Assorted Ramblings of a Different Young Adult by Santtu Pesonen - HTML preview

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09-05-2016: The Problem with Mothers and Employers

At the time I start writing today’s rambling, I’ve just come back from a 33-minute walk. There’s something about fresh air that calms my nerves when I’m angry.

And from there, we transition perfectly into why I’m writing this: I’m angry. Why am I angry? Because my mother stormed into my room and cursed me into the ninth circle of Hell, as per her semi-regular impulses. I wouldn’t necessarily be this angry had she been calm for once, but no. It
always has to start with her swinging the door open, suddenly mad for next to no reason.

I don’t have nearly as much of a problem with the verbal message she conveyed. It’s something we’ve discussed ever so briefly before, even by my own initiative: the possibility of me moving out.

In all honesty, though, I
do have ever so slight a problem with her presenting the suggestion now, of all times. You see, if I were to move out this summer, I wouldn’t be able to carry out a plan I’ve been formulating for a few months now. That plan regards a new computer.

I’ll be happy enough using my current computer for a while longer, but
only a while, not several years. It’s been starting to show its age, most notably with struggling to run the latest games. And there is one game I want to be able to play as soon as possible. There is one game I’ve been eagerly waiting for almost the past decade. There is one game I refuse to postpone laying my hands on any longer than is absolutely necessary.

If I were to move out this summer, all of my “hard-earned” money - and I mean
all of it - would go to living expenses. I wouldn’t be able to save a single cent towards the new computer. That’s due to three parties that fuck over desperate students: the government, landlords and employers.

The government provides insufficient funds to students for them to get by. Landlords take all of said funds and call it “rent”. Employers... Well, it’d be unfair to say that they all refuse to employ students, because some of them don’t. But the truth is employers keep giving me the metaphorical middle finger, and I have no idea why. Is it because I don’t stand out enough? Is it because I always find myself unable to tell them why I would be the perfect employee?

I sent summer job applications to eight different places. Two of them have responded so far, but alas, their responses weren’t too fun to read. “We apologize, but you were not chosen for this job.” Why? Why wasn’t I chosen? Give me reasons, goddammit!

That’s where the fault lies with the employers. I can’t possibly improve as a job seeker if I don’t even get any explanation as to why my application was rejected.

Best to stop before I get even angrier.

Anyway, that’s why I have a problem with my mother presenting the suggestion now, of all times. I’d be okay with it if my current computer was powerful enough to run the newest games, but as it stands, I’m not entirely okay with it. I’ve been contemplating getting a new computer long enough, and I’d hate to have to postpone that plan even further due to a shortage of funds.