the Community/Society and is the minimum hours required by all individuals to supply the requirements of the Community/Society for a given time span. These hours they work is them fulfilling their obligation to the Community/Society as living in the Community/Society imposes this obligation in return for the Community/Society ensuring they are able to satisfy their needs and wants in accord to their personal preferences.


Religion in a Society of Equals.

No organisation within a Society of Equals is free from the same obligations imposed upon the individuals with those being openness, honesty and integrity. Therefore no religious organisation is exempt from these obligations.

Therefore religious organisations need to comply with this standard of openness, honesty and integrity since they also are not granted privileges just as the individuals are not granted privileges. This will mean to the organisation that they are unable to have secrets nor will it be able to expound any decree to its followers since it has to follow the normal system of the Society where rules come from the followers not those leading the organisation. Also their structure cannot be hierarchical it has to devolve and follow the normal structure of the Society.

In this structure of Society there also cannot be any fomenting of hate and division between either the followers or the Society. Nor can they impose their beliefs and faith on their children till the child is of an age and maturity where they can be able to make their own personal choice in following their parents religious beliefs or not.

An individual that accepts the Equality of all Human beings notices that Human Spirituality that gives rise to religion is in reality is a personal attempt to explain the experiences that they have that cannot be explained by the normal methods used to explain phenomena that Humans experience.

So the religion within this Society will be a personal religion based upon the Equality of all that they have been taught since the day of their birth. Should they ever decide to create a god they can call upon when in distress will be imbued with those same qualities of Equality. A god who desires not to be worshipped but for the individual to live a life that emulates their god by being a good honest person with benevolence and compassion for their fellow Human beings.

The stories they tell of their god will be of a god filled with the love and benevolence of their creation. Where in the deeds they tell of their god will be where their god punished those that were bad and did bad things would ultimately be punished whilst the good would be reward in their life. Their god will not be offering them anything when they cease to be, they won’t offer a paradise nor will the punish them with eternal damnation. Instead they will teach them not to fear their death nor embrace their death but except their final fate with equanimity and peace.

Should the people wish to bring a religious feeling to a festivity and mention a god then that sentiment would be the outcome inspired by all the individuals not by a single individual.


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The mindset of a free man.

For a free man they accept that everyone else is like them.

They have fears – the others have fears.

They have emotions – the others have emotions.

They have passions – the others have passions.

They have talents – the others have talents different to them.

They have needs to live their life – the others have similar needs to live their life.

They have wants to make life more comfortable – the others have wants to make their life more comfortable.

They have desires – the others have desires.

They wish to live peacefully – the others want to live peacefully.

They do not like confrontations – the others do not like confrontations.

They prefer to settle disputes amicably – the others prefer to settle disputes amicably.

They realise that the way they depict others says more about them than the person they depict.

They realise that Kindness and Benevolence is far better than threats and violence for that only creates enemies that destroy their peaceful life.

They realise that they are required to work with their brothers and sisters to ensure their welfare thus ensuring their own welfare and the welfare of their Community/Society.

They realise that living in a community/ a Society imposed responsibilities and obligations to help with the welfare of those individuals that Providence did not look to kindly at so require care from their Community/Society.

To fulfil their responsibilities and obligations they realise that they must think for themselves and question all that they are told so that they become more knowledgeable.

They realise that it is up to them in conjunction with their brothers and sisters to create the rules that allow their Community/Society functions peacefully and with harmony within it. Their leaders arise from those that through their actions and works with the Community has the capabilities to guide their Community/Society through the years with justice and wisdom.


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Such is the mindset of a free man who never feels powerless for the power resides within him to alter what requires to be altered.

That within their present Societal structure that they when they must select the person to represent them that person must have shown Honesty, Integrity and genuine concern for their fellow citizen’s welfare as they carried out roles within their Community/Society. Thus in this structure they realise that for them to have strong leaders they themselves must be strong, Honest and have integrity since the person they select is a reflection of his own worthiness as a citizen of the Society.



The preceding is but the germ of an idea for a revolution that cannot be carried out by violent means where for the revolution comes when the individuals decide to become Masters of themselves and assert their Sovereign Power when they along with other liked minded individuals set the boundaries of their behaviour between themselves as they work in cooperation to meet their needs and wants to live their lives more closer to their own personal preferences whilst maintaining the Peace and Harmony of the Society they have formed.

Prior revolutionaries always overlooked this aspect of Equality in the revolutionary zeal for all they were doing was replacing the actors in the upper echelons of their Society. They were changing nothing at all. All of them from Karl Marx to Che Guevara although they had concerns to lift the majority from what they all endured did not understand the power of Equality because all their thinking was still mired in the framework of the Societies that produced them.

A structure that is based on a framework of Inequality which they persisted in still using for their vision while espousing a form of Equality of some sort or another. Not realising that while ever there were the struts that supported Inequality there never could be any form of Equality.

Those struts are Privileges and Entitlements. Remove them then Inequality falters and falls as all the individuals become down to the same level and have to hold themselves accountable for their Words and Actions to themselves as well as the other individuals they are co-operating with to live their lives as there are no privileges and entitlements for them to hide behind to avoid being held accountable for the words and actions by Society let alone themselves.

Even anarchists seem to overlook this fact of Equality as I in all my reading of anarchist literature never address this question of treating each other as Equals but more about individuality and individual liberty which they take for freedom but sadly it is not. As the Hippie communes found out as they had their liberty but still had not found their freedom.

