Freedom From Smoking by Patricia Krenik - HTML preview

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Freedom from Smoking Starts Now

other form (such as gums, patches or lozenges). Thus, if you are determined and feel confident about being be able to conquer your cravings for nicotine, cold turkey may be the method of choice for you. It may take up to twenty-one days to conquer the cravings, but many people are pretty much free of them in ten days. If you can overcome the cravings during tha time, you will make it.

You may experience a number of discomforts when you refrain from smoking, but sticking to your goal of freeing yourself from the effects of tobacco/nicotine will help you not reach for a cigarette.

To help you quit smoking with the cold turkey method, I have a few useful tips here:

• Remember that the withdrawal symptoms like tiredness, irritability, etc.

that you may experience soon after giving up cigarettes will last for only a few days.

• Drink a lot of water so that the toxic substances wash out from your body.

• Conquer the cravings by closing your eyes and then counting to ten; slowly and simultaneously breathe deeply.

• Use a straw or some other substitute to keep your hands and mouth occupied.

• When you feel a craving for a cigarette, notice that your body is sabotaging you and redirect your attention to something else.
