How to Detox your Liver Naturally by Brett Elliott - HTML preview

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Liver Detox is a controversial subject, because medical doctors generally say “you can’t detox your liver, because your liver detoxifies itself.”

This is true in a sense, but what they often fail to understand is that the liver can become overloaded with the very toxins it’s meant to process and start to breakdown, become diseased and even fail completely.

Liver disease is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality across the world.

According to World Health Organization estimates, about 500 million people are living with chronic hepatitis infections resulting in the death of over one million people annually. These liver infections can result from pharmaceutcial use.

Medicinal plants however, serve as a vital source of potentially useful new compounds for the development of effective therapy to combat liver problems. (1)

So let’s briefly talk about your liver function!