Inventing: A simple Guide for Beginners by Glen K. Dash - HTML preview

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This book is dedicated to the following persons:

  • My nephew Joel and niece Faith who both attend Elementary School.
  • My nephew Christon and niece Nathalia who both attend Secondary School.
  • My nephew Allan who is working in the industrial sector.


One evening Joel showed me three small toy animals which he always carries with him in his pocket. He referred to them as “my animals.” I immediately realized that something as simple as educational toys, interesting story books, constructive games and progressive inventions can have positive and profound effects on children. This encouraged me to begin my new journey of inventing toys, games, products and technology to be used by children and adult around the world, which will benefit them. This also encouraged me to write self publishing books like this one. In future when my inventions are developed and begin to bear fruits, I will write another book to outline their successes.