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Soup Recipes

Collection of Easy to Follow Soup Recipes

Compiled by Amy Tylor


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All about soups
Value of soup in the meal
General classes of soup.
Classes of soup denoting consistency.
Classes of soups denoting quality

Stock for soup and its uses
Varieties of stock
Additional uses of stock.
Soup extracts
The stockpot - nature, use and care of stockpot.
Flavoring stock.

Making of soup.
Principal ingredients.
Meat used for soup making
Herbs and vegetables used for soup making.
Processes involved in making stock.
Cooking meat for soup.
Removing grease from soup.
Clearing soup.
Thickening soup.

Serving soup.


Recipes - stocks


Recipes - soups

White stock
Brown soup stock Vegetable stock
Fish stock -1
Fish stock -2
Stock from bones -1 Stock from bones -2 Veal stock
Beef stock -1
Beef stock -2

Recipes - stocks
Scotch mutton broth Scotch broth
Cream soup stock Bran stock
Barley broth
Stock for clear soup or bouillon

Recipes - Soups Asparagus soup -1
Asparagus soup -2
Asparagus cream
Apple soup -1
Apple soup -2
Artichoke soup
Beef soup
Bean soup
Baked bean soup
Bean and corn soup
Bean and hominy soup Bean and potato soup Bean and tomato soup Bisque soup
Black bean soup -1
Black bean soup -2
Brown soup -1
Brown soup -2
Brown macaroni soup Barley soup
Bread soup -1
Bread soup -2
Butter bean soup
Cabbage soup -1
Cabbage soup -2
Cabbage and bacon soup Caper soup
Carrot soup -1
Carrot soup -2
Carrot soup -3
Calf's head soup
Cauliflower soup -1
Cauliflower soup -2
Catfish soup
Cocoanut soup
Corn soup
Clear soup
Clear soup with dumplings Clear celery soup -1
Clear celery soup -2
Clear tomato soup
Cream of tomato soup Cream pea soup
Cream barley soup -1 Cream of barley soup -2 Cream of celery soup Cream of rice soup
Cream of onion soup
Chicken soup
Chicken cream soup
Chicken cheese soup
Cheese soup
Clam soup -1
Clam soup -2
Chestnut soup
Chestnut puree
Canned green pea soup Canned corn soup
Celery soup -1
Celery soup -2
Codfish soup
Combination soup -1 Combination soup -2 Combination soup -3 Curry rice soup
Croutons for soup
Dried bean soup
Dried white beans soup Eel soup
Egg soup
Egg balls for soup -1 Egg balls for soup -2 Egg dumplings for soup Fish soup -1
Fish soup -2
Fish chowder
French soup -1
French soup -2
French cabbage soup French onion soup
Forcemeat balls for soup Green corn soup
Green pea soup -1
Green pea soup -2
Green peas soup
Green bean soup
Green turtle soup
Grouse soup
Giblet soup
Gumbo soup
Haricot soup
Haricot bean soup
Italian soup
Irish potato soup
Julienne soup -1
Julienne soup -2
Kidney soup
Kornlet soup
Kornlet and tomato soup Lentil soup -1
Lentil soup -2
Lentil soup -3
Lentil and parsnip soup Lettuce soup
Lenten soup
Lima bean soup
Leek soup -1
Leek soup -2
Lobster soup
Lobster soup with milk Macaroni soup -1
Macaroni soup -2
Milk soup -1
Milk soup -2
Milk soup -3
Milk soup for children Mushroom soup
Mulligatawny soup
Meat balls for soup
Noodle soup
Noodles for soup
Onion soup -1
Onion soup -2
Onion soup -3
Oatmeal soup -1
Oatmeal soup -2
Okra soup
Ox-tail soup
Oyster soup -1
Oyster soup -2
Parsnip soup -1
Parsnip soup -2
Pea and tomato soup. Peas soup
Pears soup
Plum soup
Potato soup -1
Potato soup -2
Potato soup -3
Potato chowder
Potato and rice soup
Potato and vermicelli soup Plain rice soup
Pea soup -1
Pea soup -2
Philadelphia pepper pot Philadelphia clam soup Portuguese soup
Pumpkin soup
Rice soup
Rice cheese soup
Rice and green-pea soup Rice and onion soup

