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Setting Clear AND Specific Goals


Would you ever jump into your car with a destination in mind but have no idea how to get there?

Sure, you can start your car and wonder around the streets until you find your destination but with no clear directions, you’re not very likely to find it.

By having a clear way to get to your destination (goal), you’ll have a map to tell you if you’re off track and how to get back on track.

Sometimes detours will happen, it’s ok, it’s part of life.

  • You may revise the steps (route) to getting to your goal.
  • You may decide on a different final goal.
  • You may rewrite some parts of your route to be more personal to you.

But with a clear map of how to get to your destination, you’ll be able to achieve your goals.

The best presentation of setting Clear And Specific Goals came from Zig Ziglar who walks you through 7 Steps to Setting Goals.

I highly recommend you make time to complete each of these steps…

Write down each of these steps... By setting them down permanently onto a sheet of paper, it keeps you from giving up on what matters to you in life.

Setting a goal and doing it right can take time. Zig Ziglar suggests putting over twenty hours into the really complex ones. So, set aside enough time to do this right and you will be rewarded.

If you read and do nothing else in this eBook, make Setting Clear AND Specific Goals the thing to do.


Your goal is not only to lose weight. You need to make it very specific.

And don’t say something you’re not sure about… Not “I kind of want to lose weight.” A goal has to be black or white, not in between.

Clearly state your goal as if it’s already completed. If you want to lose 30 pounds, write:

I have lost 30 pounds.

Try writing down your goals in this way once and see how it makes you feel. Getting things out of your head and onto paper can be a great first start.


A lack of a deadline can make you put off your goal.

Add a deadline to your goal to enhance the clarity even further. This can be a particular date, a month, a year, or even a lifetime goal. For example:

I have lost 30 pounds by July 1st, 2016.

Even if you aren’t able to achieve it by the date, you can change the date later, but there’s something about listing the hopeful completion time that will kick your subconscious into high gear.



By pointing out the things that are in the way of a goal, we can figure out ways to overcome them.

It’s not about the path of least resistance; this is where the work comes into play.

We have goals because they are worthwhile, not because they’re easy.

Jim Rohn has a great explanation about going through obstacles in life:

Say you’re in an empty football stadium. You have a ball and you tuck it under your arm and cross the goal line. Should you feel good about yourself? Did you just score a touchdown?

No, of course not. There was no resistance, no other team, no fans for either side cheering or booing you. All you did was walk with a ball on a field. Now, add in the game and the packed stadium of fans.

If you cross the goal line with the ball, you have scored a touchdown and you will be cheered and congratulated by your team and fans. This is because you’ve actually accomplished something. You achieved a goal despite the obstacles against you. You did something that was worth it.

If you really want to achieve a goal, you’re going to have obstacles against you.

There’s no miracle weight loss pill here. If there was a magic weight loss pill, over 60% of Americans wouldn’t be overweight.

Life in general is tough… But at the end, reaching a goal is very much worth the effort you put in.

What are some obstacles with losing weight?

  • I can’t exercise for more than a few minutes.
  • I work 60 hours a week and I’m too tired by the time I get home.
  • There’s no gym close to my house.
  • I feel embarrassed working out in public.
  • I don’t like running.
  • I don’t know what to eat.
  • I eat out a lot with friends and don’t want them to know I’m trying to lose weight.
  • I’m not sure what kind of exercise I should do.

You don’t have to figure out how to beat these yet, that comes later.

Remember, thoughts in your head are a lot tougher to beat than words on a sheet of paper. Listing your obstacles is a great first step to overcoming them!


The average person is afraid to ask for help. However, when we are trying to achieve goals, it’s a bad time to try to be independent.

Some of the greatest minds in human history had wonderful mentors or assistants to help them get to where they are. A good number of them also belonged to organizations that honed their skills and aided in their achievement of their important life goals.

While friends and family can support you, you’ll get better support from someone who is on a similar weight loss journey as you or from people who have been there and achieved results.

Additionally, to reach your weight loss goal, you may need to learn a few things you didn’t know before.

A Google search can often be of great help. The important thing here is to search.

Make a list of the people, groups and organizations that can help you in your quest. If you can’t identify more than just a couple, do some research.

You’re worth the amount of time you put into planning out your goal.

And this doesn’t mean you’ll use everything you listed but at least now you’ll know where to go for help.

