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Kitchen Hacks:

30 Brillian Ways To Clean And Organise Your Kitchen


For many families, entertaining and eating is done right in the kitchen, which means that not only do you want a clean kitchen for cooking, but you’ll also want space for having company over. For those that have small kitchens, having the space necessary means making use of every nook and cranny. Of course you could remodel your kitchen, but that wouldn’t be very Lifehack-like.


These simple kitchen hacks will help you maximize your storage space, allowing you to keep your kitchen organized… but that’s not all! I’m going to be throwing in some handy kitchen hacks that make cleaning super simple and quick! When it comes to cleaning around the house, the kitchen should be your priority. Why? Because it’s where the FOOD is! And who wants the place where they store and eat their food to be disgusting?


1. Carve Out A Spice Niche


Spices and herbs play a big role for many people when it comes to cooking and these petite packages can take up a lot of storage space. Utilizing a spice rack that’s mounted onto the inside of a cabinet door allows you to keep your spices organized and  make use of an unused space, leaving you the option to utilize your cabinets for store  something else, like your pots and pans. Don’t feel like paying a lot for a spice rack or don’t want to drill holes into your cabinets?


2. Use Magnets



3. Make Freezer Shelves With Magazine Holders



4. Over The Sink Cutting Board


Preserve precious counter space with an over the sink cutting board which are just really just long cutting boards that are meant to fit over your sink. Not only do you save on either counter or cabinet space, but with these boards you can prevent vegetable and fruit peels or juices as well as other food bits that you’re slicing, chopping and dicing from making a disaster on your kitchen counter or floor. Saves a lot of cle- an up with food prep! As an added bonus you can also use it to hide dirty dishes when an unexpected guest comes over.


5. Labeling System


Labels are a great way to help you organize your kitchen. You can even put the la- bels on the tops of jars so that when you store them in a drawer you can take the guesswork out of which container you want.


6. Add More Storage By Hacking “Unopenable” Drawers



8. Store Lids With A Curtain Rod


A very simple solution that helps you organize your pot lids from Instructables.


9. Create A Dedicated Kitchen Tablet



10. Roll Out Pantry


If you have some unused space between your refrigerator and the wall, you might want to make use of it with a roll-out pantry to store canned and boxed goods vertically.


11. Add A Kitchen Island



12. Use Drawer Inserts



13. How To Organize Your Fridge



14. Use A Tension Rod To Hang Cleaning Products



15. Use A Collapsible Wine Rack For Storing Bottles


Place a collapsible wine rack on the lower shelf of your refrigerator to keep bottles (wine, soda, water, etc.) on their sides. The one in the photo is modular so that you can add as needed.


16. Hanging Fridge Storage


Using below-shelf hanging organizers in your fridge to keep small food items from getting lost in the shuffle.


17. Storing Garlic, Shallots and Onions


If you have a bamboo steamer basket, use it to store garlic, onions and shallots. Due to bamboo steamers being well-ventilated, they’re the perfect environment for storing onions, garlic, and shallots which will leave your fridge with some room for other veggies.


18. How To Keep Your Sponge Dry and Mildew Free


Once you’ve cleaned your dirty counter, sink and stains on the floor, it might be tem- pting to just run your sponge under some water and set it at the edge of your sink. Doing so, however, sets the stage for mold and mildew to build up. Thankfully,you can keep your sponge from becoming gross and unusable with a simple clip. Just place the sponge upright which will prevent it from sitting in water as well as help it air dry fast.


19. Clean Your Blender Quickly



20. Rid Your Kitchen Of Foul Odors (At Least For A Day)


If you find that your kitchen smells a bit funky or you just want to conjure memories of mom’s chocolate chip cookies, you can easily do so with some vanilla extract. Put two caps full into an oven proof dish and then place it in your oven for an hour at 300 degrees. The smell will encompass your kitchen as well as other parts of your home for about a day. You can also feel free to experiment with other essentials oils like lemon if you’d prefer.


21. Prevent Clogs From Forming


To prevent clogs from forming in your kitchen sink, make sure to periodically pour boiling water down the drain. Doing so ensures that the oils in food products run down the drain as opposed to building up on the interior surface of pipes which is what leads to clogged drains. If you have baking soda on hand, you may want to consider pouring some down the drain prior to using the boiling water as baking soda is a great cleaning agent and can help to absorb any odors.


22. Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances With Glass Cleaner


Glass cleaner will give your stainless steel sink and appliances the same streak-free shine that it does for glass and mirrors. Using a glass cleaner will also help to remove any fingerprints. Just spray a few times on a microfiber cloth and make like the karate kid by ‘waxing on, waxing off’. Rinse thoroughly and dry your towel.


23. Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances With Flour


Don’t want to use a glass cleaner due to chemicals? Just apply some dry flour onto a microfiber cloth and buff it into your stainless steel appliance, sink or counter. Then rinse it off and the surface should shine like new.


24. Clean Your Silverware And Knives With Rust Spots Using Lemon Juice



25. Clean Your Oven With Baking Soda



26. Clean Your Wooden Cutting Boards With Lemon And Salt


You may think your wooden cutting board is clean but even if you wipe it down after use or give it a quick rinse, it can still get grimy on the surface. To freshen up your cutting board, sprinkle some coarse salt and then use half a lemon (cut side down) to scrub the board. Make sure to squeeze some lemon juice as you go and then let it sit for 5 minutes. Scrape the dirty liquid off and then rinse with some water.


27. Clean Your Microwave


It seems way too easy to get microwaved food to explode which leads to messes that eventually need to be cleaned. Make it easy by putting a wet sponge inside your microwave and then spraying the inside with a mixture of water and essential oils. Microwave the sponge for two minutes, let it cool, and then use it to wipe up the leftover mess.


28. Clean Your Garbage Disposal With Lemon And Vinegar


Tons of gunk goes through your garbage disposal so it’s a pretty good idea to keep it clean which can easily be done with some lemons and vinegar. Just slice the lemons into small pieces and then freeze the slices in vinegar. Run the lemon-vinegar cubes through your disposal every few days to keep it fresh.


29. Freshen Your Dishwasher



30. Freshen Your Garbage Can


Hose down your garbage can, dry it, and then sprinkle a few tablespoons of baking soda on the bottom to keep it stink free.