Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Aids To Natural Body Detoxification

At this very minute your body is detoxifying itself. Your natural body detoxification process goes full swing when you are resting, asleep or fasting.

In the old days, your body can do all the work in cleansing your system all on its own. After all, these wastes are by-products of life's own natural processes.

Natural body process

Detoxification is simply a natural procedure where the body eliminates the toxins created by the other natural processes. There are two sources of these wastes.

The first toxins are from the outside, from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the soap we use to wash our face with, etc.

The others are by-products of body processes. When food is digested, the process creates waste. When the body heals or repairs itself, there is waste. Even negative emotions and stresses produce its corresponding toxins.

These days, in the face of extreme pollution from all-around us, the body's natural capacity to detoxify itself needs help. There are five ways to do it.

Zinc level increase

Zinc protects the body from the free radicals that cause a lot of health problems including cancer. Free radicals come from radiation, second-hand smoke and other air pollutants.

Zinc can be had from egg yolks, sea foods, mushrooms, pecans, meat, chicken, soybeans, sunflower seeds, oysters, parsley and kelp.

Selenium increase

Selenium produces the enzyme glutathione peroxidase that prevents oxidation. Selenium protects the liver which is an important body waste processor.

There are natural sources of selenium: Brazil nuts, broccoli, brown rice, sea foods, dairy products, onions, molasses, vegetables, chicken, garlic and whole grains.

Going natural

This simply means using naturally-occurring materials instead of man-made things. Vinegar or baking soda as a cleaning agent can substitute cleaning products crammed with chemicals.

Using organically-grown food, rather than pesticide- and fertilizer-treated ones is much better because you avoid ingesting those chemicals.


A human being needs to retain its water supply levels for metabolism, blood flow, body heat regulation, and transport of nutrients.

The detoxification process is triggered if you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you drink coffee or tea, match up your consumption with the same amount of water because caffeine induces urination.


Homeopathic medicine had been around for the last 200 years and it works by acting on the body's natural processes to heal itself. There are several homeopathic formulas now available as body cleansing aids.

Today, your body cannot do all the work in body detoxification. As owner, you need to be totally aware of its processes from now on to know when to help.