Here’s an example of some organizations that can help you:

As a Team Beachbody Coach, you can also reach out to me to help you set up your weight loss goals ;)



This is the fun part, where you’ll let the imagination run wild.

List the benefits to setting and achieving your goal. This is your WHY…

Let’s go over some of the benefits of losing weight:

More options in the type of clothes I can wear.

Being able to wear fashionable clothing.

Thighs no longer rubbing together.

No longer hiding from the camera.

Not having a sagging body.

Being able to sit in restaurants comfortably.

Not getting out of breath after walking up stairs.

Not hiding myself with baggy clothing.

Improved intimacy life with my husband.

Being able to keep up with my kids.

Not worrying about what other people think of me.

No longer hiding from a mirror.

Having more energy to do the things I want to do.

Not feeling self conscious.

No longer feeling like an embarrassment to my family and friends.

Whatever your goal is, go to town on writing down what you’ll enjoy when you reach your goal.


Taking on your goal and succeeding depends on what you do to make it easier and more achievable.

Here are some things you may need to learn to lose weight:

  • What foods to buy at the store.
  • Healthy recipes you can cook at home.
  • Best places to exercise locally.
  • Best fitness workout for you.
  • Difference between cardio & resistance workouts.
  • Type of workout best suited for your goals.
  • Type of supplements that will help you achieve your goal.
  • Time management skills.

Learn all you can about making your goal into reality.



Steps 1 & 2 - You know your goal and when you want to achieve it.

Step 3 - You know what’s in your way.

Step 4 - You know who you can ask for help.

Step 5 - You know how your goal will benefit you. You determined your WHY.

Step 6 - You know what skills you must acquire to help you along the way.

Now we need to learn “HOW” you will achieve your goal.

Set times of when you’re going to do your research and talk to people so that you can implement your plan to reach your goal.

Break up your goal into little goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds. Figure out how many pounds you should be losing every week until the date you specified you would achieve it (Step 2).

Decide, from your research, the best way to achieve your goal. For example, some people may only focus on changing what they eat first. Others may do a home work-out or join a gym in addition to changing how they eat.

How much time AND when will you work on your goal. If you’re going to be exercising, set a time of when you’ll be working out every day… And when you set a time, KEEP IT!

With weight loss, you’ll want to start planning what you’ll be eating at least a day in advance. This way you don’t start reaching for junk food when you get hungry.

Make your plan now because the sooner you act, the more likely you’ll get started on your goal.


All great motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and many others always say to determine your WHY first and the HOW will come naturally.

Your mind will start searching your surroundings to help you achieve the results you want.

Really dig into Step 5 because those benefits are going to keep you going when things get tough. Even post those benefits on a mirror or wall; somewhere that you’ll see them every day as a reminder.

Keep reading this EBook, it’ll provide you with information you need to complete your goals ;)



Honestly, part of me feels like talking about nutrition would be like preaching to the choir…

But I want to share few things I learned…

When I gained the 45 or so pounds in college I knew how I gained it… For lunch and dinner I ate at a dining hall that served food buffet style.

In four years of eating all I wanted to eat…

  • Did I ever eat any vegetables?... Nope.
  • Did I eat any fruit?... Nope.
  • Did I look for healthy options?... Nope.

So how did I gain so much weight in college? Simple really…

  • Going back for seconds, thirds, and sometimes four plates in one meal.
  • Making sure I got some kind of dessert after every meal.
  • And of course, not exercising at all.

During Step 3 of Setting Clear AND Specific Goals, you’re going to identify your obstacles. One of your obstacles will be nutrition… more specifically, what you place in your mouth on a regular basis.

For four years plus, I never watched what I ate. If it looked good, I ate it… Changing to eating less and eating healthy foods was an obstacle for me.

A personal example from my struggle…

I used to love those cheeseburgers from McDonalds. When I got a cheeseburger craving I would drive to a McDonalds, order about 3-4 cheeseburgers and of course a side of fries. I slowly eliminated this behavior by telling myself what a pain it is to drive all the way to a McDonalds for something I don’t need.

I also had a major sweet tooth… I would buy all kinds of sweets just to have around the house.

That’s something I had to learn over time to stop. Took a while but it’s very unlikely for me to buy sweets for myself now.