Freedom is merely ability to live your life according to your own preferences without servility to no-one except yourself as you co-operate with others of your Society to ensure that you and your society have all your needs and wants met whilst showing and acting with respect towards one another as you do so.

Is it achievable?

Yes! It is but do not expect it to be like a revolution committed at muzzle of a weapon but is the revolution of generations as our children need to be taught to treat each other as equals as we adults have to also rid ourselves of the bias created by the vertical structured Society, our sense of privilege and entitlement we hold as well so that we can be better role models for them. The institutions that are in place at the moment have to start eroding the laws that grant privileges and protect privileges.

We have to start holding the upper echelons of our present society accountable for their words and actions with the application of Justice in accordance their words and actions in the same manner that the lower echelons are held to account for their words and actions. In other words you break the law then suffer the consequences of breaking the law.


We have to start bring in at the same time guidelines to help Communities establish themselves and they set the guidelines for the functioning of the community.

Will it be easy?

No! it will not be easy for the beginning generation but as the Communities/Society slowly get established it will become easier. But what great achievement of Humanity’s ever been easy?

The easiness of the beginning boils down to how willing all of Humanity is willing to purge Humanity of the brutalities of War, Poverty, Hunger and Human Slavery whether it it is chattel slavery or wage slavery they are both the same the denigration of a Human being to where they are no more than beasts of burden for another Human being so that they can live off the cream of Society.

These are the words of Laozi or Master Lao commonly called Lao Tzu 6th century – 4th century BC

“At the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.

He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.

He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”

The writer of this work is fully aware that many will dispute the evidence presented which arises from their own biases created by their position within their own Society and their ambitions to be a top dog in their Society which blinds their mind. Some will do so even though they are at the base echelon of their Society but the majority of naysayer’s will come from the upper echelons of Society as this thought of true equality of all threatens their privileges and entitlements that they have granted to themselves for centuries. Some will be those that study sociology for they only believe that the structure of society is about the institutions that Society creates for command and control of the masses without considering that everything that is built, even in nature, is constructed upon a framework; with the framework of the present structure of Society based upon Inequality supported by privileges and entitlements.

The Australian Aboriginal people that are alive to-day are the remnants of the oldest culture of Humanity that this world has witnessed consisting of over 500 languages and as many mobs people. How did it survive for 65,000 plus years?

Two reasons basically!

One — They did not possess the land, the land possessed them.

Two — They treated each other more equally and ensured that everyone had access to the resources of their respective people.


That is till the arrogant hierarchical structured Europeans decided to invade our land, our garray, and decided that since our Society since it is based upon Equality was a threat to their domination of the World of Humanity tried to erase our culture from the face of the Earth.

For had it survived in toto then their upper echelons would have seen their privileges and entitlements being slowly eroded as the knowledge of it slowly spread across the European continent to the peasants of Europe.

The Aboriginal people were not the only ones that viewed the land they lived on did not belong to them as the Amerindians of the North American continent also held the same view and held it to be sacred as their Mother.

This is the difference between the Aboriginal structure of their Societies and European Societies amounted to this since I also happen to be a product of that invasion.

While my great, great, great, great grandmother who hailed from London needed to steal to survive in the London of her days. My other great,great,great, great grandmother of the Awabakal people was living like a Queen off the fat of the land.

So who had the better quality of life? The European or the Aboriginal?

Personally I have viewed people as my equal all my life as what have they got that that I did not have! Nothing really! Oh! They may have had more of what I now realise is a delusion and our bodily characteristics and mental abilities may have varied but the reality is that we were not that much markedly different really. It was not till I came to understand the role that our DNA played in making each one of us different and unique.

As a couple of wits back in the days of enlightenment stated

" Du hast das nicht, was andre haben, Und andern mangeln deine Gaben; Aus dieser Unvollkommenheit Entspringet die Geselligkeit. "

Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715 – 1769) – Fabeln, etc. – 1. Buch. Der Blinde und der Lahme. Str. 5.

"What others have you don't possess. And of thy gifts some men have less, And thus from all our common failing The best of friendship is prevailing."

There is a sort of economy in Providence that one shall excel where another is defective, in order to make them more useful to each other, and mix them in society.

– Joseph Addison (1672 – 1719)

Ah ha you will say that I have an axe to grind!

I cannot change history as it is set in the bedrock of time, so any ranting and raving about it is going to achieve absolutely nothing at all except give me ulcers and poor health. All I feel is a deep sorrow for humanity for instead of rising up above their animal instincts they instead have hurtled themselves down the path back towards the barbarity of their Homo predecessors the only difference is they have technology to aid them in their barbarity towards each other.


As master Lao also observed

“Man's enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself.”

Why should we be enemies? We have nothing to gain for being so!

Just some thoughts that may or may not get you thinking I have no idea but hoping that it does. Should you desire to disprove all that I have said then you better have a good unquestionable proof and evidence to back that discreditation stripped of emotion.

Whether you accept the forgoing river of words well and good but if not then that bothers me naught in the least as it says more about you than me.

Mullity Nik-Ken-Bah.—A Human being before all else.

A proud guri of the Awabakal People from Mulubinba.

But also a descendant of a First Fleeter through my Mother.

Aug 2022.


