Best Substitutes For Meat by Akshay Rokade - HTML preview

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Best Substitutes For Meat

The Best 10 Healthiest Meat Substitutes That Provide All The Protein You Need

Table of Contents

Introduction ...............................................................................................6

1. The Tofu Meat Substitute ...................................................................10

How Tofu is made ........................................................................... 11

Tofu Nutrition Information ............................................................. 11

2. Tempeh Meat Substitute .....................................................................13

How Tempeh is made ...................................................................... 13

Tempeh Nutrition Information ........................................................ 14

3. TVP Meat Substitute ...........................................................................15

TVP Nutrition Information .............................................................. 16

4. The Lupin Protein Meat Substitute .....................................................17

Lupin Protein Nutrition Information ............................................... 17

5. The Seitan Meat Substitute .................................................................19

How Setian is made ......................................................................... 19

Seitan Nutrition Information ........................................................... 20

6. Oat Flakes Meat Substitute .................................................................21

Oat Flakes Nutrition Information .................................................... 21

7. The Chickpeas Meat Substitute ..........................................................23

Chickpeas Nutrition Information ..................................................... 23

8. The Black Beans Meat Substitute .......................................................25

Black Beans Nutrition Information ................................................. 25

9. The Jackfruit Meat Substitute .............................................................27

Jackfruit Nutrition Information ....................................................... 27

10. The Pea Protein Meat Substitute .......................................................28

How Pea Protein Meat Substitute is made ...................................... 28

Pea Protein Nutrition Information ................................................... 29

The Best Meat Substitute Brands ............................................................30

Beyond Meat ................................................................................... 30

Boca Burger ..................................................................................... 30

Field Roast ....................................................................................... 31

Gardein ............................................................................................ 31

Lightlife ........................................................................................... 31

Morning Star Farms ......................................................................... 32

Simply Balanced .............................................................................. 32

Sweet Earth Natural Foods .............................................................. 32

Tofurkey .......................................................................................... 33

Trader Joe’s ..................................................................................... 33

Yves Veggie Cuisine ....................................................................... 33

Conclusion ..............................................................................................34

Essential Resources .................................................................................35

Guide to Meat Substitutes .............................................................. 35

........................................................................................................ 35

10 Best Meat Substitutes To Buy................................................... 35 ............................................................................ 35

Are Meat Substitutes Healthy? ...................................................... 35 .... 35

12 Recipes with Plant-Based Meat ................................................ 35

........................................................................................................ 35


A lot of people are looking closely at the amount of meat that they eat and considering healthier alternatives. There are several meat substitute products available these days but you need to know which are the best for you.

There has been a lot of research into the plant-based meat substitute industry. The experts are predicting that this industry will be worth more than $16 billion by 2026 as long as it continues to grow at the current rate.

There is no reason to believe that the growth of meat substitute products will not continue at the same growth rate or even grow at an increased rate. The price of meat continues to rise around the world and there are many research studies that show that eating a lot of meat could be an unhealthy choice. Many people are choosing to embark on diets that do not include meat nowadays.

There are also the environmental factors to take into account. A large meat ranch will create a vast amount of methane and uses precious resources that can be used elsewhere. At the end of the day, these factors are making people think twice about a meat-based diet and switching to a plant-based meat substitute diet.

This all sounds good, but when you switch to a diet of meat substitutes it is vital that your new diet provides you with all of the proteins you need to be healthy. To be healthy you need to consume the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. Exercising regularly is also necessary for optimum health.

You need to consume the right protein levels each day as this is essential for the building and repair of your muscles, bone, blood, tissues, and skin. The consumption of protein also helps you to increase your strength and build muscle mass. In addition to this, the right amount of protein helps to give your metabolism a boost.

Recently, a research study revealed that participants that had a high protein diet lowered their blood pressure, reduced triglycerides and bad cholesterol. When you consume protein, you will feel full which should prevent you from overeating and gaining weight.

In this special report, we will reveal 10 of the best meat substitute products. Please note: when you are considering the purchase of meat substitute products, always read the nutrition label and check the ingredients. You do not want to purchased meat substitute products that have been processed too much and contain a lot of salt and unhealthy fats.

The number of ingredients that the meat substitute product contains is a good indication of how processed it is. Usually, products with a lot of ingredients are highly processed. Also check for any added sugar and salt.

