The Book of Pesadillas


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Pages: 62

Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description HTML

We write stories that will push boundaries (not in terms of extreme gore and violence, necessarily), the entwining of flesh and stark machinery, techno-industrial dystopias, twisted conceptions of body and enhanced beauty, cronenbergian nightmares, Kafkaesque metamorphoses, Posthuman realities, the decay of body, mind, spirit and reason, innumerable sexualities. We want illogical extrapolations of present social realities, re-envisioning of industrial pasts, where factory and humanity become indistinguishable, where both lines and flesh are blurred. We certainly don’t just want the usual tired old tropes, if possible: What we want is the most disturbing, the challenging, the absurdest, the blackly comedic, the infuriating, the horrific, the abnormal. Here, flesh is reshaped, both voluntarily and involuntarily, a world where demons have assumed corporeality, where humans have either integrated fully into a seething mass of metal, electronics and skin, or have been rejected as the prose...

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