Most importantly, if you’re living with other people, you’re going to have to include them into your new eating habits. You’re going to have to talk to your husband, wife, kids, and whoever else so that they can not only support you but so that they can be included in living healthier lives. This is Step 4 of Setting Clear AND Specific Goals.


What is the perfect diet to be on?... In a article titled: “Fitness Experts Expose Diets That Work", Registered Dietitians, experts with a Masters of Science in Nutrition, Certified Personal Trainers, and several other experts in the weight loss field answered which is the perfect diet for weight loss… Guess what the answer was…

None… The vast majority of these weight loss experts stated that there is no magical weight loss diet that guarantees amazing weight loss results. In fact, many main stream diets may help with initial weight loss but will then lead to weight regain once you stop following the diet…

The best weight loss diet is therefore a lifestyle change… Pick a “diet” or style of eating that YOU can live with and do long after you stop trying to lose weight.

Therefore, pick a weight loss system or style of eating that will teach you to eat healthier so that you can continue to know what works best for your body long after you lost the weight that you want!



We need to remember that supplements are just that. They’re there to fill in the nutritional gaps that happen when we don’t get enough vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients our bodies need.

Something I would be careful with are pill supplements because some multivitamin supplements have been found not to dissolve in the stomach and therefore give you zero benefits.

Also be careful with the type of protein shakes, meal replacement shakes, or other health shakes you place in your body.

Some shakes on the market are filled with chemicals that will cause more harm than good. Be very careful with anything that claims to be “Natural”. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) loosely define what can be labeled as “Natural” and many companies take advantage of this.

A drink I got into is Shakeology because I personally don’t like eating vegetables. While I still eat vegetables whenever possible (i.e. cooked in the food I eat), I like knowing that I have a health shake that gives me the same benefits as eating raw vegetables.

Shakeology has replaced my multivitamin supplement and has improved my overall health with its key nutrient groups: protein & amino acids, vitamins & minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogen herbs, prebiotics , probiotics, and digestive enzymes. I have yet to find any other complete supplement.

At the end, remember that all the energy you gain in life, comes from the food you take in…

Eat trashy food and you will lack energy and be sluggish…. Eat the right foods and you’ll have energy like you’ve never experienced before.


Team Beachbody – Sign up for free and get exclusive health articles and recipes.


Do a quick Google search on exercises and you’ll soon discover there’s an exercise for every level.

There are extreme exercises that promise to make you vomit and make you unable to move the next day.

There are other exercises that are lighter and focus more on flexibility.

But, we need to remember the foundation of exercise is cardio and resistance training; we need a balance of both.

We need to increase our heart level. – Cardio

And we need to strengthen our muscles. – Resistance training

Don’t worry, just because you lift weights or do several pushups, it doesn’t mean you’re going to become a body builder.

However, if you choose to ignore resistance training you will become squishy and have things jiggle.

Here’s what you need to know about lifting weights:

Lift heavy weights and you’ll grow your muscles. You’ll want to feel tired between 8-10 reps.

Lift lighter weights and you’ll tone your muscles. You’ll know its light for you when you can do more reps, ideally 12-15 reps.

Other than keeping a balance of cardio and resistance training, you’ll want to find an exercise program that is fun for you. Something you look forward to doing every day.


Here are some things to consider when choosing a exercise program:

  • Do you have physical limitations?
  • Do you prefer to work out in the comfort of your home?
  • Do you prefer to exercise outdoors?
  • Do you prefer to work out with others in a gym?
  • Do you have financial or time restrictions?
  • What time will you be working out every day?
  • What kind of exercise style will you enjoy?

When I first started working out, I decided to go running because that’s what I enjoyed several years before.

Running was a great start to getting back into exercising for me. Yes, I ran for less than 10 minutes when I first started… but over time it got to be more.

As I mentioned, I could run up to six miles on some days but I was a Pillsbury Doughboy with good cardio. I was ready to change this with the Insanity workout.

Insanity helped me break my weight loss plateau but it wasn’t until I did the P90X workout that I was able to work on my belly and my flabby arms.

P90X focused on resistance training with weights, pull ups, pushups, flexibility, and cardio.

Does that mean you need to do P90X?... Absolutely not…

But learn from my mistakes, you need a well rounded fitness program.

