How to Get V Cut Abs by Justin Kavanagh - HTML preview

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My name Is Justin Kavanagh. I want to sincerely thank you for downloading my free eBook “How to get V Cut Abs – 12 Week Program”.

In this guide I want to share with you the exact training method I used to get great looking abs fast, as long as you are willing to commit yourself for at least 6 weeks.

I've been training for over 10 years now and I’ve learned more through trial and error than I did from listening to the pros on what exercises and food to eat in order to get ripped.

The way I learned is by going to the gym even when I had no clue how to lift weights, no exercise program and a lot of the time, no training partner.

Thinking back, maybe if I did listen to them, I would probably have gotten in shape a lot sooner. Who knows!

About three years ago I knew very little about nutrition. I just knew I needed to work my butt off harder to get in decent enough shape. I always wanted a perfect body like the guys you see on the cover of “Muscle and Fitness Magazine” but I didn’t realize that my bad eating habits prevented me from reaching my goal.

I was never a fan of counting my calories. I didn’t think I needed to. I thought as long as I was trying hard in the gym, I’d eventually get in great shape. I use to think I could still eat junk food and still stay in shape, but the progress was much slower.

What I didn’t know back then was if I had eaten a clean strict healthy diet in combination with my intense workout program I would reach my ideal physique much quicker.

I didn’t want to be sprinting outdoors 2-3 times a week just to burn off the 1000 calories Chinese meal I ate 2-3 nights a week. That was way too much stress on my body.


Let’ face it, in today’s world most of us want to get six pack ABS, not just because they look good but because it feels great having a six pack. I have met people that have no idea what a six pack is.

If you’re thinking about a six pack of beer, then think again. The last thing you want to do is drink beer and ruin your chances of getting a six pack.

Being an Irish man, it can be extremely difficult to give up alcohol in order to get a well-defined six pack like the guys on the cover of fitness magazines.

According to a recent study done in Ireland in 2013, one in five (21.1%) Irish drinkers binge drink at least once a week.

There are about 250 calories in the average pint of beer. If you drink five pints of beer, that’s’ 1250 calories in total. And it doesn’t stop there.

The average person eats after drinking alcohol. So, as you can imagine, by the end of the day, you would have consumed thousands of calories in one day.

From my experience, it takes quite a long time to burn off calories.

I use to drink 6-8 pints of beer twice a week, Fridays and Saturday and then visit the gym the following Monday. It’s no wonder why I wasn’t in the shape I wanted to be in.

I didn’t know any better. I’d eat whatever I wanted as a long as it tasted good and filled my stomach. That’s all that mattered.

I knew very little about nutrition. I loved eating pizza and ordering takeaways every week.

The more frequently you eat junk food the more you become a victim of it.

Also, when you are in an environment of other people that eat junk food, it feels like the normal thing to do. Nobody thinks much about it.

It smells good, it tastes good, and you just keep eating until you can’t eat anymore. Not only is your health at risk, you don’t stand a chance of getting a six pack until you start eating clean.


After years of training at the gym, I felt like I wasn’t getting the kind of  results I deserved.

Here I was working my butt of in the gym 4-5 days a week, coming home to my regularly everyday meals, that were doing me more harm than good, but unfortunately I didn’t know this because I had very little nutritional knowledge whatsoever.

I knew that eating more fruits and vegetables was healthy but I didn’t think too much about it or try to substitute the junk I was eating for healthier food choices that would help me achieve my muscle building and fat loss goals much faster.

After 8 years of working out at the gym, I decided to do a bit more research and read more books about bodybuilding and nutrition.

One of the first books I read was “Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle”.

I quickly discovered exactly what I needed to know about fat loss and nutrition that I did not know before.

After learning so much about weight loss and nutrition, I decided I was going to change my eating habits once and for all.

The thought of giving up eating my favorite meals and treats wasn’t easy, but it’s what I had to do if I wanted to reach my goal which was having six pack abs and looked ripped.

As a result of eating high calorie meals, I have been always bulky and it was okay, but it’s not what I really wanted.

I wanted to get as lean and muscular, not too big, but enough to feel good about myself and to look better than the average guy.

As the years went by, I made some dramatic changes in my body, through training smarter and eating healthier.

I’d still eat the odd bar of chocolate and drink beer, but I was still pleased with the results I made.


In the chapters that follow, I will break down the exact steps I used to burn fat and get my abs looking as shredded as possible.

Then, it’s up to you whether or not you want to put the work in if you want the same results or better.


A lot of people don't realize the hard work and discipline it takes to get your body in great shape.