St. andrew's soup
Scarlet runner soup
Sorrel soup -1
Sorrel soup -2
Spanish soup -1
Spinach soup -2
Spinach cream
Spring soup
Spring vegetable soup Summer soup
Sago soup
Sago and potato soup
Semolina soup
Split pea soup -1
Split pea soup -2
Split pea puree
Swiss potato soup
Swiss lentil soup
Swiss white soup
Suet dumplings for soup Squirrel soup
Tomato soup -1
Tomato soup -2
Tomato and macaroni soup Tomato cream soup
Tomato and okra soup Tomato and vermicelli soup
Tapioca and tomato soup Tapioca cream soup
Turnip soup
Turkey soup
Turtle soup from beans Vegetable soup -1
Vegetable soup -2
Vegetable soup -3
Vegetable marrow soup Vegetable oyster soup -1 Vegetable oyster soup -2 Velvet soup
Vermicelli soup -1
Vermicelli soup -2
Vermicelli soup -3
Veal soup
Winter vegetable soup White celery soup
White soup
White onion soup
Wholemeal soup


SOUP is a liquid food that is prepared by boiling meat or vegetables, or both, in water and then seasoning and sometimes thickening the liquid that is produced. It is usually served as the first course of a dinner, but it is often included in a light meal, such as luncheon. Soup is an easily made, economical, and when properly prepared from healthful and nutritious material, very wholesome article of diet, deserving of much more general use than is commonly accorded it.

The purpose of this Section is to acquaint you with the details of making appetizing and nutritious soups that make for both economy and healthfulness.



Soup contains the very essence of all that is nourishing and sustaining in the foods of which it is made. The importance of soup is to consider the purposes it serves in a meal. When its variety and the ingredients of which it is composed are thought of, soup serves two purposes: first, as an appetizer taken at the beginning of a meal to stimulate the appetite and aid in the flow of digestive juices in the stomach; and secondly, as an actual part of the meal, when it must contain sufficient nutritive material to permit it to be considered as a part of the meal instead of merely an addition.

Care should be taken to make this food attractive enough to appeal to the appetite rather than discourage it. Soup should not be greasy nor insipid in flavor, neither should it be served in large quantities nor without proper accompaniment. A small quantity of well-flavored, attractively served soup cannot fail to meet the approval of any family when it is served as the first course of the meal.


The two purposes for which soup is used have led to the placing of the numerous kinds into two general asses. In the first class are grouped those which serve as appetizers, such as bouillon, consomme, and some other broths and clear soups. In the second class are included those eaten for their nutritive effect, such as cream soups, purees, and bisques. From these two classes of soup, the one that will correspond with the rest of the meal and make it balance properly is the one to choose. For instance, a light soup that is merely an appetizer should be served with a heavy dinner, whereas a heavy, highly nutritious soup should be used with a luncheon or a light meal.

The two general classes of soup already mentioned permit of numerous methods of classification. For instance, soups are sometimes named from the principal ingredient or an imitation of it, as the names potato soup, beef soup, macaroni soup, mock-turtle soup testify. Again, both stimulating and nutritious soups may be divided into thin and thick soups, thin soups usually being clear, and thick soups, because of their nature, cloudy. When the quality of soups is considered, they are placed in still different classes and are called broth, bisque, consomme, puree, and so on. Another important classification of soups results from the nationality of the people who use them.


As has already been pointed out, soups are of only two kinds when their consistency is thought of, namely, clear soups and thick soups.
CLEAR SOUPS are those made from carefully cleared stock, or soup foundation, and flavored or garnished with a material from which the soup usually takes its name. There are not many soups of this kind, bouillon and consomme being the two leading varieties, but in order to be palatable, they require considerable care in making.

THICK SOUPS are also made from stock, but milk or cream and any mixture of these may also be used as a basis and to it may be added for thickening meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, or grain or some other starchy material. Soups of this kind are often made too thick and as such soups are not appetizing, care must be taken to have them just right in consistency.



When attention is given to the quality of soup, this food divides itself into several varieties, namely, broth, cream soup, bisque, chowder and puree.


BROTHS have for their foundation a clear stock. They are sometimes a thin soup, but other times they are made quite thick with vegetables, rice or barley when they are served as a substantial part of a meal.


CREAM SOUPS are highly nutritious and are of great variety. They have for their foundation a thin cream sauce, but to this are always added vegetables, meat, fish or grains.


BISQUES are thick, rich soups made from game fish or shell fish, particularly crabs, shrimp etc. occasionally, vegetables are used in soups of this kind.


CHOWDERS are soups that have sea food for their basis. Vegetables and crackers are generally added for thickening and to impart flavor.

PUREES are soups made thick partly or entirely by the addition of some material obtained by boiling an article of food and then straining it to form a pulp. When vegetables containing starch such as beans, peas, lentils or potatoes are used for this purpose, it is unnecessary to thicken the soup with any additional starch; but when meat, fish or watery vegetables are used, other thickening is required. To be right, a puree should be nearly as smooth as thick cream and of the same consistency.


