US Pacific Victory in World War Two by Bill Brady - HTML preview

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This book is absorbing and is written persuasively. In the US Pacific Victory in World War Two, the author furnishes his readers with multiple intellectual dimensions, and makes it possible for us to learn from alternative military cultures in this broad overview of the making of war; from conventional weaponry to nuclear destruction.

Brady provides ample evidence that the advances of technology not only provided more deadly means of making war, but created conditions that made warfare more deadly. He has a wonderful command of his subject that involves the reader in his main argument while intriguing him with the unsuspected significance of seemingly minor details.

He accomplishes this feat with amazing dexterity. A brilliant feat of scholarly compression in which the author deploys the fruits of years of research, teaching, and thought, on the subject of war; I do not know a work in which such an encyclopaedic range of military knowledge is so well arranged. This is military history at its very best.

Dr. GL Coggin