Views from the Asylum by George L.Hiegel - HTML preview

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Psychotic Views Part Two

Does anyone really stop and think about how lucky any of us are to even be here, about how lucky any humans were ever to be here? The conditions for human existence had to be ideal down to the narrowest detail in space and time. Think of our planet Earth. How old is it? How long did it exist before humans in any form existed. When you look at the age of Earth and you look at the age of human existence, human existence amounts to a pathetically small percentage of the total time of Earth’s existence.

Everything had to be just so, everything had to be aligned perfectly with just the right combination of quality and quantity of components. Biological, geological, atmospherical, etc. Otherwise, human beings would’ve never come into existence. The same can be said for all other living things too. Carnivores, omnivores, herbivores of all types, shapes and sizes. They wouldn’t have come into existence without all possible factors coming together in the right way ata a particular place of space and time.

If a large percentage of our current human population would have spent enough time thinking about this, idea, kneading over in their minds enough times, they would have come to clear precise realization concerning human existence. If a certain, exact formula of components were necessary in order for human beings to exist, then if that exact formula of components is tampered with and altered then human existence cannot help but be tampered with and altered too. Changes made to the formula that allowed humans to come into beings therefore brings changes to human existence itself. IF these changes are drastic enough and create permanent alterations in the formula, then you could very well end up with total human extinction.

Personally, I believe that’s right where we’re headed. We’re certainly cruising along over the right road certainly and we’ve been on this road for some time. It’s like the idiot man who refuses to admit he’s taken a wrong turn and needs to alter his course, we refuse to admit we’re on the wrong road that one day will lead to an eternal, cavernous abyss.

Are humans an inherently self-destructive species? Does everyone deep down believe we’re headed for annilation and just doesn’t care? Is it stealthfully buried deep inside our complicated sub-conscious while being completely denied by the conscious above. Whether done consciously or sub-consciously, a sound argument can be made in favor of humans as creatures of self-destruction.

We are altering the complex mixture of components that came together at a certain space and time and provided the exact conditions necessary that allowed humans to exist. We’ve been altering this formula for some time knowing all the while that it will certainly lead to the gravest of consequences. Consequences are already occurring and they’re only going to become bleaker and bleaker as time goes on. Yet, here in the United States, you have less people even remotely concerned about it than there were 20 years ago. Less people concerned not more, less.

The air we need to breathe is tainted. The public doesn’t care, the politicians don’t care, corporations don’t care. The water we need to drink, wash and to support sea life is tainted. The public doesn’t care, the politicians don’t care, the corporations don’t care. The food we need to eat is tainted too. Again, no concern from any quarter. Are we knowingly so self-destructive? Is it ignorance? IS it a case of vicious indifference to the fate of future generations?

To me, there has always been wrong with the human species since it began. Look at human history. Take European history for instance, say from year 0 to 1945. War, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war! If it wasn’t a foreign war, it was a civil war. Look at the United States since 1945 to now. War, war, war, war! It’s where all our government’s money is spent. It’s where all of time and effort goes. Rotting public education. What? A heartless, money grubbing health care system. What? High child poverty. What? A total disregard for a cracking and crumbling infrastructure. What? War, war, war! That’s what governments for.

Have we evolved over the many centuries since our beginning? Certainly, but have our basic nature’s changed? Well, have they? Have we evolved into something drastically for the better than when we started?

Look at the 20th century, the cruelest, most violent, murderous, brutal tyrannical century in al of human history. World War I was called the “War to end all wars”. 20 years later it was the “War to end all wars Part 2”, with even more blood, dismembered bodies and death than the first one.

So, what have we learned about war? Nothing. If human beings haven’t learned, after all this time, after all this destruction and death, what a monumental waste of time, effort and life war is, then what the fuck are they ever capable of learning. Huh? What? If we can’t even learn that basic obvious thing, then there is something truly wrong with us. We are fucked up. We are seriously fucked up and as usual the public is disinterested. They are at least disinterested enough not to raise hell and demand a different path, a better way. There is a clear and easy explanation for the public’s reaction to the current wars we are engaged in the wars of our past. Civilians don’t die. The wars we engage in are always on someone else’s ground, never on our own ground. U.S. soldiers dies, but U. S. civilians don’t. Old people don’t die, young children don’t know and schools aren’t bombed, hospitals aren’t bombed .

It is a unique perspective and it explains the general blaise attitude of the public in this country toward war. Your viewpoint of war is going to be much different if the bombs are being dropped on you, instead of you dropping the bombs on someone else.

If you go to work and you came to find your family has been killed by bombs or you were at home and got a call saying the place where your loved one worked was laid to ruins by bombs, would your attitude be the same? It’s easy for civilians in the U.S. to either be gung ho for war or not to think about war for even a second out of the day because it doesn’t directly affect them. There is no serious looming threat of destruction, injury, or death from the skies above or the ground below. There are no foreign bombers overhead, there are no foreign troops occupying our ground.

War is just sheer fucking lunancy. What is the gain compared to the loss? It is a question that the warmongering powers that be never want to honestly and openly address. If they did, if they made a sincere assessment of the cost of war, both in terms of lives, destruction, money, loss of good will, then they would never even consider an act of war as even a remjote possibility, but these warmongers would never do that because they have a hard on for war and when these guys have hard one some foreign country is going to get fucked.

If you want to psychoanalyze the whole thing, I’d say the entire country suffers from a deeply ingrained psychosis. I myself, suffer from a psychosis, so I’m not omitting myself from this list. My psychosis is of another type. The psychosis the country suffers from is a special type of psychopathic personality.

