Treatment of Sleep Apnea by Dalyn Baker - HTML preview

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Home Remedies

Tired of waking up in the middle of the night because of your bedtime-partner's loud snores? Or do you ever wish your snoring would suddenly stop because you, yourself is just plain tired of it? Well guess what, snoring can be Treatment of Sleep Apnea Page 40 of 49

cured inside your very own home. Here are some facts and tips to stop unwanted snores in your abode.

Before anything else, what is really snoring and what causes it? According to studies, Stertor, the medical term for snoring, is made from the vibrations of air, forced in a small opening at the back of a stuffed throat.

Snoring occurs when we are sleeping, for while doing so, the muscles in our upper airway tend to relax and wilt inward. When these muscles relax more than the usual, our air passage is blocked, making it difficult for the air to pass toward our lungs, our breathing stops for a brief period (apnea), thus resulting to snoring.

During apnea, an increase in the level of carbon dioxide happens. Our body will react to it and it will affect our heart rate and narrow our blood vessels.

The more these muscles relax, the louder people would snore.

Some people are even unaware that they are snoring, with matching tossing and turning, and just waking up feeling tired and restless, or have poor quality of sleep. Some can even hear themselves snores when they are half-awake.

There are also many factors that may cause snoring. These are obesity, alcohol and smoking, enlarged tonsils and sinusitis, or blocked nose caused by colds.

Changing lifestyles can help stop snoring. When you're overweight, an increase of fat deposition in our upper airways occurs, narrowing these muscles. The best way to stop snoring is through exercising and losing weight.

Have time in exercising for your homes and eat a proper diet or just change your eating pattern. Exercising is the easiest and most effective way in treating snoring in our homes. In exercising, concentrate more in your jaw because this is one of the common blocks that causes snoring. When your tensed jaw is relaxed, it would stop the snoring.

If you have vices such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol, reduce them. Just minimize drinking especially at nights, no harm done! No more snoring at nights and your health just took one step away from danger.

Some studies also show that the position in our sleep also causes snoring.

According to them, sleeping facing up blocks our airway passage. So it is advisable to change our sleeping position, may it be on the side or facing Treatment of Sleep Apnea Page 41 of 49


down, in order to get rid of our snoring.

In children, enlarged tonsils, blocked nose caused by colds and upper respiratory tract soreness are major causes of snoring. When our nose is blocked, we tend to breathe through our mouth, this starts our snoring. So when you have colds, cure it immediately in order to avoid snoring.

There you have it, some of the simplest home-based remedy for your snoring. It is really necessary to stop and find remedies in your snoring. This can affect our moods and our relationship to other people.

The home-remedies mentioned above are really great help to those who snore. They may not cure everyone's problems with regards to snoring but they can minimize or lessen them. Of coarse, medicines and other devices such as throat sprays are used, but it has side effects and some are not that effective. It is still better to treat this 'disease' naturally, no side effects, and no penny lost.

Snoring Remedy for a Good night's Sleep

The day has ended and the moon shines the dark velvet night. You gently close your eyes slowly drifting to sleep when suddenly, Zzzzzzzzzzzz. That sound is definitely not music to the ears, and much worse, you have to bear with that irritating noise until morning.

Snoring itself can be harmful to a person, and so is lack of sleep. So before you reach this point, get an early start.

Persons who snore are not much bothered with the noise that they make, but their companions are, that is why the remedy for snoring is much sought by these people. Snoring can be harmful to ones health in the long run, which is why many individuals are looking for the best snoring remedy that is available.

Snoring can affect the whole family, because the annoying sound reverberates all throughout the household especially during the night when all things are pretty quiet. Depriving your family with their night's sleep is not a very good thing to do; and the least you can do is to stop snoring, but how?

There are many snoring remedies out in stores. Snoring aids and sleep aids are available at a reasonable price.

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If you've been snoring for a long period of time, perhaps it is time to seek professional attention. What most people don't know is that snoring is a major symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition which needs considerable professional attention. Many people die from this condition because breathing stops suddenly while a person is asleep. Persons with sleep apnea should seek medical advice immediately; you can observe that the person struggles momentarily, catching their breath after snoring stops for a few seconds.

Some snoring remedies include:

1. nose strips

2. special pillows

3. dental appliances

4. acupuncture

5. hypnotism

The causes of snoring vary from one individual to another. Others snore because they are overweight, while others claim that they snore because of certain food intake. If you're overweight, perhaps it's high time that you reduce weight. You can start by getting a daily exercise, or you can work out in a gym. If you eat foods which trigger snoring, start monitoring all the food you've eaten for the day. A change in lifestyle is the best solution if these are the causes, although it might be difficult at first, you will get used to it after some time.

The sleeping position also triggers snoring. Sleeping while the mouth is open, or lying on the back causes snoring as well. There are sleeping devices which you can use at night to support the jaw and will keep your mouth closed.

Others lie on their side to avoid snoring.

You can also inhale steam before you go to sleep. Your nasal passages will open up, and you will find it easier to breathe on the nose. You can also use a system of air filtration, to be rid of allergens like pet hair, dust, and cigarette smoke.

People are always looking for the best way to stop snoring. To completely stop snoring is quite impossible, but remedies can lessen the 'snoring scenario' every night. There is no best among the best; all you can do is to find the best remedy that will work for you.

Consult your doctor first before you use any special device. Seeking medical help is the best way to deal with snoring.

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Stop Snoring Remedies: From Nasal