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Depression; a Misunderstood Disease
B y Stephanie Mallet
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Depression; a Misunderstood Disease by S Mallet Page 4 of 104
Please Read This FIRST...................................................................... 2
About the Author ................................................................................. 8
1. Unipolar Depression - An Overview............................................... 9
2. What Is Unipolar Depression? ..................................................... 13
3. Causes of Unipolar Depression ................................................... 15
Common Possible Causes for Unipolar Depression ......................................... 15
4. Unipolar Depression vs. Bipolar Depression.............................. 18
The difference between bipolar and unipolar depression. ........................... 18
5. Signs and Symptoms of Unipolar Depression............................ 20
6. Common Myths about Unipolar Depression............................... 22
7. Who Gets Unipolar Depression? ................................................. 24
People Who Can Get Unipolar Depression......................................................... 24
8. Unipolar Depression in Children.................................................. 26
Symptoms of Unipolar Depression in Children ................................................. 26
9. Unipolar Depression in Adolescents ........................................... 28
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10. Unipolar Depression in Women ................................................. 30
11. Unipolar Depression in Men ....................................................... 33
12. Unipolar Depression in the Elderly ............................................ 35
13. When to Seek Medical Advice .................................................... 37
14. How Is Unipolar Depression Diagnosed? ................................. 38
15. Examinations and Tests to Determine Unipolar Depression... 41
16. Self-Testing for Unipolar Depression ........................................ 43
17. Medical History and Unipolar Depression Diagnosis............... 44
18. Is It Possible to Avoid Unipolar Depression? ........................... 45
19. Life after Unipolar Depression ................................................... 47
20. Treatment Options for Unipolar Depression............................. 49
21. Unipolar Depression Medications - Antidepressants............... 54
22. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) .............................................. 56
23. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)............ 58
24. Psychotherapy............................................................................. 60
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Choice of Suitable Psychotherapy Treatment.................................................... 61
25. Choosing a Psychotherapist ...................................................... 63
26. Experimental Therapies .............................................................. 65
27. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) ................................. 67
28. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) ................................................. 69
29. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)...................................... 71
30. Alternative Remedies for Unipolar Depression ........................ 73
Herbal -5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan (5-HTP)........................................................... 75
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Be Careful when Using Alternative Remedies ................................................... 80
31. Acupuncture and Reflexology.................................................... 81
33. Effects of Untreated Unipolar Depression ................................ 85
34. Depression and Thoughts of Suicide ........................................ 87
35. How to Overcome the Depression ............................................. 89
36. Cognitive Therapy for Depression ............................................. 91
37. How to Help a Depressed Person .............................................. 93
38. Dietary Supplements and Nutrition for Depression ................. 95
39. Where to Get Help for Depression ............................................. 98
40. Frequently Asked Questions about Unipolar Depression ..... 100
What are the possible causes for depression?............................................ 100
Does depression affect children in the same way as adults? .................... 101
Does excess or lack of sleep cause depression?........................................ 101
Why do Women have a higher probability of getting depression?............ 101
Do all depressed people commit suicide?.................................................... 102
What is the duration of a depression episode? ........................................... 102
Does a person who had depression, experience it again? ......................... 102
Just One More Thing....................................................................... 103
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Depression; a Misunderstood Disease by S Mallet Page 8 of 104
About the Author
Stephanie Mallet was surprised by the terrible effect that depression
had on a close friend and, especially, the consequences for that
friend’s family as they tried to cope without proper support.
She says that many people just joke about depression but it is too
serious for that.
She realized that she could write a simple, straight-forward guide
that would help to prepare those people that suffered from the
But, she wanted to ensure that her book will also help their families
and close friends to cope with the situation and show them how to
ensure that the patient gets the best care and advice.
Stephanie knows many people that have regained control of their
lives after serious bouts of depression and, while there is no
guaranteed cure, she hopes that her book will help to show many
patients that they have a good chance to do the same.
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Depression; a Misunderstood Disease by S Mallet Page 9 of 104
Part-I: Introduction
1. Unipolar Depression - An Overview
Unipolar depression is a severe form of depression that is the same
as clinical depression or major-depressive disorder. It is a serious
illness and may have severe disabling effects.
Unipolar depression affects more than ten million Americans every
year. It ranks among the leading causes for disability in America.
It affects women more severely than men.
Unipolar depression is a psychiatric disorder that makes you
disinterested in your normal activities. You are always in a low
mood and do not find happiness in anything.
It affects normal routine functions like eating and sleeping.
It is a chronic and recurring illness; most people with unipolar
depression suffer more than one episode in their life.
This depression occurs across all age groups and is not confined to
any particular group or socio-economic background.
Unipolar depression can occur anytime. It may be a one-time
occurrence and you may recover completely after treatment.
Or, it could recur soon after treatment.
This depression may set in gradually or suddenly. Unipolar