10 Great Ways to Self-Esteem by James Vanstone - HTML preview

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Ten Ways To Greater Self Esteem

Hi, I have worked in the field of counselling and coaching for some time now, and I am always amazed at the God given ability we humans have to improve our lives for the better. There has been great philosophical debate throughout the centuries, as to 'why we are here', and 'what life is about'. In simple terms, people of all walks of life have fundamentally come to the same conclusion. That is, we are here to make what we can of life, to lead meaningful relationships, to reproduce, and master areas of our own choice. Happiness is an achievement we can come to know and love, through improving our thoughts and beliefs about the world and each other.


Maybe you are reading this book because you wish to improve your own self esteem, if so I am quite sure the things you shall learn about will help you greatly. Maybe you are reading this book because you have things going on in your life which you are struggling with. If this is the case then please do read on, as I know the ideas you will get from this book will have some benefit to you both emotionally and psychologically. Or, maybe you are reading this book because you want to feel better today. While I can not promise immediate relief from inner burdens, I can ensure you that if you are to take some of the ideas in this book and practice them like you would a hobby, self esteem will happen for you