This special report provides nutrition information, to what you really need and want to know about healthy eating. It includes information on:
· How aging and eating go together (chapter2)
· What healthy eating means (chapter3)
· Where vitamins and minerals fit in (chapter4)
· How to eat if you have a chronic illness, such as heart disease or
high cholesterol (chapter5)
· How to lose weight, gain weight or deal with other problems
· What to keep in your kitchen and how to modify your recipes to
be healthier (chapter7)
For many adults, though, eating well all the time can be a challenge.
· Why do I need to eat well?
· What is the connection between eating well and aging well?
· What can I do to eat better? · How can I set goals that I can actually meet?
Together, healthy eating and regular physical activity can mean the difference between independence and a life spent relying on others.
It can give you the energy you need to stay active and do the things you want to do.
It can also prevent or slow down the progress of many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes, osteoporosis and some forms of cancer. And it can help you cope better with both physical and mental stress, surgery and even the common cold or flu.
Healthy living – which includes both healthy eating and getting regular physical activity – can help you adjust to the natural aging process and retain your youthful vigor.
Eat in moderation. Size matters, so watch your portions!
Eat more :
· Vegetables and fruit
· Whole grains (for example, breads, pasta, oatmeal and brown
· Legumes (such as dried beans, peas, lentils)
· Fish
· Unsaturated fats (from vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds) · Lean meat (for example chicken and turkey)
· Saturated fats (found in butter, lard, deli meats, bacon and sausages)
· Trans fats (found in processed foods, cookies, cakes and deep-fried foods)
· Refined or enriched grains
· Salt and sugar (including sugary drinks as well as jams, candies and baked goods)
Do something active everyday.
The challenge is to eat in a way that helps you maintain a healthy weight, while providing you with the nutrients you need for good health.
· Vegetables and fruit
· Grain products, including bread rice, pasta and cereals · Milk and alternatives, such as low fat cheese and yogurt · Meat – fish, shellfish, poultry, lean meat – and alternatives,
· I will eat one more fruit and one more vegetable today.
· I will try a fruit or vegetable this week that I have never tried before.
· I will eat fish once this week.
· I will choose whole grain bread for my sandwich.
· I will drink one more glass of water each day.
· I will be more active today.
· I will throw out my deep fryer.
· I will do most of my shopping around the outer edges of the grocery store, because that’s where the fresh foods are.
A few small changes can mount up to a very big difference to your health – before you even know its happening! What is healthy eating?