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Some myths about diabetes – and the facts

Not everything you hear about diabetes is true. Here are some myths you may hear – and the facts you should know.

Myth 1: “Diabetes is a one-way street to bad health problems.”

Fact: You can go in another direction! If you follow your diabetes care plan, you can often delay or prevent problems from diabetes.

Myth 2: “It’s your own fault that you have diabetes.”

Fact: Diabetes isn’t anyone’s fault. No one knows what causes diabetes. Your eating and activity choices can play a role in your blood sugar control. But it’s not the whole story.

Myth 3: “I have to take insulin. My diabetes must be really bad.”

Fact: Not true! Everyone with type 1 diabetes needs to take insulin. And many people with type 2 diabetes will in time need to take insulin. That’s because after a while the beta cells in the pancreas make less and less insulin. Since many pills work to help the pancreas release more insulin, as diabetes changes these pills simply may not work anymore.

“I have been a diabetic for the last 38 years. I started with oral medication and progressed to insulin. I have been on insulin for the last 28 years. Together with healthy foods and portion control, I can manage my blood sugar.”

– Bill B, California

You won’t believe diabetes myths when you learn the facts at Cornerstones4Care.com. You can also join a free program to help you manage your diabetes. See the back cover of this booklet to find out how.
