Get Out of Depression, Discover the Ways to a Happy Life - Natural Remedies for Depression by Esther Monica - HTML preview

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Why This EBook is For You!


Have you been down feeling down lately? Seems like the world has come to a standstill and nothing will ever be ok again? Or is it that a part of you always seems to have been in the deep, dark void of nothingness? Do you force yourself to be cheerful and happy? Is the feeling of gloom afflicting you in more than just your feelings? Fatigue and listlessness are devouring you?


If you have been nodding a yes to the aforementioned questions than you need to give some serious thoughts to what has been happening. Depression might be the reason for your lack of interest in life and activity. And this is not something you should ignore. Depression is one of the most undertreated conditions, because people either laugh it off or Don’t know that they are experiencing it. Those who do realize the symptoms, refuse to acknowledge it, fearing they will be shunned or ridiculed.


And this is the inhibition you have to let go off. Being depressed neither undermines your strengths, nor does it imply that you are an emotionally weak person. It as much a physical condition, as it is mental. But by no means does it suggest that you are fragile or feeble. You only have a problem that can be resolved with the right treatment. Can people who have diabetes or cancer or asthma be blamed for their condition? Should they be ashamed or guilty? Of course not!


Just like that depression is not something you should ever be ashamed of having. The one thing you need to understand is that It Is Not Your Fault! And you should let no one tell you otherwiseDepression is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, admitting and seeking help is your greatest strength and shows your resilience for life!


I wrote this eBook for precisely this reason. As a social worker, I have seen many cases and the one thing common among all of them was shame, guilt and fear of rejection. I am also a former sufferer who could manage to get out of it, so you can do. Let me tell you a fact. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, l out of every l0 individuals suffers from at least some form of depression. Sound surprising? Actually, it’s not. The number of people who suffer from depression keeps increasing. When once it was only limited to adults or elderly, now, more and more teenagers and children seem to be acquiring it too.


So why do you think that is? And if you want an actual diagnosis, what is depression really? Is it just the random blues you get from time to time? The stress you feel or the anxiety that wreck you? This eBook will answer all of your questions and depict how you are not alone in your struggle with depression. Please understand this; depression is not the end of your life. Just because you dont feel happy right