Pre-revolutionary times


Post revolution

Horizontally Structured


85% of the


100% of the




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Shelter in a Society of Equals

In a Society of Equals to ensure that these two problems are addressed the first being that everyone within their Society has adequate shelter. The second being they have to look after the environment since all building materials must come from the environment. They understand that there is no need for palaces, mansions or mac-mansions as these were nothing more to say to the rest of Society by the owners look at me I’m better than you.

So they as a Society decide they must therefore constrain the size and total floor area since everyone has equal and unprejudiced access to their collective resources. So they decreed that the total floor area for their shelter must not be greater than what is required by a family with children that allowed them adequate space within which to live, for those desiring to live without a partner and for those couples that had no desire to have children.

They also decreed that the shell of the shelter must durable to endure standing for 100 years with minimal erosion of the surfaces exposed to the elements. While allowing the internal wall arrangement to be altered to suit those that were living in that shelter to suit their own personal preferences.

This Society also considered the what would be the most comfortable though adequate floor area for rooms within the shelter.

They may concluded the following that the most adequate size was between 10 building squares and 15 building squares ( Building square is 100 square feet imperial or 9.2903 M2 ) Room sizing 10 square shelter


Imperial feet


Length m Width m

Area m2



Area sq ft

Master Bedroom







Other bedroom -1







Other bedroom -2




























Laundry area












10 squares equals 1000 square feet or 92.903 square metres.

As 1 building square = 100 square feet or 9.2903 square metres.

11.95 feet per side or 3.64 metres per side for 7 rooms of equal floor area on a 10 square floor plan.


Room sizing 15 Square shelter


Imperial feet








Master Bedroom







Other bedroom -1







Other bedroom -2




























Laundry area












15 squares equals 1500 square feet or 139.36 square metres.

As 1 building square = 100 square feet or 9.2903 square metres.

14,64 feet per side or 4,46 metres per side for 7 rooms of equal floor area on a 15 square floor plan.

The Community/Society builds the shelter but they just build a bare shelter where just the load bearing walls and roof are built and the individual/s arrange the internal walls to suit their own personal preferences.

The Community/Society to help in creating villages, towns and cities with the smallest building footprint on the land build apartments with adequate space between them to allow spaces between the apartment blocks to give the inhabitants green areas for relaxation and for the children to play in. it also allow the residents of the apartments with green thumbs to grow flowers and such like.

Town Planning

Town planning for this society was that the larger buildings required for use for their assembly/warehouse and alike they endeavoured to use the most unsuitable areas for agricultural pursuits or for residential purposes due to the underlying soil structure as these larger buildings the upper portions of the building were above ground whilst the rest of the building was underground. They utilised the underground section of the building to store materials and other necessary objects for the above ground portion of the building. The material removed to create the underground section where ever possible as building material for other buildings. Again these buildings were built to last a long time, so that they can be if they require it for another function it can be repurposed for that function.

They endeavour to have all buildings in a park like surroundings for psychological reasons to help reduce stress in individuals that carry out their tasks in these buildings.


Image 25

The Revolutionary cycles of a Vertically structured Society.



Important decisions are reached by consensus, which process requires the taking of ample time.

In traditional Aboriginal society important decisions must be reached by the social process of consensus. Without consensus, a decision affecting the group is unlikely to be implemented.

This also occurs in a Society of Equals and to reach consensus requires time.

Time is needed;

Time is needed to work out the implications, how this will affect that and how that will affect something else;

Time to consider the alternatives;

Time to take into account new thoughts that did not occur to them earlier.

Time to strike balances between winners and gainers;

Time to make sure of consensus.

It is also when striking the balance between winners and gainers it is the balancing of the what is lost and what is gained when considering the subject at hand by all.


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Delusional Man

“The world is seldom what it seems; to man, who dimly sees, realities appear as dreams, and dreams realities.”

— Samuel Johnson

“The only school of genuine moral sentiment is society between equals.”

– John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)

The world is seldom what it seems; to man, who dimly sees, realities appear as illusions, and illusions as realities.

Their first illusion was and still have not shaken off for all their intelligence is that they can be masters of others. The reality is that there is but one they can master “Themselves!”

Their societal structure remains in the neolithic period when the intelligence and knowledge was based on ignorance on the workings of Mother Nature so their first illusion drove them to construct one where that first illusion was satisfied. Then they employed another illusion to support this first illusion by sanctifying and fortifying the structure it is called organised religion.

Their second illusion is that they can give something they do not have to be used in their economic systems of the present day from the future but when the time comes to remit they cannot do so for they still do not have it so they take from the future once again except more to cover their past takings as well. They gave it the name Credit. They in their greedy avaricious illusions did not understand the role that their means of exchange played within their “Indirect Barter System” they used for all to acquire what they required to satisfy their Needs, their Wants whilst desires were fulfilled by judicious arrangement of the Means of Exchange they acquired by honest employment.

The third and most deadly illusion is that they can forego the right to think and allow others to think on their behalf. This leads to where they will quaff the poison of lies and falsehoods in a single draught;whilst only taking truths a grain at a time, truths that their very life depends upon. Knowledge is the key to thinking for yourself but the masses prefer to be ignorant and unthinking for the proportion of those who think is extremely small; yet every individual flatters himself that he is one of the number.


Ruins Or A Survey Of The Revolutions Of Empires.

