Quit Marijuana Now by Peter Hill - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 - Quit Marijuana With The Ultimate Success Formula

There are many ways to go about changing the way you live your life and
making the adjustment to quit marijuana. One method of personal
transformation that has been exceptionally well received by the personal
development community is a simple system known as the ultimate success
formula. From making a clear decision about exactly what you want, taking
massive action towards your chosen goal of quitting marijuana, noticing if
you have been effective or not, and changing your approach as needed to
eventually and predictably obtain what you want. This article will introduce
to ultimate success formula within the context of quitting pot for good.
How Do You Want Things To Be Once You Have Successfully Quit Marijuana One of the most critical moments for someone who wishes to quit cannabis is
deciding exactly what they want for themselves. Being clear about your goal,
and having a specific outcome is so important. Do you want to quit marijuana
completely or have the self control to only smoke with friends. Do you want
to be able to feel comfortable with people smoking weed around you or do you
want to remove it from your life completely. When you make your decision,
write it down in a clear simple statement of purpose. Clearly the first step
is knowing what you want, the next step is making things the way you want
Take Action And Do Everything In Your Power
There are a series of steps you will begin to take as you follow your plan to
quit pot and they are always specific to each person. The best way to get
started is by making a list of all the things you will do, and beginning at
once (whether you are entirely ready or not) to carry out the actions you
have written down. For many people it starts with throwing out all the
marijuana paraphernalia, throwing out lighters, ash treys and getting rid of
your stash. Another thing that might be included on the list would be
calling up your friends you smoke pot with and telling them that you are
making the decision to quit. Many people also find it helpful to commit to a
number of people they are close with and agree to pay them a $20 bill if you
turn back on your plan. Since you don't want to be paying someone just so
they can tell you your an idiot, there is a high probability that you will
follow through in the end. But even after taking massive action towards the
goal of quitting pot, many people worry about not being successful. Notice What Is And Isn't Working
Often times people plan to quit marijuana only to find that there are
obstacles in the way. As you go about your daily routine it isn't uncommon
to find that certain people or things will trigger the desire to smoke pot.
The best way to be ultimately successful is to notice how you are responding
to things once you have quit and take inventory of what is working and what
isn't. Often times people find that throwing away all of their cannabis
related items helps them quit at home, but find that when out with friends
they still crave a joint. You may find that you want to write down what is
working and what is not working. This way you can proceed to change your
Change Your Approach
Part of effectively using the ultimate success formula is being able to
notice what isn't working and changing your approach in order to respond to
the feedback you are getting. For example if you find that you are spending
time with people you ordinarily wouldn't spend time with just to get high
again, then you can be sure that changing who you spend time with is a
decision you need to make. For other people it may be that they stay off
weed for some time only to smoke when they are drunk at a party. Whatever
the situation that brings about a relapse, be sure that you just need to change your approach and move on. It may even seem completely obvious, but
it is a necessary step in order to be successful.
Since 80% of quitting marijuana is simply a psychological challenge, use your
intelligent brain to overcome your old habits. Become crystal clear about
what you want and how you want to be when you quit pot, take massive action
towards your goal, notice what isn't working and change your approach until
you are free. Once you have successfully used the formula to quit weed, you
can use it for anything else. Use it with my blessing. The sky is the limit.
Can’t Find the Strength To Quit On Your Own? Get committed, get motivated and Stop Smoking Marijuana FOREVER!