I Am God by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Please do not wait for your external God to make things happen for you. You will get what God can give if you understand and accept that you, standing on the horizon of your true and ever-evolving potential is your God.



Stop Taking God For Granted

It is such a beautiful and yet so difficult a position to find. Arriving at such a position and situationalism is tough and being there is tougher but when there, it fills up the consciousness with all joys, satisfaction and exhilaration within, which nothing in this universe can. The treasure grows within and everything outside becomes redundant.

It is extremely sad and unfortunate that since ages, only a handful of humans have thought of the need and utility of arriving at such a position of ultimate joy and still lesser people actually arrive at this. They call it ordained and God’s will but this idea surely cannot be bought, as God can never wish a design or mechanism, which prevents and debars anyone from the ultimate joy.

This is high time, humanity stops making God responsible for all his personal and subjective stupidities and weakness. This attitude is not only dangerous for humanity rather it also makes the million have wrong notions about divinity as well as human abilities and potential. It is high time, humanity stops taking God for granted!

We need to understand this and we all can. Of course, it is not easy, it is very tough and needs mind training from early childhood. Lots of practice follows.

One life is too little to comprehend the intricacies and perplexities of the intelligence as well as the beautifully mystical and intricate mechanisms of the nature and the conscious life. Still, a life is good enough to arrive at the positioning from where the journey into the right direction begins. What distance towards the avowed destination one traverses may vary.

Albert Einstein elaborated about this ‘joy’ so beautifully. He said:

‘It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.’

Knowledge is humbling. More knowledgeable you are, more modest and humble your entire consciousness becomes and as your consciousness grows in humility, you ready yourself to open the gates of ‘evolved innocence’. Once innocence shapes and shades your consciousness and subconscious in perfect harmony, you arrive at the wisdom from where the real journey to the ultimate joy begins and it never ends!

The toughest part is the very start. Usually, most people do not have the basic thing required to make even a small beginning. The biggest trouble is, only a ‘poised positioning’ of a conscious mind is the key to do so successfully, even though in bits. Most people have this poise missing, either by whisker or by huge margins.

This is so difficult and the poise is missing because the ‘psychosis’ is just round the corner. Most people are in varying degrees of psychosis of mind and consciousness and that is why they are so prone to rejecting any other knowledge or wisdom apart from what they think they know.

Understanding psychosis is very important. It is crucial to understand the difference of positioning between a mind poised and psychotic. As most people have psychotic minds and consciousness, this kills the poise required for the beginning of journey towards real pursuit of knowledge.

It is said, ‘life and realism is what you see and accept’. Objective realism is one but there are as much subjective realisms as the number of humans on this planet. A poised mind would understand this dualism and the multidimensionality of subjective realisms and yet, accept one that is as close as possible to the singular and objective realism.

Psychosis is when someone accepts only his or her fixated dimension of subjective realism as true and all others as wrong. Or he or she even refuses to believe that there can be many dimensions or subjective realisms or, simply, the realism he or she accepts is either a very underrated or overrated versions of realism, far off from the objective realism.

More than often, when in psychosis, the causality or the a-causality of cause-effect is excessively off target. But the person experiencing it thinks that this is perfectly reasonable and everyone else is wrong. He or she hears voices from within and feels these voices are completely real, as real as any other thing one can hear. The speakers are inside your head. Most psychotic people are trigger happy to call it ‘soul voices’ or ‘divine guidance’. Kindly keep God out of that!

This poise comes through the ‘innocence’ of consciousness and acquired through rigorous mind training. The psychotic mind and consciousness shall always be perilous for the poise of mind. The psychotic mind is a killer of innocence and blocks the consciousness from entering the journey of ultimate joy.

Let us understand the psychosis and poise of mind with the help of something, which is very powerful experience for almost every single human and is everywhere. The example of ‘synchronicity’ is a huge example how normal and cherished poise is so susceptible to ‘psychosis’.

Synchronicity is simply co-incidence experience. It is referred as, ‘the uncanny coincidence, the unlikely conjunction of events, the startling serendipity’. You think of someone for the first time in years, and run into him or her a few hours later. You go to a library looking for a rare book not available easily and as you look dazed at thousands of books on the shelf, the book you were looking for falls out of nowhere!

Let us not go on the rational and scientific explanation of the idea and action of synchronicity. Let it be the way most people love it – the mysterious and divine – the God’s way to say to people that He or His angels are everywhere to help humanity and show it to humans that They exist.

However, it may be very useful for a poised mind to know, what a rational interpretation of synchronicity and other such so called ‘miracles’ could be. A psychotic mind would be least bothered as his or her ‘preference’ for ‘divinity’ would be unaffected by anything.