Plus, adding lean muscle to your body increases the amount of calories you burn. So it’s a huge benefit to helping you lose weight ;)

I encourage you to do your research and find a fitness program that works best for you…


Click here to Compare Well Rounded Workouts: These workouts include an exercise program that you’ll enjoy & a customized meal plan.



We are surrounded by people every day. Family, friends, coworkers, and many more.

This does not mean that everyone you speak to has to hold you accountable to your goals or make sure you’re doing what you said you would be doing…

But, it would be best to ask for help, support, and/or understanding from those who you have regular contact with. This is Step 4 of Setting Clear AND Specific Goals.

You’ll benefit a few ways when you share your goals:

By stating it publicly, you are making yourself accountable for your actions. Even if no one ever tells you anything, YOU know that you said you were going to do something and you will not want to see yourself as a liar.

Some people may be able to give you helpful advice. Of course there will be some people who like to poke their nose where it doesn’t belong. So I encourage you to find consult from only those you trust and can contribute to your growth.

And finally, by you stepping out and sharing your goals, you may find someone that wants to join you on your journey. This would be amazing because now you have someone to encourage and you’ll also receive encouragement. It will no longer be you doing it alone.

At the very least share your goals with those you eat with regularly because your eating habits will change for the better. And you may find yourself not going out as much as you once did.

Think of it this way… If you were an alcoholic and trying to get clean, would you continue to go to bars and hang out with those you used to drink with?

Of course not!... As an alcoholic you wouldn’t want to be placed in situation where you’ll be tempted to fall back into bad habits.

And eating is no different!... Both eating and drinking can result in shame and a damaged life when it becomes an addiction.

It doesn’t matter if the substance is alcohol, food, tobacco, video games, cocaine, caffeine, or another drug or action… when it controls your life and interrupts your way of living, it’s an addiction.

The best way to deal with addiction is to not be around other addicts.

By extension, what does an addict need to help them through the tough times?...

An addict needs a mentor or sponsor; someone who they’ll have regular contact with for encouragement, to share their struggles with, and to hold them accountable.

If you don’t feel like a family member or a friend can hold you accountable, then look for people online…

Here’s just a small list of places you can connect with someone that is going through the same struggles as you:

Connect with someone and encourage each other… The groups above have a very active community and people will often respond within a matter of minutes.

What You Can Really Expect!

What kind of results can you really expect when you take action?... That’s a great question!

After all, you don’t want to waste your time on something that doesn’t work. Luckily, you have several options available to you…

Some people choose to lose weight on their own, which is great. Yet, also difficult. Most of us don’t really know what to eat to lose weight and probably don’t know what kind of exercise is best to lose weight. Here are three possible options for you…

Option 1… Go at it at your own. You’ll save some money and you may actually stick to a fairly clean eating plan and possibly lose weight…

Option 2… Join a gym and hire a personal trainer to show you what to eat and the type of exercises you should be doing. This can work as long as you have the money to pay the personal trainer. Not to mention are willing to drive to your gym. On average, most people will get hyped up about joining a gym and then never use their membership for the rest of the year…

Option 3… Get into a weight loss system that you can easily follow in the comfort of your own home… What kind of weight loss system?

A simple in home weight loss system will include the following items:

Sets up your goals by setting a time frame to accomplish them and helps you to measure your progress.

Sets you up on a well balanced Nutrition Plan that doesn’t follow a fad diet that cuts out food groups. Instead, it sets you up to follow a new, healthier way of eating.

And of course sets you up with a simple to follow in home workout routine that you can follow and love!

What kind of results do you think you can achieve with a proven weight loss system? Check the results people are getting everyday on the next few pages!


Jennifer lost 23 pounds with the 21 Day Fix system and Shakeology and had the following to say:

“Before 21 Day Fix, my mental, emotional, and physical well being was at an all-time low. I ate due to emotional stress and really struggled with portion control. And then 21 Day Fix came into my life and changed EVERYTHING!!!!

Autumn is so inspiring and made me want to keep pushing myself, and my limits, every single day. The containers were vital to my success because they were simple to use and took the guesswork out of proper portion sizes.

Plus, Shakeology has been a lifesaver for me and it gave me a ton of energy. I’m stronger, healthier, thinner, and happier than I’ve been in years. And the best part is, now my children have to keep up with me instead of the other way around."