Weight Loss for Life by Beginner's Fitness Programs - HTML preview

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Today Is the First Step to Your Better Life


Why do you want to lose weight?


For many people it is as simple as wanting to look better or to look like they used to. Other people want to lose weight because their doctor told them to. Maybe you want to lose weight because you simply think you should.


Before you begin a weight loss program it’s important to consider why you’re starting it.


Do you want to look better?

Do you want to feel better?

Do you think you should lose weight?

Did someone tell you to lose weight?


Analyze your reasons. They’re important because reasons can become obstacles. Over the course of the next twenty pages you’re going to take a look at 12 steps to lose weight and keep it off for good. These are lifestyle changes. You’re going to be developing habits.


The only thing that’s standing in your way of success is you. If you want to lose weight for reasons that aren’t really motivating then it’s going to be a struggle. In fact, the very first thing we’re going to discuss is mindset. Your approach to your weight loss is extremely important. If you’re losing weight for someone else or because you think you should, then the process can be difficult.


So before we jump into the first step, let’s take a look at all you have to gain personally when you lose weight.


Seven Amazing Benefits of Losing Weight


#1 You’re going to look great. This is important too and it’s okay to use this reason as a motivator. It’s human nature to want to be proud of your body and your appearance. When you lose weight you will look better. You’ll be able to wear those clothes you want to wear. And you’ll wear them with pride.


#2 You’re going to have more energy! Remember those days when you felt great all day long? You were able to accomplish everything on your to do list with ease. When you lose weight you will have more energy.


#3 You’re going to feel better too. Overweight people tend to have poorer health. Simple things like breathing and joint aches and pains improve with just a little bit of weight loss. A dietsenior_running.jpg that causes obesity also causes inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the cause for many illnesses and conditions. Lose the weight, lose the inflammation. You’re taking a huge step toward feeling better from head to toe.


#4 You’re improving your health. You don’t need to be told that obesity and weight gain are significant contributors to some really serious diseases. We’re talking about:


High blood pressure

High cholesterol



Gallbladder gall stones

Cancer including breast cancer

Ovarian and reproductive problems like fibroids

Liver cirrhosis

Enlarged heart


Heart disease


When you lose weight you lessen your chance of getting all of these conditions. If you already have an illness then weight loss helps you recover and manage the disease effectively. In short, you’re going to live longer and have a better quality of life.


#5 You’re improving the life of those around you. You have a responsibility to yourself and to others to stay healthy and live a long life. You have people who depend on you. People whose life you’ve changed. You matter. Taking good care of yourself helps you honor your relationship with those around you.


#6 You’re going to sleep better. Ah, there’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, many overweight and obese people really suffer when it come to sleeping. Snoring, sleep apnea, and just general discomfort prevents good sleep. When you lose weight, you’re going to sleep better. Imagine how you’re going to feel when you’re able to get a good night’s sleep consistently.


#7 You’re going to see life in a whole new way. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference. When you lose weight, for example, you’re going to sweat less. You’ll be more comfortable in warm environments. You’ll also be able to move your body how you want to move it – you’ll have better mobility. Aching feet, varicose veins, and even your digestion will improve.


You have so much to gain when you commit to losing weight and getting healthy!

It’s very exciting and we want you to succeed. We want you to live the life you desire.