Check with your doctor before getting anything containing any part
of this plant.
Support Groups
Medications and therapy alone cannot always deliver desired
You can form or join support groups with people suffering from
similar depression episodes. Spending time with such people,
sharing each other’s concerns, problems and doubts can make you
feel better equipped to handle your own concerns.
Lifestyle Changes
Doctors suggest various lifestyle changes in conjunction with regular
medications to combat unipolar depression. Such lifestyle changes
include maintaining a brisk exercise schedule for a minimum of
thirty minutes daily, quitting smoking, alcohol and drugs, and
adhering to a disciplined lifestyle.
Adopting these changes after completing your regular treatment for
depression can lower the chance of a relapse significantly.
Although treatment options do usually deliver desired results, there
may be insufficient response in some cases.
Doctors and psychotherapists could then suggest a change of
treatment option. Normally doctors watch you over a period of two
to three months of treatment.
If results are unsatisfactory, you could shift to another course of
treatment or you could take a second opinion of another doctor.
But, do not tax yourself too much. Any medication or treatment
option needs time to turn things around and help you to get back to
your earlier balanced life.
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21. Unipolar Depression Medications - Antidepressants
Antidepressants are one type of pill that doctors prescribe to help
unipolar depression. These pills do not guarantee immediate relief
but they can put you on the path to recovery.
Antidepressants help your brain to achieve a proper chemical
balance by regulating neurotransmitters.
Natural neurotransmitters, like norepinephrine and serotonin, are
essential for normal brain functioning and control of routine
activities like eating, sleeping and thinking.
Antidepressants increase the availability of these brain chemicals
and thereby help to relieve you of your unipolar depression.
A normal course of treatment through antidepressants spreads over
four to six months. Doctors decide on the necessary duration of
antidepressants according to the severity and complexity of your
unipolar depression.
Antidepressants include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs), tricyclics, and others antidepressants like mirtazapine,
bupropion, nefazodone, trazodone, and venlafaxine.
SSRIs include drugs like fluoxetine, citalopram, escitalopram,
paroxetine, and sertraline. These antidepressants act only on the
neurotransmitter serotonin of your brain. These may cause a few
side-effects like nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, nervousness,
headache, fatigue, sexual problems and diarrhea.
Tricyclics are effective antidepressants. They take effect on both
neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine and other body
chemicals. Side effects of this antidepressant may include
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constipation, tiredness, blurred vision, dry mouth, difficulty
urinating, impaired thinking and worsening of glaucoma. They could
also affect your blood pressure and heart beat.
Antidepressants can affect the effectiveness of other medications
you may be taking. Some could cause adverse reactions.
Certain antidepressants could trigger serious reactions with certain
beverages and foods.
Sometimes antidepressants could trigger over-stimulation of
serotonin receptors. It could result in mental confusion,
hyperactivity, shivering, fever, sweating, poor coordination, diarrhea
and seizures. There should always be a gap of more than two weeks
before changing to a new antidepressant.
Although antidepressants are effective medications for unipolar
depression, proper treatment requires that they be combined with
counseling sessions.
Different people react differently to antidepressants. No single
medication can prove effective for all. Therefore, doctors test the
suitability of the medication before prescribing it for your long-term
Sometimes, doctors may prescribe you to be on certain mild
antidepressants for life.
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22. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a recommended form of
treatment for patients with severe unipolar depression. Psychiatrists
prescribe this treatment usually after other medications and
therapies do not deliver the desired effect. This therapy has a
success rate of 80%.
ECT can be administered during a hospital stay or you can undergo
treatment and return home. A normal course includes three sittings
per week with a maximum of twelve treatment sessions.
ECT involves use of controlled electric current of 0.9 ampere to
induce a shock to your brain. Passing such a current could cause an
artificial seizure. Psychiatrists administer you a general anesthesia
before start of treatment.
Anesthesia induces you into a sleep-like state. You are also given a
muscular relaxant. Doctors watch your vital functions closely.
Although the electric current causes your brain to experience a
seizure for one or two seconds, specific medicines control its effect
on your body.
You awaken five to ten minutes after the treatment. It takes little
time for you to recover completely.
Common side effects of ECT may include nausea, temporary short-
term memory loss, headache and muscle aches. In some cases, it
could cause changes in heart rhythms and blood pressure.
Doctors keep a watch for these and administer treatment
immediately if necessary. After completing all the sittings of a full
course of ECT treatment, psychiatrists could put you on
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antidepressants to achieve long-term relief from unipolar
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23. Eye Movement Desensitization
Reprocessing (EMDR)
Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) technique
is a relatively new concept for treating unipolar depression. Dr.
Francine Shapiro, a psychologist at the Mental Research Institute in
Palo Alto, California created this technique in 1987. It involves use
of rapid eye movements with proper guidance to cure emotional
causes of unipolar depression.