Do you think that I am the only individual to think upon these subjects then you are sadly mistaken for it has been the wise voices of the past that I listened to such as the voice of Constantin François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney (3 February 1757 – 25 April 1820) and he had this to say

“Yes, ignorance and the love of accumulation, these are the two sources of all the plagues that infest the life of man! They have inspired him with false ideas of his happiness, and prompted him to misconstrue and infringe the laws of nature, as they related to the connexion between him and exterior objects. Through them his conduct has been injurious to his own existence, and he has thus violated the duty he owes to himself; they have fortified his heart against: compassion, and his mind against the dictates of justice, and he has thus violated the duty he owes to others.

By ignorance and inordinate desire, man has armed himself against man, family against family, tribe against tribe, and the earth is converted into a bloody theatre of discord and robbery.

They have sown the seeds of secret war in the bosom of every state, divided the citizens from each other, and the same society is constituted of oppressors and oppressed, of masters and slaves.

They have taught the heads of nations, with audacious insolence, to turn the arms of the society against itself, and to build upon mercenary avidity the fabric of political despotism: or they have taught a more hypocritical and deep-laid project, that imposed, as the dictate of heaven, lying sanctions and a sacrilegious yoke; thus rendering avarice the source of credulity.

In fine, they have corrupted every idea of good and evil, just and unjust, virtue and vice: they have misled nations in a never-ending labyrinth of calamity and mistake. Ignorance and the love of accumulation!

These are the malevolent beings that have laid waste the earth; these are the decrees of fates, that have overturned empires; these are the celestial maledictions that have struck those walls once so glorious, and converted the splendour of a populous city into a faded spectacle of ruins!.... Since then it was from his own bosom all the evils proceeded that have vexed the life of man, it was there also he ought to have sought the remedies, where only they are to be found Self-love, the eternal spring of action in every individual, was thus the necessary basis of all associations -, and upon the observance of this natural law has the fate of every nation{Group of Human beings} depended.

Self-love, impetuous and rash, renders man the enemy of man, and of consequence perpetually tends to the dissolution of society.

In one country, the chiefs, equal strength, mutually afraid of each other, have formed vile compacts and coalitions, and portioning out power, rank, honours, have arrogated to themselves privileges and immunities; have erected themselves into separate bodies and 84

distinct classes; have tyrannised in common over the people, and, under the name of aristocracy the state has been tormented by the passions of the wealthy and the great.

In another country, tending to the same end by different means, sacred impostors have taken advantage of the credulity of the ignorant.

In the secrecy of temples, and behind the veil of altars, they have made the Gods speak and act; have delivered oracles, worked pretended miracles, ordered sacrifices, imposed offerings, prescribed endowments; and, under the name of theocracy and religion the state has been tormented by the passions of priests.”

What sublime and truly celestial doctrines! What purity of morals, and how worthy of apostleship and martyrdom!

I will cross the seas to teach these admirable laws to savage people and distant nations. I will say to them

Children of nature, how long will you wander in the paths of ignorance?

How long will you be blind to the true principles of morality and religion?

Visit civilised nations, and take lessons of pious and learned people.

They will teach you,

That, to please God, you must in certain months of the year faint all day with hunger and thirst.

They will teach you how you may shed the blood of your neighbour, and purify yourselves from the stain, by repeating a profession of faith, and making a methodical ablution: How you may rob him of his goods, and be absolved from the guilt, by sharing them with certain persons, whose profession it is to live in idleness upon the labour of others.

Desire to know more of what spoke then you can more in his book Ruins Or A Survey Of The Revolutions Of Empires. By M. Volney, 1795

It can be acquired via the Internet Archive site.


Homo Arrogancsis

Oh! Human Beings, you call your species “Homo sapien sapien – very Wise man”.

But are you really wise?

Your much vaunted technology is a product of Tyranny and Avarice, whilst your Social structure is a stagnant,frozen Neolithic structure and it has not progressed along with your technology as it progressed.


When you became a more sedentary species due to you learning how to grow the plants and domesticated animals to meet your needs. The structure of your society was such that it gave rise to those of you that thought they had the right to subjugate their fellow humans and make the subjugated ones to provide them with a life of ease. To that end they used fear and intimidation to maintain their position within your society. They used your beliefs that explained the world around you, as you had no understanding of the workings of the world around you. At that time you believed that a god or gods controlled the world around you and you.

The tyrants perverted your beliefs to create the ruse that they are either a manifestation of a god or the representative of a god to maintain their power over you and in a modified form is still being used to-day to control you in the form of the Abrahamic religions and other religions that require you to bow and scrape to the god/gods of that religion. It also became a solace in your life to help you bear the privation and deprivation of your life created by the tyrants ruling over you! Thus religion also robbed you of your true ability to think for yourself by saying that it has has all the answers to life and the world around you!

Once they had gained this control of you they then proceeded to wage war against other groups of people to extract tributes of food and other goods desired by them. In waging these wars as the arts and crafts were learnt these were perverted for use in waging these wars.

But these societies instead of progressing and improving their structure for benefit of all in their society, stagnated and rusted into the societies we have to-day. Where a persons circumstances in life is governed by the circumstances of their birth. Where they that are born in to the so called royalty of society they will not truly experience the life of those supposedly born below them in society. Where they that are born in to the so called Wealthy of society they will not truly experience the life of those supposedly born below them or above them in society. Where they that are born in to the so called lower strata of society they will only experience a life of servitude serving those in the upper echelons of society.

Technology! What is it?