“Jung believed, the phenomenon of synchronicity was primarily connected with psychic conditions.  Synchronicity is primarily the influence of the ‘archetypes’, those subconscious and unconscious patterns inherent in the human psyche and shared by all of mankind.”

“These patterns, Jung called "primordial images," comprising man's collective unconscious, representing the dynamic source of all human confrontation with death, conflict, love, sex, rebirth and mystical experience. These archetypes get to fore and enter conscious positioning when someone faces an emotionally charged event chain or state of mind or a mishap or sorts happen.”

It is all about perspective. If you have a mind consciousness, which is tailored to see only the parts and not the whole, then mysticism and magic shall always be elements around you. There are billions of coincidences going around in the cosmos but as it is convenient and innate for us, we are happy only looking around us and feel the same as the ultimate truth. Consider the miracles of the birth of a child. We all see millions of child being born around us and never bother to think how a chain of replicable coincidences makes it happen. This is how ‘magic’ are scattered all around us but we see only the selective one.

“In the mechanism of a childbirth, the sexual encounter must first be completed at the proper time (when the woman has ovulated and the egg is ready to be fertilized (the first miracle of timing). Then when the sperm is deposited into the woman’s womb, a few hundred thousand individual sperm must seek out and find the egg. When those that find the egg bombard the egg one must find or create a crack or entry point to gain entry into the egg to begin the fertilization process (another miracle). Even after fertilization has begun, many things can go wrong and they often go wrong. So when miraculously all things go right to the point of gestation completion and childbirth commences many things can still go wrong. Considering all this and one has to believe that every successful childbirth is a miracle in itself.”

There have been huge breakthroughs in understanding and interpreting the subconscious and unconscious mind as science has unraveled much of the mysteries of human consciousness. This is the ‘new thinking’ we are all invited to in the current millennium. Now, whether synchronicity is God’s way or anything part of the larger mechanism of the cosmic realism does not anyway make any difference in how it subjectively lands different humans in varied situations and positioning. How one’s mind accepts and interprets them does make the final difference. A poised and a psychotic mind take a single synchronicity in entirely different way and land in different situations ultimately. Lets us understand this.

Experts warn, “Not all synchronicities are positive. Do be careful. If you are psychotic, dysfunctional, have emotional problems, and therefore are a drama person and off poise of thought and action, your synchronicity will attract and manifest dysfunctional people and events as reflections of your own inner turmoil. Don't blow them out of proportion. You must look at the bigger picture of the synchronicity; think outside the box, look at the wider patterns of reality, not at the actual experience.”

Let us take just two examples to make it clear what we are saying:

For example, you have been feeling ill with no clear diagnosis. Suddenly, some day, out of nowhere, you meet someone who knows a doctor, a healer or a mystic with the answers. The mind, already inclined towards accepting ‘God’s Hands’ in everything happening around his or her, is quick to accept it as ‘miracle’ and ‘divine interference’.

A poised mind surely does not commit or jump into a preoccupied and predetermined conclusion of mind. The poised mind shall explore other explanations. It is also a reality that, all physical problems stem from emotional issues. Gradually, more humans are falling victim of psychosomatic troubles. What happens is, or what may be accepted, as another answer is, your subconscious self will point out and lead you to the patterns of a chain of related sequences towards solutions. Your attitude changes your future!

Why not accept the proposition that “when the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be invariably there. That person will often show up by synchronicity!”. The subconscious and unconscious self is the ‘orchestrator’ and as there is a ‘will’, the ‘ways’ start to fall in place. All one has to do is keep oneself ready!

Check this example; you meet someone who interests you and touches your soul. Through synchronicity, that person seems to come into your life over and over again. You begin to feel a destiny with that person. You begin to think with your heart instead of your head. You connect with that person. Finally, however, after a period of time, it proves out he was a very wrong choice. Why?

The problem may not be with ‘God’s signals’, but with one’s subjective consciousness, which fails to see and appreciate the synchronicity in its holism and multidimensionality…!  A poised mind would accept everything with open and ‘non-fixated’ mind. The poised mind would, unlike a psychotic mind, not reject the subjective multidimensionality of probabilistic interpretation. A poised mind would always accept holism, assimilation and integration of all subjectivities and then, cautiously but humbly lead his or her consciousness towards an answer that shall be closest to the objective reality.

This is not easy, very tough, and needs a rigorous and persevered practice to create a consciousness, which is humble, full of innocence to accept all realisms in a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective. The knowledge leads us to this state of consciousness but, one first needs to rise above psychosis and attain the poise.




‘Do Not Be, You Shall Be’ Wisdom

They have said it silently, probably to themselves only, still their talks are everywhere and scattered in so many words. The old wisdom is simple, yet very much shrouded in the veil of mystique. The sayer of wisdom words probably could not think about the importance of making the millions understand the inevitability of dualism and a process and mechanism of coming out of it. The ‘arriving’ surely mitigates the pains and purpose of ‘journey’!