Important Note: Not all of the meat substitute products available will contain the right amount of protein that you need each day, so you must read the labels. Some of the products will have added nutrients and vitamins that a vegetarian diet will not provide such as vitamin B12, zinc, and iron. Please be aware that only a few meat substitutes include the 9 amino acids you need. These are known as complete proteins.

Examples of complete proteins include quinoa, buckwheat, and soy. It is essential that you choose meat substitute products that will provide you with the vital amino acids you require.

In this special report, we will provide details about the 10 best substitutes for meat that are available today. We will also provide you with important nutrition information you need to know.

Let’s get started…

1. The Tofu Meat Substitute

It is important for you to know that the majority of meat substitute products are made from legumes such as cereal, peas, other vegetables, and soy. All of these plants individually contain almost the amount of protein you need and when they are combined, they will provide the same amount as meat.

One of the most well-known meat substitutes is tofu. It is made from soybeans and is an inexpensive protein source that has been used in Asia for many years.

Tofu does not contain many calories and it will absorb aromas from any marinades or spices you may use in your cooking. It is very versatile and you can eat it like cheese if you want. However, we recommend that it is used as an alternative meat product.

How Tofu is made

Tofu is made by soaking soybeans and making a puree by mashing them. The puree is then filtered to separate the liquid element from the solid. Then the liquids are heated so that they curdle and form solid tofu.

It is then pressed into slabs and can be cut into different shapes. Usually, tofu is available in a rectangular format. There is a fibrous part of the puree known as okara, that is then dehydrated and used as mince or alternative meat chunks.

There are different forms of tofu which are silken, soft, firm and extra-firm. You can make tofu crispy if you remove more water from it by pressing it. Patting the tofu dry is required in some recipes. The right recipes will ensure that your tofu is the most flavorful. If you go for extra-firm tofu, you can grill it or fry it like you can ordinary meat. You can make smoothies out of silken tofu.

Tofu Nutrition Information

A single cup of tofu will usually have around 188 calories. It will also have around 20 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat, 0.7 grams of fiber, 13

milligrams of iron, and 868 milligrams of calcium.

In 2016 there was a study which concluded that over 80% of the soybean farms in the world use a GMO (genetically modified organism) process.

You can purchase organic tofu as well. A lot of people are concerned about GMO products as nobody knows what the long-term consequences of eating these products are.

The good thing about soy is that it is a complete protein. It has all 9 of the amino acids you need. Usually, tofu is also fortified with vitamin B12 which is not the case with proteins that are plant-based.

There are some natural phytoestrogens in tofu so do not eat it more than a couple of times a week. Pregnant women should ask their doctor if it is OK for them to consume tofu as should anyone that has had hormone-related cancer. The reason is that the natural hormone in tofu could cause problems.

2. Tempeh Meat Substitute

You may not have heard of tempeh but it is a good meat substitute to consider. Like tofu it is made from soybeans. It originates from Indonesia.

How Tempeh is made

Tempeh is made by fermenting whole soybeans. It uses the action of certain bacteria which breaks down some of the proteins in the beans so that humans can digest them more easily.

It is an ideal meat substitute because it is high in fiber, contains around 20% protein, and has a dry texture. To give the tempeh more flavor and texture, other beans and grains can be added to it. You need to know that tempeh is a little tangy and there is a nutty taste to it so it is not going to be for everyone.

A lot of people use tempeh as a good meat substitute for a barbeque.

You can also bake it, sauté it, fry it, or grill it. Some people like to eat tempeh in a grain bowl or a lettuce wrap.

Like yoghurt, tempeh is fermented so it can help with the maintenance of healthy gut bacteria. Tempeh is high in antioxidants and calcium. It also has a high manganese content which can assist in the regulation of blood sugar. Usually, tempeh is low in sodium. As tempeh has a high fiber content, we recommend that you add it to your diet gradually to avoid excessive gas and bloating.

Tempeh Nutrition Information

A single cup of tempeh will usually have around 319 calories. It will also have around 34 grams of protein, 18 grams of fat, 4.5 milligrams of iron, and 184 milligrams of calcium. This meat substitute is also a good source of vitamin B6 and magnesium.

