A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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 This is a continuation of the first book, “A UFO Love Story.” I have made that book available for free on the internet. I would recommend that you read it first. In it, you will find the physical descriptions of the Reall couple, Zem and Bev; their two sentient machine-being helpers and friends named Pim and Mim; (Their kind are called Nal) their pet Panny; the kinds of clothing we were all wearing at this point and many other things. But if for some reason you can’t, I will at least tell you that Zem and Bev are fairly similar to humans. Zem is only about a couple inches shorter than me. The Reall have attractively set blue eyes that are slightly larger than human eyes. These are also just slightly more almond shaped. Their heads are bald with craniums that are larger than humans. Pim and Mim are jet black spheres about six inches across. Though they look alike to human perception, they are male and female Nal and a couple. Panny is a cute little creature with reddish hair. It looks like a cross between a cat and a lemur with a fur covered, prehensile tail. I am a blond male. Though I don’t like to brag, I am quite attractive. Sue is a blond super fine ultra goddess. Who, if you read the first book, is a human woman I met by chance and fell in love with back on the ship Pol-Wim. Though to suit their own tastes, Zem and Bev had Pim and Mim change the color of Sue and I’s hair, for the time being, to platinum blond.