There are no shortcuts, no quick fixes, only consistent effort to eat right, train hard and always stay focused on achieving your goal.

A lot of what you hear, see and read in the media are just lies.

They want you to think there are much simpler methods for getting in shape.

I was never a big believer in trying out lots of different workout programs that you find in magazines and on the internet.

We’ve all read those headlines on the cover of fitness magazines that promise you “6 pack abs in 2 weeks”.

That’s a load of bullshit. If you think that’s going to work then, you might be right, but, it will not work in 2 weeks, no matter how long you spend in the gym training your abs.

Don't be fooled, most of it is bullshit and they are always looking for ways to manipulate you into believing that their exercise gimmicks is the best thing on the market today.


Now, I don't want you to think I'm an expert, all I'm doing is giving you my own perspective and what works for me.

If you want great abs, then learn how to do your ab exercises properly, eat clean, healthier food and stick to it for a few months until you are happy with your results.

Don’t waste your money on fitness magazines and researching the internet for answers. Learn how to do the exercises and that’s it!

As long as you stay consistent you will get the results you want. Learn to enjoy the process.

There are no shortcuts to getting the body you always wanted unless of course you want to believe in all the unrealistic weight loss and muscle building programs that promises amazing results in 30 days or your money back.

It’s entirely up to you.

You probably already know this or maybe you have been a victim of the fitness and weight loss scams in the past, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention, that’s all.

It’s up to you if you want to buy their products or not.

I’m not saying they’re all bad, but most of the information is repackaged and unoriginal.

You would be much better off finding a training partner who has some experience about weight loss and how to get in shape.

That’s how I started when I joined the gym for the first time.

To do this, you need to have a strategic exercise program and a proper nutritional diet plan in order.

I recommend you read Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cookbook for simple and healthy meals.

Both food intake and proper training are crucial if you want to get six-pack abs. If you are doing your typical crunches and sit-ups, you might be thinking you are doing something right.

But let me tell you, if you’re already overweight, these exercises will be useless and won’t have much of an effect on your abdominals.

If you want to feel better about yourself, have more energy, have the ability to handle difficult situations in life, "You should eat right and exercise regularly".

It's definitely worth making it apart of your daily life. 3 months from now, you will thank yourself.

I try to keep my diet as clean as possible, maybe one day I'll have a bit of a cheat day (maybe eat a bar of chocolate or biscuits) but nothing too extreme.

I don't drink, except for the occasional few pints of Guinness once or twice a year.

1. Avoid processed foods

2. Eat a healthy breakfast (healthy carbs, proteins and fats).

3. Eat smaller meals frequently throughout the day

4. Drink 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day

5. Eat healthy carbs (fruits, vegetables, rice)

6. Avoid wheat (bread, pasta, cereals, cakes, buns)

7. Do HIIT (high intensity interval training) instead of moderate pace workouts.

8. Train your entire core instead of just your abdominal.

9. Mix up cardio exercises

10. Train all muscle groups.


This is a 12 week ab workout program is much more effective when done in conjunction with any weight training program.

Unless you have the proper weight equipment at home, most of these exercises need to be done at the gym.

Each week you will perform a series of ab and cardio exercises to help you burn excess body fat and tone and tighten you’re your stomach to give you that ripped v shape look that most guys want to have.



The muscles of the abdominal area comprise the rectus abdominis which extends along the length of the abdomen and the external obliques which are at the sides of the torso.

The muscles of the abdomen help in pulling the upper and the lower body together so that the organs are always aligned in their proper place.

The ab exercises that are contained within this book is exactly what you need to do in order to get that v line that most guys want.

I suggest using the daily workout log included with the eBook to help track your progress.

That includes the number of sets, reps and weight that you use.

Aim to increase the intensity, number of sets and reps that the previous week so that you improve and get greater result.

After all that’s what you want. I suggest you train core either on the same day you do cardio or when you’re doing any weight training exercise.

For example, I suggest you only train abs on a day when you train small body part such as shoulders, triceps and biceps.

Eg. Shoulders and abs, Triceps and abs, Biceps and abs, cardio and abs

I suggest training abs at least 3 times per week.

  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday

If neither of those days fit your schedule, then you can choose to train on different days. You should not train abs every single day because you need to give them at least 48 hours rest so that your muscles can repair and grow after each workout. If you are unable to do every single exercise on a given day, give it your best shot and try to complete most, if not, all exercise for maximum results.


Each week, you want to increase the intensity level, which will include more reps, sets and heavy weight.