Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Book Encyclope dia and

Wikipedia.There are many benefits

to using a Christian diet. A) There

are vitality benefits. B) There are

financial benefits. C) Peace of mind

benfits. If you just change your

eating routine you may be able to

obtain great benefits. Without


fruit. Remember to go get these items

at your local grocery store or market.

Don't forget, cancer and any type of

disease has a cure - it's eating proper

fruits and veggies and do not eat

meat. It's just that simple! Here is the

encyclo' 4 u!!


Almonds are small, brown, elliptical

nuts that you can eat just about any

day of the week, any time anywhere!

The almond tree grows anywhere

between 4 to 10 meters high and a

few meters wide. The flowers are

white or pink and the leaves are

green. The almond nut itself is the

seed and you can use that in growing

a new almond tree. Go out and get

some almonds today!


Apples are one of the most important

fruits and they grow on trees all over

the world. They are a staple crop in


eaten since cave dwellers dotted the

globe. Apples are grown

commercially and in the garden more

than most other fruit trees. It is a

very popular fruit all across the globe

as it is easy to carry. Apples have

been a favorite fruit even as far back

as the cave man days. The sweet and

tart taste of apples makes them

popular as well. Apples are grown all

over the globe, except the coldest and

hottest extremes. There are many

varieties of apples to choose from.

They come in red, green, and yellow

and they can be sweet or tart. The

flesh is always whitish in color.

Apples are known as pomes ; fruits

that have a fleshy outer layer and a

paperlike core. Apples usually have a

few black seeds in them that you can

use to grow your own apple trees.

Apple trees are part of the rose

family, which is a shock. You


being related. Apples trees can grow

upwards of 40 feet tall ;$%('$-4'%/=%>'

Apple trees are supposedly able to

bear fruit for up to 100 years.

However, most apple trees should be

recycled every 100 years. People that

grow apples produce about 2 billion

bushels of apples every year. China is

the number one producer. United

States is second in apple production.

France, Italy, and Turkey rounds out

the top five. In the United States, the

Pacific Northwest is a leading apple

growing region. The state of

Washington produces more apples

than any other state in the U.S. In

Canada, apples are supposedly the

most important fruit crop. Apples

can be used in a variety of different

ways. For one, they can be eaten raw.

Two, they can be used in baked pies

and the like. Three, they can be used

in apple butter, applesauce, apple

juice, jelly, and wine. Apple juice can


eh? Apples consist of 85% water.

They have vitamin A, C, potassium,

and pectin. Of all the varieties of

apples to choose from, Delicious,

Golden Delicious , and McIntosh

make up about 60% of apples

produce d in the United States. Go

ahead and buy any type of apple you

want at the grocery store or market!


The artichoke comes in two different

varieties: the globe artichoke and the

Jerusalem artichoke. The globe

artichoke is a large gray-green plant


two or three feet tall with large,

prickly leaves. California is leading

artichoke- producing state in the

USA. Artichoke plants are about 3 to

5 feet tall and about 5 to 6 feet in

diameter. The artichoke grows by the

seed, when it sprouts stems and large

leaves. The bud part is the flower,

which turns into the artichoke

heart.Artichokes can grow from seed

or from little plants called shoots.

The plant can live upwards of 15

years if you take good care of them.

Whether you serve it hot or cold, the

artichoke is a very nutritious

vegetable. The heart of the artichoke

is the edible part. In Jerusalem

artichokes, the potato-like roots are

eaten as food. All you have to do to

eat a globe artichoke is remove the

thorny top and leaf tips, and boil,

steam, or bake the heart portion. You

can eat artichokes with tomato sauce,

lemon sauce, or whatever kind of con

coction you can dream of. A large

globe artichoke provides 15% of the

RDA of folate and vitamin C, about

300mg of potassium, and about 2g of

fiber. Artichokes do belong to the

sunflower family. Well, you can walk,

jog, or run to your nearest grocery

store to get some artichokes!