When you are purchasing tempeh, pay attention to the label. People with gluten sensitivity or a celiac disease should avoid tempeh with added grain. Tempeh is not a good product if you have a soy allergy. If you are lactose intolerant or need a dairy free diet then tempeh is good as it has added calcium.

3. TVP Meat Substitute

TVP stands for textured vegetable protein. It is again made from soybeans which are mixed with water to form a healthy meat substitute which is inexpensive. Also known as a soy protein, TVP is available in balls, cutlets, chunks and mince formats. As with tofu, TVP will absorb the odors of spices easily. You can use TVP as a good alternative to meat sauces such as Bolognese or chili, meat cutlets, meatballs, and meat patties.

The TVP meat substitute has low sodium and it does contain a little fiber, some calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. You need to know that TVP tends to be processed a lot more than some of the other meat substitutes that we discuss in this report. It is important that you read the label on the product to ensure that you choose TVP that only contains soy.

TVP Nutrition Information

A single cup (dry) of TVP (soy protein) will usually have around 222

calories. It will also have around 35 grams of protein, 0.83 grams of fat, 6.3 milligrams of iron, 12 grams of fiber, and 164 milligrams of calcium.

This meat substitute is also a good source of some B vitamins and magnesium.

Although TVP is a high protein meat substitute, there is an isolating process used to make it which will remove several of the natural nutrients that it contains. When you want to purchase TVP we recommend that you choose the organic variety so that you avoid possible contamination from pesticides use in the process of extraction.

Find out where your TVP comes from as well. Avoid TVP from Brazil as soy farming there has resulted in heavy deforestation.

4. The Lupin Protein Meat


Like soybeans, lupins are legumes. Many experts believe that lupin protein is the meat substitute of the future. Lupins are native to the Mediterranean area but they do grow in other parts of Europe as well.

This is a very versatile meat substitute and you can use it to create doner kebabs, cutlets, and sausages for example.

There is almost 90% protein in lupin protein isolate. This is very high for a plant. You will not find any lactose, gluten, or cholesterol in lupin protein. Not only is lupin protein used in the creation of meat substitutes but it is also used for the creation of flour and dairy substitutes too. You can even find ice cream made from lupin protein.

Lupin Protein Nutrition Information

A single cup of tofu will usually have around 193 calories. It will also have around 5 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber, 2 milligrams of iron, and 15 grams of carbohydrates. You can find lupin protein available online,

in vegan stores, and in organic food stores. You need to be aware of Green Spelt lupin protein.

It is spelt grain that was harvested when it was just semi-ripe. Spelt is a type of wheat that mankind has cultivated for thousands of years. Many experts believe that ancient grains such as spelt are healthier for us than more modern grains.

After harvesting Green Spelt, the grain is roasted and then dried. This helps to make it last longer and provides it with a strong flavor. It is easier for humans to digest spelt when roasted. This means that you shouldn’t experience digestive issues as you can with fermented products or other legumes.

You get lots of phosphorous, magnesium and B vitamins with Green Spelt. A single cup of cooked spelt will contain around 246 calories, 10.6 grams of protein, 1.6 grams of fat, 7.6 grams of fiber, and 51 grams of carbohydrates. Green Spelt is a good source of protein and fiber.

Bruised grain and semolina are made from Green Spelt and these are good for creating meat balls, cutlets and meat patties. Find green Spelt online in organic and other health food stores. Usually, you will find it in the form of semolina, bruised grain, or cutlets.

5. The Seitan Meat Substitute Seitan is a protein that is found in wheat. It has similar to meat in its consistency and you can easily prepare it and season it. People in Asia have been using seitan for centuries in their cooking as it is very healthy to eat and a lot less expensive than meat.

How Setian is made

Seitan is made by placing wheat flour dough in water and then washing it until all of the starch granules are removed. After this you are left with wheat gluten which can then be boiled, baked, or steamed to provide a texture similar to meat.

This process takes a long time. If you have a sensitivity towards gluten or have celiac disease then seitan is not for you. You can find seitan powder available in a lot of countries around the world. Seitan is an inexpensive product and you can use it to make cutlets, cold-cuts and even vegan sausages. The flavor of seitan is fairly mild and many say that it is similar in taste to chicken.