Normally, people with unipolar depression exhibit varied and intense
feelings of anxiety, depression, obsessions, flashbacks, panic
attacks, nightmares and restlessness together with severe disorders
like sleep disturbances, eating disorders and, in extreme cases,
suicidal intentions.
EMDR may help you to combat these problems and overcome your
unipolar depression.
EMDR works by coordinating specific parts of your brain. Once any
traumatic event occurs, it remains registered in a specific part of
your brain permanently. The entire picture remains in a frozen
frame. Often you experience emotional upsets when these thoughts,
feelings, sounds and upsets are triggered due to any cause.
However, in another part of your brain, you always try your best to
resolve and forget these happenings. The absence of proper
coordination between these brain parts causes depression. EMDR
through fast eye movements and effective counseling tactics helps
to resolve this deficiency.
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EMDR treatment focuses on using your past happenings and your
present condition to make way for your future. The treatment
process first focuses on your position and condition at the time of
the emotional upset. This is the root cause of your problem.
Next, the treatment tries to solve your emotional upsets in the past
by attending to your present symptoms. This starts a specific
healing process, which tries to put right your emotional quotient and
prepares you to face a brighter future.
EMDR treatment involves various processes within the treatment
plan. These processes consist of preparation and assessment phases
according to individual requirements.
Then, you need to concentrate your eye movements on a moving
object for fifteen to thirty seconds, while focusing on specific
memories of your past. This coordinates your brain and eye
You may experience different feelings and responses during the
process. Allowing things to move along while you concentrate
without questioning the correctness or incorrectness of anything can
improve the working and responses of your brain.
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24. Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is one of the most common treatment options for
unipolar depression.
It is also popular as talking therapy, where a patient talks and
discusses problems with licensed and trained psychotherapist to find
relief from most symptoms of depression.
Depression problems could also be hereditary.
Sometimes various chemical imbalances in your brain could trigger
depression symptoms and manifest in deep behavioral problems.
Need for Psychotherapy
Often, a major event like death, trauma, accident, divorce or loss of
a job could cause severe disruptions in your emotional setup. This
translates into depression.
It is essential to analyze the root cause for your unipolar depression
to be able to suggest suitable remedies and prescribe necessary
Psychotherapy treatments help you get back your control over your
life so that you are able to enjoy the basic pleasures in your life.
Psychotherapy treatments teach you various problem-solving skills
and coping techniques.
Types of Psychotherapy Treatments
Psychotherapy treatments can be in different modules:
Individual treatments include just you and your psychotherapist.
Group treatments include a small group of patients. Each of them
could discuss their individual problems, share experiences and
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provide solace. This makes each feel that they are not the only ones
suffering from depression problems.
Couple treatments involve you and your spouse or partner. This
helps the other person understand why you are suffering from
depression and how best to provide help and comfort during difficult
Family treatments involve all family members together to learn how
to deal effectively with depression problems of a family member.
Choice of Suitable Psychotherapy Treatment
Your psychotherapist is the best person to judge and analyze the
best treatment suitable for your condition.
Different approaches to psychotherapy include:
Psychodynamic therapy
This therapy could last for a long period, even spreading over years.
This therapy starts with the assumption that your depression
problems are due to certain unresolved conflicts in childhood.
Your therapy, therefore, aims to help you understand and deal
better with such childhood experiences and overcome all negative
feeling associated with those past events.
Interpersonal therapy
This therapy treatment deals with your poor relationships with
friends and family members and depression that is the result of
such poor relationships.
This therapy aims at improving your communication skills so that
you are able to communicate better with other people. This
treatment normally lasts for three to four months.
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Cognitive behavioral therapy
This therapy aims at fixing your wrong self-assumptions. You
develop depressive thoughts as you feel you are inferior to others
and cannot stand on the same level with others in your age group
or community.
Your therapist tries to establish the correct ways of thinking and
removes wrong and irrelevant assumptions about yourself that form
the base for your depression problems.
Useful Therapy Tip
Analyzing the root cause of your depression problem could start
your psychotherapy treatment. However, you should be consistent
and try to put in the necessary effort and time so that your
treatments deliver desired results.
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25. Choosing a Psychotherapist
A psychotherapist is a trained medical professional. This
professional can treat and offer remedial measures for your
behavioral disorders.
When choosing a psychotherapist, you have to consider your
comfort zone.
You should be able to talk and deal freely with your psychotherapist.
Therapists use various techniques to treat your behavioral
symptoms. You can therefore choose a male or a female
psychotherapist according to your preferences and ability to
communicate easily.
Similarly, you could choose a therapist who can converse in a
language you feel most comfortable with.
While discussing your depression problems with your
psychotherapist, you can inquire in to their education qualifications
and suitable treatment options.
You have to be honest while discussing your problems with your
psychotherapist. Holding back information cannot get you
anywhere. It will only compound your problems.