It is the physical application of the abstract knowledge of the physical world. This abstract is also known as science. The word science itself just means knowledge.


Prior to the so called industrial revolution knowledge and technology was spluttering along and the merchants were making profits by buying goods that were either unobtainable in their home country or of a desirable nature that all though manufactured in their home country have a different quality or made from an exotic material unobtainable in their home country or to appease the whims and fancies of royalty and the wealthy.

The so called industrial revolution occurred at the same time as the beginning of the age of enlightenment. But it was not driven by enlightenment but by avarice of the upper strata of society. The lower strata of the society became the mere automatons producing the goods that they were lucky to ever be able to acquire as the upper strata made sure of that by reimbursing them with just enough to keep a pitiful roof over the heads and most meagerly of foods and clothing to keep body and soul together and covered from the elements.

Centuries rolled by and here we are in the present where nothing has changed in reality.

The industrial revolution went gang busters where we as a species are witnessing the beginning of the greatest extinction event in 66 million years, a planetary climate that is heating up, and the destruction of the very web of life that not only do the other species both flora and fauna depend upon but WE ourselves also depend upon for existence.

And all I hear is the lines “ Oh! Our technology will saves us!”

Yes! The very same technology that is destroying it will help them.

That is sheer ARROGANCE.

Arrogance is not only thinking you are better than somebody else or know everything, it is also on the species level is in the thinking their species has all the answers. But to have all the answers to situations as they arise therefore must you must also have all the knowledge to answer those situations with a good all encompassing certainty the remedies applied will succeed within bounds set by Nature.

Homo sapien sapien does not have all that knowledge thus does not have all the answers.

“For a Civilisation to prosper materially over and above what is actually required to maintain a life with dignity, then the Planet must be impoverished to the ultimate disadvantage of all life including their own”

That waging war was not solving anything except to exacerbating the destruction of the Planet by the constant need to totally rebuild their cities and towns and to re-arm themselves.

True peace is never achieved as every individual is living under the shadow of the next war to come. It creates a fear that festers deep within the individuals of the society thus making it easier for the next war-monger to incite the people to war so exorcising the fear within.

Mullity Nik-Ken-Bah


There is no such thing as a great country.

People bang on about how great their country is — Oh! Really?

This is what a Great country should look like.

No poverty.

No privileges.

No entitlements.

Every individual has an equal and unprejudiced access to the resources of the country as the resources belong to all not the few.

Therefore the Societal framework and structure has to be horizontal not vertical.

No-one is treated as greater or lesser than everyone else but as equals which arises from the uniqueness of every individual which is created by the expression of their DNA giving them various talents and abilities.

The laws are created by the people and diffuse through the communities not created by the few for the few to bestow and enhance their privileges and entitlements as well as protect those privileges and entitlements.

Their economics is based in reality not a delusion. Their coinage represents the physical reality of the abstraction called value which is determined by the people and remains steadfast through time. Though prices of objects may rise and fall the value of the coinage which is their intermediary of exchange remains constant through time. The prices of indirect barter do not reflect the value of the object to the Society. The value the Society gives the object is just the value around which prices are determined. The value determined by Society is based on whether the article fulfils a need, a want or just a desire. In exchanges a need is valued the lowest, then wants are mid range whilst desires are the highest when they do not satisfy a desire that is neither aligned with a Need or a Want. This is to ensure that their people have access to food and shelter and they can satisfy their desires by being frugal and saving their coinage.

Now in this Great Country every person’s time will be valued exactly the same no matter how they are employed whether it is goona kicking or doing life saving surgery. As at both ends of the employment spectrum they are doing a service for their country. One’s work is the prevention of ailments by keeping the working environments clean and obstruction free whilst the other is remedying outcomes of poor hygiene and accidents. In advanced countries this is reflected by the fact that everyone is issued with an amount of coinage that Society has determined that it will supply their people with an adequate and substantial diet without gluttony or deficiency, maintain their shelter and a very small allowance to help them meet desires that add to their life. When they purchase anything all they are paying for is the materials not the labour costs since everyone receives the same amount of the stipend.

Do you even meet a fraction of those requirements to declare yourself a Great Country?

Till you can meet those requirements to answer that question with an emphatic YES stop calling yourself a great country.


True Democracy

In all my reading on democracy I have noticed that they speak of equality but yet fail to realise that for “Equality” to occur requires the abandonment of the hierarchical structured society and the rescinding of of all privileges that abound in the society as a good portion of these have not resulted in being derived from the majority but granted by the wording of the law and and its application by those that are the privileged class to begin with. Some privileges are rooted in the both the ethnicity and colour of peoples skins. It is not races as they call it as there is but one race, one species with that being the “Human race, the human species”; of which there are many variations we are an amorphous species. A politician becomes a privileged person when they sit and represent their constituent in parliament; some of these privileges extend beyond the term of their office.

