Climate, Cows, and Cars by Mitch - HTML preview

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Which lifestyle choice does more to combat Climate Change,

a carfree lifestyle, or a vegan lifestyle?


Like you I’ve often asked that eternal question: How can I become even more of a holier then though, pain in the butt eco-maniac? I was already carfree (and will remind you immediately), composted my food waste, and wore sweaters in the house during winter.


(Spoiler alert: they both have a really big impact on the climate.) I welcome you to join me in this exploration so that you too, can make choices that will ease your conscience and allow you to live a healthier, happier life.


The original question of which decision has a higher impact was originally raised in 2006 when the UN commissioned a report, titled Livestock’s Long Shadow.’ The report stated that the raising of domestic animals for food was the larger contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. But they didn’t simply claim that livestock were more damaging then driving, the UN report claimed that the animal products industry was more destructive then all the world’s transportation combined.


Thanks to the magic of the internet, there are in fact....millions of documents & scientific studies to help understand this complex issue. But don’t worry, I’ve done all the research and calculations for you.


this (and not all of them work in Congress). If you put yourself in the shoes of an oil company CEO (not so easy I admit) and ponder the danger that such knowledge poses for them, it’s possible to understand their motivation. This is why support for climate change denial comes from the Koch Brothers, oil companies, and the coal industry. (link) (link)  On the other hand, the case for human-caused climate change is supported by 97% of the scientific community. While our current era of superstorms makes denial increasingly difficult, many people are not aware that some companies knew about the threat of climate change in the mid 1980s. Some climate scientists even warned Lyndon Johnson about this 50 years ago! (link)


What IS Climate Change?