In order that soup-making processes may be readily grasped, one should be thoroughly familiar with what is meant by stock which forms the foundation of many soups. A stock of anything means a reserve supply of that thing stored away for future use. When applied to soup, stock is similar in meaning for it refers to material stored or prepared in such a way that it may be kept for use in the making of certain kinds of soup. In a more definite sense, soup-stock may be regarded as a liquid containing the juices and soluble parts of meat, bone or vegetables which have been extracted by long, slow cooking.

Soups in which stock is utilized include all the varieties made from beef, veal, mutton and poultry. If clear stock is desired for the making of soup, only fresh meat and bones should be used and all material that will discolor the liquid in any way carefully avoided. For ordinary, unclarified soups, the trimmings and bones of roast, steak or chops and the carcass of fowl can generally be utilized. However, very strongly flavored meat such as mutton or the fat from mutton should be used sparingly.



Several kinds of stock are utilized in the making of soup, and the kind to employ depends on the soup desired. The following classification will be a guide in determining the kind of stock required for the foundation of a soup.


FIRST STOCK is made from meat and bones and then clarified and used for well-flavored, clear soups.

SECOND STOCK is made from the meat and the bones that remain after the first stock is strained off. More water is added to the remaining material and this is then cooked with vegetables, which supply the needed flavor. Such stock serves very well for adding flavor to a nutritious soup made from vegetables or cereal foods.



White stock is used in the preparation of white soups and is made by boiling six pounds of a knuckle of veal cut up in small pieces and poultry trimmings. Proceed according to directions given in STOCK.


HOUSEHOLD STOCK is made by cooking meat and bones, either fresh or cooked, with vegetables or other material that will impart flavor and add nutritive value. Stock of this kind is used for ordinary soups.


BONE STOCK is made from meat bones to which vegetables are added for flavor and it is used for making any of the ordinary soups.


VEGETABLE STOCK is made from either dried or fresh vegetables or both. Such stock is employed in making vegetable soups.


GAME STOCK is made from the bones and trimmings of game to which vegetables are added for flavor. This kind of stock is used for making game soups.


FISH STOCK is made from fish or fish trimmings to which vegetables are added for flavor. Shell fish make especially good stock of this kind. Fish stock is employed for making chowders and fish soups.



As has already been shown, stock is used principally as a foundation for certain varieties of soup. This material, however, may be utilized in many other ways, being especially valuable in the use of leftover foods. Any bits of meat or fowl that are left over can be made into an appetizing dish by adding thickened stock to them and serving the combination over toast or rice. In fact, a large variety of made dishes can be devised if there is stock on hand to add for flavor. The convenience of a supply of stock will be apparent when it is realized that gravy or sauce for almost any purpose can be made from the contents of the stockpot.


If there is no time to go through the various processes involved in making soup, there are a number of concentrated meat and vegetable extracts on the market for making soups quickly. The meat extracts are made of the same flavoring material as that which is drawn from meat in the making of stock. Almost all the liquid is evaporated and the result is a thick, dark substance that must be diluted greatly with water to obtain the basis for a soup or a broth. Some of the vegetable extracts such as Japanese soy and English marmite are so similar in appearance and taste to the meat extracts as to make it quite difficult to detect any difference. Both varieties of these extracts may be used for sauces and gravies, as well as for soups, but it should be remembered that they are not highly nutritious and are valuable merely for flavoring.


Among the utensils used for cooking there is probably none more convenient and useful than the stockpot. It is nothing more or less than a covered crock or pot, into which materials that will make a well-flavored stock are put from time to time. From such a supply, stock can be drawn when it is needed for soup; then, when some is taken out, more water and materials may be added to replenish the pot. The stockpot should be made of either enamel or earthenware, since a metal pot of any kind is liable to impart flavor to the food.

The stock pot, like any other utensil used for making soup, should receive considerable care, as it must be kept scrupulously clean. No stock pot should ever be allowed to stand from day to day without being emptied, thoroughly washed, and then exposed to the air for a while to dry.


It is the flavoring of stock that indicates real skill in soup making. This is an extremely important part of the work. In fact, the large number of ingredients found in soup recipes are, as a rule, the various flavorings which give the distinctive flavor and individuality to a soup. Very often certain spices or certain flavoring materials may be omitted without any appreciable difference, or something that is on hand may be substituted for an ingredient that is lacking.

The flavorings used most for soup include cloves, peppercorns, red, black and white pepper, paprika, bay leaf, sage, marjoram, thyme, summer savory, tarragon, celery seed, fennel, mint and rosemary. While all of these are not absolutely necessary, the majority of them may well be kept on the pantry shelf. A small amount of lemon peel often improves soup, so
some of this should be kept in store. Another group of vegetables that lend themselves admirably to soup flavoring includes leeks, shallots, chives, garlic and onions, all of which belong to the same family. They must be used judiciously, as a strong flavor of any of them is offensive to most persons.