I don’t mean by this that the country is up to its nose in serial killers type personalities. People who are not only lacking in remorse, shame, empathy for the suffering of others, they actually cause physical suffering by torturing, raping and murdering other human beings. The type of psychopathic personality the entire country suffers from is not of this type. The type of psychopathic personality the entire country suffers from is the inactive type.

The inactive type does not carry out any type of acts of violence personally. They are not psychopathic in the sense that they murder, rape, torture, etc. Other human beings, they are psychopathic in the sense that feel no shame, no remorse, no empathy for the suffering of other human beings. They stand by idly watching with blank, amoral eyes, see it happening and experience no emotional pangs of any kind.

It is this kind of psychosis this country suffers from with regard to the rest of the people of the world. People have this highly inflated sense of themselves and their importance in the world. There might be as many as one million human beings dead in Iraq due to our invasion of the country. There is, at the very least, hundreds of thousands dead. Mothers, fathers, children, grandchildren old people, young people who had the same right to life as we do. What thought as a country is given to them. Where is the remorse, regret, guilty, shame and empathy for their suffering? The same can be said of our wars in Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam or anywhere else you car to name.

People in this country have an absurd sense of themselves, distorted perspective of humanity. We are vastly more important than any other people in the world. We are the greatest civilization ever to exist on earth. We have no real respect for any other country but our own. Sure, we have allies, but to we respect them? Do we have a high regard for them? No! They are our allies out of sheer political expediency.

Look at some of our allies of the past. We have made allowances with some of the most brutal, murderous oppressive dictators in world history. Why? Political expediency. During the cold war, you could be an ally just by saying you were anti-communist. You could murder, torture, rape, oppress your people all day long if you want to just so you were anti-communist. The same approach was used even after communism fell, or should I say the European version of communism. The entire Middle East is ruled by brutal, murderous, oppressive dictatorships, but some were our allies and some were our enemies. Our allies wre no less brutal, murderous and oppressive than our enemies. That fact, though, never entered into it. If you went along with our geopolitical game plan, you were our ally and you had carte blanche to do whatever you wanted to, to your own people.

We have military bases in over 100 countries, it is somewhere near 130, I believe. So, there are U.S. military bases and U.S. soldiers in 130 countries at all corners of the world. Now, to these 130 countries, U.S. soldiers are foreign soldiers occupying their land. Which is what they are, foreign soldiers occupying a foreign land, but we don’t care, do we? We don’t care what they think or what they want. Other countries are there to be used as pawns in our sick little game of world domination.

We talk a great game in this country. We prattle on ad nauseum about democracy, freedoms, self-determination, etc., but the government cares nothing about those type of ideals. They are just words to use as a mask to hide behind, as a subterfuge as to what their real desires are.

Look at the Middle East. Do you think the U.S. government supports and applauds all of these citizen uprisings there, the signs of people wanting more freedoms, more say in the fate of their nation’s future? No! The last thing the U.S. government wants in the Middle East is for the masses there to have a say in how their country is run. Why? Because, if the people of these countries had a real say in the policies of their homeland, one of the first consequences of this would be to be to lose U.S. military bases and tell all of the people who occupy them to go home. The last thing the U.S. government wants in Middle Eastern countries is anything giving credence to the power of public opinion. The U.S. government has a long sordid history of supporting dictatorships all over the world. Why? Because it’s much easier to get one man to do what you want than an entire country.

The war mongering psychosis certainly isn’t new. It’s been around since the beginning of man. Humans of every type have some form of this psychosis. No one is free of it, but some in history have had a much more virulent strain of it than others. The empire seekers belong in this category. It’s not enough for them to war monger locally or close to home, they have to expand their war mongering into a much wider field of operation. Take on the whole world, so to speak. I’m the sheriff of the world see, and the world is going to do what I tell it to do and anyone who crosses my, gets it, see; so, you better obey the law, but I don’t have to, but you do.

Psychosis, it has infected us all. I know it all too well. I’ve been infected for over 50 years. I admit it. Unlike most others, I admit it, but until now, I’d only ever admitted it to myself. Until now, I’d never even wrote the words down, putting ink to paper, even only for my eyes to see, but I see them now. Yes, I see them now. I’ve always known. I never lied about it, not to myself. Never to myself. Well, I’ve never lied about it to anyone else either. I’ve never had to, no ones ever asked me. Your answer can’t be a lie if there never was a question. Did people suspect it? I don’t know. Were they suspicious without ever directly putting it to me? I don’t know. I’m never telling anyone though. They won’t hear it from my lips. Hell, it’s affecting me right now, badly too. I don’t feel good at all, that’s an understatement. It’s so much of an understatement there’s no descriptive word to do it a real justice. I am in a bad, bad way. I can’t see the sunshine anymore. I can’t feel any warmth, I’m alone and I’m cold and more colder by the day. I’m a wreck, an unstable emotional wreck. Nitroglycerin during an earthquake is more stable than I am. I’m having another episode and it’s scaring the fuck out of me. This is episode number 2,392, I believe. That is really just a rough estimate. It’s probably more than that. There’s darkness everywhere I turn, so much darkness. A foul odor wafts up my nostrils. I can’t get away from it, it doesn’t matter where I go, there is no escape, I am surrounded and being dragged down. Farter and farther down I go. I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. The air is thinning and harder to breathe and the darkness is getting deeper and more pictured. My body is weighted and still. I can’t seem to move, I’m not sure if I’m trying to, I’m not sure I want to. Is this the time? The end of all things. Part of me wants it to be, part of me wants to end the pain, the torment, the isolation, the chill and part of me doesn’t want it to be, part of me wants to go on. How much of me doesn’t want to go on isn’t clear, neither is how much does want to go on, but I deeply fear that somewhere way down inside of me, the answer is there, written in the darkest folds of my subconscious. I fear the answer is that the part of me wanting to go on has ceded too much ground, drained too much of its reserves.