Psychotherapists have different levels of education and professional
qualifications. A psychiatrist is a doctor who specializes in
Psychiatry is a specialized branch of study of depression problems
and remedial measures. Psychiatrists can prescribe relevant
medications for behavioral problems.
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A psychiatric nurse practitioner has a master’s level nursing degree
with a state license. Such a nurse should have thirty hours of formal
training in mental health conditions and be capable of suggesting
necessary medications.
Normally, these nurses work with a psychotherapist to analyze your
behavioral problems and review your medical condition from time to
A clinical psychologist should have a doctorate degree, relevant
state license and supervised experience in dealing with depression
A psychologist cannot prescribe medications, as a psychologist is
not a medical doctor. Normally, psychologists work with a
psychiatrist nurse practitioner or psychiatrist to discuss your
depression problems and suggest suitable medications.
A licensed counselor or therapist has a master’s degree in
counseling and clinical psychology. Further, such a person has
relevant experience and he should pass a state exam to receive the
relevant license. A licensed counselor or therapist has training in
different psychotherapy techniques.
Understanding the different categories of psychotherapists can help
you choose the one who meets your requirements and suits your
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26. Experimental Therapies
Experimental therapies are treatment procedures for depression
problems, which doctors are uncertain over their effectiveness and
safety because there has not yet been enough data produced. These
therapies are not in regular use by doctors for treating depression
Experimental therapies include vagus nerve stimulation, hormone
replacement therapy in women, and transcranial magnetic
Vagus nerve stimulation uses electrical pulses to stimulate the
vagus nerve, the main nerve that controls depression and moods.
This therapy involves implantation of a tiny device in your chest,
connected to electrodes for necessary stimulation. This treatment is
common among epileptic patients. Doctors may use this treatment
in depression patients if no more common treatment techniques are
yielding any benefits.
Hormone replacement therapy in women can provide relief to
various mood changes taking place during menstrual periods,
perimenopause and post menopause. These periods involve drastic
changes in hormone levels that may cause severe depression and
other problems like hot flashes and night sweats.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is also popularly known as
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. This technique involves
placing an electromagnet on the head to induce electrical currents
within your brain. These induced currents may change and stimulate
better activity within the brain. This may alleviate depression. This
technique is claimed to have few side effects. This technique is a
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relatively new concept and studies are still ongoing to understand
its long-term benefits and effects.
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27. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a technique that makes
use of a powerful electromagnet to change brain activities. This is a
non-invasive technique.
Doctors place an electromagnet on your scalp. This induces an
electromagnetic current in the underlying cortical neurons. This
affects functioning of the cortical neurons.
Varying intensities and changing frequencies of this electromagnet
can produce currents of different intensities. These are claimed to
correct excessive or low stimulation levels within the brain. This
technique may become very useful in treating patients with
Side effects of TMS are claimed to be very few and rare. In some
cases, it could cause epileptic seizures. These side effects may be
more common in patients with a family history of epileptic seizures.
Each TMS session could last for half an hour. You can undergo daily
sessions for a fortnight.
Depressed individuals have low brain activity. The electromagnetic
pulses help stimulate and increase brain activity. It may be easier
for some patients to tolerate TMS than other forms of treatment for
TMS technique is claimed to score better over other forms of
depression treatments like ECT and VNS. Its supporters say that
this treatment not only improves depression in people, it also
improves the quality of different parts of brain thereby stimulating
better memory and reasoning abilities.
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TMS is claimed to be very successful in patients with post-trauma
depression, schizophrenia, speech problems, brain hyperactivity
problems and other problems associated with regional hypo-
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28. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is a system that gives intermittent
stimulations to the vagus nerve in the brain for thirty seconds at
five-minute intervals.
This consists of an implantable pulse generator, lead, and an
external programming system. Implantation of a vagus nerve
stimulation device takes about an hour.
Surgeons make a small incision in your neck and collarbone to
implant this battery-operated device. A flexible and insulated plastic
tube with electrodes is also placed under the skin near to the vagus
The generator delivers electric shocks to your vagus nerve. These
restrict emotional disturbances.
Your brain has many nerve cells that communicate with electric
currents. Imbalances in regular electrical activity in the brain may
cause emotional problems.
These electric shocks through stimulation of the vagus nerve may
restrict these imbalances and control your emotional episodes.
VNS is more popular in treating people with partial seizures. The
vagus nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves in brain. This nerve
not only coordinates body and mind movements, it also affects
mood levels in your brain.
So, stimulating this nerve may regulate and bring changes in mood
A VNS device is claimed to be a better alternative to
Electroconvulsive therapy.
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Risks and possible complications due to VNS include difficulty in
swallowing, hoarseness, injury to carotid artery, and possible
chances of infection at the place of implantation of the device.
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