Macho Love Sex Behind Bars by Jacobo Schifter - HTML preview

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Another type of relationship that is tolerated in the culture of prison inmates is that between an older man and a younger man, known as a “güila” or a “cabrito” (a “kid”) Young prisoners are sought-after by those who have been in prison for a long time, and who seek a relationship of control and “female” services, in exchange for protection inside the jail. Although the gender difference is not so marked in this type of relationship, the seniority of age allows the older man to consider himself the “macho” and the protector of the younger, weaker man, replicating a heterosexual relationship.

“Cachero”-”güila” relationships differ from those involving transvestites. In the first place, the “cachero” who seeks out young men is attracted by the age, not the affectation or mannerisms of his partner. In general, the “güilas” are masculine-looking young men. Moreover, they are not homosexuals and are not attracted to men. The “homosexualization” of the “güilas” is a process that may take days, weeks or years.

One of the advantages that “cacheros” see in “güilas” is that they are more faithful, since they are not attracted to other men. According to Daniel, “cacheros” believe that “güilas” are less promiscuous than transvestites. Luis tells us that “you won’t find a “güila” ogling a “cachero” in the shower to see what his penis is like, like the transvestites do.” Ernesto believes that “güilas” remain content with their man”. “Cacheros” who look for “güilas” are generally pedophiles. Daniel and his son, who is in prison with him, are an example.

Interviewer:Do you like young boys?
Interviewer:What about those older than you?
Daniel:Yes, I’ve had older ones, but I like young ones.
Interviewer:And young girls of that age?
Daniel:Young girls also.
Interviewer:You like them too?
Interviewer:You like both?
Daniel:Yes, I’ve had young girls of 15 or 16.
Interviewer:But you have a preference for young boys?
Daniel:Yes, male love is better.
Interviewer:Male love is better?
Daniel:Yes, it’s better.
Interviewer:Do you always pay them?
Daniel:Yes, of course, I always give them money.
Interviewer:How does that work here in jail?
Daniel:You pay here too, always, of course. But here it’s cheaper than on the street, around 300 or 500 colones.
Interviewer:Have you had lasting relationships with women? Marriage or girlfriends?
Daniel:No, only girlfriends.
Interviewer:Have you lived with a woman?
Daniel:No, but I went out with a girl and I fucked her.
Interviewer:In other words, you like both things.
Daniel:Yes, but now I’m into “cacherismo” more than anything. It works better, because it’s very tough in jail.
Interviewer:Do you have children?
Daniel:Yes, I have five children.
Interviewer:How old are they?
Daniel:The eldest is 24, another is 18 and another 17. The youngest are 15 and 16.
Interviewer:You never had sexual relations with your children?
Daniel:Oh no! I respect them a lot.
Interviewer:Are any of them homosexual?
Daniel:Yes, one of them turned out the same as me.
Interviewer:Son or daughter?
Interviewer:Is he a “cachero”?s
Interviewer:How old is he?
Daniel:24, and he’s one hell of a “cachero”!
Interviewer:How do you know?
Daniel:I know because I’ve seen him.
Interviewer:Tell me about that.
Daniel:He’s an inmate in the jail where I was.
Interviewer:You’re sure he’s a “cachero”?
Interviewer:You saw him do it?
Daniel:Yes, he was with me there, and when he was by my side I saw him in action.
Interviewer:Did the two of you talk about these things?
Interviewer:Did you compare men?
Interviewer:Have you shared “güilas”?
Daniel:Yes, of course.
Interviewer:When you were in jail?
Interviewer:That’s very interesting, and I’d like us to talk some more about that. You say that you’ve shared sexual partners with your son in jail?
Daniel:Yes, of course.
Interviewer:Tell me about that.
Daniel:After I was done with him (the “güila”), I passed him on to my son, and well, he would carry on doing great. And he’d say ‘Dad, I turned out just like you’.
Interviewer:Do you feel guilty about that?
Daniel:No, but I’m to blame: he’s the same as me because one day he saw me.
Interviewer:He saw you in the jail?
Daniel:Yes, and he said he wanted to know about those things. I said if he wanted to learn I’d pass the “güilas” on to him, after I’d used them, and so we shared them. After one of us finishes having sex with a “güila”, the other takes him and fucks him. My son told me that he’s proud to have learned with me.
Interviewer:Have you sat down to compare notes, in other words, do you tell each other about how you felt and what you did?
Daniel:Yes, he’s told me things. He says how great it is, that it’s better than with a woman, it’s tighter because women are more loose and men are tighter, and that sex with men feels better, and well, we both like it.
Interviewer:And do you feel good about your relationship with your son, do you get along?
Daniel:Yes, we get along well.
Interviewer:Do you like your partners to be transvestites, to be dressed like women, or not?
Daniel:On no! I like them to be serious.
Interviewer:What do you mean by serious?
Interviewer:You don’t like having sex with “güilas” who are queens or effeminate?
Daniel:Oh no, not the effeminate ones, because they go around with everyone. But the straight ones are different, they don’t make love with everybody, mainly because of the diseases, because some go around with this one and that one. That’s why, if you have a güila, he’d better be faithful.
Interviewer:Are you faithful to him?
Interviewer:You only go with him?
Daniel:Just with him.
Interviewer:You don’t think that a faithful “güila” can also pass on a disease?
Daniel:Yes, of course. That’s why when I’m going to make love, I check him out first.
Interviewer:How do you check him out?
Daniel:Well, to see how much he’s screwed, because I’ve been doing this for 18 years, and I grab him, open him up and put my finger up him to see how he is. The ones who are infected have a kind of strange smell and you know they’re infected.