It is so beautiful, yet so perplexing! They say, ‘don’t do anything, yet become everything’. They say, ‘give up everything, you get everything’. They say, ‘go where you began, you shall arrive’. They say, ‘what you see outside, is inside you’. They say, ‘seek the zero, get the infinity’. They say, ‘keep quiet, the music shall flow’. They say, ‘do not be, you shall be’. Etc.

The hapless asks the arrived, ‘are you not mad, are you serious, anyway, how to do it?’ The sayer usually smiles and moves away. Some would just say, ‘do not do, just be’. The hapless remains confused, conflicted and is convinced, the wisdom man is surely mad and prays God to help him out of his debauchery.

The journey from dualism to non-dualism is very tough, religion as well as science says, it is not amenable and available for everyone, it is only for a few blessed ones! This is, they say, not ordinary but ordained by almighty! Mechanism confirms, brain structure and consciousness varies and it decides the ordinary and ordained. Debates apart, the wisdom however says, ‘talent is important but what makes a genius is ‘practice’ not patronage. Ustaads, the gurus and wise have said, ‘the real master is perseverance of practice’.

Arriving is all about mind training to lead the consciousness to a certain positioning or situationalism. As this happens, the dualism goes away as it is then clear that what the greats have been talking about the wisdom seems contradictory but actually, both the conflicting options, though looking mutually exclusive, are and remain simultaneously available. Check this:

God says, ‘Stop seeing me, you shall see’. God says, ‘Stop searching me, you shall find’. Now, there are semantic conflations also in these words, apart from the dualism, which is purely a mind and consciousness positioning. Semantically, the words tell you that actually you are caught between two simultaneous actions and that is why you do not arrive at either of the two. When you are seeing or searching, you are amid two actions – the effort of seeing and searching and second is the act of seeing and searching. And, you are not clear as what you are actually wanting to see or search as the dualism itself throws at you so many probable options of realism.

From the perspective of mind dualism, the same is happening. You are amid two. The mechanism tells us that when we are in a search or looking, there are two things happening to us – first the search and second the seeing. We see so many things and naturally the brain processes all colors and shapes we see and throws to us multiple options for value-summation or what we call our subjective decision as what we find and see is actually what we think we are looking for or not.

The prescription of wisdom is also susceptible to the conflation of dualism and usually, people land on the wrong and transitional side of the wisdom, which actually shows us the absolute perspective through a transitional shade of consciousness. The prescription says, it seems, to opt for an action or non-action. Actually, it is not. It just says to be aware of both the simultaneous forces and use them to arrive.

For example, a lover says to his beloved, ‘I would say only what pleases you to the extent that if you prefer to call a day as night, I would too!’ There is a huge semantic as well as mental dualism in this positioning. Most people accept things and even mark them as benchmark for ‘true’ love and divinity. This looks like what wisdom says, ‘don’t do, just be’. It seems to suggest, when you love or you seek God, you should not question but simply accept!

The dualism has to be understood. The lover says, ‘for me right and wrong is not important, what is, is your joy as I love you’. Similar is deemed true for God’s love. What other aspect, the meaning which the lines convey may be, ‘love has positioned me to defer the issue of right and wrong as primary is your joy, the righteousness can wait’. What it also conveys is, ‘my accepting or rejecting a right or wrong is not in my hand as right or wrong shall be what they are irrespective of my viewpoint, what is in my hand and I am very happy to do it is, I accept what you say as I truly love you’.

More importantly, what it may actually mean is, ‘it is actually a first step towards the realization and arriving at right or wrong because, when I accept your viewpoint, I take the first necessary step towards assimilation and as and when you and me assimilate, there shall never be two minds and two consciousness. This is the time when we together shall see day as day and night as night. It is just a transitional but primary step that I am so happily accepting as I love you’.

You and me cannot find or search a God or a love. It is there in whatever shape, color or positioning irrespective of my semantic and mental confusion about what and how God and love is. We get God and love not by finding or searching for it but by stopping doing it as this leads us to be assimilated in God and Love as both are in everything and everywhere. The dualism stops and non-dualism is arrived.

The beloved must understand, where and what is love. If she thinks that a true love is only that which says and accepts what she says and accepts, then she is actually denying and drifting away from love. Love is not in seeing and searching what you think is there for you. It is where it is irrespective of you and your love. Stop doing it and you get love.

Of course, the blame is not on the beloved. The cultured mind and the mechanism of brain has to do with it. Things become very difficult for a mind after the age of 25 to attune and align itself towards a completely new and alien value and belief system. That is why, goodness has to be ingrained in early childhood and adolescent.

