Detox and Heal Your-Self by Brett Elliott - HTML preview

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1. GLUTEN : A mixture of flour and water was used as wallpaper glue for many years before modern paste became available . The binding and thickening effect of wheat and other gluten (glue) containing grains is widely known within the food industry . Pasta (paste), bread, biscuits, pastry and cakes contain gluten . Scientific studies prove that gluten protein adheres to the intestinal wall causing major problems, such as celiac disease .

  1. RED MEAT : Humans struggle to digest red meats because our digestive systems are ten times more alkaline than carnivores, which incidentally eat raw meat only . Cooked meat can take days to digest. Up to five pounds of undigested red meat can putrefy in our intestines, weakening our immune system and feeding poisons into the body .
  1. PARASITES : There are well over 100 different types of parasites and worms that can live in our bodies . Some are microscopic in size, while others can be seen with the naked eye . These organisms are prolific in our environment, can be found in the food we eat and possibly even inhaled . If you have a parasite infestation you may feel constantly agitated, tired, bloated, have swings of appetite, and especially crave sugar .
  1. DEAD FOOD : Processed and refined food products are virtually enzyme and nutrient dead . They do not provide you with the natural, living and life giving properties that real food should . Flavors, colors and artificial sweeteners found in processed, artificial, dead foods all contribute to your toxic load, and require enzymes to break down, depleting your energy reserves .
  1. OTHER TOXINS : Pharmaceuticals, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, sugar, food additives, environmental pollutants, household chemicals, mental and emotional stress, over-work and fatigue all compound to create a toxic overload in your system, eventually resulting in a deadly cocktail . Cancer, heart disease and diabetes can all stem from prolonged toxic overload of one form or another .