Keeper from the Koffins by Maremerchant - HTML preview

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My name is Lieutenant Longfellow. I am a Marine in the United States Marines. Every time I close my eyes. I see myself in a dark room surrounded by black shadows. A wall of Men that dripped in a graphite layer of burnt fiery ash. I have no idea where I am. I know I am faced with the knowledge that I must be up against a Monster.

In my recurring dream, I see a this same wall of men in Military Uniform hidden in a cloud of exhaust smoke that moves. Numerous ghosts with round silvery eyes glow back from that visible cloud. A wall of Men in silhouette form move toward me in a blanket of ghostly ghastly faces. I do know one thing. Whoever reads this, I raised my head for a look. I could not find the words or syllables to speak. I hope by the time, I read this that I do!

I remember it started around October Fourth 1993 or early 1994, sometime. I remember I stared back into the wall. I fell into a slight trance, afterward. I remember something inside stared back with eyes that glow. I could be a jungle that I faced or stood in the middle of. I will not be sure until I step foot in it. I felt like something in the Desert watched! Now, that I think about it. I remember I heard something whisper my name? I remember l heard something ghostly say it out loud. Can it be that the dark played tricks on me? Or something that lived in the dark waited for me or my Men. A Strange Force Driven by the Heavens or Gods. Forced me and my Men into a Living Hell. In this recurring dream, I will know how it ends. One Day after I reach this Land that God, Man and Time Forgot. I Pray I have enough Men to Fight this beast. I Wake I heard it again that same night in a cool breeze. It traveled through the jungle or the Deserts. It says my name Lieutenant Longfellow. At first it appeared to be a soft whisper. It made me want to stop to listen. Maybe the Devil does know my name! I closed my eyes for a split second. I remember I needed God for Guidance. Not just for me. For my Team! Krypt Kreepers!

I remember another night that I dreamt. I was in the middle of Africa. There isn't anything here except what remained of a Team of Soldiers. A horde of meat eating carnivores. Besides an army of starved zombies that hid in the jungle.

Later on that night something whispers in the dark to me! I open my eyes, I look back. I remember I searched for a face to go with that voice. I know why I looked at it as a warning? I think it could be a monster. I believe an unexplainable, unnatural, unknown force that lived in Darkness? Maybe it could Heaven! It could be Hell? Or the Dark Beast Rules over everything Beneath The Heavens.

I stood in the middle of a village that l have never seen or visited before. Or, I would find on a Map anywhere on Earth. Now, I remember! I see a Tiny Village that I dream about when I do go to sleep. It is a different dream then a Witch Doctor Told me about! This Village is different than the one that I visited in Africa. I remember I walked into a hot desolate place. It is covered in cactus plants. With a rising sand that blinded most, including rodents that live in it. I see an army of green colored rats. That crawled up and down on every plant, rock, boulder, bush, and cactus tree. I remember I saw a mountain that sat to my left. It looked too high for me to see the top or climb without gear. What I do have is a real bad feeling? I do not really remember why we came to this Village? I do know one thing. We will not leave here, alive! I also know that we are United States Military Marines. We will take on Hell if it is required of us! Semper Fi. If it is required of a Krypt Kreeper or the entire Team! We will enter Hell to bring you back. Or any Planet to find you! Do not forget my Team's Name or Mine! I am Lieutenant Longfellow. I am a Krypt Kreeper first! Nothing will remain second other than those that fail to buy or read a copy even if it is for worthwhile and for free. Sorry there will be no substitutes? Gods of Darkness?