As an alternative to powder, seitan is available in strips. This is more convenient if you want to grill it to create a kebab, put it in salads, use it in curries, or create stir fry with it. Strip seitan tends to have a mushroom taste but with the right seasoning you can make it taste similar to chicken. Because seitan looks so much like meat you can easily use it for a taco filling or pizza topping and slice it to make sandwiches.

Seitan Nutrition Information

Four ounces of seitan will usually have around 140 calories. It will also have around 28 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fat. Seitan is high in vitamin B6, niacin, and riboflavin. There is no calcium or iron in seitan though.

You will not find all 9 of the amino acids that you need in seitan as it is not a complete protein. Of course, you can add some vegetable protein to your meal with seitan such as lentils, white beans, pumpkin seeds, and quinoa.

Be sure to check the label when you are purchasing seitan. There are some ready prepared seitan products which are more likely to include additives and preservatives such as stabilizers, sodium and soy sauce

6. Oat Flakes Meat Substitute

There is a good amount of zinc and iron in oat flakes. You can usually purchase oat flakes cheaply in a supermarket and even your local grocery store. When you consume oat flakes you experience a steady source of carbohydrates. This helps to make you full for longer and it can be an effective way to lose weight.

Oat Flakes Nutrition Information

A single 50 gram serving of oat flakes will usually have around 178

calories. It will also have around 5.5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, and 30 grams of carbohydrates.

A lot of people make cutlets from oat flakes which is made from frying oat dough and combining this with grated vegetables such as zucchini or carrots, other vegetable proteins, a bit of fat, and some vegetable broth.

As an alternative to “pulled pork”, it is possible for you to purchase

“pulled oats”. These are made from oat protein, oat flour, oat bran, salt,

oil, fava bean protein, and pea protein. The process of pulling produces a very realistic texture like meat which can even fool some people into believing that it really is meat.

7. The Chickpeas Meat Substitute There is more protein in chickpeas than in a lot of different kinds of meat. Chickpeas will make you full fast and they are often used in Mediterranean foods such as falafel and hummus. Not only do chickpeas have high levels of protein but they are also rich in fiber, calcium and iron.

Chickpeas Nutrition Information

A single cup of chickpeas will usually have around 267 calories. It will also have around 14.4 grams of protein, 4.2 grams of fat, 12.5 grams of fiber, 44 grams of carbohydrates, 4.7 milligrams of iron, and 80

milligrams of calcium. Chickpeas also contain vitamin K, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin C, and magnesium.

In a can of chickpeas, you will find a brine called aquafaba. You can whip this brine to create a meringue which vegans can eat. This works just as well as using an egg white. The proteins in the chickpeas leach into the brine which makes it similar to an egg white.

To stabilize your meringue, you can add a small amount of cream of tartar. Whip the brine slowly to start with until you begin to see the froth and then you can increase the whipping speed to create your fluffy meringue. Create a great tasting desert by adding some vanilla and sugar.

8. The Black Beans Meat Substitute The black bean is another legume that is rich in fiber and protein. Black beans get their dark color from chemicals known as anthocyanins. These are very good antioxidants. Go for the darkest black beans you can find as these will be the healthiest as they contain the highest levels of anthocyanins.

Black beans have a similar texture to that of ground beef, so you can easily create patties with them similar to hamburgers. You can eat black beans as they are too. They are used a lot in Mexican cooking. When you purchase black beans in a can, it is a good idea to drain the brine and use it later on. This brine can also be used to create a sauce if you simmer the black beans in it. Like all legumes, black beans do not contain any gluten.

Black Beans Nutrition Information

Half a cup of black beans will usually have around 114 calories. It will also have around 7.6 grams of protein, less than 1 gram of fat, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 23 milligrams of calcium, 7.5 grams of fiber, and 1.8

milligrams of iron. Black beans also provide some B vitamins, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

9. The Jackfruit Meat Substitute The jackfruit comes from India and if it is harvested just before ripening then the texture of it is similar to pulled pork. There is a hint of sweetness in the taste of the jackfruit and you can disguise this to make it taste more like meat with seasoning.

Jackfruit Nutrition Information

A single cup of jackfruit will usually have around 157 calories. It will also have around 2.8 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fiber, and 739

milligrams of potassium. The jackfruit is also high in vitamin B6, antioxidants, and magnesium. It is also reasonably low in carbohydrates as well.

