If I Was Skinnier, Would You Love Me More? by Nadejda Corcimar Alexei - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


It always starts the same way really, for all of us girls. We fail to do something that we set as a target for ourselfs to achieve, and when it happens, we take it on our bodies.

This is where the fondamental mistake is made.

Well, never mind. We live to learn and if it would’t be for those life lessons, one would not become even stronger and wiser in this life. And then, once you learn to never sweat off the little stuff, then the big stuff will ironically worry you even less. But I will talk about this later.

Do you know why we immediately and subconciously choose to take it on with our bodies? Because, if one is already mature enough to realise that it’s not always somebody else’s fault that this or that happened to him, this is when he saddly falls into the trap of blaiming himself for it, instead of simply letting the matter go….disolve for goodness sakes!

Yet we always choose to blame somebody or something. Just listen to it carefully some-body!

The body.

Something we have immediate access to. Something that we have control over. Something that we endorse every day and have to carry with us for the rest of our lives. Yes!: we say to ourselves when we are looking to point the finger away from ourselves, - it must be it’s fault!

If Iit was skinnier/taller/whiter/with this or that body part etc. and etc. and etc. then things would have been different and I was to be happy and satisfied with life.

What a trap... You can vividly feel that this is not real, but you just can’t stop doing it, because this is the only way that you can stop yourself from finding the real reasons for your unsautisfaction.

I wil try to be more pragmatic and less philosophical on this as to be better understood. Every time that you catch your mind convincing you that if you modified your body in any way your goals would have been achieved easier, you are allowing your Ego to make you week and stupid. And fundamentally you allways know it, that is why you always feel like shit when you so called diet and restrict yourself from food.

Because it is so fundamental how you nourish your body, your sacred temple, it will certainly be much harder to achieve your goals when you are underfed/obese and therefore weekened phisically and as a conseguence mentaly. It is as logical as a plant drying up without a good dose of water on a regular basis. The plant will always say °thank you for feading me!° when we water it, isn’t it ? by giving us beautiful flowers and leafes; do we always thank for what we eat ??

With a woman it’s almost always an emotional issue. With a man it is usually stress related. Either way, using food as a shelter to hide in is a direct sign of depression.

Women become bulimic, anorexic or obese mostly as a result of a break up (whether it is happening in real life or you simply already detached yourself from your partner within your mind), and only in some cases they use food as a release from tiredness or stress. It is always tougher on women because we are forced by the society to look perfect, and, as you already know, perfection doesn’t exist.

The mass media is playing a really ungly game with us. It is fiercelly promoting those role models, selling a sintetic perfection on screen and in paper, and we keep buying that crap, we consume it every day and the we complain about it even existing and oveflowing us with product. But it’s us that is buying it in excess!!!

Look at those shelves in the supermarkets. Can’t you see what we have created, the place is bursting with product, product that we will most probably buy and the never even use in the end. Isn’t that the true reality of us all?

It’s clear that it becomes hard for us to resist temptation when every time you turn your head aroung you, even by one degree, you can see some sort of a commercial shoved in your face. And if you noticed, most of them are always selling food.

Do you know why there are so many commercials out there selling food?

Because the food industry is so huge that even if a human being in the future would find a way to exist without feeding the body for survival, these crooks will still find a way of shuving that sandwich up your neck. They need to produce and then sell their product in order to keep making more and more money, and if you will not desire their °bisquits° they will loose their pimary cash flow, so as will all their business partners. And so, buy using their stupid commercials they raised a society of °foodadicts°, that way they can keep selling their shit to us forever.

But we are human beings, evolved and spiritual human beings. It’s impossible that we can not spot this phenomenon coming at us. Yet they have been getting away with it for such a long time, it’s incredible.

This is why modern type illnesses developed like bulimia or anorexia, even obesity. Food is at every corner, and whilst cigaretes and alcohol use have their age or access restrictions, food is always there to °console° you.

If you never heard about the 25th screen shot, I’ll explain it to you a little bit.

When they make a film on TV, it really is a sequence of 24 photos one after another, and that is how when we see the final result we percieve it like a movie with the eye. There are 25 of them because the human eye only needs that number in order not to notice any pauses between the pictures. That means that if a 25th one is intruduced in the sequence, the human eye will not see it. But…it will certainly percieve it subconciously. So, the scientists in the yearly 60’s have already let the great all seeing eye bosses out there know that if they insert a 25th image with a cowboy smoking a Marlboro cigarete, lieying relaxed on a beautiful flower field then a human being that is watching a movie in the cinema will never actually see that picture, but he will percieve it and remember it with his subconcious. Not only that, if that image is inserted at an intriguing moment in the film, like a dramatic screne or a very loving moment, then the picture will be inprinted in our minds even better as it will be mixed with emotions!

See? What the people behind this industry are doing to us? Do you think that any of them out there will blink at least once before selling you that cancerogenous cheese, considering that they have already been doing this since World War 2? I don’t think so! Especially now, when the industry is unstopable.

This is why everytime you want to relax after a hard day of work and you sit down in front of the TV you automatically reach for food. It’s not just our power of will that is so weak, trust me.