Stop doing it to get love is not easy. This comes from painful and persevered practice. In every and all aspects of your pursuit and endeavors, this dualism would attract you to make you adrift. You shall have to practice hard to understand the undercurrent of dualism and then use the energy of this dualism in arriving at the non-dualism.

Sadly enough, people do not have either the mental willingness or strength to accept the utility and fruition of this painful and prolong process of practice. That is why the non-dualism is so rare. Dualism triumphs in this world as it is easy and amenable to average brain and resolve. There have always been greats who have told ‘right’ things to humanity but it is always met with disbelieve and distrust.

The non-dualistic wisdom often gets the label of it being debauch and hypocritical as most people cannot understand the semantic and mental conflation of the dualism. Secondly, even if they get close to it, they would seldom go beyond a lover’s acceptance to a beloved’s ‘preference’. The beloved would be happy that she has a lover who accepts her blindly and then, she happily ‘stops’ there and, as her ingenuity would prompt her, she would use all the above mentioned wisdom in the defense of her action.

It is not the ignorance, which is the worst enemy of humanity. Actually, there is nothing called ‘ignorance’ in this world full of humans. What we have everywhere and loads of it is ‘subjective intelligence’. ‘Nothing’ is not such a bad proposition at all. What is calamitious for humanity is subjective intelligence; the personalized somethingness, and the ingenuity to prove it as the cosmic and global wisdom for all.

This has done the most damaging thing for humanity. Love and Godliness has become extinct. What we all have now is the ‘search’ and ‘seeing’ of Love and God. Everyone is in the lookout for Love and God, they cease to be on earth, way back, let us say for convenience!




Maya’s Viraat Swaroop: Cosmic Viewpoint

In the most respected and accepted Hindu religious discourse between Krishna and his favorite disciple Arjuna, there is a beautiful metaphoric description of ‘maya’ of the world we live in and the ideal consciousness position of ‘leela’. In the most revered epic text called Geeta, there is a detailed description of Krishna unraveling the ‘viraat swaroop’ (cosmic mechanism) of ‘maya’ structures to Arjuna, who was in utter conflict and confusion about his role, in the midst of an imminent war of righteousness.

Understanding this from holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of spiritualism, philosophy as well as science helps in understanding the practical utility of the notions of ‘maya’ and ‘leela’ in winning over our personal conflicts and confusion of life. We talk about it now.

From a bacteria to humans, this world has billions of living beings and this is a bio-diversity which makes the planet earth a truly mesmerizing and probably the most unique one in the entire universe.

This diversity is something we humans do not often see, realize and count for in our daily thinking and rational actions. Let alone the diversity of all creatures on earth, we do not think of and admit the diversity within our human species. Actually, we never usually think of ourselves as a species evolved out of billions of years of evolution.

Almost unconsciously, we generally think of the entire world population as one common pool of almost equal beings, divided by geographies and culture. Actually, most humans only see and think about the small pool of people in their ambient social environment and local geographical limits.

The bitter reality is, like the biodiversities of other creatures, we humans also have the similar diversity among us and this diversity is not only in geographical segregation and in cultural exclusivity but originally and essentially in consciousness. It is the consciousness that is as diverse among humans on this planet as is the biodiversity.

From a tiny bacterium to a mighty elephant or whale, living beings on this planet have different physical make up and commensurate physical and mental capacities. Their respective consciousness is also a function of their body mechanism and the environment in which they live.

The millions of species on this planet have actually, different levels of consciousness, depending upon the physical and biological make up of their existence on the earth. However, it seems, within a species, consciousness of different living beings are not as varied as it is in humans. Humans are therefore hugely different from other species as we have ourselves created so diverse cultural and physical environments that consciousness within humans are much varied.

Animals have been living in natural and similar environment since ages and they cannot themselves change their living environment like humans. That is why, it seems they have a consciousness across population, not as variegated as we. This is a huge facility as well as the greatest challenge and threat for us.

The humans have diverse consciousness levels even as their physical and biological make up are more than similar. Almost 99 percent of genes of all humans are same. However, the consciousness varies because different humans have different brain and mind evolution. This is because; brain development is 85 percent environment led and only 15 percent gene. This environment for humans vary so much and that is why sizeable difference in consciousnesses.

World-renowned scientific minds have done a cross-cultural mapping of all possible and diverse states, structures, memes, types, levels, stages, and waves of human consciousness. As human development has been an evolutionary process, different human consciousness are on diverse and often overlapping stages of conscious development and evolution.

The idea is to understand the broad patterns of human’s individual as well as collective behavior and actions through their respective shades of consciousness. It is believed that such consciousness mapping has been very helpful for governments and authorities in planning order and peace in communities. 

It is very interestin

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