Common Sense Revisited by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Ideally justice is the rightful outcome of a contest or complaint. It is the correct finding, irrespective of the limitations of the wording of the law covering the issue at hand. It is also the fulfilling of Constitutional guidelines, which express the basic premise of our nation. The US constitution was written to defend the life, liberty, freedom and equality of its people with equal justice under the law, and to conserve this condition throughout its existence, with the instruction for the government to be abolished which neglects this premise. The intent is clearly to maintain these ideal conditions of human interaction for all the people and to specify remedies when this is not done. The remedy expressed in our Declaration of Independence for failure to support the people in their pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a change of the government itself, and restoration (or remaking ) of a truly supporting government for the nation's people. This is what all public servants and the armed forces are sworn to protect: the rights of “we the people” as they are expressed in our Constitution.

The US has, however, drifted away from this duty to protect the interest of its people, since World War II. Very powerful private interests in oil, banking, defense, media, and other industries has turned the US into a corporate plutocracy serving big business interests of the elite, rather than serving its people. Truman recognized the CIAs involvement in the Kennedy assassination, and Eisenhower declared the new, permanent defense complex out of his control, and that the people must be alert, responsive, and compel the proper meshing of defense with our nations’ peacetime goals. This has not been achieved. CIA has muzzled the media for 60 years.

Kennedy identified publicly in 1961, a monolithic worldwide covert conspiracy that was taking over the world and displacing governments everywhere, with military, intelligence, industrial, diplomatic, and political factions working secretively to achieve this result. It employs methods that are in the black.


What JFK did not know (or at least failed to mention) is that this ruthless conspiracy was created by a small dedicated group within the United States of America that has integrated it's agents into high positions in all the areas needed to control the US government to do the conspiracy's bidding for them at a cost to the US government itself ever since the murder of JFK. To really get rolling it had to kill JFK. Political members: LBJ, Nixon, Ford and CIA members GHW Bush, Allen Dulles and select agents... FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and select agents, Secret Service and it's select agents, Dallas Police and Sheriff's offices and their select officers, the Mayor of Dallas and his assistants, and private financial assistance from H.L. Hunt and Howard Hughes, Big Oil's Clint Murchison, Big Banking (Prescott Bush), and the Mafia (Carlos Marcello, Jack Ruby...) were involved in the assassination of John Kennedy to start the takeover in earnest. This pamphlet is meant to encourage the US Attorney General and the Biden Administration to review the true facts on the JFK assassination and other dastardly events since the end of WWII presented in this pamphlet, and to round up, the covert conspiracy operators, and try them for their crimes, while seizing the $ Trillions stolen from the people of the United States and stolen moneys illegally passed down within their families/friends, over the last 75 years. The Administration is encouraged to write laws naming the acts that constitute racism and supremacist's behaviors and to make them crimes that are punishable under those laws to encourage recovery in these mentally and emotionally disturbed people to let go of their hate and false pride and bring peace to our good nation while improving our model to the world. It is past time to honor the truth espoused by the oppressed peoples of all races, especially those of color and to put our nation on the road to recovery and unification with respect and restraint, tolerance and empathy of/for all of our people.

The approach is not to shame past behaviors, but to recognize how they were developed and to seek peaceful means to help the recovery of such racists and supremacists without malice. Spiritual remedies abound in these areas and enable the afflicted to simply let go of their judgments for greater inner peace with a concurrent reduction of vigilance and stress, in recognition of all of our principal duties in life to keep our own paths clean, while we interact with others' thoughts, actions, appearance, intelligence, and sounds while yielding to the fact that people are also different; because that's OK. One may still report crimes; but race, color, creed, personal DNA, level of education, intelligence, or eloquence are not crimes, and sidewalks and streets, for the most part, are for public use, to share politely.