Asparagus is a long, rod-like green

vegetable that is pointed at one end.

Not too many people like asparagus

at all. However, these vegetables have

lots of good stuff for you in them.

Most people eat the shoots, or the

stems, rather than anything else.

Asparagus plants originated from the

Mediterranean area and Africa,

according to World Book. They grow

well in moist, sandy soil and in

moderate climates. In the United

States, California, New Jersey, and

Washington are the chief producers

of asparagus.According to World

Book, asparagus is a perennial plant,

which means that they can survive

for many years without replanting

them. Most commercial asparagus is

grown from seed. Basically, the

underground stem, known as the

rhizome, plus the crown is its growth.

As the plant gets nourished, the

rhizome has buds on them that grow

through the soil and become the

asparagus spears. If you take real

good care of them, you might get 20

years out of one plant.

You can boil asparagus or steam it,

either way they are good ; especially

if you add spices to it. I n ancient

Greece and Rome, they thought that

asparagus had medicinal qualities,

even curing toothaches. Just six

medium spears contain 90 mcg of

folate or about ! of the RDA; 20mg of

vitamin C (1/3 of RDA); and 750 I.U.

of vitamin A, or 1/5 of the RD A.

Asparagus is very low in calories and

super high in fiber. Asparagus is

good for protein, too. This

information is according to Foods

That Harm Foods That Heal.


Avocado is a fruit that grows in most

warm climates. The fruit may be

round, oval, or pear-shaped. Its skin

color ranges from green to dark

purple, depending on the variety.

Avocados have a yellow-green pulp

and contain one large seed. Avocados

are highly nutritious. They are rich

in vitamins, minerals, and oil. People

eat avocados fresh in dips, salads,

and desserts. Guacamole, a popular

Mexican dish, is made with mashed

avocados, onions, tomatoes, cilantro,

garlic. In Brazil, avocados are used to

make shakes and beverages.

Avocados are native to Mexico,

Guatemala, Jamaica, and Cuba, but

they are now grown in many parts of

the world. The United States is the

leading avocado-producing country,

followed by Mexico and Brazil.

California and Florida produce most

of the U. S. avocado crop. They say

most of the fat in avocadoes is

monounsat urated, so it does make a

good snack at any time! A medium

sized avocado provides about 500mg

of potassium and more than 1/3 of

the recommended dietary allowance

of folate. It also has 10% or more of

the RDA for iron, magnesium, and

vitamins, A, C,E, and B6. These

avocadoes make a great addition to

your repertoire!


Babaco ; the Babaco is a

longitudinally shaped fruit that is

green and yellow and looks like a

tubular starfruit. They came from


Trinidad and Tobago now too. The

skin of the fruit is edible and the flesh

has a few seeds in it. The babaco tree

can produce an average of 45 fruits

per year. It reaches 5-8m high. It has

plenty of nutrition in it so go get some

babaco today!


Bananas are fruits--longitudinal,

yellow skin on the outside, with white

fruit on the inside. Banana plants

grow upwards of 30 feet tall, and they

look like a tree. Banana plants are

not trees only because it has no

woody trunk. Bananas are one of

natures most prized treats. They are

healthy, tasty, and filling. Folks in the

U.S.A. eat approximately 11 billion

bananas every year. They can be

eaten as snacks, in cereal, or part of a

fruit cocktail. Most bananas grow in

the tropics and the trees grow 8 to 30

feet tall. Most bananas are cut from

banana trees while they are still

green. Most bananas are yellow on

the outside, except for one variety ;

the Red Jamaica. Plantains are also

types of bananas and they are cooked

and eaten. Babies love bananas

blended up and ready to eat.Most

people eat just the fruit of the

banana, but in some countries, they

use the banana leaves for things like

baskets, roofs, and mats. They

certainly are smart with it! Bananas

grow very well in hot, moist climates

like Central America. They like

well-watered soil and hot weather. I

think the little black things inside the

banana are the seed. There are

bunches of seeds in just one banana.