{“True democracy will carry on an insistent search for these wisest and best, and will elevate them to posts of leadership and command.” quoted by Nicholas Murray Butler}

True democracy rejects the doctrine that mediocrity is a safeguard for liberty, and points to the fact that the only serious menace to liberty comes from the predominance of monopoly, of privilege, and of majorities. quoted by Nicholas Murray Butler. { Place /equality just after liberty and you will understand why liberty requires equality and vice versa as both these are threatened by exactly what he portrays as being threats to liberty alone. The writer himself cannot let go of the privileges that are bestowed upon him just for being the President of Columbia University. Where as in a true democracy all he would be granted is the gratitude of the communities that are stewards for that university and receive the same respect as other elders of the communities.}

Elders in a community are those that through their own ability in the field that they chose to assist the community in; have shown that their judgements are sound based upon their understanding of their field of endeavour along with those judgements in relation to community affairs. For their teaching of the children and youths not only their field but also the rules and laws of the community as they interact with the rest of their community day to day. It is the community elders (All not just one) who decides when a community member becomes an Elder both in their field they chose to assist the community and also as a community Elder and Guide for the community.

Can an Elder lose their Eldership?

Yes! They can when by their own words and actions they lose the respect from the individuals of their community as they have to uphold their integrity, honesty, openness, and justice. Just as every other individual is required to do the same.


No Control Makes for Servility!

Want to stop domestic violence — Take Control.

Want to end community violence — Take Control.

Want to end the bloodshed of War — Take Control.

Want to live peacefully besides your neighbour — Take Control.

Want to live in a peaceful caring community — Take Control.

Want to end corruption in the Community — Take Control.

Want to end rorts perpetrated by politicians — Take Control.

Want leaders with Integrity, openness and Honesty — Take Control.

Want to live your life and not just merely exist — Take Control.

Want equal and unprejudiced access to the collective resources of your Society — Take Control.

Want to achieve all the foregoing then all you have to do is — Take Control.

None of this will ever achieved whilst ever you hand your control of your Sovereign power that resides only within you to someone else to do your thinking for you under the guise of governing your Society.

When are you going to realise that you are Society and co-operation is way far better than competition within a Society.

So when in flamin’ Hades are you going wrest back your Sovereign power?

But how you say?

By mastering your emotions, mastering your passions, mastering your desires that effing simple.

Until you do so stop your beefing, bellyaching, bleating, carping, caterwauling, complaining, crabbing, croaking, fussing, griping, grizzling, grouching, grousing, growling, grumbling, grumping, hollering, inveighing, keening, kicking, kvetching, maundering moaning, murmuring, muttering, nagging, repining, screaming, squawking, squealing, wailing, whimpering, whingeing, whining, yammering, yawping, yowling about how things are – as they are not going to get any better till you do that simple exercise of SELF CONTROL.


In your lack of self control caused by your lack of mastership of your emotion, your passions, your desires you are giving tacit approval for and complicit in domestic violence, community violence, blood-shedding wars. Why you cannot live peacefully with your neighbours nor live in a peaceful caring community. It is why you cannot stop the corruption within your community nor the rorts committed by your so called politicians. Why you have leaders that lack integrity, openness and upright honesty. It is why you cannot live as you see fit but merely exist. Why the only ones with unprejudiced access to your Society’s collective resources all belong to the upper echelons of your unequal Society but not your echelon. You are servile till you do



All men would be masters

Goethe wrote this in the 18th century

“All men would be masters of others, and no man is lord of himself.” – J. W. von Goethe. (1749 –


though I would more than likely as not write it as follows,

“All men are ambitious to be masters of others, but no man is willing to be Lord of himself”

Why is this so?

It is far easier to become masters of others than it is to be Lord of himself due to the very structure of our society makes it easier to become a master of others whilst it makes it very hard , though not impossible, to be master of yourself. It is also due to that everyone cannot face who they really are warts and all.

This structure makes it far easier to be masters of others as it grants more privileges as a person gains more material wealth for himself. But to master yourself requires courage to face who you really are and it matters not in the least the amount of material wealth you have for it not helps you in confronting yourself. In fact it hinders you in confronting who you really are.

The wise men and women of yore realised it when they said it is only in adversity does it show the true man. Their integrity, their honesty, their truthfulness and the benevolence and kindness they show in their heart.

Now in a society that does not grant any privileges to their members no matter how material wealthy they become does not allow them to be masters of others as each member is lord of themselves as their standing within their society relies on on the amount of Integrity, Honesty, Truthfulness, as well as the benevolence and kindness of their heart they display to their fellow members of the Society. Their standing also relies on the wisdom they display in using their knowledge to overcome issues that arise in their life and within their Society.

In such a Society a person has no recourse other than to confront and go to work on themselves, to improve themselves and thus their standing within their Society. This standing reflects the real respect shown to a person by others in that Society. The esteem held for a person reflects how they helped their Society when it is confronted with issues affecting that Society.

This form of Society is based on where everyone within the Society has equal rights to the resources of that Society no matter their personal handicaps or character. Where Justice is given equally to all, as everyone is held accountable for their words and actions.

In other words

“They accept everyone is equal in access to Society’s resources and all rights given by the Society by their laws.”


Possession All of Yourself.

John Locke made this observation “Every man has a property in his own person; this nobody has a right to but himself.” – John Locke.– (1632 – 1704).

Your body is the only body that you have right to do what ever you want with it including the right to sell it into servitude for a pittance, which a vast majority do and call it work!

Your mind you see, is also part of that body and although you sell your body into servitude you are only to willing to hand that mind to anyone and everyone! How do you do this?

You accomplish that by believing in what you are told without really questioning what you are told. You never match their words to their actions, you instead turn a blind eye to their actions and hear only what you will get even if it is crumbs like a slave. Why?

You are scared and who are you scared of? Yourself! As all the things that you in your imagination perceive others will do to you are what you are also capable of and your fears are just a reflection of yourself no-one else! So you try to get the upper hand over everyone else.

