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Using Android Devices: Mobile App

Users of Android devices (smartphones and tablets) can download our Android App and enjoy our services directly on their device. To install the App on your device please follow these instructions:

Note: Requires Android 2.1 and up

From a web browser:

  1. You can download the app directly from your computer or device through a web browser by visiting:


  1. Click on the Android "Market" icon or appropriate icon on your device to open the Android marketplace

  2. Click the top right search icon (Magnifying glass)

  3. In the text box type "" (without quotes) and hit the search button

  4. Click on the listing to visit the app page

  5. You will see a blue 'Install' button

  6. Click this button to go to the payment page and get the App


  1. Let send you the App directly: click here

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