Other “cacheros” have developed a taste for young men while in prison. Carlos, for example, used to like girls under fifteen. His passion was to go off with the girls and “play house” with them. When we asked him to describe the game, he said he would ask the girls to “play the role of mother” and he would “play father”. The girls, without suspecting his intentions, would gradually become more trusting and little by little would yield to his demands. “One day, I ask them to pretend that we go to sleep together. Another time, we pretend to examine each other’s bodies. Before they know it, I’ve possessed them.” While in jail, Carlos looks for whatever most closely resembles a young girl. “Well, here you don’t have any chance of finding little girls. The only thing you see here are the (female) prison officers who are more wide open than the Zurqui tunnel (a large tunnel on one of Costa Rica’s main highways). I enjoy getting acquainted with the “güilas” who come here and playing around with them.” This is a complicated game which goes on for months:

Many of these kids are criminals but they’re innocent about sodomy. When a little blond, white-skinned kid arrives, all beardless and hairless, I gradually befriend him. I offer him food and cigarettes. I invite him to stay with me in my den. At night, I touch him on the sly, like I didn’t really mean to do it. If I see that he doesn’t say anything, the next time I grab him deliberately. Little by little I begin to masturbate him. In one or two months I begin playing around behind. I do this very carefully, because the kid doesn’t know how to do this. First I insert a finger, that’s all...In a few more weeks he’s mine.

Others like Teja began as ‘cacheros’ with transvestites and gradually developed a taste for young men. He says that before he met Ana, he had never seen another man. However, a “kid with a big ass” was assigned the bunk below his. The young man was not a homosexual but a “güila” who was visited by another “cachero”. Teja could not help but be impressed by what he saw:

I have a lot of respect for Calderòn, because he’s a very manly, butch type, a real thug, but one night I heard him begging the “güila” below me. First he gave him a crack joint so he’d get a good blast (get high). Then I saw him get into the den and begin taking the kid’s pants down. Looking down from above, I saw what pink, rounded buttocks that kid has. Wow! I like Ana’s butt, but his was phenomenal. I heard when Calderòn took the “güila”. The kid told him that he’d never had a banging (passive anal sex) of that quality. He said, ‘you squeezed all the juice out from inside, you motherfucker. Get out, I can’t stand the pain.’ I was all turned on by this, and ever since that night I often thought about getting into his bed. Well, last week, the kid began to make eyes at me, because Calderon was moved to another block. I didn’t waste any time and went down to him and told him: “Look, if you go with me, you close down that little backside of yours. I don’t want any more playing around.” He said, “well, I don’t want to see you with Ana either. You either stay with that queen or come with me...’ So, I left Ana for this guy...

Luis is a very different case. He was raped by another man when he was just ten years old and has decided to take his revenge by doing the same to boys of his age:

Interviewer:Let’s take it step by step. How did you come to be raped? What happened? Describe it in plenty of detail
Luis:Well, that day I was home and I went for a walk in the village. I went into a ‘cantina’ (a bar).
Interviewer:How old were you?
Interviewer:You drank liquor at that age?
Luis:No, no, no. It wasn’t that I drank liquor, but back then I liked to play with bottle caps, so I went in there. When I went into the bar, there was an older man, who was around 35 at the time. He was tall, thin and bald and he asked me where San Vito was. I told him I knew and he said:’can you take me there?’, and I said sure I can, and when we were walking along the railroad line, he grabbed me by the neck and covered my mouth and dragged me into an abandoned house. Once inside, he began taking my clothes off, he pulled my pants down and well...there was penetration, in other words, he traumatized me.
Interviewer:When he’d finished with you, what happened? What did you do?
Luis:When he’d finished with me, he said we should go to San Vito and I said I didn’t want to go. But he took me anyway, and kept kicking me behind, where it hurt. I walked along like I was all opened up and we arrived in San Vito where the fiestas were going on. He asked me if I wanted to eat something and I said no, nothing, that I wanted to go home. He told me I wasn’t going home, that I was going to stay with him all day and who knows how many more days. And I said no, I want to go home. I was even crying by then, with tears in my eyes and with all that pain I felt. So I got into a car and got home, where my mother was, and she asked me where I’d been, and I said “around”. I didn’t have the courage to tell her, and as we’ve never been close enough to talk like mother to son, I didn’t tell her what had happened that time.