Now an even older observer on human nature Master Lao made this observation in his time.

“Mastering others is strength, Mastering yourself is true power.” Lao Tzu (circa 6-4 BC ).

Therein lies the way to overcome your fears learn to govern yourself by understanding who you really are and as you come to that understanding begin by controlling yourself; your passions, your desires, using kindness instead of the bluff and thunder towards others that you now use; begin working with others so that not only you receive what you want but they do too.

A German poet gave an idea on how to know yourself

“Wouldst thou know thyself, then see how others act; wouldst thou understand others, look thou into thine own heart.”

– Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759 – 1805).


The Superior Individual.

The Superior Individual is one that can by their own abilities and skills can supply all that is required to supply all their needs and their wants and desires by the their own individual efforts.

Which is grow all their own food then prepare it for storage.

Create all the tools and instruments that they require to assist in supplying their needs and wants by their own efforts.

Obtain by themselves all the material resources that they require to create their tools, instruments and sundry other items.

So first off they have to be a farmer and husbandry person.

Then at the same time be a forester, a miner, a quarry-man to provide him with the raw materials that they have to convert to materials to use to craft all that they require.

So they have then become a smelter of metal ore, a foundry man, a blacksmith, a millwright, sheet-metal-worker, a sawyer.

Once they have achieved the articles they require become a draughtsman, an architect, a carpenter, a plumber, electrician, a stone and brick mason to build their shelter and the sheds that farming requires to store the harvest in and house any livestock. A shed in which they can convert plant material into yarn which needs to woven into clothe from which their clothes need to be made from.

While they are doing all this they require to be their own doctor, pharmacist and chemist for when they injure themselves whilst doing all the work required or when they become ill for what ever reason. As well as being their own personal dentist.

Till you can carry out all these tasks by your yourself and still have time for your leisurely pursuits stop pretending that you are a superior individual and remember that it takes us all to do all the foregoing regardless of so called race or ethnicity for we are all the same and equally unique.

Also remember the following

“No individual Human Being’s head can hold all the wisdom, all the knowledge of Humanity.”

“No individual Human Being has within them all the abilities and skills required to be fully and totally self-sufficient so it takes all of us of humanity working together in co-operation to supply everything we require to adequately fulfil our needs and our wants in life.”

Mullity Nik-Ken-Bah




Homo Arrogancsis

Oh! Human Beings, you call your species “Homo sapien sapien – very Wise man”.

But are you really wise?

Your much vaunted technology is a product of Tyranny and Avarice, whilst your Social structure is a stagnant,frozen Neolithic structure and it has not progressed along with your technology as it progressed.


When you became a more sedentary species due to you learning how to grow the plants and domesticated animals to meet your needs. The structure of your society was such that it gave rise to those of you that thought they had the right to subjugate their fellow humans and make the subjugated ones to provide them with a life of ease. To that end they used fear and intimidation to maintain their position within your society. They used your beliefs that explained the world around you, as you had no understanding of the workings of the world around you. At that time you believed that a god or gods controlled the world around you and you.

The tyrants perverted your beliefs to create the ruse that they are either a manifestation of a god or the representative of a god to maintain their power over you and in a modified form is still being used to-day to control you in the form of the Abrahamic religions and other religions that require you to bow and scrape to the god/gods of that religion. It also became a solace in your life to help you bear the privation and deprivation of your life created by the tyrants ruling over you! Thus religion also robbed you of your true ability to think for yourself by saying that it has has all the answers to life and the world around you!

Once they had gained this control of you they then proceeded to wage war against other groups of people to extract tributes of food and other goods desired by them. In waging these wars as the arts and crafts were learnt these were perverted for use in waging these wars.

But these societies instead of progressing and improving their structure for benefit of all in their society, stagnated and rusted into the societies we have to-day. Where a persons circumstances in life is governed by the circumstances of their birth. Where they that are born in to the so called royalty of society they will not truly experience the life of those supposedly born below them in society. Where they that are born in to the so called Wealthy of society they will not truly experience the life of those supposedly born below them or above them in society. Where they that are born in to the so called lower strata of society they will only experience a life of servitude serving those in the upper echelons of society.

Technology! What is it?

It is the physical application of the abstract knowledge of the physical world. This abstract is also known as science. The word science itself just means knowledge.


Prior to the so called industrial revolution knowledge and technology was spluttering along and the merchants were making profits by buying goods that were either unobtainable in their home country or of a desirable nature that all though manufactured in their home country have a different quality or made from an exotic material unobtainable in their home country or to appease the whims and fancies of royalty and the wealthy.

The so called industrial revolution occurred at the same time as the beginning of the age of enlightenment. But it was not driven by enlightenment but by avarice of the upper strata of society. The lower strata of the society became the mere automatons producing the goods that they were lucky to ever be able to acquire as the upper strata made sure of that by reimbursing them with just enough to keep a pitiful roof over the heads and most meagerly of foods and clothing to keep body and soul together and covered from the elements.

Centuries rolled by and here we are in the present where nothing has changed in reality.

The industrial revolution went gang busters where we as a species are witnessing the beginning of the greatest extinction event in 66 million years, a planetary climate that is heating up, and the destruction of the very web of life that not only do the other species both flora and fauna depend upon but WE ourselves also depend upon for existence.

And all I hear is the lines “ Oh! Our technology will saves us!”

