Eating clean & Improving your lifestyle by Annemie Rabie - HTML preview

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First Things First

There is a reason you bought this book right. Thats the first step to changing your lifestyle and being healthier by making the choice for change so congratulations!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself first , I’ve always been interested in health and fitness since I’ve been a kid doing anything from Swimming to Ballet and to make things even more interesting I grew up in a house hold where we made a lot of effort to eat healthy and whole foods.

Don’t get me wrong I love sweets, its my utter weakness, hey we all human. And I don’t want to give you some unrealistic goals to stick to instead I will show what steps you can take to get to a point where you live and breath health and its actually fun. We are all human and having said that we have to enjoy life and fall in love with living and enjoying the good food the music and company , we just have to do so consciously.


Me after my Transformation

I personally understand that health changes all the time and it makes it harder . My journey with my body started when I was a teenager , I was never happy with my body when I was younger and it led to punishing myself by purging and guilt feelings around food . Looking back now and having studied health and wellness I know that was more of a mind set issue rather than a body issue. and then we have things we can’t control. Like ending up in hospital trust me, I’ve been there too and had a near appointment with death and had to start from scratch but these things only help inspire me more not berate me. See the biggest problem we face with losing weight or getting fit or whatever your goal might be is to first love yourself enough to make up your mind that you doing this and loving your body throughout the journey is important.


What it Means to be healthy

Being healthy doesn’t need to be complicated or a lot of effort.

You don’t have to be in the gym twice a day or et only lettuce. Being healthy means you have a balanced lifestyle and feed your body what it needs when it needs it sort of like when your petrol light comes on you full up your tank with the good fuels to make sure your car runs for longer.

Living healthy soon becomes a way of life for you and you stop noticing that you are intact eating healthy, once you get to this stage you have learned to listen to your body and this is important actually very important. With the modern stresses we have lately with everything that must happen now we putting more and more stress on our bodies and minds and eventually we take on more bad habits as copping mechanisms instead of learning of to cope and channel that into something good.

My body never stays the same trust me, it changes constantly . All of our bodies does , think about the factory inside off course its going to change we just need to learn how to listen to our bodies . For instance listing to your Body when it tells you its full, the body has a hormone called Leptin they great thing about this hormone is that it tells you when you full and to stop eating but in this day and age we have stopped listening to it and in time its stops working as effectively as it should.

How does that happen? well we tend to eat to fast for the message to get send that we are in-fact full so we continue eating and actually end up ver eating or way past the portion we supposed to eat. We don’t concentrate on what we eat and how many times we chew maybe you eating in-front of the TV or busy talking to someone or driving. One thing I do to combat this is actively enjoy my food by that I mean I put down my knife and fork in between bites and concentrate on what I am eating. When you start doing this you will find that you get fuller quicker and you’ll end up eating less or at least the portion you supposed to. You will become more aware and start listening to your body.