This trauma led Luis to do the same to other children.

Interviewer:At that time you were nine -- now we’re going to move on a little. When was your first sexual experience with another man or young boy?
Luis:Well, around nine or ten, something like that.
Interviewer:Tell me what happened.
Luis:Well, with the resentment I felt because of what happened to me, I began to hate myself and I began to hate my classmates and friends. And as time went on, I grew up physically but emotionally I stayed the same.
Interviewer:When you say you hated yourself, what does that mean, that Luis hated Luis?
Interviewer:And you hated your friends?
Interviewer:Because of the memory of sexual abuse?
Luis:That’s right, so the point came when I unloaded that hate on other smaller kids, who were six or seven years old. I’d go up to them to take them someplace, and I’d say ‘let’s go for a walk’, but I had all that filth in my mind.
Interviewer:How old were you?
Luis:I was about ten.
Interviewer:Did you penetrate them?
Interviewer:Tell me about it.
Luis:Well, I would take them someplace, I would talk nicely to them and they would say no at first, but they would always come with me. When they took their clothes off, I would grab their anus and begin to caress them, and then put a little saliva on it and penetrate them. Then they would yell and, to stop them from yelling too much, I would grab them by the neck with one hand and cover their mouth with the other so they wouldn’t yell, so they wouldn’t make a noise.

In jail, Luis continued with this behavior against the “güilas”.

Interviewer:Do you think of yourself -- if you wish to answer this -- as a “güila”, a “cachero”, a “fox”, a transvestite or none of these?
Luis:Well, I like to penetrate.
Interviewer:So, you’re a “cachero” then?
Interviewer:Tell me a little about yourself.
Luis:Well, I like penetration, because, I don’t know, it’s the sensation of penetrating the anus, not the vagina. Well, I like that too. But from behind, through the anus, it feels different. It reminds me of the old days, of past times, and that’s why I began as a “cachero”, because as they did it to me, I learned how to do the same.
Interviewer:Do you have a “güila” here?
Luis:No, I don’t.
Interviewer:Do you have sexual relations with some of the “güilas” here?
Luis:I’ve had sexual relations with some “güilas”.
Interviewer:Tell me about that.
Luis:Well, a lot of kids have asked me to please give them 300, 200 or 100 colones and I tell them I don’t have any (money) and that what I have, I need. ‘What do you need it for?’, they ask, and I tell them that to buy something. And then they end up saying that we should go to the bathroom so that I can give them a “drink” (semen) or penetrate them.


There are many ways of persuading a “güila” to agree to sexual relations. Some older “cacheros” who were imprisoned in San Jose’s Central Penitentiary during the 1970's, say that different tactics were used to subjugate inmates. Since prevention and education programs were nonexistent in the old penitentiary, prisoners were simply abandoned in their cells. Some of them would spend weeks or months without receiving visits, a situation which “cacheros” would take advantage of to force some of the younger prisoners to have sex with them. Polo describes this as follows:

Things were very different before. In the Peni (San Jose’s former prison), when a nice-looking “güila” arrived, they’d say a boat had come in, and he would be forced into a cell with several “cacheros”. He might be a tough small-time criminal, it didn’t make any difference. They’d strip the guy, shave all of his body, powder him and put him in a cell for three or four months without ever letting him out. Can you imagine what it’s like to be used like a woman, day and night, by two or three guys for three months? Many of them ended up completely schizoid (schizophrenic). You’d hear screams of pain during the day and at night from the penetrations they did to him. The “cacheros” would bring out the guy’s underpants, which were red with blood, so everyone would laugh. It was a real joke! These kids would either go crazy or turn gay. Some of them would stay with just one guy to avoid being grabbed by the rest. I’ll never forget Juancito, who was put in with a black guy who was famous in the Peni. I saw in the shower and I saw the size of his dick. It was an exaggeration! Well, the guy would screw Juancito, who ended up in the infirmary more than once. He asked me to protect him from the “cachero”, but I didn’t want to have any problems...