In the use of any of the flavorings mentioned or the strongly flavored vegetables, care should be taken not to allow any one particular flavor to predominate. Each should be used in such quantity that it would blend well with the others. A very good way in which to fix spices and herbs that are to flavor soup is to tie them in a small piece of cheesecloth and drop the bag thus made into the soup pot. When prepared in this way, they will remain together, so that, while the flavor can be cooked out, they can be more readily removed from the liquid than if they are allowed to spread through the contents of the pot. Salt should be added in the proportion of 1 teaspoonful to each quart of liquid.


Always use soft water for making soup and be careful to proportion the quantity of water to that of the meat. Somewhat less than a quart of water to a pound of meat, is a good rule for common soups. Rich soups, intended for company, may have a still smaller allowance of water.


The making of the stock that is used in soup is the most important of the soup making processes; in fact, these two things soup and stock may be regarded, in many instances, as one and the same. It is important to keep in mind that whenever reference is made to the making of soup usually stock making is also involved and meant. Before the actual soup making processes are taken up, the nature of the ingredients required should be well understood; for this reason, suitable meats and vegetables, which are the principal ingredients in soups, are first discussed.


Almost every kind of meat including beef, veal, mutton, lamb, game and poultry, is used for soup making. When soup stock is made from these meats, they may be cooked separately or as a combination, several kinds may be combined. For instance, mutton used alone makes a very strongly flavored soup, so that it is usually advisable to combine this kind of meat with another meat that has a less distinctive flavor. On the other hand, veal alone does not have sufficient flavor, so it must be combined with lamb, game, fowl or some other well-flavored meat.

Certain cuts of meats are preferred to others in the making of soups because of the difference in their texture. The tender cuts which are the expensive ones, should not be used for soups, as they do not produce enough flavor. The tough cuts, which come from the muscles that the animal uses constantly and that therefore grow hard and tough, are usually cheaper, but they are more suitable because they contain the material that makes the best soup. The pieces best adapted to soup making are the shins, the shanks, the lower part of the round, the neck, the flank, the shoulder, the tail and the brisket. Stock made from one of these cuts will be improved if a small amount of the fat of the meat is cooked with it; but to avoid soup that is too greasy, any excess fat that remains after cooking should be carefully removed. The marrow of the shinbone is the best fat for soup making.

If soup is to be made from fish, a white variety should be selected. The head and trimmings may be utilized, but these alone are not sufficient because soup requires some solid pieces of meat. The same is true of meat bones; they are valuable only when they are used with meat, an equal proportion of bone and meat being required for the best stock.

Soup should always be made entirely of fresh meat that has not been previously cooked. An exception to this rule may sometimes be made in favor of the remains of a piece of roast beef that has been very much under-done in roasting. This may be added to a good piece of raw meat.

Soup made of cold meat has always a vapid, disagreeable taste, very perceptible through all the seasoning and which nothing indeed can disguise. Also, it will be of a bad, dingy color. The juices of the meat having been exhausted by the first cooking, the undue proportion of watery liquid renders it indigestible and unwholesome, as well as unpalatable. As there is little or no nutriment to be derived from soup made with cold meat, it is better to refrain from using it for this purpose and to devote the leavings of the table to some other object. No person accustomed to really good soup, made from fresh meat, can ever be deceived in the taste, even when flavored with wine and spices. Soup that has been originally made of raw meat entirely is frequently better the second day than the first; provided that it is re-boiled only for a very short time and that no additional water is added to it.

Unless it has been allowed to boil too hard, so as to exhaust the water, the soup-pot will not require replenishing. When it is found absolutely necessary to do so, the additional water must be boiling hot when poured in; if lukewarm or cold, it will entirely spoil the soup.

Every particle of fat should be carefully skimmed from the surface. Greasy soup is disgusting and unwholesome. The lean of meat is much better for soup than the fat.


Long and slow boiling is necessary to extract the strength from the meat. If boiled fast over a large fire, the meat becomes hard and tough and will not give out its juices.



In soup making, a large number of vegetables is used. Any vegetable that has a decided flavor may be used. Among those from which soups can be made successfully are cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, corn, onions, turnips, carrots, parsnips, tomatoes, beans, peas, lentils, salsify, potatoes, spinach, celery, mushrooms, okra and even sweet potatoes. These vegetables are used to provide flavoring and to form part of the soup itself. When they are used simply for flavoring, they are cooked until their flavor is obtained and then removed from the stock. When they are to form part of the soup, as well as to impart flavor, they are left in the

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