Then the banana seed grows

rhizomes, which reveal stems. The

stems reveal growths called buds.

And the buds turn into flowers. The

flowers from the buds turn into small

bananas, the small bananas grow into


bananas grow! Supposedly, bananas


tropical regions until about 1860.

Then, som ebody figured out that

bananas are great ; why not import

them and eat them? And so they did,

and th ey established banana

plantations. They eventually

expanded into multimillion-dollar

corporations, which had gigantic

influence. Now, the banana trade

exceeds $400 million. Some have

started unions, which fought for

higher banana prices and higher

wages. That is the history, in a

nutshell, of the banana trade.

Avocados are the only fruit that have

more potassium than bananas. A

medium sized banana has 1/3 of the

RDA of vitamin B6, plus 10% of the

RDA for vitamin C and folate.

Bananas also have phosphorous and

vitamin A. You can also find fiber in

bananas. Go get these yellow wonders

at the store today!


Barley is a cereal grain that looks

somewhat like wheat. The head of the

barley is where the seeds are at, and

that's what is used in cooking and

nutr ition, the seed head. Barley is

good for you - it has all kinds of

vitamins and minerals in it. Go and

get it today!


Basil is an herb that tastes great with

most any type of dish that you can


season food since ancient times. The

common basil plant has purplish

white flowers and green leaves. The

basil plant can grow up to 1 foot tall.

You can grow basil from seed, too.

The plant produces leaves and

flowers, which turn into seeds. Use

basil in your salads, soups, vegetable

dishes and the like. Please go get

some basil some time soon!


Beans is the name of many related

plants of the pea family. The part

that you eat is the seed, which is also

called the bean. Beans are among the

best things that you can eat. Some

farmers use them to feed people;

others use them to feed their

livestock. Beans also enriches the soil

by introducing nitrogen that is taken

from the air. Beans can rang e from

green beans to kidney beans to navy

beans. They can be low and bushy or

on a vine. Beans start off as seeds,

then with watering and sunlight, they

become flowers. The flowers break

off and become bean pods. There are

soybeans, too. Within 60 days of

planting them, beans produce a very

large crop per unit area. They thrive


badly in cool weather. Beans are

round objects that you can cook and

&($'$*'3*"#'%&(#$-4'1*0$&0$7'D&(0s are great sources of protein, according to

many health authorities. They also

have iron, folate, and vitamins A and


sources of thiamine, vitamin B6,

potassium, and magnesium. Go right

ahead and get these beans soon.

Beech Nut

Beech nuts come from the beech tree,

which is a deciduous tree that grows

all over the world. The fruit of the

tree is the beech nut - I've never tried

the beech nut I don't think, but I

know that they are good for you! I'd

imagine that the nuts are good for

bones and hair and skin and all the

works ! Anyway, as soon as possible,

get down to your local store and get

some beech nuts!


Beets come in two different varieties.

The first kind is the most known

kind, and that is the red beet. The

second kind is called the sugar beet.

Sugar beets supply about 50% of all

sugar made in the United States.

Both red beets and sugar beets are

necessary crops, so both are

important. The swollen root of the

plant is used as a vegetable. They are

a very versatile vegetable, as you can

put them in salads or you can eat

them raw. According to some

folklore, beets were known to cure

headaches and other bad conditions.

Naturalistic doctors tell their patients

to eat beets because they are healthy.

Beets have folate, vitamin C, vitamin

A, calcium, iron, and potassium. Get

these at the store today.


Blackberries are a serious, serious

fruit that you must have on your

daily grocery list. Blackberries come

in different colors, but for the most

part, they come in black color. Also,

blackberries are part of the rose

family. Sometimes people confuse

blackberries with black raspberries,

but there is a difference. Blackberries

are black, round, and come in

clusters. I think the