Ancient Archers by Lonnie Goff - HTML preview

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In ancient times our ancestors did not long survive when they entered the Land of the Neanderthal. A 210,000 year old partial and arguably modern human cranium was discovered in Southern Greece.1 The Neanderthal evolved in Europe some 400,000 years ago and remained there another 170,000 years after this migrant disappeared.2

There was a migration from Africa into the Levant perhaps 120,000 years ago. This is the approximate age of robust modern humans uncovered in two caves in Israel. In a nearby cave evidence of Neanderthals was also found that dates to the same period.3 The tenure of the robust moderns in this region was short lived. The Neanderthals persisted in the Levant for another 65,000 years.4

Yet another migration happened around 55,000 years ago.5 This exit from Africa was across the Sinai and into the Levant.6 The Neanderthals were still there. This we know because the migrants interbred with them leaving a shadow of the Neanderthal in the DNA of all non-African people living today.7 (This was not the original sin, that would come 52,000 years later as proclaimed in the Book of Genesis.)

It would have been beneficial if a warning sign had been posted in the Sinai.

This is the gateway to a world you have never seen. It is incredibly beautiful but also has wild and dangerous things you know nothing about. In front of you is the Land of the Neanderthal. They live and hunt like the wolf. 8 They are your cousins and think like you. 9 They are armed and should be considered dangerous.10 One of their weapons is the javelin.11 Good luck!
The Oracle of Sinai, 53,000 B.C.

This time something was different. This time it was the Neanderthal who would disappear. A small wave of Africans, likely no more than a few thousand, would amazingly become the founders of the entire non-African world.12 When they were done there would be no Others.