Yes! The very same technology that is destroying it will help them.

That is sheer ARROGANCE.

Arrogance is not only thinking you are better than somebody else or know everything, it is also on the species level is in the thinking their species has all the answers. But to have all the answers to situations as they arise therefore must you must also have all the knowledge to answer those situations with a good all encompassing certainty the remedies applied will succeed within bounds set by Nature.

Homo sapien sapien does not have all that knowledge thus does not have all the answers.

“For a Civilisation to prosper materially over and above what is actually required to maintain a life with dignity, then the Planet must be impoverished to the ultimate disadvantage of all life including their own”

That waging war was not solving anything except to exacerbating the destruction of the Planet by the constant need to totally rebuild their cities and towns and to re-arm themselves.

True peace is never achieved as every individual is living under the shadow of the next war to come. It creates a fear that festers deep within the individuals of the society thus making it easier for the next war-monger to incite the people to war so exorcising the fear within.

Mullity Nik-Ken-Bah


Desiderata of humanity

The word Desiderata is the plural of Desideratum and means

Something wanted or needed. ( Macquarie Concise Dictionary fourth Edition 2006) Mores means Customs or conventions accepted without question and embodying the fundamental moral views of a group. (from the Latin: customs.)( Macquarie Concise Dictionary fourth Edition 2006)

Good mores are needed in any society as it dictates the interaction of the people of that society. The mores we have and hold are taught to you from the minute that you are born.

Hate, distrust of those different to us, bigotry, racism, misogyny, intolerance are not intrinsic in a young child's mores but are enculturated in to the child by the way it is taught mores as it grows up first by its parents then its peers then by the people the child associates with as a young adult will in part either reinforce the good or the bad mores that the person has and this is shows in their behaviour.

When a child grows up with racist parents or with a misogynist parent then the likelihood that the child will grow up with racist or with misogynist attitudes. A boy that grows up with a misogynist father is more than likely grow up with a misogynist attitude. A child growing up in a family intolerant to both race or sexual preference is more than likely to be intolerant to those as well. But depending on the child’s own personality will in part determine how intolerant they are.

It is in adulthood that our attitudes change and they keep changing as we grow older and experience life as an adult. The life experiences we have do alter our attitudes either for the better or for the worse.


Desiderata of humanity

(1) Every part of this Earth is sacred and We are part of the Earth, therefore We are the sons and Daughters of the Earth as it is part of us.

(2) We are all brothers and sisters.

(3) You shall not kill


Another Human being!


Only kill animals for your nourishment.

(4) You shall not steal!

(5) You shall not lie


Nor bear false witness.

(6) You shall treat all humans with respect and dignity.


Treat all animals wisely and with respect as you are a Steward not a master over them.

(7) Do not envious of what another person has

(8) On the Commitment to a marriage or a life time partnership (8.1)

Do not make or take the commitment lightly.


Remember always that you do not possess them.


Treat your spouse/partner with respect, wisely and well.

(9) Treat all peoples beliefs with respect


A persons spiritual or non-spiritual beliefs belong to that person no-one else.

As Chief Tecumseh is reputedly to have said.

Trouble no-one about their religion:

Respect others in their views,

Demand that they respect yours.


Discuss your spiritual or non-spiritual views quietly and do not demand that others follow your beliefs and creeds (10)

On the killing of Animals.

(10.1) When an animal is killed for food it must be killed in such a way so as to limit its pain and suffering.

(10.2) When a wild animal goes rogue causing death and injury to people it must be (1) Removed to another area in which its kind lives.


(2) Failing the ability to do that it must be either penned securely or put down as humanely as possible.

(10.3) Humans must relinquish areas so that animals can remain in their natural state so they can continue to live as they have done since time immemorial (11)

Teach your children, that the earth is our Mother

(11.1) For it is the Earth that nourishes us, provides the air we breathe and the water we drink.

(11.2) For whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

(11.3) This we know and understand: The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth.

(11.4) All things are connected like the blood which unites one family.

(11.5) Man did not weave the web of life: he is merely a strand in it.

(11.6) Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

(11.7) For the loss of one animal or a plant causes our lives to be diminished.


My Country

My country is the world; I count

No son of man my foe,

Whether the warm life-currents mount

And mantle brows like snow

Or red or yellow, brown or black,

The face that into mine looks back.

My native land is Mother Earth,

And all men are my kin,

Whether of rude or gentle birth,

However steeped in sin;

Or rich, or poor, or great, or small,

I count them brothers, one and all.

My birthplace is no spot apart,

I claim no town nor State;

Love hath a shrine in every heart,

And wheresoe'r men mate

To do the right and say the truth,

Love evermore renews her youth.

My flag is the star-spangled sky,

Woven without a seam,

Where dawn and sunset colours lie,

Fair as an angel's dream;

The flag that still, unstained, untorn,

Floats over all of mortal born.

My party is all humankind,

My platform brotherhood;

I count all men of honest mind

Who work for human good,

And for the hope that gleams afar,

My comrades in this holy war.

My heroes are the great and good

Of every age and clime,

Too often mocked, misunderstood,

And murdered in their time,

But spite of ignorance and hate

Known and exalted soon or late.

My country is the world; I scorn

No lesser love than mine,

But calmly wait that happy morn

When all shall own this sign,

And love of country as of clan,

Shall yield to worldwide love of man. By Robert Whitaker 100