There is evidence that forced initiation continues. In the chapter on rape, we shall see how many “güilas” are obliged to find themselves a “cachero” after being forced by several inmates. The young man learns to choose the lesser evil, which is to become the lover of a single “godfather”. However, the appearance of crack in the country’s jails, from the mid-eighties onwards, has made things easier for the “cacheros”. Juan tells us that “it’s not worth forcing” a young inmate if they’re “willing to do anything for a hit of crack.” This view is shared by Daniel who says that “with money you can even buy a mother in jail”. The need for money to buy highly addictive drugs means that “anyone will give his ass”, says Teja. “Cacheros” simply need to introduce “güilas” to drugs and soon “they will do anything”, says Tucan. “You don’t need to complicate your life. I give them a few joints and I gradually tame them with drugs. They soon beg me to lend them money to buy more. Then I tell them that I want to see them naked to give them money. Finally, I’ve got them nailed and without saying a single word. Why should I complicate things with rape?”

Unlike the relationship between “cacheros” and transvestites, the “cachero”-”güila” relationship is characterized by its exclusivity. The “güilas” are generally under threat of death if they go with another “cachero”. Daniel makes it clear to his partners that the relationship is “‘till death do us part.” It is unusual to find a “güila” prostituting himself as openly as the transvestites do. In general, “cacheros” who go with “güilas” are the ones who provide the money, and not the other way round, as in the case of the transvestites. The fact that “güilas” are not homosexuals means that it is easier for them to be faithful to their partners. “Güilas” may end up enjoying sexual relations and even turn them around, and possess the “cacheros’ themselves. However, they do not seek out men for their physical appearance, or for their virility, as the transvestites do, but rather for their money and their power.


Juan Carlos is a “güila” who agreed to talk frankly to us. He describes the type of man he lives with, their relationship, their sexual practices and their commitment to each other:

Interviewer:You prefer to team up with an older person who can take care of you?
Juan Carlos:Of course, because there are many older people here who are very respected. A young kid who’s in here for swindling, say, isn’t going to stand up for you if they’re try to knife you. On the other hand an older person would, because most of the ones who are here are respected.
Interviewer:Are they hard guys?
Juan Carlos:Of course they are. I had an adventure here with a guy like that. They called him Jose el Mago (the Magician). He’s been a “col” for a long time, of course. He’s been in the Peni (the former prison of San Jose), doing time, and in San Lucas (a penitentiary located on an island in the Pacific Ocean). And he’s respected here in all the different sections, in medium security, and when I was having an adventure and living with him, he told me not to worry, that if anything would happen to me, first they would have to kill him and then me. He took care of me and defended me. I had an adventure with that guy who was a “col”.
Interviewer?And did you enjoy it?
Juan Carlos:Yes, of course.
Interviewer:How old was he?
Juan Carlos:He was 30.
Interviewer:Thirty is young isn’t it?
Juan Carlos:Yes, he was young, but he was very respected, because he was doing time for six homicides, with a 32-year sentence. I was with him for a long while and he would take care of me and help me and give me advice all about the prison system here, how you have to coexist with the other inmates, and how to relate to different people, so that you don’t have frictions, or problems with them, you know, how to avoid those things, to keep away from certain people. Because here most people, if they see you with money, or they see you with drugs or something, they pretend to be friends at that moment but later, if you have any kind of problem, they turn their backs on you. They’re not going to defend you.
Interviewer:I’ve noticed, and it occurs to me, that here there’s a strong relationship between sex and death. In other words, the great “cacheros” have been killers. What can you tell me about that?
Juan Carlos:Well, the majority of those “cacheros” have turned into killers because they’ve had someone living with them, they’ve lent them money and had sex with them believing that they would have them always. But there comes a time when the “güila” leaves him and then he hears rumors that he’s with someone else, making love and all that, and so the “cachero” gets jealous and immediately kills him. That’s happened down here. They killed that queer, Corina, and La Tapa was killed for that, because of the jealousy of the “cachero”, who killed him over there in B-1.
Interviewer:Continuing with the subject of jealousy and “cacherismo”, tell me a little about the people who slash themselves. Do you think there’s any connection between people who slash their wrists, sex and jealousy?
Juan Carlos:Of the people here, most of the ones who get into slashing themselves, nearly 20% do it because of drugs, because they don’t have the money to buy dope, so they find a way to cut themselves. Others do it out of jealousy, because they want a kid and, who knows, maybe the kid doesn’t play ball, the kid’s already splitting from him and others are courting him, so that person inflicts wounds on himself, that’s what happens.
Interviewer:Recently you yourself were cut up, you cut your arm and I saw you about a week ago with several wounds. Did you do that because you felt hurt by someone, or some “cachero” hurt you, or a “güila” hurt you?
Juan Carlos:It was because the “cachero” I was with had abandoned me. I was depressed that day, and it was a Friday, around 7 o’clock in the evening, and I’d taken some pills and I began thinking that the guy wasn’t interested in me anymore, and he didn’t even come to talk to me, or chat with me and I fell into such a weird depression, that I decided to get a razor and cut myself . However, the other day, when I came out of the infirmary, I ran into him, and he said to me, “Hey, what happ