You will not find all 9 of the amino acids that you need in a jackfruit as it is not a complete protein. We recommend that you combine jackfruit with a grain or legume to create a healthy meal. Always check the nutrition label if you but jackfruit pre-packaged. Sometimes it can contain added sugar.

10. The Pea Protein Meat Substitute There is a lot of protein and iron in the common pea. In addition to this, pea protein is low in cholesterol and fat. The pea protein is a fairly new meat substitute and you are mostly likely to find it online or at a vegan store.

How Pea Protein Meat Substitute is made

It is possible to closely mimic the feel and texture of ground beef using pea protein. This is achieved by using textured pea protein or pea protein isolate. To make the pea protein look even more like meat, beets can be used to color the meat substitute so that it will look similar to beef that is medium-rare.

Another benefit of the pea protein meat substitute is that peas do not require the same amount of water to grow than other vegetables do. Peas and other legumes will also convert nitrogen from the air into a form that can be used by other plants.

Pea Protein Nutrition Information Pea protein is free of soy and gluten. It is also GMO free which is good news as a lot of people are concerned about GMO products. You need to be aware that pea protein contains less starches and fiber than a whole pea has.

11. The Best Meat Substitute Brands

With the rising popularity of meat substitutes, many brands have emerged that now sell substitute products. These are the meat substitute brands that we recommend:

Beyond Meat

The Beyond Meat company creates “ground beef” products from pea protein. There burger patties are colored using beets so they look more natural.

Boca Burger

This company has been in the meat substitute business for a while. They also use pea protein to create their spicy patties and burgers.

Field Roast

If you like the idea of meatloaf, burgers, roasts, delis slices and sausages made from meat substitutes then look for the Field Roast brand. They use grain protein and two of their best products are their Filed Burger and their Chao Slices.


The Gardein meat substitute company is famous for their classic meatballs. They also make fish substitute products such as crabless mini-cakes and their golden fishless fillet.


This meat substitute company uses a logo on its products that says

“certified vegan”. They have a range of products with their Smart Dogs being one of the most popular.

Morning Star Farms

Morning Star Farms is a division of Kellogs and they have a number of vegan products that contain no eggs or dairy. These include their Chik’n Nuggets, Buffalo Wings and Buffalo Chik Patties.

Simply Balanced

Simply Balanced is a division of Target and they currently have 4 high-quality meat substitute products which are:

1. Korean Barbecue Meatless Chicken

2. Mushroom Miso Meatless Turkey

3. Smoky Chipotle Meatless Chicken

4. Teriyaki Meatless Turkey

Sweet Earth Natural Foods

This company is famous for their pea protein burgers, their seitan burritos, their 3 flavors of ground round, and their meatless bacon. Be sure to check the labels to see if meat substitutes are used.


This meat substitute company started out in 1980and their most famous product is their Holiday Roast. Other products include chorizo- style ground beef, meatless pizza, tempeh bacon, veggie dogs, and deli slices.

Trader Joe’s

This well-known brand has a good choice of meat substitute products such as their popular Chickenless Crispy Tenders. They are committed to creating more meat substitute products.

Yves Veggie Cuisine

This is another meat substitute company that has been around a long time. They started out in 1985 and now provide a wide selection of products such as their Veggie Brats Classic, Meatless Canadian Bacon, Meatless Jumbo Hot Dogs, and Vegan Grain Strips with Barbeque Sauce.


There is evidence to support a lower mortality rate from the increased consumption of plant protein. A study of South Asian people living in the US found that they had significantly fewer cardiometabolic risk factors due to following a plant-based diet.

There are also the health risks to consider with meat markets such as salmonella and swine flu. In addition to this, livestock are being provided with antibiotics that can make their pathogens resistant to popular medications.

This all means that continuing to eat meat is more hazardous these days.

Converting to meat substitutes is a step in the right direction to becoming healthier.

You want to avoid processed foods as these are not healthy and they tend to be bad for the environment as well. Use the valuable information in this special report to make the right choices of meat substitute products.

The amount of protein that a meat substitute product contains is very important as you need proteins to replenish and repair your tissues and cells.

You will never regret using high-quality meat substitute products!

Essential Resources

Use these essential resources to make the right choices when it comes to meat substitutes:

Guide to Meat Substitutes 10 Best Meat Substitutes To Buy

Are Meat Substitutes Healthy?

12 Recipes with Plant-Based Meat

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